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The Virus - Are You Affected?

I guess the main thing is that she didn't have sex with him after he caught it.

How do you know that?

It’s not sexually transmitted although I get the assumption that some spit would be swapped during sex.

But sex doesn’t have to occur. Or kissing. Or physical contact.

But yeah. Cold.

And the Dr infected would be contagious before he became symptomatic.
No comment on Dr Z's report on his loves good and bad times. But I guess that "no comment" is a comment.
COVID-19 threatens to rip apart Southern states in a way that isn't happening anywhere else

On Wednesday, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp finally issued a stay-at-home order for his state after resisting it for weeks. Kemp’s stated reason was one part amusing, three parts terrifying: he claimed that he had just learned that some people with COVID-19 can be asymptomatic, a fact that has been clear since January. Meanwhile, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has still not provided any statewide guidance, leaving such decisions to cities and counties. The same thing applies in Alabama, where Republican Gov. Kay Ivey sniffed that her state is “not California” and declared that she’s not ready to take an action that might hurt the economy. In South Carolina, Republican Gov. Henry McMaster has left even state legislators and Republican officials frustrated by his unwillingness to do more than issue recommendations without any force of law. And Arkansas now enjoys a position that may be unique in the nation: Not only has Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson refused to set any level of suppression across the state, but there are also no city or county stay-at-home orders. Arkansas is open for business. And virus transmission.

But it’s not just the failure of red-state Republicans that is putting the Southern states in the crosshairs for the next wave of novel coronavirus infections. Everything from Fox News to Walmart is aligned against these states … and it’s all going to bring a horrific cost.

The combination is setting the South up for a disaster beyond imagining, and it’s one that won’t be neatly limited to those who partied on the beach or those who nod along when Rush Limbaugh calls COVID-19 “ordinary flu.” It’s going to be a multistate, cross-generational slaughter that affects the region for decades to come.

But it can still be made better if people get good advice, accurate information, and government action now.
Our US mail service has been cut down to every other day. 120 people have called in sick at the Detroit distribution center, They're working with just a handful of staff.
Read carefully Barbos - "This government is 100% controlled by corrupt Republican kleptocrats", and yes, to some significant degree those same kleptocrats are in turn controlled by Putin, and to a lesser degree MBS and a whole lineup of other corrupt despots who know that Trump is more easily manipulated than a three-axis robotic grab arm.
Pretty sure one or more of them "advised" Donald that he better take COVFEFE-19 more seriously or his story would have to change even more than it already has, and more than it already will have to in the near future.

Putin only controls his kleptocrats, although I know that "With Putin, Everything is Possible."

BTW, you should be on a forced one-week stay-home-from-work order, and I know that there is panic buying around Russia. Toilet paper, the most valued commodity of panic buyers, is disappearing everywhere. Are you seeing these problems where you live? I know that you said you were in a remote area.
Some non essential shops seems to be closed. Toilet paper and food including buckwheat is present.
Some people are wearing ordinary masks which, as we know, don't protect you, they only protect from you. But there are less people on the streets. I have a bunch of N95 masks somewhere, just can't find it.
Saw a woman with a mask which was not covering nose :)
This time of year masks are not unusual but men wearing masks is unusual.

Thanks for the update, barbos. I hope that you remain safe and well during this crisis. I have a FB acquaintance in Krasnodar who has mentioned panic buying in his area. You have doubtless seen reports, but here is what we are getting lately in the Western press. It is mainly about either Moscow or St. Petersburg, of course: Coronavirus: Russia uses facial recognition to tackle Covid-19

Needless to say, I worry a lot about how all of my friends and past acquaintances are doing in Russia. I deeply miss the country and hope to go back some day.
My ophthalmologist's is a busy practice. Huge waiting room.
Yesterday, 60 of the chairs were stacked in a corner, with big Do Not Touch signs. Only 10 seats remained, widely seoarated. Two in a corner, one in the middle of the wall, one in the empty middle of the room.
The inner waiting room, where you sit while your eyes dilate, had 60% of the chairs turned to face tge wall.

The message i get from this is, "We can't even trust you fuckers to CHAIR properly!"
Our US mail service has been cut down to every other day. 120 people have called in sick at the Detroit distribution center, They're working with just a handful of staff.

Did you know that the US postal service might close down entirely by July if it doesn't receive a bailout. I read that about a week ago. I'll see if I can find the article. I read so much news that sometimes I can't remember where I read it.


"Based on a number of briefings and warnings this week about a critical fall-off in mail across the country, it has become clear that the Postal Service will not survive the summer without immediate help from Congress and the White House," representatives Carolyn Maloney and Gerry Connolly, said in a statement Monday.

"Every community in America relies on the Postal Service to deliver vital goods and services, including life-saving medications. The Postal Service needs America's help, and we must answer this call."

The duo also introduced a bill that would provide $25 billion in emergency funding for the Postal Service, while eliminating the agency's debt and requiring it to prioritize medical deliveries.

I did just receive my application for a mail in ballot for the May 19th primary. These were sent to all voters in Georgia, so maybe we can save the postal service if we all vote by mail. ;)

Our country, not just the south, is seriously fucked up. I know our governor is an idiot who should be embarrassed by his most recent remarks, but at least he finally gave a shelter in place order. I'm just not sure how well it will be enforced. Just last week, despite the mayor of Atlanta giving her own shelter in order, the parks and trails in Atlanta were crowded. She was asked to shut down a major walking trail that wraps around parts of the city, but she didn't think it was necessary. Last Sunday's AJC has photos of people walking fairly close to each other on the trail. I wonder if it will be closed now. Luckily my neighborhood is never full of walkers. My husband and his dog are the rare exception.

I'm concerned that our grocery stores aren't doing enough to protect workers and shoppers. Some are limiting the number of people in the stores, making all aisles one way, putting up shields around the cashiers and marking six feet distances on the floors. Others aren't doing a thing, other than shortening the store hours.

Of course gun shops and churches are permitted to stay open. Luckily, all or almost all of the local churches in town have been closed for several weeks. The order says they can have services if people stay six feet apart. How on earth does one do that in a church, unless only a few people show up. Actually, I think most of the Christians in my town are smart enough not to attend church right now. The churches in my neighborhood have been closed down for about 3 or 4 weeks.
Some are limiting the number of people in the stores, making all aisles one way, putting up shields around the cashiers and marking six feet distances on the floors.
I picked up presrciptions at the local WalMart. Taped lines on the floor keep shoppers apart at the register ans sort of work.
There's one person, or two, but only one cart checking out. One six feet back. One cart 6' backer.
But in three lines, the last line on the floor? Three or four carts, fivevto eight shoppers, close enough so the toddlers in the carts can touch. All discussing how diligently they're isolating....
Our US mail service has been cut down to every other day. 120 people have called in sick at the Detroit distribution center, They're working with just a handful of staff.

Yeah. We still seem to have daily delivery (I don't go to the mailbox every day at this point. Only Sunday or if there's something I don't want to leave in the box.) However, I've got an Amazon package coming--it was shipped on the 26th. It reached the post office on the 28th. Since then it's managed to move 12 miles.
Some are limiting the number of people in the stores, making all aisles one way, putting up shields around the cashiers and marking six feet distances on the floors.
I picked up presrciptions at the local WalMart. Taped lines on the floor keep shoppers apart at the register ans sort of work.
There's one person, or two, but only one cart checking out. One six feet back. One cart 6' backer.
But in three lines, the last line on the floor? Three or four carts, fivevto eight shoppers, close enough so the toddlers in the carts can touch. All discussing how diligently they're isolating....

Yup. I keep seeing hiking groups going out--and I keep seeing hikers objecting to the government closing down trailheads. (At this point, of the ones I primarily use only two remain open and one of those would be problematic to close down--it's where a dirt road comes off the main road and heads to a business. While the business would certainly be shut down it can't be completely shut down because it's a horse riding place--there still has to be access for people to care for the horses.) At this point I would say it's maybe a quarter of how many used to go out, but we don't have even a quarter of the normal trailheads.
I like that one way aisle idea, haven't seen that yet.
Oh ffs, it’s serious now. Salons are all closed, wife can’t get waxed !! It’s getting like a jungle down there !!
The virus has affected my love life. My girlfriend lives in Malmö. So south of Sweden. I live in Copenhagen. The border is now closed. So we haven't been able to meet for three weeks. About half a year ago I flirted a bit with a Copenhagen girl. It didn't go anywhere. She already had a boyfriend. Two weeks ago she commented on something I'd shared on Facebook and we started talking again. Her boyfriend is a doctor, infected with Corona and is in quarantine. So they couldn't meet. Both me and her were in open relationships. So neither of our partners had any problems with me and her connecting and having sex.

One thing led to another. Now we've both broken up with our partners and we're now a newly in love couple. It'll be interesting to see if this keeps going after the Coronacrisis. We'll see.

There's an expression for this, "Corona crush". Or a "corossionship".

So this virus has worked out really well for me.

She broke up with her boyfriend while he had CV 19? That's cold.

Well.. Feelings are feelings. Once the feelings are felt there's not much to do but accept them
‘S**t Sandwich’: Florida GOP Reportedly Rigged Jobless Site To Block Applicants
“The system was designed to fail,” charged an adviser for GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis, who blamed former Republican governor Rick Scott for the mess.

A Florida lawmaker is demanding an investigation into the state’s unemployment benefits website, which an adviser to current Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis claims was deliberately designed by the prior GOP administration to block applicants, Politico reported.

As thousands of newly unemployed Floridians were unable to obtain benefits in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic — because the cumbersome and overwhelmed web application system was constantly freezing up — the DeSantis adviser laid the blame on former GOP Gov. Rick Scott.

“It’s a shit sandwich, and it was designed that way by Scott,” the unnamed adviser told Politico. “It wasn’t about saving money. It was about making it harder for people to get benefits or keep benefits so that the unemployment numbers were low to give the governor something to brag about.”

The adviser added: “Everyone we talk to in that office when we ask them what happened tells us: ‘The system was designed to fail.’ That’s not a problem when unemployment is 2.8 percent, but it’s a problem now.”
‘S**t Sandwich’: Florida GOP Reportedly Rigged Jobless Site To Block Applicants
“The system was designed to fail,” charged an adviser for GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis, who blamed former Republican governor Rick Scott for the mess.

A Florida lawmaker is demanding an investigation into the state’s unemployment benefits website, which an adviser to current Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis claims was deliberately designed by the prior GOP administration to block applicants, Politico reported.

As thousands of newly unemployed Floridians were unable to obtain benefits in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic — because the cumbersome and overwhelmed web application system was constantly freezing up — the DeSantis adviser laid the blame on former GOP Gov. Rick Scott.

“It’s a shit sandwich, and it was designed that way by Scott,” the unnamed adviser told Politico. “It wasn’t about saving money. It was about making it harder for people to get benefits or keep benefits so that the unemployment numbers were low to give the governor something to brag about.”

The adviser added: “Everyone we talk to in that office when we ask them what happened tells us: ‘The system was designed to fail.’ That’s not a problem when unemployment is 2.8 percent, but it’s a problem now.”

It takes a special kind of evil lack of empathy to declare that this isn't a problem when unemployment is 2.8%.

To an unemployed person whose choices are benefits, starvation, or crime, taking away the 'benefits' option is most assuredly a problem, even if you are the only unemployed person in the entire fucking state.
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