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The Virus - Are You Affected?

After 30 days, post a pic of your mustache. Get your husbands to join in too.
They closed all the hiking trails around me, and I was walking near one yesterday and noticed there were a bunch of deer frolicking where they usually wouldn't be in the before times. Wildlife is going reclaim their territory and get comfortable there, and then when we try to go back there we will have to fight them all over again for it.
We went for a hike on the trails down my street and in back of our property.

We passed about 6 people. Today was the first sunny day in about a week.
Just about everyone at the supermarket had masks today.

Sort of.

Three people had masks over their mouth, not their nose.

One woman had a silk handkerchief she held to her face when she got within five feet of a person. Otherwise, it just stayed in the hand she drove her shopping cart with...

One masked woman passed me in the aisles three times (she didn't observe the one-way arrows...ever), but when she ran into a friend next to aluminum foil, they both lowered their masks to talk to each other.

A family of five started shopping when i was leaving. Dad had a mask. Wife did not. Heard him tell the kids not to breathe near anyone....

I feel like Dark Helmet.
They closed all the hiking trails around me, and I was walking near one yesterday and noticed there were a bunch of deer frolicking where they usually wouldn't be in the before times. Wildlife is going reclaim their territory and get comfortable there, and then when we try to go back there we will have to fight them all over again for it.

My daughter, high school senior, had a bit of a freakout this evening. She's mad at the virus, mad at social distancing, mad at no school, mad that it is messing up her last few months at high school, mad that graduation probably won't happen.

She freaked for a while outside in the yard and then came in and went to bed.
My daughter, high school senior, had a bit of a freakout this evening. She's mad at the virus, mad at social distancing, mad at no school, mad that it is messing up her last few months at high school, mad that graduation probably won't happen.

She freaked for a while outside in the yard and then came in and went to bed.

Tell her this is history in the making and she will have stories to tell her grandchildren.
My daughter, high school senior, had a bit of a freakout this evening. She's mad at the virus, mad at social distancing, mad at no school, mad that it is messing up her last few months at high school, mad that graduation probably won't happen.

She freaked for a while outside in the yard and then came in and went to bed.

Probably a good mental health exercise.
Kids in my town -- the ones who move about in public -- look aimless. If the school closings seemed like a lark at first, that has worn off. It isn't like summer break, because most of them have parents who won't let them go out in groups. I can't imagine what seniors feel like, who imagined they'd be on campus in September. Anyway, in another month the kids will have us aging hippies to hoot at. I'm going to be a real sight, with long gray hair. I'm sure I'll look like the old fur trapper character in b&w westerns, the guy that had a name like French Charlie or Dakota Joe. They'll be yelling at me from their Toyotas. I reckon.
Bloody hell, if this comes to pass, up to eighteen months of isolation, we are in for big trouble socially with a basket case economy at the end of it.

Australians could be in cooped up in isolation until long after Christmas - with strict social distancing measures for up to two years''

''Australians have been warned they could be cooped up in their homes until well after Christmas, while social distancing measures could last as long as two years.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned on Friday Australians could expect six months of stringent social distancing measures as the national infection rate dropped to under 10 per cent.

But infectious disease expert Professor Peter Collignon said COVID-19's seasonal nature meant the number of cases may not reduce significantly until the spring.''

'You know what the bad news is? We're going to have to do a lot of this social distancing for another 18 months to two years,' Professor Collignon, from the Australian National University, told news.com.au.

'This virus is not going to go anywhere soon. We'll have a reprieve next spring because there's less transmission of viruses in summer.'

He added the virus would continue to have an effect in Australia until a cure is found.''
My daughter, high school senior, had a bit of a freakout this evening. She's mad at the virus, mad at social distancing, mad at no school, mad that it is messing up her last few months at high school, mad that graduation probably won't happen.

She freaked for a while outside in the yard and then came in and went to bed.

aka a powerful lesson in the power of acceptance
The guy in my office, first (presumptive) case of C-19 in the county, got better and was discharged!
Then was re-admitted...
Then discharged again!
A fucking roller-coaster ride with this guy... Today's his birthday so the card they whipped 'round was electronic. With a gif of flowers.
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