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They're phasing out the on-camera press briefings

Its my understanding that the concept of a free press is to keep govt honest. China and Russia do not have free press.
Its my understanding that the concept of a free press is to keep govt honest. China and Russia do not have free press.

There is a relatively free press but there is nothing to suggest this has kept any government honest. It might work in a Hollywood movie but not in practice.

Mainstream media is a large business and reporting my be slanted towards governing interests. Left wing or right wing media will follow such a pattern.

There is nothing to suggest that in itself a free press is always honest. Media can be distorted by omitting, adding or altering the information or the sequence in which it is reported.
Its my understanding that the concept of a free press is to keep govt honest. China and Russia do not have free press.

There is a relatively free press but there is nothing to suggest this has kept any government honest. It might work in a Hollywood movie but not in practice.

Mainstream media is a large business and reporting my be slanted towards governing interests. Left wing or right wing media will follow such a pattern.

There is nothing to suggest that in itself a free press is always honest. Media can be distorted by omitting, adding or altering the information or the sequence in which it is reported.
Governments can get away with a lot, even with "free" press. But without any press they would get away with even more outrageous things. So corporate media is not a total failure, at least it's something.

Ultimate, it's the voters who are to blame for not reading proper investigative journalism and not holding their representatives accountable.
Its my understanding that the concept of a free press is to keep govt honest. China and Russia do not have free press.

I can definitely confirm that with China. What passes for news over there is laughable.
True. From what I understand, (I could br wrong) the press can print sensitive or damaging information about the govt, however the govt can request that information can be with-held if it interferes with an investigation or puts lives in danger - but it is up to the journalist to decide whether to print or not.

Of course there is a lot of crap journalism out there, but it is probably still better to have a free press than not.
No. We are watching a Democracy die.

Not exactly. The first newspaper on this continent was printed in 1690, long before cameras and tape recorders.

The real disadvantage in this goes to Spicer. He has no way to prove he didn't say the words that are quoted. His real motivation here is to make the SNL writers have to work for a living.

Best response I've seen to this is the suggestion that they simply film Melissa McCarthy reading Spicer's briefing verbatim.
The 9th circuit decision against the travel ban used one of Spicer's comments at a press briefing to support their decision.
Spicer said that Trump's tweets were official statements, which meant his rants about the travel ban could (and should) be cited to understand the intention of the ban.

I think THIS is why they're doing away with any recording media at the briefings, because they got hoistified on their own petarditry.

^^^ That
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