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Trump a Russian Agent?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump Must Be a Russian Agent; the Alternative Is Too Awful | WIRED
It would be rather embarrassing for Donald Trump at this point if Robert Mueller were to declare that the president isn’t an agent of Russian intelligence.

The pattern of his pro-Putin, pro-Russia, anti-FBI, anti-intelligence community actions are so one-sided, and the lies and obfuscation surrounding every single Russian meeting and conversation are so consistent, that if this president isn’t actually hiding a massive conspiracy, it means the alternative is worse: America elected a chief executive so oblivious to geopolitics, so self-centered and personally insecure, so naturally predisposed to undermine democratic institutions and coddle authoritarians, and so terrible a manager and leader, that he cluelessly surrounded himself with crooks, grifters, and agents of foreign powers, compromising the national security of the US government and undermining 75 years of critical foreign alliances, just to satiate his own ego.

In short, we’ve reached a point in the Mueller probe where there are only two scenarios left: Either the president is compromised by the Russian government and has been working covertly to cooperate with Vladimir Putin after Russia helped win him the 2016 election—or Trump will go down in history as the world’s most famous “useful idiot,” as communists used to call those who could be co-opted to the cause without realizing it.
Thus being much like John Walker and Vladimir Lenin.

This relationship with Russia likely started around 2000, when he was bailed out by some Russian oligarchs when he was unable to get loans from banks because of his bankrupticies.
Trump Must Be a Russian Agent; the Alternative Is Too Awful | WIRED
It would be rather embarrassing for Donald Trump at this point if Robert Mueller were to declare that the president isn’t an agent of Russian intelligence.

The pattern of his pro-Putin, pro-Russia, anti-FBI, anti-intelligence community actions are so one-sided, and the lies and obfuscation surrounding every single Russian meeting and conversation are so consistent, that if this president isn’t actually hiding a massive conspiracy, it means the alternative is worse: America elected a chief executive so oblivious to geopolitics, so self-centered and personally insecure, so naturally predisposed to undermine democratic institutions and coddle authoritarians, and so terrible a manager and leader, that he cluelessly surrounded himself with crooks, grifters, and agents of foreign powers, compromising the national security of the US government and undermining 75 years of critical foreign alliances, just to satiate his own ego.

In short, we’ve reached a point in the Mueller probe where there are only two scenarios left: Either the president is compromised by the Russian government and has been working covertly to cooperate with Vladimir Putin after Russia helped win him the 2016 election—or Trump will go down in history as the world’s most famous “useful idiot,” as communists used to call those who could be co-opted to the cause without realizing it.
Thus being much like John Walker and Vladimir Lenin.

This relationship with Russia likely started around 2000, when he was bailed out by some Russian oligarchs when he was unable to get loans from banks because of his bankrupticies.

It actually goes back much further (starting in the 70's). Chances are exceedingly good that Ivana was at least a Soviet asset (as opposed to agent) and I'm fairly convinced Melania is a straight up agent.
Not an agent; an asset. A Russian agent is a Russian person who works as a spy for Russia. Trump is not Russian. He just works for them.
Trying to pin down whether Bonespurs is an asset, an agent, or a puppet is a waste of time, a game of semantics. What matters is what he does. Anything remotely connected to Putin and Russia, he has taken their side. Take the recent INF treaty. I highly doubt Bonespurs even knew the thing existed. Someone whispered in his ear that dropping it would be good for Russia so he did it. Who was the whisperer?
I think it's option B - the useful idiot.

It is plain and simple: he's kompromatted.
He has been kompromatted ever since the first time (of many) that he has lied to the American public and Russia knew he was lying.
Don't know why the 'pugs are okay with that.
Trying to pin down whether Bonespurs is an asset, an agent, or a puppet is a waste of time, a game of semantics. What matters is what he does. Anything remotely connected to Putin and Russia, he has taken their side. Take the recent INF treaty. I highly doubt Bonespurs even knew the thing existed. Someone whispered in his ear that dropping it would be good for Russia so he did it. Who was the whisperer?

I agree. It's just that the word agent specifically is just silly. He's no more an agent than he is a parking lot attendant. But asset, puppet, fool, tool, useful idiot are all applicable and it doesn't actually matter which one you pick.
It is likely a blend of the two. His motives (as they have been in everything he's done in life) have been to advance his personal interests and ego without regard to harm he causes anyone and everyone. He is an insecure sociopath. His goal is not to give Russia an advantage over the US, but he doesn't care if he does. He is just making deals with Putin that he thinks benefit himself without regard for how it affects anyone else. At the same time, he is aware that some of what he is doing for personal gain is helping the Russians and harming the US (thus making him a Russian agent on some level), but likely is ignorant of just how much they are using him and how much he is harming the US (though he wouldn't care even if he knew).
I've posted this before, but these three photos are all anyone needs to look at to understand precisely what the dynamic is:

I don't think he's a Russian agent. While Moscow no doubt has enough on him to suborn him I don't think they have done so--he's too stupid to not spill the beans.

However, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if someone near him is truly a Russian agent and acting as his handler.
I don't think he's a Russian agent. While Moscow no doubt has enough on him to suborn him I don't think they have done so--he's too stupid to not spill the beans.

However, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if someone near him is truly a Russian agent and acting as his handler.

*cough melania*
People are still peddling the Russia nonsense?

Conservatives are still pretending that an ongoing investigation that has already surpassed any previous investigation in regard to numbers of people indicted and that have pled guilty is "nonsense"?

"Three Felonies a Day." There were plenty of indictments and convictions. If you're actually looking for any of the indictments or convictions to connect to Russia, though, I think they're in the same place Saddam hid his WMDs.
People are still peddling the Russia nonsense?

Conservatives are still pretending that an ongoing investigation that has already surpassed any previous investigation in regard to numbers of people indicted and that have pled guilty is "nonsense"?

"Three Felonies a Day." There were plenty of indictments and convictions. If you're actually looking for any of the indictments or convictions to connect to Russia, though, I think they're in the same place Saddam hid his WMDs.
So, you're saying Gotti wasn't actually a criminal, and was just bad at accounting? Got it.
People are still peddling the Russia nonsense?

Conservatives are still pretending that an ongoing investigation that has already surpassed any previous investigation in regard to numbers of people indicted and that have pled guilty is "nonsense"?

"Three Felonies a Day." There were plenty of indictments and convictions. If you're actually looking for any of the indictments or convictions to connect to Russia, though, I think they're in the same place Saddam hid his WMDs.

Mueller's team is pretty tightly locked down so it's quite amazing that you have all the info on this.
I'll go with useful, greedy idiot. My bet he's been laundering money for them for a long, long time. In the back of his puny little mind he knows that he's likely done some highly illegal shit, but at the time he did those deeds he didn't care and wasn't curious enough to find out. Now between that, his love of actual wealth that he himself will never actually possess, and stuff *we* know they actually have on him (like the fact he was pursuing his little Moscow tower well into the campaign but told everyone else he wasn't) they can control him rather easily. Why else have numerous conversations with Putin in total private or have the notes taken from the translator and have them ordered into silence?

It's not just transparency that we have others in the room during foreign relations meetings (like the Secretary of State and others) but that the rest of government has to know what was said, offered, promised, owed, due etc. as it relates to any policy agreements. Since he has no such people present, it's obvious to understand that his meeting didn't have anything to do with policy that anyone else needed to know about until he suddenly gives specific orders and makes them look like it's his idea.
"Three Felonies a Day." There were plenty of indictments and convictions. If you're actually looking for any of the indictments or convictions to connect to Russia, though, I think they're in the same place Saddam hid his WMDs.

Mueller's team is pretty tightly locked down so it's quite amazing that you have all the info on this.

The public knowledge part, who has pled guilty to what, is public. I see people getting tagged for shady business deals, but not for being Russian agents.

This thread is a strong case of TDS, infecting those who are still peddling the "Russia" narrative.
"Three Felonies a Day." There were plenty of indictments and convictions. If you're actually looking for any of the indictments or convictions to connect to Russia, though, I think they're in the same place Saddam hid his WMDs.

Mueller's team is pretty tightly locked down so it's quite amazing that you have all the info on this.

The public knowledge part, who has pled guilty to what, is public. I see people getting tagged for shady business deals, but not for being Russian agents.

This thread is a strong case of TDS, infecting those who are still peddling the "Russia" narrative.

The Russia "narrative" is still under investigation.
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