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Trump Advisor Chump of Russian Spies


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Watching Rachel Maddow ...
Carter Page was the subject of a FISA warrant, the contents of which were largely "leaked" today. Met with Russian spies (who characterized him as an idiot). Perfect.
I'm not sure how high the bar is for a FISA warrant to be issued, then renewed multiple times, but I bet it's substantially difficult.
RM also reported that the FISA court judge deemed there was probable cause to believe that Page knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence gathering on behalf of Moscow.

WWMMD (What Would Mitch McConnel Do) if Hillary's camnpaign/foreign policy advisor turned out to be a Russian agent?
Never mind - we gots LEAKS to worry about!

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More on it at The Washington Post. Hard to say this point if he was an agent for Russia or just an idiot.
Russian spies use "idiot" very liberally. But I see nothing unusually idiotic in this guy, ordinary run of the mill career opportunist.

OK Mr. Russian Spy Expert, I've heard him speak multiple times, he is NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer OK?
Russian spies use "idiot" very liberally. But I see nothing unusually idiotic in this guy, ordinary run of the mill career opportunist.

OK Mr. Russian Spy Expert, I've heard him speak multiple times, he is NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer OK?
I am not gonna argue with that. At least we know russians spies are good judges of character.
Can they just list the people in this administration who HAVEN'T (yet) been linked to Russian agents? It seems that would be a much smaller list to deal with when discussing the subject.
Russian spies use "idiot" very liberally. But I see nothing unusually idiotic in this guy, ordinary run of the mill career opportunist.

OK Mr. Russian Spy Expert, I've heard him speak multiple times, he is NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer OK?
Based on the articles up to this point, the Russians saw him as a dupe.

- - - Updated - - -

Can they just list the people in this administration who HAVEN'T (yet) been linked to Russian agents? It seems that would be a much smaller list to deal with when discussing the subject.
- Ben Carson
- Trump's youngest son
Anyone who actively supported the Trump campaign is an idiot.
Thank you for the clarification.

Your welcome. ;) More seriously, if he was unwittingly being played by Russian spies then he likely is indeed an idiot. If he was actively cooperating with them then he was acting as an agent of a foreign government, which, in my mind at least, also qualifies him as an idiot.
Thank you for the clarification.

Your welcome. ;) More seriously, if he was unwittingly being played by Russian spies then he likely is indeed an idiot. If he was actively cooperating with them then he was acting as an agent of a foreign government, which, in my mind at least, also qualifies him as an idiot.
The word is, he would be acting as an agent, but thinking he'd get something in return to help American interests. But it'd be a one-way street, with only the Russians winning out.
Your welcome. ;) More seriously, if he was unwittingly being played by Russian spies then he likely is indeed an idiot. If he was actively cooperating with them then he was acting as an agent of a foreign government, which, in my mind at least, also qualifies him as an idiot.
The word is, he would be acting as an agent, but thinking he'd get something in return to help American interests. But it'd be a one-way street, with only the Russians winning out.

This would be American interests in the "Julius and Ethel Rosenberg" sense of the word.

Without trying to sound like a Russian Spy expert, an intelligence asset has to be cultivated before the person finds themselves in a place where valuable information can be had. It's a relationship that develops over time. This means for every real source, there has to be a great number of overtures that never pan out. This is what is so strange about the Trump Russian connection. There are so many of them. It's like dumping the change from your pockets at the end of the day and discovering three silver dimes among the pennies and nickles.

I can imagine the conferences held in the basement of the Kremlin when the Trump campaign began to look like a serious contender. The highest members of the Russian Intelligence services are looking at files about Trump and his campaign team, with notes from every field agent, about meetings with high up campaign staffers. These stony faced men turn to watch a video of Trump masturbating while Moscow call girls piss on the bed, and the same thought goes through every mind, "This has to be a trap."
The word is, he would be acting as an agent, but thinking he'd get something in return to help American interests. But it'd be a one-way street, with only the Russians winning out.

This would be American interests in the "Julius and Ethel Rosenberg" sense of the word.

Without trying to sound like a Russian Spy expert, an intelligence asset has to be cultivated before the person finds themselves in a place where valuable information can be had. It's a relationship that develops over time. This means for every real source, there has to be a great number of overtures that never pan out. This is what is so strange about the Trump Russian connection. There are so many of them. It's like dumping the change from your pockets at the end of the day and discovering three silver dimes among the pennies and nickles.

I can imagine the conferences held in the basement of the Kremlin when the Trump campaign began to look like a serious contender. The highest members of the Russian Intelligence services are looking at files about Trump and his campaign team, with notes from every field agent, about meetings with high up campaign staffers. These stony faced men turn to watch a video of Trump masturbating while Moscow call girls piss on the bed, and the same thought goes through every mind, "This has to be a trap."

Could've done without the visual...
More news on Carter Page and Russia. How soon are we to the point of "What did the President know and when did he know it?" Lying about Page's involvement with the campaign (see the link) seem to be getting closer to the "cover-up" threshold.

Yes, and Page seems like he's really starting to shit his pants about now also, and is describing a more in depth relationship with the Trump campaign than I'm sure the campaign would like.
Does anyone else foresee a situation where the 'pugs have lost at least one house of Congress and an ACTUAL investigation results in the whole house of cards coming down?
More news on Carter Page and Russia. How soon are we to the point of "What did the President know and when did he know it?" Lying about Page's involvement with the campaign (see the link) seem to be getting closer to the "cover-up" threshold.

Yes, and Page seems like he's really starting to shit his pants about now also, and is describing a more in depth relationship with the Trump campaign than I'm sure the campaign would like.

The article is deceptive and not conclusive

It states the following (with capitalisation provided by myself):

The FBI gathered intelligence last summer that SUGGESTS Russian operatives TRIED TO USE TRUMP ADVISERS, including Carter Page, to infiltrate the Trump campaign, according to US officials.


These officials made clear they DON'T KNOW whether Page was aware the Russians MAY HAVE BEEN USING HIM. Because of the way Russian spy services operate, Page COULD HAVE unknowingly talked with Russian agents.

There more comments but the above are sufficient to laugh a case of this sort out of a court of law.

The above means there is not enough evidence to bring any charges of any sort.
Hey Fake News guy. So you did it yourself. What initiative. How are things now that G. Muffin Trump and V. Pectorals Putin are no longer dating. According to the article fellow travelers were supposed to change habits so the FBI would have more trouble monitoring them.
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