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Trump and the GOP (and their voters) are racists... It is time to move on.

it isn't going to help

"Help"? Help what? Are you under the impression that expressing outrage and calling people on their shit is supposed to somehow change the person or their shit?

I don't give a flying fuck about these pieces of shit. They need to be flushed, but that doesn't mean I need to start calling them colon-compacted biomasses or the like. They have proven themselves to be pieces of shit so that's what their actions demand we call them.

Fuck them and the whores they came out of.

And it cuts both ways. Just as it "isn't going to help" in regard to them changing, neither will their feigned piety at our derision help them to garner sympathy votes, which is of course their ploy. It's equally pathetic and why the only thing that matters is that we won in 2016, just not the presidency.

PREFERENCE is the name of the game, not cheating or blind luck. Anomalies are exactly that; they do not happen on a regular basis, they happen as a fluke or one-off.

We have the numbers, they don't. So the only way--just like in 2016--is for them to cheat. We just need to countermand that cheating.

And since the Republicans aren't doing shit to stop the Russians--indeed, they are actively blocking all measures against anything that would stop them from their ongoing warfare--that means we need to by constantly spreading the word the way they are doing.
I know all about Godwin's Law.... I try, try, try, to follow it... but tell me that the footage from T's lunatic convention in North Carolina couldn't have been a clip from Triumph of the Will. I'm embarrassed to be a fellow American with these people.
I know all about Godwin's Law.... I try, try, try, to follow it... but tell me that the footage from T's lunatic convention in North Carolina couldn't have been a clip from Triumph of the Will. I'm embarrassed to be a fellow American with these people.
It isn't Nazi Germany, but we have a much higher bar and the President's performance was an absolute disgrace.
I know all about Godwin's Law.... I try, try, try, to follow it... but tell me that the footage from T's lunatic convention in North Carolina couldn't have been a clip from Triumph of the Will. I'm embarrassed to be a fellow American with these people.
It isn't Nazi Germany, but we have a much higher bar and the President's performance was an absolute disgrace.

Also, Godwin's law does not imply that analogies to Hitler and Nazis are not valid, only that b/c those are the benchmarks of extreme bigotry and injustice they will be introduced at some point as an argument escalates. As a direct comparison to everything the Nazi's eventually did, it isn't a good comparison. However, as a comparison the underlying rhetoric and ideology in 1920's Germany that laid the groundwork and developed into the Third Reich, the comparison is extremely valid.
It's interesting that our usual apologists for Trump and his supporters, who like to claim his victory had nothing to do with white nationalism, are rather silent about Trumps' comments and the overwhelming support they have gotten from not only almost all GOP office holders, but the majority of registered Republicans who've said the comments were "appropriate".
Trump's approval rating among Republicans is currently 90%. Sure, Republicans don't make up the majority of voters. Swing voters or so called independents probably do, but most of them are moderates. So, how does the Democratic party appeal to moderates as well as progressives? Let's not forget that the majority of Democrats who took back the House weren't the more progressive members. It was the moderates. I don't give a shit at this point about policies. I just want that dictator wanna be out!

I listened to one of the Democratic members of the House or maybe it was then Senate, last night comparing Trump's rhetoric and crazy base to the rise of Hitler. Sorry, I don't remember the man's name or district, but he was Jewish and he had family members who were victims of the Holocaust. He wasn't saying that the Republican party was about to round up any particular group of people, but he did say that what happened in Germany started in a very similar way to what is happening in the US today. I don't know. Maybe that's a very extreme view. Who knows anymore! All I do know is listening to those brainwashed people screaming "Send her back", in the presence of innocent young children, was enough to make me sick.
Trump's approval rating among Republicans is currently 90%. Sure, Republicans don't make up the majority of voters. Swing voters or so called independents probably do, but most of them are moderates. So, how does the Democratic party appeal to moderates as well as progressives? Let's not forget that the majority of Democrats who took back the House weren't the more progressive members. It was the moderates. I don't give a shit at this point about policies. I just want that dictator wanna be out!
Most non-voters are further to the left than the average Democratic voter. There are very few "moderates", and the ones who exist are impossible to court because their voting patterns are impossible to predict. This has been shown time and time again, in election after election, as Democrats have given up a supermajority in 2008 that rode in on the back of a (for the time) radical, visionary, idealist campaign, and since then has ceded governships, court seats, Senate seats, and the Oval Office to Republicans who have abandoned the effort to win moderates. The way to win against a mobilized right wing is to mobilize the left, and tap into the half of the country who never votes because the candidates are always dull, uninspiring technocrats with no solutions except to compromise with the uncompromising. It's not to court the few "principled conservatives" who say they'll vote for a Democrat who isn't too extreme but actually always vote for the Republican; these people are not worth our time and not worth hijacking our political principles to appease, and they have been convincing Democrats that we're still in the post-Reagan years for far too long.

I listened to one of the Democratic members of the House or maybe it was then Senate, last night comparing Trump's rhetoric and crazy base to the rise of Hitler. Sorry, I don't remember the man's name or district, but he was Jewish and he had family members who were victims of the Holocaust. He wasn't saying that the Republican party was about to round up any particular group of people, but he did say that what happened in Germany started in a very similar way to what is happening in the US today. I don't know. Maybe that's a very extreme view. Who knows anymore! All I do know is listening to those brainwashed people screaming "Send her back", in the presence of innocent young children, was enough to make me sick.

It's not extreme at all. We're already long past the rhetoric stage.


Over a decade ago, Trump entered the political world by insisting that our first Black president was born in Africa. Nobody should be surprised by the content of his tweets nor the vocal support of his followers. This is not abnormal, and not the kind of phenomenon that is best handled by political centrists who value bipartisan consensus, as political centrists were the ones who paved the way for it, did nothing to stop it, normalized it, refused to mount any opposition to it, and now are unable to come up with any meaningful antidote to it other than "let's get back to being civil". The mainstream Democratic party is completely and utterly out of ideas at this point.
Most non-voters are further to the left than the average Democratic voter.

I have never seen any evidence to support your claim. Do you have any? I'm asking because I've known many, many nonvoters. They weren't progressives. They were social conservatives and totally ignorant in regards to most political ideas. They were usually young, mostly white and low income. Their attitudes were that it didn't matter if they voted or not, but they never gave me any explanation as to why they felt that way. They were also religious. One told me that she was thinking of voting when McCain was running with Palin because she loved Sara Palin's message, whatever that meant.

I also was able to convince a couple of young black acquaintances to register to vote when Obama was running. They had never voted before. I doubt they knew much about politics. They just liked Obama. One of them didn't even bother to vote in the midterms. She used the excuse that she had to work on election day. But, guess what? We have three full weeks, including a Saturday and a Sunday to vote in Georgia. She didn't even know that. These women were all much younger than I am. Imo, most non voters are apathetic and/or ignorant in regards to politics. Plus, I also know people who only vote in presidential elections. How ignorant is that? Who controls Congress is extremely important and most of the newbies in the House are considered moderates. Why don't we spend more time worrying about that? Just this week, the House voted to raise the minimum wage to 15 per hour, but Mitch the turtle won't even bring that to the floor of the Senate for a vote, not that it would pass, but still.... Without control of Congress, no progressives will accomplish a thing, with or without a Democratic president. But, Trump isn't an ordinary president. He's a total nutcase dictator wanna be. That's exactly why getting rid of him must be our primary goal.

So, I'm not being snarky. I'm seriously asking. Where is the evidence that most non voters are very progressive? You may live in a very liberal area where that is true, but in my area, most white people are either moderate Democrats or conservative Republicans. Most black people that I know personally are moderate Democrats, but they will vote for any Democratic candidate. Do you talk in person to many people about their political views? I do it on a daily basis. I have a white neighbor in her 70s who is a Democrat, but she's not nearly as far left as Bernie. In fact, she told me she hates him, despite or maybe because she lived in New England for the past forty years. She still wears her Hillary T-shirt when she's at home. I also have a friend who doesn't vote because she's lost her ID and is disabled and poor. She's fairly moderate by your standards. Maybe it depends on where you and I live. But, from what I've read from your posts, I would say that you and I don't even agree on the definition of what determines progressive or moderate. I have no problem with progressive ideas to an extent, but in order for me to support them, they must be realistic. I'm not a socialist. I'm a person who strongly believes that the best system is a mix of government supported programs mixed with well regulated capitalism. I don't want infrastructure or prisons to be privatized. I want a strong safety net and good public education, with very affordable colleges, especially technical and vocational colleges, where most of the jobs are. I would love to see non profit healthcare, although it doesn't need to be single payer to be effective. By any traditional definition, that makes me a progressive. Progressives don't have to agree on everything. We aren't sheep who march lock step like most conservatives do these days.

But, as I've said repeatedly, let's get the mother fucker out of the WH. We can worry about the "revolution" later.
To backstop SH's post, the Democrats who have won the popular vote have all been moderate at most. If the electorate was really as far left as some wish it were, it wouldn't be Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Al Gore winning the popular votes.
To backstop SH's post, the Democrats who have won the popular vote have all been moderate at most. If the electorate was really as far left as some wish it were, it wouldn't be Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Al Gore winning the popular votes.
I'm not so sure. Given the choices we generally get, sure, but if we had a different electoral system (instant run off or similar), that actually reflected choices, I suspect that we would see at least a slight, if not significant, leftward shift. Hillary won the popular vote because that was the only choice we had in the general. With all of the shenanigans that the DNC pulled, I'm not so sure she actually won a lot of the primaries that she supposedly won. :/

And that also highlights a big part of the dems current problem, even those that mostly sympathize with them politically aren't sure they can be trusted, and that keeps people from voting in the first place.
Spectrum News NY1 on Twitter: "Why does @AOC respond to personal attacks on social media? She tells @errollouis that she wanted to "break this fourth wall a little bit" after seeing conspiracy theories that were ignored by politicians start to grow legs. #NY1Politics [url]https://t.co/LpkXwpZ59o https://t.co/q34ynnKXVO" / Twitter[/url] - some video of an interview with her

Ocasio-Cortez responds to 'bad-faith' attacks
"One of the rules of political communications in Washington, D.C., has always been not to give oxygen to false and malicious attacks. . . .

“I grew up seeing these attacks on Nancy Pelosi,” Ocasio-Cortez, the 29-year-old progressive freshman Democrat from New York, told NY1 in an interview that aired Monday night. “I grew up with these attacks on Barack Obama. I grew up with these bad-faith attacks, even on Hillary Clinton. And so we know what’s going on. And I feel like what I’ve chosen to do is break this fourth wall a little bit and respond to them.

“We saw how completely unfounded attacks, like the birther movement with President Obama,” she continued. “They were ignored because it was beneath the president to respond to these things. But then they started to grow, and as we say, they grow legs and start walking around.”
It's very good that AOC has been willing to challenge that bullshit. It has hurt the Democrats badly that they have been so meek and cowardly to the Republicans.
This'll be tougher than it seemed. Trump is quintupling down on racial Us v Them for 2020.

Also, the hypocrisy of Trump calling anything Sharpton does as a 'conman'. Yeah, I think the history isn't good for Sharpton. He typically seemed to be a person who'd use situations for self-promotion. But for Trump to call him a con-man... when he had a fraudulent university?
To backstop SH's post, the Democrats who have won the popular vote have all been moderate at most. If the electorate was really as far left as some wish it were, it wouldn't be Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Al Gore winning the popular votes.

By definition, candidates who win the popular vote are not elected by non-voters.

Here's a breakdown by Pew from 2012. Notice how for every question, the non-voters consistently adopt the more left-leaning position in greater frequency compared to all adults and likely voters. This one is from 2014, and breaks it down by demographic. Non-voters are disproportionately skewed toward poorer, less educated, younger non-whites. In every poll, Bernie Sanders polls better with these demographics than any other candidate. Young people don't care that he's old, black and Hispanic people don't care that he's white, poor people don't care that he's rich. They don't identify as Democrats nor Republicans, but that's not because they are "moderates" somewhere in between, it's because they are to the left of both.
To backstop SH's post, the Democrats who have won the popular vote have all been moderate at most. If the electorate was really as far left as some wish it were, it wouldn't be Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Al Gore winning the popular votes.

By definition, candidates who win the popular vote are not elected by non-voters.

Here's a breakdown by Pew from 2012. Notice how for every question, the non-voters consistently adopt the more left-leaning position in greater frequency compared to all adults and likely voters.
Well, if you can get them to get off their asses on election day, then their opinions would count for something more than the shit they currently count for.
This one is from 2014, and breaks it down by demographic. Non-voters are disproportionately skewed toward poorer, less educated, younger non-whites. In every poll, Bernie Sanders polls better with these demographics than any other candidate. Young people don't care that he's old, black and Hispanic people don't care that he's white, poor people don't care that he's rich. They don't identify as Democrats nor Republicans, but that's not because they are "moderates" somewhere in between, it's because they are to the left of both.
That is wonderful. Bernie Sanders has great support among people that won't support him.
Trump’s Racist Rant Omits Kushner’s Vermin-Filled Properties
While Donald Trump spent the weekend lobbing racist attacks at Congressman Elijah Cummings for representing a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested” Baltimore district where “no human being would want to live,” perhaps he should have taken the matter up with his son-in-law Jared Kushner, a local slumlord whose Baltimore properties are reportedly filled with vermin, maggots, and mold.

According to the Washington Post, apartments owned by Kushner Cos., where Kushner served as CEO until joining the White House, were responsible for more than 200 code violations in 2017 alone. Repairs were apparently “made only after the county threatened fines, local officials said, and even after warnings, violations on nine properties were not addressed, resulting in monetary sanctions.” That same year the New York Times and ProPublica found that tenants of the Kushner properties had reported maggots, mold problems, and a mouse infestation. ...

Pretty damning stuff.
Trump’s Racist Rant Omits Kushner’s Vermin-Filled Properties
While Donald Trump spent the weekend lobbing racist attacks at Congressman Elijah Cummings for representing a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested” Baltimore district where “no human being would want to live,” perhaps he should have taken the matter up with his son-in-law Jared Kushner, a local slumlord whose Baltimore properties are reportedly filled with vermin, maggots, and mold.

According to the Washington Post, apartments owned by Kushner Cos., where Kushner served as CEO until joining the White House, were responsible for more than 200 code violations in 2017 alone. Repairs were apparently “made only after the county threatened fines, local officials said, and even after warnings, violations on nine properties were not addressed, resulting in monetary sanctions.” That same year the New York Times and ProPublica found that tenants of the Kushner properties had reported maggots, mold problems, and a mouse infestation. ...

Pretty damning stuff.
Unless he is processing his tenants into chicken nuggets to sell in stores... it isn't damning enough to matter right now. Heck, he could even be doing that, but as long as he is selling it under the name "You Can't Believe It's Not Chicken"... it wouldn't be damning enough.
It sure looks like both the left and the right want to make 2020 referendum on racism and White Power.
The right is a smarmy, dishonest dirtbag whore, but the left is a clueless imbecile for buying into making the election all about race. Not that they will lose on that issue - au contraire, I think they'll rock the popular vote again (even though they might still lose the electoral college due to the now-normal foreign interference, NC-style election fraud etc.). But in the longer term, what has been accomplished by the alt-white is that it will be normal, reasonable and expected going forward, that we will have an overtly racist faction heavily represented in the US government. The presumption that racism is bad, will be dead and gone. And the next time they gain power, they WILL be locking up minorities and political opponents wholesale.
Well, if you can get them to get off their asses on election day, then their opinions would count for something more than the shit they currently count for.

That's actually his entire strategy, and it's the only way that political change ever happens. Since our political institutions are broken and any non-Republican president will have to contend with procedural barriers that make it impossible to legislate purely within the system, the only way to change anything is to overwhelm the opposition with people. With enough people actually voting (and protesting, and striking, and boycotting, and organizing, and generally being engaged in the political process), gerrymandering doesn't matter and Russian influence doesn't matter. Those are spoilers for close elections, not popular movements. And Bernie is the only one trying to tap into that, after the Democratic party basically ignoring them for decades and going for the sliver of swing voters who change their mind every few years anyway.
Well, if you can get them to get off their asses on election day, then their opinions would count for something more than the shit they currently count for.

That's actually his entire strategy, and it's the only way that political change ever happens.
By pissing off because Sanders isn't the candidate and letting Donald Fucking Trump become President? Yeah, that'll break your political institutions.
Well, if you can get them to get off their asses on election day, then their opinions would count for something more than the shit they currently count for.

That's actually his entire strategy, and it's the only way that political change ever happens.
By pissing off because Sanders isn't the candidate and letting Donald Fucking Trump become President? Yeah, that'll break your political institutions.

Hillary's primary voters went for McCain or stayed home in 2008 at a higher rate than Bernie's in 2016. Run an inspiring, unapologetic candidate that inspires people to come out and vote and the margin of disaffected primary voters won't make a difference (Obama won in a landslide). Play it safe with a centrist moderate who preserves the status quo in every way, and you're elevating effects like that to importance (Trump narrowly won the electoral college).
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