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Trump attempts to cover his ass; Pardon Michael Flynn and more to come


Staff member
Mar 15, 2001
Massachusetts USA
Basic Beliefs
Secular Humanism
I have no doubt that Trump is going to use the remaining about 2 months to try to cover his ass.

I'd count pardoning Michael Flynn as one way he's covering his ass as Flynn will have no reason to agree to cooperate when / if additional investigation or charges are contemplated regarding Mueller Investigation.

Titled link: Trump announces pardon for Michael Flynn in tweet - CNNPolitics

Trump Pardons Michael Flynn, Who Pleaded Guilty To Lying About Russia Contact : NPR
President Trump has pardoned his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who spent years enmeshed in an often bizarre legal war with the government that sprang from the Russia investigation.

The pardon brings an end to a long-running legal odyssey for Flynn, who was the only member of the Trump administration to be charged as part of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.

Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador and then cooperated extensively with prosecutors. But he ultimately reversed course and accused the government of trying to frame him.

Flynn went so far as to withdraw his first plea of guilty and substitute a second plea of not guilty, even though he'd acknowledged the underlying conduct that was against the law and been close to receiving a sentence.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to @GenFlynn and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving!" / Twitter

Adam Schiff on Twitter: "Donald Trump has repeatedly abused the pardon power to reward friends and protect those who covered up for him.

This time he pardons Michael Flynn, who lied to hide his dealings with the Russians.

It’s no surprise that Trump would go out as he came in —

Crooked to the end." / Twitter

General Flynn on Twitter: "Jeremiah 1:19 🇺🇸" / Twitter
"They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord." (NIV)
I just read an analysis that reminded me Flynn is serving under a plea deal. Under the threat of greater crimes he pled guilty to this one.
Unless the pardon is well-written to cover those, also, this may be opening him up to the prosecution for the crimes he dealt away. More threatening prosecution.

Hope Giuliani wrote the pardon. Or Trump. Eric. Any WH official that doesn't like Flynn....
It's really a question of 'why now?', rather than 'why?' I'm sure Flynn is grateful, but the man has been through legal hell for the past four years. If he's not broke, there's probably a Grand Jury indictment hiding in his financial affairs.

The most likely explanation is they didn't want to create on more "Trump corruption" campaign issue. The most interesting unanswered question is, why did the President hang Flynn out to dry and leave him there? Trump could have said that Flynn was acting with his knowledge and that would have been the end of it.
Plot twist. Trump will try to pardon himself and when it goes to the Supreme Court they'll rule that you cannot pardon anyone (including yourself) if you or the recipient of said pardon was not convicted of a crime. Trump will then furiously declare the Supreme Court traitors as all the Republicans involved in the impeachment process turn to one another and bursts into laughter. Trump will pull Lindsey Graham to the side and ask "what's so funny?". To which Lindsey replies "we only wanted the Supremes and had no interest in covering your ass".
I just don't understand why Flynn wasn't pardoned ages ago. Trump's base really would still vote for him if he shot someone on the street. They are completely unfazed by his blatant corruption.
It's a pretty big ass, replete with carbuncles and a multitude of giant pimples (from Walter Reed high-res photog), and it's been spewing over all the states and territories for decades -- so even a tarp won't do it.
I just read an analysis that reminded me Flynn is serving under a plea deal. Under the threat of greater crimes he pled guilty to this one.
Unless the pardon is well-written to cover those, also, this may be opening him up to the prosecution for the crimes he dealt away. More threatening prosecution.

Hope Giuliani wrote the pardon. Or Trump. Eric. Any WH official that doesn't like Flynn....

That, and the fact that now Flynn has no 5A protection.
Trump is proving what a dumbass he is, for umpteenth time.
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