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Trump commits a felony - what will his supporters say?


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs

Telling Cohen to lie to Congress is undeniably a criminal offense, a felony under US law. Trump did it. No denying that is an impeachable offense.

But undeniably Trump supporters will continue to be his cheerleaders, and excuse this conduct. But how?

I propose several, but I’m sure there're others:

1) It’s fake news.
2) Cohen is a convicted felon and thus you can’t believe him.
3) Everybody does it.
4) The Democrats, particularly Hillary, have done far worse.
5) You just hate America.
6) Bill Clinton did it and wasn’t removed from office.
7) You have TDS. (guilty!)

What else? This should be a fun game.


Telling Cohen to lie to Congress is undeniably a criminal offense, a felony under US law. Trump did it. No denying that is an impeachable offense.

But undeniably Trump supporters will continue to be his cheerleaders, and excuse this conduct. But how?

I propose several, but I’m sure there're others:

Let's look at these cheers a little closer:

1) It’s fake news. It's backed with documents, transcripts and corroborating witnesses
2) Cohen is a convicted felon and thus you can’t believe him. Cohen is not the source for this story
3) Everybody does it. No examples of anyone else doing THIS
4) The Democrats, particularly Hillary, have done far worse. Hillary is not a public official
5) You just hate America. This is hard to counter... any real American hates the "America" of Donald Trump
6) Bill Clinton did it and wasn’t removed from office. Nope. Never told his lawyer to lie to Congress
7) You have TDS. (guilty!) Okay, ya got me. Guess it's all okay then - never mind!

What else? This should be a fun game.


Yeah, it's all fun and games UNTIL SOMEONE GETS IMPEACHED!
What else? This should be a fun game.
Well, it's a witchhunt. Can't expect a man to cooperate with a witchhunt. The whole damned thing was a fishing expedition. If it was a legitimate investigation he would have cooperated, so it's a nothingburger.
What will his supporters say? Trump supporters were polled a few months ago on the hypothetical question of what they'd do if video surfaced of Trump saying 'nigger'. This wasn't a deal breaker! How many HUNDREDS of unthinkable things has this gruesome man now done, in public, without losing any of his core Trumporrhoids? It never ceases to stun (and amuse) me to see "staunch" Republican types who speak of Trump like he could've gotten out of the boat and trod on the water with Jeebus. Just imagine their purple contorted faces if they were discussing a Democrat President who said the pro-Russky stuff that's come out of Trump's piehole. After saying that Putin killing journalists compares to rough, violent stuff that happens in America...after Helsinki...if Trump was a Dem, Fox and Rush would've lost their minds. The Right is so much better than us libs at working the outrage act.
Expect the Republican goals to shift from "we will impeach if there is evidence of a crime" to "we will impeach if there is video evidence of the president personally and directly committing a crime"
Precedent is that Nixon only would have been impeached because there was an audio recording of the crime... so same level of evidence is needed here.
but if they actually have that, then the claim will be that it isn't him, and that an investigation should be opened to find the impersonator.
Do Trump supporters read Buzzfeed? While I'm sure they will hear of it, it depends on how the information is presented to them. We need a volunteer to watch Fox and report back to reality.
Do Trump supporters read Buzzfeed? While I'm sure they will hear of it, it depends on how the information is presented to them. We need a volunteer to watch Fox and report back to reality.
I presume it'll be...

Look, this had nothing to do with the Presidency or election, just a business deal that never happened. The Mueller Investigation is getting desperate, needing to leak this story out because they can't prove collusion in the 2016 election. The leaking of this information by Mueller is nothing short of trying to start a coup against a lawfully elected President.
Do Trump supporters read Buzzfeed? While I'm sure they will hear of it, it depends on how the information is presented to them. We need a volunteer to watch Fox and report back to reality.

Fox is ignoring the bit where there is documentation that Cohen is just confirming, and reporting it as "Cohen is a liar and it is just his word against the President's, and the President's word is the end of the story"
They are also reporting that Pelosi was trying to take a vacation to Hawaii in the middle of the shutdown (and not a trip to Afghanistan); That Nixon only got impeached because there was a recording, so there has to be a recording of Trump actively committing a crime for it to "count"; and that the Dems refuse to open the government out of spite of the President.

Surprising, any of this?
Doesn't it come down to a He Said/He Said thing?

Cohen lies to Congress, then says that Trump ordered him to. Trump (if asked) says "No I didn't."

Then what?
Do Trump supporters read Buzzfeed? While I'm sure they will hear of it, it depends on how the information is presented to them. We need a volunteer to watch Fox and report back to reality.

Fox is ignoring the bit where there is documentation that Cohen is just confirming, and reporting it as "Cohen is a liar and it is just his word against the President's, and the President's word is the end of the story"
They are also reporting that Pelosi was trying to take a vacation to Hawaii in the middle of the shutdown (and not a trip to Afghanistan); That Nixon only got impeached because there was a recording, so there has to be a recording of Trump actively committing a crime for it to "count"; and that the Dems refuse to open the government out of spite of the President.

Surprising, any of this?

Well, not surprising. But the writer from Buzzfeed was on the teevee this morning stating flat-out "Cohen is NOT the source for this reporting". There are other witnesses they will have to destroy, documents and transcripts they will have to claim falsified ("lock 'em up!") and possibly tapes they will have to claim were faked by the 12 angry democrats.

I am sure they can do all of this to the satisfaction of most of the 42%, but probably won't convince Congress (already pissed about being lied to) or the courts.

Anyhow, it's good to know we have a Fox viewer to let us know what's happening in Trump's fantasy world...
Doesn't it come down to a He Said/He Said thing?

Cohen lies to Congress, then says that Trump ordered him to. Trump (if asked) says "No I didn't."

Then what?
Except, 1) this isn't based on Cohen's testimony but other peoples, with corroborating emails. Cohen's testimony is further corroboration.
2) Cohen recorded fucking EVERYTHING. He probably still has his mother's doctor's notes on her pregnancy.
Doesn't it come down to a He Said/He Said thing?

Cohen lies to Congress, then says that Trump ordered him to. Trump (if asked) says "No I didn't."

Then what?
Except, 1) this isn't based on Cohen's testimony but other peoples, with corroborating emails. Cohen's testimony is further corroboration.
2) Cohen recorded fucking EVERYTHING. He probably still has his mother's doctor's notes on her pregnancy.

His mother is pregnant? Quick! Let Twitter know! :D
Well, it wasn't an order, it was a suggestion. Cohen is still the one who decided to lie to Congress - unless you're trying to say that working for somebody means that you surrender your moral agency to your boss. It's not a crime to suggest things.
Trump was right when he said that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and his supporters would still support him. Some Trumpers have already left, but the hardcore cultists won't be moved by anything illegal that Trump has done. The wealthy that only care about tax cuts, aka my brother in law and many of the pundits on CNBC, will likely continue to support him. The "poorly educated" won't leave the fold because the ones I know only watch Fox or don't really bother to follow what's going on, like we political junkies do. I know few of those too. They are very nice people but they are totally clueless when it comes to politics. Plus many of the evilgelicals aren't going to care as long as issues like abortion continues to be attacked. I'm not talking about the small percentage of morally positive evangelicals. I'm talking about the large percentage of nasty, hateful, judgmental ones.
Do Trump supporters read Buzzfeed? While I'm sure they will hear of it, it depends on how the information is presented to them. We need a volunteer to watch Fox and report back to reality.

Fox is ignoring the bit where there is documentation that Cohen is just confirming, and reporting it as "Cohen is a liar and it is just his word against the President's, and the President's word is the end of the story"
They are also reporting that Pelosi was trying to take a vacation to Hawaii in the middle of the shutdown (and not a trip to Afghanistan); That Nixon only got impeached because there was a recording, so there has to be a recording of Trump actively committing a crime for it to "count"; and that the Dems refuse to open the government out of spite of the President.

Surprising, any of this?

Well, not surprising. But the writer from Buzzfeed was on the teevee this morning stating flat-out "Cohen is NOT the source for this reporting". There are other witnesses they will have to destroy, documents and transcripts they will have to claim falsified ("lock 'em up!") and possibly tapes they will have to claim were faked by the 12 angry democrats.

I am sure they can do all of this to the satisfaction of most of the 42%, but probably won't convince Congress (already pissed about being lied to) or the courts.

Anyhow, it's good to know we have a Fox viewer to let us know what's happening in Trump's fantasy world...

42? That's the answer to something ;)

but the actual number at this point is closer to 30.. and the headlines read "Trump's base is shrinking".

Liberal media reports that impeachment and possible indictment is practically "in the bag" at this point... some are saying that Muller should just report what he's got now, as impeachment is a political process and the timing is now right (that his base shrunk from the shutdown and the Cohen testimony will be "shocking".
Liberal media reports that impeachment and possible indictment is practically "in the bag" at this point... some are saying that Muller should just report what he's got now, as impeachment is a political process and the timing is now right (that his base shrunk from the shutdown and the Cohen testimony will be "shocking".

Mueller should submit his report when it's done, not when it's politically convenient.
Liberal media reports that impeachment and possible indictment is practically "in the bag" at this point... some are saying that Muller should just report what he's got now, as impeachment is a political process and the timing is now right (that his base shrunk from the shutdown and the Cohen testimony will be "shocking".

Mueller should submit his report when it's done, not when it's politically convenient.
Yes, impeachment is political, that means it doesn't actually require evidence.
It just needs enough votes.
Enough people to decide that Trump should not be our president for reasons X, Y and Z.

Like, lies, the other lies, more lies, lying lies, lying about lying and ordering lies with a side of fries.
Or not being fit to run a charity.
Or being a 12 year old.

The only benefit from the evidence would be that the GOP members who vote to impeach MIGHT be able to convince their constituents they did the right thing...

Note that Nixon resigned, NOT because they had the evidence, but because someone went to the White House and told him 'We have the votes.'
Liberal media reports that impeachment and possible indictment is practically "in the bag" at this point... some are saying that Muller should just report what he's got now, as impeachment is a political process and the timing is now right (that his base shrunk from the shutdown and the Cohen testimony will be "shocking".

Mueller should submit his report when it's done, not when it's politically convenient.

Yabut it's never too early to start working on articles of impeachment! :D
There's plenty enough already in the public domain to begin the process, but - not likely that the Dems are going to do anything like that right now. No, they're settling down for a long feast, gorging themselves on information arising from the investigation of misdeeds by Trump, his associates and his family. They'll save the Peach-Mint confection for dessert, some time during the 2020 general election campaigns... if Cheato hasn't resigned by then.
I don't understand the hubbub over this. It is not like this is Trump's first (or even 10th) potential felony since he has been in office.
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