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Trump commits a felony - what will his supporters say?

I don't understand the hubbub over this. It is not like this is Trump's first (or even 10th) potential felony since he has been in office.
Good point.

I wonder if Family Feud is in production right now? Pelosi could borrow their survey board.

Display the top ten reasons to impeach. "We conducted a survey of Congress, and found that X many would impeach for:"

And update the numbers, like the bets at the racetrack, as more and more people come to find, say, the obstruction egregious enough to impeach, or the collusion, or the treason, or lying under oath....
I don't understand the hubbub over this. It is not like this is Trump's first (or even 10th) potential felony since he has been in office.
Most of his other issues seem to be protected by the gross level of power given to the President. The problem here is that this would be around four felonies, and the allegation includes a lot of alleged paperwork to back it up.
Well, it wasn't an order, it was a suggestion. Cohen is still the one who decided to lie to Congress - unless you're trying to say that working for somebody means that you surrender your moral agency to your boss. It's not a crime to suggest things.

Hey, it worked with Comey. Remember "I hope you would let this go"? Trump certainly seems like a guy capable of nuance; in his mind of course there is a difference between his "suggestions" and "orders"..
Mueller’s team has just issued a statement claiming the Buzzfeed report is “not accurate”.

Yup. Fuck buzzfeed. Last time they are ever used as a source. Now they are going to give Trump and his supporters a big boost.


The thing is this, we know Trump obstructed justice via the Comey firing. We know that Manafort gave intel to a Russian Intel rep (and that came from Manafort's tech idiot lawyer team). And we know that Comey and Trump were coordinating testimony and Mueller was wise to it. While the Buzzfeed thing is still unknown at the moment, we know that there is a major investigation on-going, being run by a guy who wouldn't be involved in this if it weren't big.
If BF finds out they were lied to, they should out the sources.
LMMFAO! You all hopped on board that train pretty fast. You all just believe everything Buzzfeed puts out?
LMMFAO! You all hopped on board that train pretty fast. You all just believe everything Buzzfeed puts out?

Gosh you get so boring.

I'll bet I am right this minute.

This is what happens when a narrative is believed before the evidence comes out. Anything written by any publisher that supports the narrative gets swallowed wholesale.

Then you all have the nerve to go around pretending to be skeptics. So fucking funny. And most of the right idiots got caught up in this thread, I'm happy to say.
Mueller’s team has just issued a statement claiming the Buzzfeed report is “not accurate”.

Seems to me that the inaccuracy is the part about what documents the special prosecutor has, not about what The Donald told Cohen to do.

They were quite circumspect about what exactly constituted "inaccuracy". One "insider" stated flatly that it meant the entire story was bullshit according to his "sources", supposedly inside the investigation. But with everyone baiting everyone else, that could have been a counter-bait to the bait that Buzzfeed swallowed.
Mueller’s team has just issued a statement claiming the Buzzfeed report is “not accurate”.

Seems to me that the inaccuracy is the part about what documents the special prosecutor has, not about what The Donald told Cohen to do.

They were quite circumspect about what exactly constituted "inaccuracy". One "insider" stated flatly that it meant the entire story was bullshit according to his "sources", supposedly inside the investigation. But with everyone baiting everyone else, that could have been a counter-bait to the bait that Buzzfeed swallowed.

Didn't you swallow it too?
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