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Trump Derangement Syndrome down the street from me ...

Thank you for explaining your link. I appreciate the courtesy.

That kind of behavior (from your description) is inappropriate in any shop. :(
A plague on all their houses. Everyone in that clip was acting like a fuckwit. "I'm gonna call corporate" What the fuck does that even mean?
A plague on all their houses. Everyone in that clip was acting like a fuckwit. "I'm gonna call corporate" What the fuck does that even mean?

Yeah, we don't know what Trump t-shirt guy did before he started recording but I suspect he was came there expecting it would go as it did.
By the way, black guy did not act as a fuckwit.
Refusing service because of a shirt is as stupid as being a Trump supporter.
A plague on all their houses. Everyone in that clip was acting like a fuckwit. "I'm gonna call corporate" What the fuck does that even mean?

It is always difficult to know whenever adult pacifiers are involved.
A plague on all their houses. Everyone in that clip was acting like a fuckwit. "I'm gonna call corporate" What the fuck does that even mean?
That would be reporting the employee and that store to the next higher level of authority, the corporation that owns or licenses the store, or maybe he means the company that makes the vape juice he wants to buy. "Your product is being mongered by loons who, on the Xth of December, did freak their tiny shit..."
A curious idiom. I don't know how you can say such a phrase without sounding like a pretentious knob. It certainly doesn't gel well with the nuanced discourse shown in the clip.
A plague on all their houses. Everyone in that clip was acting like a fuckwit.

They certainly did not act in any way comparable. The customer wanted to buy a product. The clerk was yelling at him because of his politics and fashion choices.
Now, there were times where the customer was goading the triggered clerk, saying things like "do my bidding" and "capitalism wins again" but all that was well into the snowflake's meltdown.

"I'm gonna call corporate" What the fuck does that even mean?
It's a common expression. It's short for "call the corporate office". I am not a vaper (or smoker), but a quick google search reveals that the store is a chain store and that the company has a number of stores in the Atlanta area. Hence, his threat to report the clerk's behavior to higher-ups if he refuses to sell him the product. I think the customer did enjoy the meltdown, but in the end he just wanted to buy that vape juice for his wife.

- - - Updated - - -

A curious idiom. I don't know how you can say such a phrase without sounding like a pretentious knob. It certainly doesn't gel well with the nuanced discourse shown in the clip.
I notice you are from Australia. It's common here. That's ok. I find calling women Sheilas and men Bruces curious too. :)
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Yeah, we don't know what Trump t-shirt guy did before he started recording but I suspect he was came there expecting it would go as it did.
Why do you think he expected this to happen?
By the way, black guy did not act as a fuckwit.
No, he was just minding his own business.
A curious idiom. I don't know how you can say such a phrase without sounding like a pretentious knob. It certainly doesn't gel well with the nuanced discourse shown in the clip.


It's merely 'I'm telling on you.' To your boss' boss, rather than mommy, but the same thing.

I do find it funny as hell, though. "I am holding YOU responsible for your actions, but i support Trump."
Ahh, yes. When bullies push someone to a breaking point, so that they can then film the breaking point and pretend that they were just innocent bystanders to it all. And the beta cucks all join in the mewling as instructed.

My cousin--the marine/St. Louis police officer--just posted the exact same clip with the exact same "Hey, look at the Trump Derangement Syndrome in this guy" idiocy. Like a fucking robot.
We don't know what transpired before the video started. I suspect that customer was trolling that clerk, and the clerk lost his composure. I would expect the clerk to lose his job. While that customer kept his cool (as do most trolls), he was in the wrong when he refused to leave when asked.
Completely lost on Derec is the fact that no one has made even the slightest attempt to justify the employee’s behavior.
We don't know what transpired before the video started. I suspect that customer was trolling that clerk, and the clerk lost his composure. I would expect the clerk to lose his job. While that customer kept his cool (as do most trolls), he was in the wrong when he refused to leave when asked.
Agreed. His barking "do my bidding!" showed he was being an obnoxious jerk. "Capitalism wins again". It looks like a consumer feeling too much entitlement. IME some consumers feel employees must behave slavishly to them. Business exchanges are exchanges, they're a negotiation for a trade. So "employee" is not a synonym of "serf" and "consumer" is not a synonym of "master". He should leave and then follow up on his intent to call corporate and get the guy fired for being unprofessional (not at all the same thing as having to be slavish).
Random guy acts like a dick; Trumptards are all over it.

Trump is the most corrupt, vile piece of shit to ever sit in the Oval Office. Trumptards point to random anti-Trump guy.
Ahh, yes. When bullies push someone to a breaking point, so that they can then film the breaking point and pretend that they were just innocent bystanders to it all. And the beta cucks all join in the mewling as instructed.

My cousin--the marine/St. Louis police officer--just posted the exact same clip with the exact same "Hey, look at the Trump Derangement Syndrome in this guy" idiocy. Like a fucking robot.
It plays into their victimhood syndrome. Trump is a victim of "fake news" and the mainstream media (who are the real enemy of the people", and Trump supporters are all victims waiting for America (and their lives) to be made great again by their valiant and persevering savior.

In my view, the underlined is Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Ahh, yes. When bullies push someone to a breaking point, so that they can then film the breaking point and pretend that they were just innocent bystanders to it all. And the beta cucks all join in the mewling as instructed.

My cousin--the marine/St. Louis police officer--just posted the exact same clip with the exact same "Hey, look at the Trump Derangement Syndrome in this guy" idiocy. Like a fucking robot.
It plays into their victimhood syndrome. Trump is a victim of "fake news" and the mainstream media (who are the real enemy of the people", and Trump supporters are all victims waiting for America (and their lives) to be made great again by their valiant and persevering savior.

In my view, the underlined is Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Of course. Rule number one for beta cucks; accuse others of your own crimes. Too stupid to fuck; too stupid to know they’re being fucked.
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