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Trump Deserves a Taunting Name


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
I say it's past time to descend to his level. Here's a few reasons:
> it will clearly drive him crazy
> payback
> political discourse in US is already past dead
> a few good words rhyme with Trump
> I really can't stand to say or hear his name -- substitute needed for my mental health
> most of all, he deserves the same level of respect that he paid to President Obama, through 5 years of Birther horseshit: zero.

I saw, in a post by Loren Pechtel, the term His Flatulence (caps mine.) That's a good start.
So how 'bout:
Orangey (I use this but I don't mean it to sound affectionate or playful)
Skidmark or The Skidmark ('cause I see him a giant one, and THICK, across the great plains and purple mountain majesties)
More needed -- creative names that play on his being a dunce, a demagogue, a Putin wanna-be, a groper, an egomaniac, a flip-flopper, a hothead, a juvenile, a non-reader, a conman, a blot on civilization....let's get Trumpy.
I like Jon Stewart's "Fuckface von Clownstick", and that has already gotten under Fuckface's thin skin.

There is also Cheeto Jesus and Tangerine Jesus, take your pick.

Other names I have seen him called:
Hair Fuhrer
Cinnamon Hitler
Prima Donald

In conversation around the office we tend to use "The Charlatan", and everyone just understands that we mean Trump, but it could probably be made into a more pithy name.
I like Jon Stewart's "Fuckface von Clownstick", and that has already gotten under Fuckface's thin skin.
:thumbsup: My favorite; and it can be shortened to FFvC when in polite company.

There is also Cheeto Jesus and Tangerine Jesus, take your pick.
Or The Orangutan...
I like Jon Stewart's "Fuckface von Clownstick", and that has already gotten under Fuckface's thin skin.

There is also Cheeto Jesus and Tangerine Jesus, take your pick.

Other names I have seen him called:
Hair Fuhrer
Cinnamon Hitler
Prima Donald

In conversation around the office we tend to use "The Charlatan", and everyone just understands that we mean Trump, but it could probably be made into a more pithy name.

"Don the Con" - my fav.
'The Manchurian' is kind of fun as well...
Should have called Trump "The Siberian Candidate" I really think it would have stuck...
Should have called Trump "The Siberian Candidate" I really think it would have stuck...

Sheesh. Y'll aint gittin' it. Repoman suggests a phrase that contains not one, but TWO 3-syllable words. Translation: "WHOOSH!"
I like "Don the Con" because it is three 3-letter words that even most of his supporters will understand. And it echoes the nicknames he has so generously conferred upon his opponents, so we know it will register with his marks supporters.
I say it's past time to descend to his level. Here's a few reasons:
> it will clearly drive him crazy
> payback
> political discourse in US is already past dead
> a few good words rhyme with Trump
> I really can't stand to say or hear his name -- substitute needed for my mental health
> most of all, he deserves the same level of respect that he paid to President Obama, through 5 years of Birther horseshit: zero.

I saw, in a post by Loren Pechtel, the term His Flatulence (caps mine.) That's a good start.
So how 'bout:
Orangey (I use this but I don't mean it to sound affectionate or playful)
Skidmark or The Skidmark ('cause I see him a giant one, and THICK, across the great plains and purple mountain majesties)
More needed -- creative names that play on his being a dunce, a demagogue, a Putin wanna-be, a groper, an egomaniac, a flip-flopper, a hothead, a juvenile, a non-reader, a conman, a blot on civilization....let's get Trumpy.

Get used to it; he is the president. Enjoy the next 4 years after the recount and farce to try and get the electoral college to change their votes. The 'Russian' link produced nothing. Clinton can still stand again for the next election.
Should have called Trump "The Siberian Candidate" I really think it would have stuck...

Sheesh. Y'll aint gittin' it. Repoman suggests a phrase that contains not one, but TWO 3-syllable words. Translation: "WHOOSH!"
I like "Don the Con" because it is three 3-letter words that even most of his supporters will understand. And it echoes the nicknames he has so generously conferred upon his opponents, so we know it will register with his marks supporters.

Good point. If the name is too long he either won't realize it is a taunt, or might actually think it is a compliment. The name has to be something short, straight to the point, and easily recognizable as a put down, like "Little Marco", and "Lieing Ted". I'm not sure about "Don the Con", as he seems to idolize con artists, so he might take it as a compliment for that reason. Maybe "Fat-ass Donald", or "Tiny Prick Trump" would work better for pissing him off.
lord palpatine, maybe 'mr president' but that's pushing it
Why is nothing sticking to Teflon Don?

Well, it might just happen to have something to do with the fact that he still won't be President for another month...so he really hasn't done anything for real yet. Check back in for the Summer Blockbuster....

PS Its easy to bellow out simple platitudes that terrorists "must be eradicated from the face of the earth". But it can get old re-warmed for the 5th time...
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