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Trump Deserves a Taunting Name

I'm wondering if "Trump" itself will become a term in the future.

Like what the Romans did with Julius Caesar's name. :cheeky:

I saw, in a post by Loren Pechtel, the term His Flatulence (caps mine.) That's a good start.

Huh? I have been capitalizing it that way all along--it's a name, after all, and thus should be capitalized.

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What Dan Savage did to Rick Santorum’s name should be done with Trump.



Anything that will make that jackass’s head explode, over and over again for the rest of his damned life, is good for the whole universe.

Remember why Dan Savage didn't do anything like this to Trump?

Because "trump" already has a perfectly good meaning--it's a noisy fart. That's a mostly British usage, though.
Get used to it; he is the president.
No I will not "get used to" animosity, corruption, hate and anti-intellectualism. Nor should anyone.
Enjoy the next 4 years
Fuck you.
I'm not even going to make jokes about "enjoying" knowing how much pain is about to come for so many americans. And people who do just about it make me kind of sick. Real people will suffer real hurt.
It's a little long-winded, but I like to call him "that spoiled little boy trapped in an old man's body."
I like Jon Stewart's "Fuckface von Clownstick", and that has already gotten under Fuckface's thin skin.

There is also Cheeto Jesus and Tangerine Jesus, take your pick.

Other names I have seen him called:
Hair Fuhrer
Cinnamon Hitler
Prima Donald

In conversation around the office we tend to use "The Charlatan", and everyone just understands that we mean Trump, but it could probably be made into a more pithy name.

"Don the Con" - my fav.
Actually, 'Don the Con' is probably about the best one, as most of the others are simply name calling. It fits to the tee, and it is short and tart much like 'Tricky Dick', and can be said in front of the kiddies... As well, it is much like FFvC's own snarky labels used against his enemies.
Playing on the sexual predator thing I thought of "Fondled Rump." I think it's clever but it does not have an inherrantly nevative conotation so I think it won't catch on without a more specifically "ass" related scandal associated with him.

We'll hold this one in reserve until he gets his hands on some of those white house interns.
I noted the new tag added to this sub forum...winter is here. Trump is interested in making it a nuclear winter. The only name I can apply honestly to this brash clown is loser. The awful truth is that we are all losers with leaders like him. So he is a "winner" that in popular vote terms was a "loser," who will work assiduously to make all of us losers...all the while with visions of sugar plums dancing in his punkin head.
Not exactly a name, but how about "trumped" to refer to sexual assault that involves grabbing between someone's legs?
I noted the new tag added to this sub forum...winter is here. Trump is interested in making it a nuclear winter. The only name I can apply honestly to this brash clown is loser. The awful truth is that we are all losers with leaders like him. So he is a "winner" that in popular vote terms was a "loser," who will work assiduously to make all of us losers...all the while with visions of sugar plums dancing in his punkin head.

"Sugar Plum" - :) I like it. Even though he more closely resembles an apricot...
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