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Trump Firing Mueller?

Rasmussen polling has Trump's "Strongly Approves" at relatively stable since March 22nd. It had dropped from mid 30's to 30 by then. And it hasn't dropped any more.

Looking at Quin., Trump has been bouncing between 35 and 42 since January for approval, but disapproval has trended up since inauguration. What I find cute is that each Quin. poll has typically had 7 to 9% unknown for their approval or disapproval of Trump. Unknown?!
I want his poll numbers to sink below a third. I'd rather have him discharge all over the domestic scene than get us in some insane overseas mess.
But that's what he does. Numbers down, find some place he can bomb to impress his supporters.

That's a legitimate concern. I fear that if he dips into the 20s, he'll have to nuke somebody to effectively distract from his idiocy.

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Rasmussen polling has Trump's "Strongly Approves" at relatively stable since March 22nd. It had dropped from mid 30's to 30 by then. And it hasn't dropped any more.

Looking at Quin., Trump has been bouncing between 35 and 42 since January for approval, but disapproval has trended up since inauguration. What I find cute is that each Quin. poll has typically had 7 to 9% unknown for their approval or disapproval of Trump. Unknown?!

Not surprising, when you consider how many eligible voters had better things to do than keep Cheato out of office last November.
This blog is being sourced frequently in the MSM.

Here's lawyerly speculation on Trump firing Mueller. Warning: he goes off into the legal weeds.


This seems like such a bad idea—for the nation, and for the President—that I have a hard time believing it is a live possibility. I hope it is no more than wishful thinking or encouragement on the part of the Trump allies. Perhaps it is a giant troll. As I write this there is no way to tell. Nonetheless, in the hope that this proves to be an irrelevant exercise, I sketch below what I think would happen if Trump did, in fact, decide he wanted Mueller gone. There are legal issues as well as non-legal ones, which I consider in turn. (This post was written quickly—I will adjust it if necessary as others weigh in.)
The last paragraph of Horatio's link is the main takeaway:

Third, what does Congress do? That is obviously the really important question. There is no doubt that firing Mueller would cause a backlash in Congress. The question is how much of one, and specifically, would it be enough to cause Republican leadership to intervene strongly with the President, and ultimately with impeachment? The answer depends on the reasons Trump gives for firing Mueller, the manner in which he does it, the precise reaction in DOJ, and what the nation’s reaction is. If Congress does not check the President, that leaves only the midterm or presidential elections, or possibly a 25th Amendment solution, as ways to stand up to the President. That may seem a depressing conclusion. But I predict it would not come to that. If the crazy scenario that got me to this point in the hypothetical decision chain materializes, Congress would rise up quickly to stop the President, and the pressure on the cabinet would be enormous as well. If I am naive in thinking this, then we are indeed in trouble.

Crazy scenarios based on terrible decisions that were once hypothetical are what have led us where we are now. Trump obviously doesn't give two shits about what's legal, only what he can get away with, and until the GOP grows some balls - which won't happen until Trump's deluded support base begins to erode (which will take years of him fucking things up before some of them start to realize they've been conned) there's no guarantee that such blatant abuses of power will incur any real penalties.

People keep likening this to Watergate and the Saturday Night Massacre. But remember that Nixon survived the Saturday Night Massacre for almost a year; it wasn't until the smoking gun tape came out that he lost his party's support and faced impeachment. We already have a tape of Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women, and people were still fucking dumb enough to elect him. I'm not convinced any smoking gun re: Russian collusion would resolve any of this.

The only hope I can see are criminal charges against those involved. The judiciary is the only branch that will do its job regardless of how stupid the electorate is. But the executive branch has too much power over who investigates what, Trump is a fucking child who's used to firing people to fix his problems and I don't put this past him at all.
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If Trump fires Mueller, it will certainly be followed by a few days of conflicting explanations, none if which will satisfy anyone.

What it will do is light the path for a Senate Special Committee, similar to the Watergate Committee. After that, it's open season on anyone in the Trump administration, from appointees on down. This means besides revealing any Russian contacts, and the reasons for doing so, who knew what, and when, there will also be a close examination of private business dealings and conflicts of interest.

It will be a blood bath. Look to see people lined up outside the Criminal Immunity Office.

I wish I shared your optimism
Do you REALLY think the rethuglican cartel will EVER consider turning against their golden goose? As long as they have a clueless moron who will sign anything they put in front of him without even reading it, why should they entertain the notion of getting rid of him?

^^^ That
So goes the rumor...

Trump's friend Christopher Ruddy says President considering firing Mueller

Some questions for our erudite members:

What would the fallout look like if Mueller is fired?
Would any Rethuglican Congresscritters be moved to put Constitution before party?
What could Cheato possibly be hiding, the revelation of which would be WORSE than the fallout from firing Mueller?

This whole thing is incredible - president Trump Bannon Putin is on the verge of dismantling the entire US government.

Did you mean to say Putin :)

That actually just made it even more difficult to fire him. Ya know, word has it that Jared Kushner advised Trump to fire Comey. Trump himself wasn't as of yet under investigation for obstruction of justice before the Comey firing. Now he's in the crosshairs. I wonder how Trump feels about that advice now. :D
Kuschner: Fire Comey. It'll take the heat off.
Trump: But I'm not under investigation.
Kuschner: Fire Comey, it'll take the heat off.
Trump: I'll fire Comey to take the heat off.
Kuschner: And then brag about it to the Russians.
Trump: ...and brag about it to the Russians.
Oh quick, chase yet another flashy/shiny object...go in circles...spin, bob, weave...jump with glee. Even more shocking is that almost half the Administration has been probably hinted to be on the way out, but only a couple for real.

Ignore the DoD in front of the Senate obfuscating why they need so much more fucking money...cuz its just never enough...we are hollowed after a decade with double what we had at the 9-11 event...we are depleted...we need more shiny toys to bomb the third world with.

Ignore that we are bombing more often and in more places; 3 more US soldiers dead from a green on blue attack; 3ish (nobody really cares about how many) Afghani police killed accidentally by US air support; and a few more dead civilians...oops. Hey, and maybe we will add a few thousand more fodder pieces into play in the Afghan shoals.. Besides what is another $5 to $10 billion being dumped into that swamp matter...

Ignore that the Repugs in the Senate is also working on their version of Trumpcare in the dark depths of their dungeon, no hearings, no discussion, no independent analysis, preparing to regurgitate it out maybe before July 4.

Ignore the ICE roundups...

Not sure if you are aware, but most intelligent people are capable of holding multiple concerns in mind at a time... correlating, and finding patterns. no one piece of information exists in a vacuum. context matters. please don't forget to inhale while you are writing posts on the internet... you can do it... just two things at a time... not too hard. You seem to be concerned about something... does that mean you are not concerned about anything else? You should probably be concerned with more things than that!
That actually just made it even more difficult to fire him. Ya know, word has it that Jared Kushner advised Trump to fire Comey. Trump himself wasn't as of yet under investigation for obstruction of justice before the Comey firing. Now he's in the crosshairs. I wonder how Trump feels about that advice now. :D
Kuschner: Fire Comey. It'll take the heat off.
Trump: But I'm not under investigation.
Kuschner: Fire Comey, it'll take the heat off.
Trump: I'll fire Comey to take the heat off.
Kuschner: And then brag about it to the Russians.
Trump: ...and brag about it to the Russians.

... most intelligent people are capable of holding multiple concerns in mind at a time... correlating, and finding patterns. no one piece of information exists in a vacuum.

I'm hoping that principle still applies when it comes to determining the extent (if any) of the Cheato campaign's collusion with Russia, Cheato's attempts to obstruct investigations etc.
Since there is likely no single smoking gun to be found, finding patterns and correlations is the only way that motives can be discerned.
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