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Trump is finally getting his balls back and the Democrats are switching place with the Republicans

Hilarious comments in the last 24 hours by former President Ballsback, on abortion. He's now against the Florida 6 weeks ban, says it's not enough weeks. In other words, 6 weeks is not long enough for WOMEN TO MAKE THE CHOICE. He's making pro-choice squawks because he can sniff what's in the wind.
Be sure to tell your pro-life friends that their hero is pro-choice.
Of course, he's still puffed-up about destroying Roe, which he says "everyone" wanted to kill, if everyone means 35%, I guess.
What a mentally deranged dotard.
Like a broken clock, the OP absolutely will be proven correct soon enough; Donald Trump most assuredly will get his balls back, come September 10th, having been handed them by his debate opponent, Kamala Harris.

(Assuming he doesn’t find some chickenshit pretense for ducking it.)
Like a broken clock, the OP absolutely will be proven correct soon enough; Donald Trump most assuredly will get his balls back, come September 10th, having been handed them by his debate opponent, Kamala Harris.

(Assuming he doesn’t find some chickenshit pretense for ducking it.)
That's assuming anyone can find where he misplaced them.

I know from experience that any amount of body fat greater than a certain threshold makes the existence let alone location of a scrotum rather difficult to infer.
Indeed, this idea that Trump is holding back seems quite disjointed with reality.

The better question is when is Trump going to start thinking with his head, instead of his balls.
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