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Trump is finally getting his balls back and the Democrats are switching place with the Republicans

FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
I agree, it would terrifying, but it was not him almost being killed.
FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
I agree, it would terrifying, but it was not him almost being killed.

Dude, this is such a needless, stupid hill to die on. Assuming a bullet actually grazed his ear, he was literally an inch or two away from being killed. It was by definition him almost being killed.
If you still doubt this, go publicly nick someone’s ear with a bullet, and see what the charge is, at your trial.
Hint: it won’t be jaywalking…
FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
I agree, it would terrifying, but it was not him almost being killed.
His physical condition after being shot didn’t put him “close to dying”, but being struck by a bullet that was only a couple inches off target is a textbook example of “almost being killed”.
FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
I agree, it would terrifying, but it was not him almost being killed.

Dude, this is such a needless, stupid hill to die on. Assuming a bullet actually grazed his ear, he was literally an inch or two away from being killed. It was by definition him almost being killed.
If you still doubt this, go publicly nick someone’s ear with a bullet, and see what the charge is, at your trial.
Hint: it won’t be jaywalking…
I see you have met laughing dog.
FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
I agree, it would terrifying, but it was not him almost being killed.

Dude, this is such a needless, stupid hill to die on
If you say so, it must be so.
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FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
I agree, it would terrifying, but it was not him almost being killed.
His physical condition after being shot didn’t put him “close to dying”, but being struck by a bullet that was only a couple inches off target is a textbook example of “almost being killed”.
IMO, it is a textbook example of "could have been killed" which is not the same to me as "almost being killed". The bullet barely injured him. He did not almost die from that graze. I find that distinction relevent, perhaps you do not.
FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
I agree, it would terrifying, but it was not him almost being killed.
His physical condition after being shot didn’t put him “close to dying”, but being struck by a bullet that was only a couple inches off target is a textbook example of “almost being killed”.
IMO, it is a textbook example of "could have been killed" which is not the same to me as "almost being killed". The bullet barely injured him. He did not almost die from that graze. I find that distinction relevent, perhaps you do not.
I clearly made the distinction between the severity of the result and the potential severity of the act. Sorry you can’t grasp that.
I clearly made the distinction between the severity of the result and the potential severity of the act. Sorry you can’t grasp that.
I'm not generally one to defend Trump.

But if it's true that a rando shot at him with a rifle, and he was lucky to survive,
Yeah I'd consider that a traumatic experience.
I wouldn't care much about what flavor of violent idiot did it, I'd have a big problem with it.
I clearly made the distinction between the severity of the result and the potential severity of the act. Sorry you can’t grasp that.
I'm not generally one to defend Trump.

But if it's true that a rando shot at him with a rifle, and he was lucky to survive,
Yeah I'd consider that a traumatic experience.
I wouldn't care much about what flavor of violent idiot did it, I'd have a big problem with it.

And I am very glad that the House has a bipartisan group investigation the SS on this. It is not acceptable for the lack of protection no matter whether we agree with the politics of the person targeted.

I also understand that a couple of former army snipers in the House were not included on in the group, and are doing their own investigation.
3. End censorship
*RVonse posts bullshit youtube video*
Seeing as you didn't address the uncomfortable facts that RFK Jnr tried to censor a media outlet for telling the truth, or that Trump has a long history of being pro censorship when it suits him, you agree with me that it's very fucking idiotic that either of these two dipshits have any inclination to "end censorship". Your bullshit AI voiced video notwithstanding.
Seeing as you didn't address the uncomfortable facts that RFK Jnr tried to censor a media outlet for telling the truth
He did? where?
The only thing I see is Zuckbot complaining that government tried to force him to moderate anti-vaxers which would be illegal, though understandable and Hunter laptop story which is highly illegal censorship of truth. Biden regime not only lied about laptop they tried and succeeded in suppressing truth about it.

In any case, RFK is not the government. He is a private person, 1st amendment does not apply.
In case of Hunter laptop, the government, or rather current deplorables occupying the government structures tried to suppres the info which they did not like.
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Seeing as you didn't address the uncomfortable facts that RFK Jnr tried to censor a media outlet for telling the truth
He did? where?
The only thing I see is Zuckbot complaining that government tried to force him to moderate anti-vaxers which would be illegal,
Illegal how?
though understandable and Hunter laptop story which is highly illegal censorship of truth.
Biden regime not only lied about laptop they tried and succeeded in suppressing truth about it.
Biden wasn't President when the laptop story came out. Also wasn't President during the height of the pandemic. How is that for truth?
In any case, RFK is not the government. He is a private person, 1st amendment does not apply.
Again, you are mistaking the First Amendment with laws.
In case of Hunter laptop, the government, or rather current deplorables occupying the government structures tried to suppres the info which they did not like.
I agree with you that the Trump Administration are deplorable.
FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
I agree, it would terrifying, but it was not him almost being killed.
His physical condition after being shot didn’t put him “close to dying”, but being struck by a bullet that was only a couple inches off target is a textbook example of “almost being killed”.
IMO, it is a textbook example of "could have been killed" which is not the same to me as "almost being killed". The bullet barely injured him. He did not almost die from that graze. I find that distinction relevent, perhaps you do not.
I clearly made the distinction between the severity of the result and the potential severity of the act. Sorry you can’t grasp that.
You find your distinction relevant, I do not. How hard is that to comprehend?
Platforms have the right and imo the duty to refuse to allow dangerous content, including disinformation to be published on their platform. The disinformation re: COVID was very much akin to yelling FIRE in a crowded theater: very dangerous to the health and safety of everyone present. The government had the right to request that such misinformation not be given space on the platform and Zuckerberg should have done more to remove it--I saw plenty on a daily basis. People died because of false 'information' being spread through social media.

Platforms have the right and imo the duty to refuse to allow dangerous content, including disinformation to be published on their platform. The disinformation re: COVID was very much akin to yelling FIRE in a crowded theater: very dangerous to the health and safety of everyone present. The government had the right to request that such misinformation not be given space on the platform and Zuckerberg should have done more to remove it--I saw plenty on a daily basis. People died because of false 'information' being spread through social media.
That certainly is rich coming from a female who is probably in favor of pro abortion and female choice. If you are in favor of choosing what is best for your body you should also be in favor of choice not to take an untested drug. And who is to say it was disinformation especially at the time? Especially when our own government was not really that knowledgeable or was lying about the virus themselves, at least at first.

And as far as people dying of COVID, how many have died because of the vaccine? We still do not know.

Platforms have the right and imo the duty to refuse to allow dangerous content, including disinformation to be published on their platform. The disinformation re: COVID was very much akin to yelling FIRE in a crowded theater: very dangerous to the health and safety of everyone present. The government had the right to request that such misinformation not be given space on the platform and Zuckerberg should have done more to remove it--I saw plenty on a daily basis. People died because of false 'information' being spread through social media.
That certainly is rich coming from a female who is probably in favor of pro abortion and female choice. If you are in favor of choosing what is best for your body you should also be in favor of choice not to take an untested drug. And who is to say it was disinformation especially at the time?
Yes, misinformation like "untested drug".
Especially when our own government was not really that knowledgeable or was lying about the virus themselves, at least at first.
Of those in the Trump Administration, Trump spoke the most poorly of it.
And as far as people dying of COVID, how many have died because of the vaccine? We still do not know.
We know the number is <<<< the number who died form Covid. People have combed through the data a lot to try and villainize the vaccines. There is nothing to support the accusation the vaccine was dangerous. The people who took the vaccine died a substantially less than those that didn't. And due to the number of people who took the vaccine and how Excess deaths in the US only plotted in kind with variant outbreaks, we have more evidence that supports the vaccine's safety.
The CDC collected data related to possible adverse reactions, including deaths due to COVID vaccines: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html

A friend of mine is immune compromised and has a number of allergies to common medications. She begged her doctor for the COVID vaccine, and he finally agreed providing she got vaccinated in a hospital setting. She did well with her COVID vaccine and remained healthy.
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