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Trump is finally getting his balls back and the Democrats are switching place with the Republicans

Platforms have the right and imo the duty to refuse to allow dangerous content, including disinformation to be published on their platform. The disinformation re: COVID was very much akin to yelling FIRE in a crowded theater: very dangerous to the health and safety of everyone present. The government had the right to request that such misinformation not be given space on the platform and Zuckerberg should have done more to remove it--I saw plenty on a daily basis. People died because of false 'information' being spread through social media.
That certainly is rich coming from a female who is probably in favor of pro abortion and female choice. If you are in favor of choosing what is best for your body you should also be in favor of choice not to take an untested drug. And who is to say it was disinformation especially at the time? Especially when our own government was not really that knowledgeable or was lying about the virus themselves, at least at first.

And as far as people dying of COVID, how many have died because of the vaccine? We still do not know.
232,000 deaths were attributed to the unvaccinated


Platforms have the right and imo the duty to refuse to allow dangerous content, including disinformation to be published on their platform. The disinformation re: COVID was very much akin to yelling FIRE in a crowded theater: very dangerous to the health and safety of everyone present. The government had the right to request that such misinformation not be given space on the platform and Zuckerberg should have done more to remove it--I saw plenty on a daily basis. People died because of false 'information' being spread through social media.
That certainly is rich coming from a female who is probably in favor of pro abortion and female choice. If you are in favor of choosing what is best for your body you should also be in favor of choice not to take an untested drug. And who is to say it was disinformation especially at the time? Especially when our own government was not really that knowledgeable or was lying about the virus themselves, at least at first.

And as far as people dying of COVID, how many have died because of the vaccine? We still do not know.
232,000 deaths were attributed to the unvaccinated

Just to be clear about this and keep on topic.

I'm not, nor was ever against the forced vaccination if it is for the public good.

But I am vehemently opposed to the government censoring speech from doctors and scientists who want to contribute their knowledge of the subject in facebook, google, or twitter. I feel we have the guaranteed right to speak to one another even if it is about a subject the govenment feels it should have a monopoly.
Platforms have the right and imo the duty to refuse to allow dangerous content, including disinformation to be published on their platform. The disinformation re: COVID was very much akin to yelling FIRE in a crowded theater: very dangerous to the health and safety of everyone present. The government had the right to request that such misinformation not be given space on the platform and Zuckerberg should have done more to remove it--I saw plenty on a daily basis. People died because of false 'information' being spread through social media.
That certainly is rich coming from a female who is probably in favor of pro abortion and female choice. If you are in favor of choosing what is best for your body you should also be in favor of choice not to take an untested drug. And who is to say it was disinformation especially at the time? Especially when our own government was not really that knowledgeable or was lying about the virus themselves, at least at first.

And as far as people dying of COVID, how many have died because of the vaccine? We still do not know.
232,000 deaths were attributed to the unvaccinated

Statistical studies show that, all else equal, the excess death rate among Republicans was MUCH higher than the excess death rate among Democrats. This discrepancy began at the same time as vaccines become available. SPOILER: Republicans were much more likely than Democrats to refuse the voluntary vaccinations.

But I am vehemently opposed to the government censoring speech from doctors and scientists who want to contribute their knowledge of the subject in facebook, google, or twitter. I feel we have the guaranteed right to speak to one another even if it is about a subject the govenment feels it should have a monopoly.

And again, Facebook, X, Truth Social or any other social media platform are not required to allow all doctors and scientists who want to "contribute their knowledge" to do so. If - for whatever reason - they decide to remove content from their property, then that is their right and is not "government censorship." At all.

If a government entity pressures them to remove false or misleading information that could negatively affect public health or risk spreading a contagious disease even further, then it is not "government censorship" if they agree to take down the content in question.

These are the rules that users agree to when they sign up to use the platform. I have had several posts edited here on this forum because they went against the rules. Is that censorship? No.

Platforms have the right and imo the duty to refuse to allow dangerous content, including disinformation to be published on their platform. The disinformation re: COVID was very much akin to yelling FIRE in a crowded theater: very dangerous to the health and safety of everyone present. The government had the right to request that such misinformation not be given space on the platform and Zuckerberg should have done more to remove it--I saw plenty on a daily basis. People died because of false 'information' being spread through social media.
That certainly is rich coming from a female who is probably in favor of pro abortion and female choice. If you are in favor of choosing what is best for your body you should also be in favor of choice not to take an untested drug. And who is to say it was disinformation especially at the time? Especially when our own government was not really that knowledgeable or was lying about the virus themselves, at least at first.

And as far as people dying of COVID, how many have died because of the vaccine? We still do not know.
232,000 deaths were attributed to the unvaccinated

Just to be clear about this and keep on topic.

I'm not, nor was ever against the forced vaccination if it is for the public good.
Wait for it.... wait for it... hold....
...I am vehemently opposed to the government censoring speech from doctors and scientists who want to contribute their knowledge of the subject in facebook, google, or twitter. I feel we have the guaranteed right to speak to one another even if it is about a subject the govenment feels it should have a monopoly.
This is utter nonsense. We were under going a medical emergency, a pandemic that swept across the globe multiple times. People weren't being censored for saying they weren't comfortable taking a vaccine. They were censored for lying about the disease and vaccine in a way that it had the potential to cause deaths.

The funny thing here is the absolutely inconsistent positions of you allegedly being fine with forced vaccinations, which is undoubtedly an incursion into one's self... while being against censorship on misinformation about vaccination. These positions don't pair at all.

Funny how Facebook is becoming a cesspool for social misinformation and that seems to be what RVonse wants to bath in.

I still have facebook though I never post or interact with "likes" etc... The disinfo that appears in my feed is ridiculous. It doesn't matter that I never interact with it and I hide/block every account that posts it. I guess my friends are stupid enough to interact with those bots and troll accounts so the algorithm thinks it will get my eyeballs too?

Platforms have the right and imo the duty to refuse to allow dangerous content, including disinformation to be published on their platform. The disinformation re: COVID was very much akin to yelling FIRE in a crowded theater: very dangerous to the health and safety of everyone present. The government had the right to request that such misinformation not be given space on the platform and Zuckerberg should have done more to remove it--I saw plenty on a daily basis. People died because of false 'information' being spread through social media.
That certainly is rich coming from a female who is probably in favor of pro abortion and female choice. If you are in favor of choosing what is best for your body you should also be in favor of choice not to take an untested drug. And who is to say it was disinformation especially at the time? Especially when our own government was not really that knowledgeable or was lying about the virus themselves, at least at first.

And as far as people dying of COVID, how many have died because of the vaccine? We still do not know.
232,000 deaths were attributed to the unvaccinated

Just to be clear about this and keep on topic.

I'm not, nor was ever against the forced vaccination if it is for the public good.

But I am vehemently opposed to the government censoring speech from doctors and scientists who want to contribute their knowledge of the subject in facebook, google, or twitter. I feel we have the guaranteed right to speak to one another even if it is about a subject the govenment feels it should have a monopoly.
I also believe that doctors and scientists with knowledge and expertise should not be prevented from sharing that knowledge and expertise.

Unfortunately, not all doctors or scientists had or have the requisite expertise to contribute accurate and relevant information on specific topics, such as new vaccinations against a novel virus such as COVID. Unfortunately that did not stop some people from ‘sharing’ what turned out to be disinformation, sometimes with what appeared to be underlying political motivation. The consequences were deadly for some people, including a young man I knew, newly married. He and his wife were advised to not get vaccinated because the vaccine might interfere with their attempts to conceive. This otherwise healthy adult contracted COVID and died. His widow had not conceived and there was never a baby or pregnancy. I am still white hot furious at what this happy young couple lost: their life together, the promise of children they both wanted and his life. It’s been a few years now and it is impossible not to see the sadness in her eyes, even when she is laughing.

I did not know at the time that they were being given such poor advice or I would have done my best to steer them towards a more reliable source of information. Unfortunately, not all medical practitioners are aware of the limits of their expertise. People generally want to trust their medical providers. Unfortunately, not every medical provider deserves that trust.

I believe that social media platforms and news outlets have an absolute duty to only publish medical information when it comes from proven sources.

Unfortunately, the Trump administration did damage beyond the terrible COVID response and disinformation that Trump himself propagated while ensuring that he got the most cutting edge treatment himself. The Trump administration did its best to undermine the confidence and trust that Americans put in their government and agencies. It will likely be decades before this damage is undone.

I have zero problem with people taking different political positions than mine, or talking about them and trying to persuade others of the validity of their POV. But spreading disinformation and outright falsehoods in order to convince the general public that your political position is the best one at the cost of their health and lives—this is more than shameful. It is an abject betrayal of the trust of those who look to their leaders for guidance as we all do in every society. That Trump and his minions did so for their own personal enrichment and power is an abomination.
But I am vehemently opposed to the government censoring speech from doctors and scientists who want to contribute their knowledge of the subject in facebook, google, or twitter. I feel we have the guaranteed right to speak to one another even if it is about a subject the govenment feels it should have a monopoly.
Is now a bad time to point out to you censorship on Twitter has increased since your idol Musk took over, not decreased?

Image of Man who got his balls back.


Literally standing on the graves of dead soldiers with their thumbs up. Sickening.
And the same shit-eating grin as when he was using the Oval Office to endorse Goya products. Veterans mean as much to him as a can of beans.
Let's not just take your word for it.

trump-goya-ht-er-200715_1594840817766_hpMain2.jpg tru_tru.jpg

It looks like a photoshop! Same suit color, tie color, thumbs, damned smirk.
And most unexpected to me is how Trump is growing a pair of balls since almost getting killed
That would make sense since balls are all about fear aggression and not courage.

Also, why does he not have the "balls" to say anything about the would be assassin?
I'd not really thought about this part before. Generally, I avoid learning more about violent crazy people than I can help. Which is what he seems to be.

But imagine if instead of a white conservative crazy, he'd been black with a history of BLM support crazy? There'd be endless media speculation and coverage of the speculation.

Or, even better for the infotainment industry, a Blatino with a distant family relationship to AOC?
Talk about a juicy (profitable) story!
But imagine if instead of a white conservative crazy, he'd been black with a history of BLM support crazy? There'd be endless media speculation and coverage of the speculation.
Black people, especially Black men, get put in jail when they are crazy. It's the opposite of the privilege that crazy white men in power clearly have. Anyone else, at least Black men for sure, would have been in jail this whole time for any of the felonies that Trump has been charged with, much less the ones he has been convicted of. But I mean, you could easily have thought of this yourself.

Or, even better for the infotainment industry, a Blatino with a distant family relationship to AOC?
Talk about a juicy (profitable) story!
Okay, whatever stupid white wing authoritarian fever dream this is, I doubt it means fuck all to anything tethered in the real world. Enjoy!
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