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Trump is the stupidest motherfucker ever elected anything

At least his historical references are now off by only a couple of decades and not centuries like airfields during the Revolutionary War. That's progress of a sort. In a few Ice Ages, Trump might even become a functional human being.
And don't forget to purchase Donald Trump's newest book, An Alternative History.

I mean seriously, how can anyone vote for this dipshit? Has he ever even taken a course in US history? Even a high school one?

Cue the inevitable, but Biden’s just as bad.

The thing is, Trump's dipshiterry (sp?) is so relentless that even our click-bait media can barely keep up. Used to be, a politician would go on "Meet the Press" and the host would challenge them with a clip of them saying something that contradicted their current position. Now, the dipshitness (sp?) is flying so fast and furious that it is beyond the scope of a Sunday morning talk show to deal with.

Trump is not just contradicting a previously held position or being clearly hypocritical. No, he's being spectacularly wrong on such a regular basis that once the comedians have written all the "yo, Semites" jokes they can think of, Fragilego Mussolini is throwing out a new and even more ridiculous evidence of his sheer idiocy.

We're all familiar with the "Gish Gallop." This is the Idiot Gallop. There's so much stupid in a single press conference that it's literally impossible to deal with even in an in-depth news story.

I mean seriously, how can anyone vote for this dipshit? Has he ever even taken a course in US history? Even a high school one?

Cue the inevitable, but Biden’s just as bad.

The thing is, Trump's dipshiterry (sp?) is so relentless that even our click-bait media can barely keep up. Used to be, a politician would go on "Meet the Press" and the host would challenge them with a clip of them saying something that contradicted their current position. Now, the dipshitness (sp?) is flying so fast and furious that it is beyond the scope of a Sunday morning talk show to deal with.

Trump is not just contradicting a previously held position or being clearly hypocritical. No, he's being spectacularly wrong on such a regular basis that once the comedians have written all the "yo, Semites" jokes they can think of, Fragilego Mussolini is throwing out a new and even more ridiculous evidence of his sheer idiocy.

We're all familiar with the "Gish Gallop." This is the Idiot Gallop. There's so much stupid in a single press conference that it's literally impossible to deal with even in an in-depth news story.
Exactly. He has saturated the system with stupidity. There'll be something today that'll make the 1917 Pandemic ending WWII thing fall off the charts.

Also, the whole 160k and growing death toll.

I suppose this is the good thing about the Lincoln Project. They can handle the stupid shit, the media can try reporting on the bigger things.
I hope the Lincoln crew has room on its sched for T's 100% genuine dumbass comment that Biden will hurt the Bible. Hurt! The! Bible!!!
How would you go about hurting the Bible? Overwork its spine? Pull a little hard on the ribbon marker? In Trump's case, rub it in a hooker's ass? (Sorry for the visual, but you gotta represent.)
I long for the day when Mnuchin, MAGA, and Trump are nothing more than onomatopoeiae for sneezing, puking and farting, respectively.
Trump is the stupidest motherfucker ever elected president?
Most likely!

Trump is the stupidest motherfucker ever elected anything[sic]?
Not even close!

Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat elected repeatedly from Texas' 18th district has him beat handily in the stupidity department.

She also thinks Neil Armstrong landed on Mars...


Texas Monthly said:
Jackson Lee, whose district neighbors the Johnson Space Center, is a member of the House Committee on Science, and so it was that she spent part of her summer recess visiting the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, California. While there, according to an article by Sandy Hume in The Hill, a weekly newspaper that covers Congress, Jackson Lee asked if the Pathfinder succeeded in taking pictures of the American flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969.

... and she thinks US and the Constitution are 400 years old.

Of course, the dishonorable mention has to go to Hank "Capsize" Johnson.
Trump is the stupidest motherfucker ever elected anything[sic]?
Not even close!

.. anecdotes snipped ..

Derec's argument here is that anyone that goofs once is more noteworthy than the Trumpster fire consistently being ignorant, impulsive, and as untruthful as necessary to be solely centered on self-interest, at the literal risk of tens of thousands of American lives.

So.. that's quite a case of political figure worship right there. wow.
So.. that's quite a case of political figure worship right there. wow.

Not sure if that is necessarily the case. For example, I actually think Louie Gohmert is the stupidest motherfucker elected to anything, and I certainly have no reverence for Trump.
So.. that's quite a case of political figure worship right there. wow.

Not sure if that is necessarily the case. For example, I actually think Louie Gohmert is the stupidest motherfucker elected to anything, and I certainly have no reverence for Trump.
Yep. Often referred to as the dumbest man in congress. Apparently, trump is trying to win that title, because he's too dumb to even know that he's not in congress! ;)
I remember when Dan Quayle was roasted endlessly over the singular gaff of "potatoe." Oh, how I wistfully pine for the days when a Republican candidate's most risible intellectual deficiency was their spelling talents.

Then came "W" and his numerous rhetorical foibles. "Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me ... can't get fooled again!" or "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” This was still funny, largely because Bush had a sense of humor and could laugh along with us.

Trump's intellectual deficiencies simply don't make me laugh anymore. They just make me depressed for the state of our nation. 46% of voters voted for this guy. THIS GUY!
It is high time for us to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice. You are factious and facetious, and an enemy to all good government.

You and your ilk are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money. Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?

You have no more religion than my dog. Gold is your God. You have bartered your conscience for bribes. Is there a brain cell amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Nation?

You and your sordid prostitutes have defiled the sacred place, and turned our sacred temples into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices.

You have grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, and yet yourself have become the greatest grievance.

Your country therefore calls upon us all to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in the White House; and which by God's help, and the strength he has given us, we now come to do.
Depart immediately out of this place.

Go, get you out! Make haste! You venal slime, be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!

(With apologies to Oliver Cromwell)
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