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Trump Is Winning With New Immigration Policy


Apr 10, 2002
Basic Beliefs
Finally! If you come here and it looks like you will be a welfare leech, you will not be allowed in. This is great news! We've been saying all along we don't want the leeches in our country that will drain the taxpayers.

Bravo, Mr. Trump! Another win!

Of course the leftists will demand the leeches be let in. Sad. Maybe we should only take the taxes from the people who want the leeches to come in. That will make them change their tune real quick.
Finally! If you come here and it looks like you will be a welfare leech, you will not be allowed in. This is great news! We've been saying all along we don't want the leeches in our country that will drain the taxpayers.

Bravo, Mr. Trump! Another win!

Of course the leftists will demand the leeches be let in. Sad. Maybe we should only take the taxes from the people who want the leeches to come in. That will make them change their tune real quick.

Not this "leftist". I'd be proud to give people a hand up. Please, take the portion of my taxes that goes to Raytheon, General Dynamics, et al and give it to the "leeches".
If all the welfare leeches are made to leave then lots of fortune 500 companies - and Trumpo I need bailed out again - are gonna have to pull up stakes and leave Dodge.
If all the welfare leeches are made to leave then lots of fortune 500 companies - and Trumpo I need bailed out again - are gonna have to pull up stakes and leave Dodge.

So do you support immigrants working for low wages? Or do you want them working for higher wages? Because all too often I hear leftists say, "They take the jobs we don't want to do!" But, they get paid peanuts. How come they don't fight for the immigrants to be paid better?

Seems like the leftists are saying, "Pay the immigrants $3 an hour! I don't care!"
Finally! If you come here and it looks like you will be a welfare leech, you will not be allowed in. This is great news! We've been saying all along we don't want the leeches in our country that will drain the taxpayers.

Bravo, Mr. Trump! Another win!

Of course the leftists will demand the leeches be let in. Sad. Maybe we should only take the taxes from the people who want the leeches to come in. That will make them change their tune real quick.

I thought you said all nations limit immigration based on race.
Is there an isdue of race in 'welfare leeches' Thst you will admit to?
Or have younjust contradicted your previous bullshit with no hint of shame?
If all the welfare leeches are made to leave then lots of fortune 500 companies - and Trumpo I need bailed out again - are gonna have to pull up stakes and leave Dodge.

So do you support immigrants working for low wages? Or do you want them working for higher wages? Because all too often I hear leftists say, "They take the jobs we don't want to do!" But, they get paid peanuts. How come they don't fight for the immigrants to be paid better?

Seems like the leftists are saying, "Pay the immigrants $3 an hour! I don't care!"

Actually, Halfie, I have a totally different perspective on the issue of immigration. Fact is people then and people now are escaping the ruins of shattered lives and homes. Sure, there are a few not so pragmatically and honorably motivated, but in the main these people are just looking for a better life, they're people like you and me. The Irish and the eastern Europeans are just like the Hondurans and Mexicans. You just need to get past skin color.

If you want to help the immigration issue stop the demand for drugs by Joe sixpack. He seems to be waving the flag while he does another line. I mean, get a life already.

My illegal ancestors lived in slums, died in factories and wore the uniform. They just wanted a better life and most of them got just that. It's kinda sad you can't get past your own bigotry. Carry on I suppose.
I don't mind anti-welfare provisions with sponsored immigrants and with those trying to convert H1-Bs to immigrant status. However, it's not fair to apply it to refugees.
What is Mr. Trump winning with this policy? Pleasing bigots, the alt-right and their dupes does not win him anything, since he already has their support.
Is this really a big problem? I mean recent immigrants on welfare?
I thought it was all about Mexicans taking your jobs.
And here I though that Halfie was a Christian. Jesus would be so proud of someone who professed to be a follower but refused to help the poor and welcome the stranger. I suggest that if you really are a Christian, that you go back and read "The Sermon on the Mount", then get back to us. Sometimes there are good moral lessons in Biblical mythology.

Immigrants who temporarily use public assistance tend to be refugees. If you look at the statistics, they only need help for a very short time, and many of them start small businesses or take jobs that are hard to fill. At least three of my great grandparents were refugees from Ireland, Poland and Germany. I know that the Irish and the Polish were hated and treated terribly when they entered the country. Now, people like you are doing the same thing to people from Latin America and some of the Mideastern countries. Shame!
And here I though that Halfie was a Christian. Jesus would be so proud of someone who professed to be a follower but refused to help the poor and welcome the stranger. I suggest that if you really are a Christian, that you go back and read "The Sermon on the Mount", then get back to us. Sometimes there are good moral lessons in Biblical mythology.

Immigrants who temporarily use public assistance tend to be refugees. If you look at the statistics, they only need help for a very short time, and many of them start small businesses or take jobs that are hard to fill. At least three of my great grandparents were refugees from Ireland, Poland and Germany. I know that the Irish and the Polish were hated and treated terribly when they entered the country. Now, people like you are doing the same thing to people from Latin America and some of the Mideastern countries. Shame!

It's been stated time and time again that Republicans give the most money to charities. Democrats give the least. Why? Because the Dems want us to help people through taxation. Republicans want us to help people out of our own kindness. Jesus didn't advocate taxing. He advocated free helping to charity, not government force.

If someone had a traumatic injury, and your organs could save them, would you want the government to FORCE you to donate your organs? Or should it be a free choice?
And here I though that Halfie was a Christian. Jesus would be so proud of someone who professed to be a follower but refused to help the poor and welcome the stranger. I suggest that if you really are a Christian, that you go back and read "The Sermon on the Mount", then get back to us. Sometimes there are good moral lessons in Biblical mythology.

Immigrants who temporarily use public assistance tend to be refugees. If you look at the statistics, they only need help for a very short time, and many of them start small businesses or take jobs that are hard to fill. At least three of my great grandparents were refugees from Ireland, Poland and Germany. I know that the Irish and the Polish were hated and treated terribly when they entered the country. Now, people like you are doing the same thing to people from Latin America and some of the Mideastern countries. Shame!

It's been stated time and time again that Republicans give the most money to charities. Democrats give the least. Why? Because the Dems want us to help people through taxation. Republicans want us to help people out of our own kindness. Jesus didn't advocate taxing. He advocated free helping to charity, not government force.

If someone had a traumatic injury, and your organs could save them, would you want the government to FORCE you to donate your organs? Or should it be a free choice?

So you agree that people should have freedom of choice?
And here I though that Halfie was a Christian. Jesus would be so proud of someone who professed to be a follower but refused to help the poor and welcome the stranger. I suggest that if you really are a Christian, that you go back and read "The Sermon on the Mount", then get back to us. Sometimes there are good moral lessons in Biblical mythology.

Immigrants who temporarily use public assistance tend to be refugees. If you look at the statistics, they only need help for a very short time, and many of them start small businesses or take jobs that are hard to fill. At least three of my great grandparents were refugees from Ireland, Poland and Germany. I know that the Irish and the Polish were hated and treated terribly when they entered the country. Now, people like you are doing the same thing to people from Latin America and some of the Mideastern countries. Shame!

It's been stated time and time again that Republicans give the most money to charities. Democrats give the least. Why? Because the Dems want us to help people through taxation. Republicans want us to help people out of our own kindness. Jesus didn't advocate taxing. He advocated free helping to charity, not government force.

If someone had a traumatic injury, and your organs could save them, would you want the government to FORCE you to donate your organs? Or should it be a free choice?

So you agree that people should have freedom of choice?

Yes, but not freedom of choice to rob, rape, or kill.
It's been stated time and time again that Republicans give the most money to charities.
'stated' doesn't mean shit.
Trump gave a lot of money to his charity foundation.
Trump was recently prosecuted for embezzling from that charity.

Sooooooo, not really a good sign that giving money makes you better.
Just means you move cash around.
and your organs could save them, would you want the government to FORCE you to donate your organs? Or should it be a free choice?
so, you support abortion rights, then?
The govt. cannot force you to use your womb for another's benefit, that's yhe Republican stance?
It's been stated time and time again that Republicans give the most money to charities.
'stated' doesn't mean shit.
Trump gave a lot of money to his charity foundation.
Trump was recently prosecuted for embezzling from that charity.

Sooooooo, not really a good sign that giving money makes you better.
Just means you move cash around.
and your organs could save them, would you want the government to FORCE you to donate your organs? Or should it be a free choice?
so, you support abortion rights, then?
The govt. cannot force you to use your womb for another's benefit, that's yhe Republican stance?

Not as a form of birth control.
'stated' doesn't mean shit.
Trump gave a lot of money to his charity foundation.
Trump was recently prosecuted for embezzling from that charity.

Sooooooo, not really a good sign that giving money makes you better.
Just means you move cash around. so, you support abortion rights, then?
The govt. cannot force you to use your womb for another's benefit, that's yhe Republican stance?

Not as a form of birth control.
So, exactly how do you draw the line?
The govt CAN direct you on how to use your organs, as long as it's organs only women have?
It's been stated time and time again that Republicans give the most money to charities.

Giving money to a mega church isn't charity, that's just dues paid to the country club. Do some homework and find out how much of those "charitable" contributions are actually charitable.

I'm sure Trumpty Dumpty would love to help billionaire immigrants get citizenship. So charitable of him. His cronies want to change Emma Lazarus"s inscription on the SofL. What a bunch of ass-clowns.
And here I though that Halfie was a Christian. Jesus would be so proud of someone who professed to be a follower but refused to help the poor and welcome the stranger. I suggest that if you really are a Christian, that you go back and read "The Sermon on the Mount", then get back to us. Sometimes there are good moral lessons in Biblical mythology.

Immigrants who temporarily use public assistance tend to be refugees. If you look at the statistics, they only need help for a very short time, and many of them start small businesses or take jobs that are hard to fill. At least three of my great grandparents were refugees from Ireland, Poland and Germany. I know that the Irish and the Polish were hated and treated terribly when they entered the country. Now, people like you are doing the same thing to people from Latin America and some of the Mideastern countries. Shame!

It's been stated time and time again that Republicans give the most money to charities. Democrats give the least. Why? Because the Dems want us to help people through taxation. Republicans want us to help people out of our own kindness. Jesus didn't advocate taxing. He advocated free helping to charity, not government force.

If someone had a traumatic injury, and your organs could save them, would you want the government to FORCE you to donate your organs? Or should it be a free choice?

Most of them give to their churches, which aren't always charitable. When I was growing up, the church I attended was rather wealthy. They had foreign missionaries all over the world. Never once did they give any of the funds they collected to what I would consider a charity. All of the money went to support the missionaries who were spreading their nonsense to people who never bothered anyone.

But, regardless, this has nothing to do with your ugly comments about immigrants and poor people. And, your comment about the government forcing someone to donate your organs is completely insane. Paying taxes to keep the government. running isn't the same as being forced to donate your organs. I would love to see the government stop spending so much money on wars and the useless military weapons. I despise being forced to support war. I'd rather my taxes go to help people, regardless if they are citizens, or refugees. I'd like my taxes to go to rebuild our failing infrastructure. So far, Trump has done nothing about that, despite his promise during the last election cycle. But, none of us get to choose where are tax money goes. All we can do is support candidates who have similar values to our own, and hope for the best.
Anyway, Trump is 'winning'? At the start of the summer, his job approval rating was up around 49%; i.e., just about as high as it's ever been. Yesterday, after a couple of months which included Trump doing his trash talk on the grounds of the Normandy cemetery, Trump's remembrance of George Washington attacking British air bases, 'Send her back!', the worst stock market selloff in years, caving in on tariffs, Trump meddling with Israeli visa policy, and oh yes, Trump spelling his own name as 'Ttump,' the stable genius was polling at 43%. Which is still a shameful comment on Americans.
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