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Trump Is Winning With New Immigration Policy

Has anyone educated HL on the facts of welfare distribution? For example, Immigrants do not get welfare benefits automatically... and many types of immigrant workers can never qualify for welfare. Are people aware of this, or only of the text of the news headlines that are written to increase viewership rather than actually inform?
Has anyone educated HL on the facts of welfare distribution?

Or anything else?
I dunno.
I watched "Spicer-Man: Into the Spiderverse" and there's that scene where his teacher points out that the only way to get EVERY question wrong on a test was to know everything and get it wrong on purpose.
Halfie gets EVERYTHING wrong, including links to support his arguments. Statistically, an idiot should be able to get SOMETHING right. The whole stopped-clock thing.
hard to imagine mere stupidity being so brilliantly consistent.
Has anyone educated HL on the facts of welfare distribution?

Or anything else?
I dunno.
I watched "Spicer-Man: Into the Spiderverse" and there's that scene where his teacher points out that the only way to get EVERY question wrong on a test was to know everything and get it wrong on purpose.
Halfie gets EVERYTHING wrong, including links to support his arguments. Statistically, an idiot should be able to get SOMETHING right. The whole stopped-clock thing.
hard to imagine mere stupidity being so brilliantly consistent.

Hmmm ... Maybe you've set the bar too high, and/or haven't looked carefully enough. Half has pointed out some (fairly obvious) things, but they usually have to be taken a little bit out of context in order to make them factual. F'rinstance: "we don't want the leeches in our country that will drain the taxpayers" could be true, and would almost certainly hold for most people's opinions. And even those who would want to maintain or increase the number of leeches in this country, would want to do so in order to drain the Republican poison out of the system once we get rid of the Trump-Putin regime - not to drain the taxpayers per se.

To reapply the stopped clock analogy, a stopped clock is technically only really correct for an infinitesimal time period twice a day - for less time than it would take to look at it. Something like that is going on here IMHO, YMMV.
Jesus didn't advocate taxing.


"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's" - Matthew 22:21

Yet another Christian who cannot be bothered to read their own holy text, and has to be informed of these things by atheists.
Anyway, Trump is 'winning'?
Halfie really, really hopes that Goebbels was right, in that he can assert a lie often enough that it becomes the truth.

Not at all. This immigration policy should please everyone. It lets in the "good guys" while not allowing in the "bad guys and leeches."

It's a win win. The good immigrants will help improve our economy and the bad criminals get told "no way."

Who can be against this? Unless you secretly want the leeches/criminals in this country, in which case you'd be a hater of America to want to see it burnt down. No country in the history of the world has ever said, "Yes! Bring us the criminals!"
Anyway, Trump is 'winning'?
Halfie really, really hopes that Goebbels was right, in that he can assert a lie often enough that it becomes the truth.

Not at all. This immigration policy should please everyone. It lets in the "good guys" while not allowing in the "bad guys and leeches."

It's a win win. The good immigrants will help improve our economy and the bad criminals get told "no way."

Who can be against this?
Well, if Trump uses race to decide who is good or bad, i wll be.
Unless you secretly want the leeches/criminals in this country, in which case you'd be a hater of America to want to see it burnt down.
False dichotomy.

Speaking of hating America, did you ever serve in yhe militsary?
More t han once you've been critical of how liberals never serve. What's your record?
Or do you hate America too kuch to defend it?
Not at all. This immigration policy should please everyone. It lets in the "good guys" while not allowing in the "bad guys and leeches."

It's a win win. The good immigrants will help improve our economy and the bad criminals get told "no way."

Who can be against this?
Well, if Trump uses race to decide who is good or bad, i wll be.
Unless you secretly want the leeches/criminals in this country, in which case you'd be a hater of America to want to see it burnt down.
False dichotomy.

Speaking of hating America, did you ever serve in yhe militsary?
More t han once you've been critical of how liberals never serve. What's your record?
Or do you hate America too kuch to defend it?

I have to explain this again? Sheesh, OK.

I criticize the leftists who say, "War sucks. I would never want to fight in it. I would use every trick in the book to get out of it if I was drafted," and then say, "Trump avoided the draft! What a chicken! Why won't he just fight?!?!? HAHAH! Bonespurs!!!!!!!!!!"

These 2 positions are incompatible to hold.
Well, if Trump uses race to decide who is good or bad, i wll be. False dichotomy.

Speaking of hating America, did you ever serve in yhe militsary?
More t han once you've been critical of how liberals never serve. What's your record?
Or do you hate America too kuch to defend it?

I have to explain this again? Sheesh, OK.
so, tell me again about me dodging questions?
I criticize the leftists who say, "War sucks. I would never want to fight in it. I would use every trick in the book to get out of it if I was drafted," and then say, "Trump avoided the draft! What a chicken! Why won't he just fight?!?!? HAHAH! Bonespurs!!!!!!!!!!"
sooooooooo, you can point to a 'Leftist' here who has said this?
These 2 positions are incompatible to hold.
the strawman positions you describe would be, yes.
That is not what happens on this forum, though.

Service? Branch? Dates?
Rank achieved?
Or are you still dodging the question?
so, tell me again about me dodging questions?
I criticize the leftists who say, "War sucks. I would never want to fight in it. I would use every trick in the book to get out of it if I was drafted," and then say, "Trump avoided the draft! What a chicken! Why won't he just fight?!?!? HAHAH! Bonespurs!!!!!!!!!!"
sooooooooo, you can point to a 'Leftist' here who has said this?
These 2 positions are incompatible to hold.
the strawman positions you describe would be, yes.
That is not what happens on this forum, though.

Service? Branch? Dates?
Rank achieved?
Or are you still dodging the question?

You seriously have never seen leftists claiming they would never go to war? Seriously?????
so, tell me again about me dodging questions? sooooooooo, you can point to a 'Leftist' here who has said this? the strawman positions you describe would be, yes.
That is not what happens on this forum, though.

Service? Branch? Dates?
Rank achieved?
Or are you still dodging the question?

You seriously have never seen leftists claiming they would never go to war? Seriously?????
that is not what i said.

Learn to read. OR take the time to read,
And quit dodging the question.
Anyway, Trump is 'winning'?
Halfie really, really hopes that Goebbels was right, in that he can assert a lie often enough that it becomes the truth.

Not at all. This immigration policy should please everyone. It lets in the "WHITE guys" while not allowing in the "BROWN guys and Brown Women and Childern."

It's a win win. The good immigrants will help improve our economy and the bad criminals get told "no way."

Who can be against this? Unless you secretly want the leeches/criminals in this country, in which case you'd be a hater of America to want to see it burnt down. No country in the history of the world has ever said, "Yes! Bring us the criminals!"

Fixed it for you.
And here I though that Halfie was a Christian. Jesus would be so proud of someone who professed to be a follower but refused to help the poor and welcome the stranger. I suggest that if you really are a Christian, that you go back and read "The Sermon on the Mount", then get back to us. Sometimes there are good moral lessons in Biblical mythology.

Modern-day Christianity has little to do with the teaching of Jesus.
'stated' doesn't mean shit.
Trump gave a lot of money to his charity foundation.
Trump was recently prosecuted for embezzling from that charity.

Sooooooo, not really a good sign that giving money makes you better.
Just means you move cash around. so, you support abortion rights, then?
The govt. cannot force you to use your womb for another's benefit, that's yhe Republican stance?

Not as a form of birth control.

Aha! You just exposed your true position here. You're not pro-life, you're after punishing women for sex you don't approve of. Never mind the number of anti-abortion protesters that end up getting abortions at the very clinics they are protesting at--then got right back to protesting.
Anyway, Trump is 'winning'?
Halfie really, really hopes that Goebbels was right, in that he can assert a lie often enough that it becomes the truth.

Not at all. This immigration policy should please everyone. It lets in the "good guys" while not allowing in the "bad guys and leeches."

It's a win win. The good immigrants will help improve our economy and the bad criminals get told "no way."

Who can be against this? Unless you secretly want the leeches/criminals in this country, in which case you'd be a hater of America to want to see it burnt down. No country in the history of the world has ever said, "Yes! Bring us the criminals!"

So, in your world "good" guys are guys with money, and "bad" guys are poor people?

At risk of shattering your preconceptions (not much of a risk, I admit), I submit for your perusal, one Jeffry Epstein - Billionaire. That pedophile was a "good" guy in your world, simply because of how fat his wallet was.

Time for you to consult your holy text again. What does it say about rich people entering the kingdom of heaven? I will even give you a hint, the answer can be found in the 19th chapter of the book of Matthew, right around verse 23.

Your religious lesson is once again brought to you be an atheist.
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