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Trump just revoked former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Little by little, the orange nazi is taking out critics...

President Donald Trump yanked the White House security clearance for former CIA Director John Brennan on Wednesday, and he could target others critical of him next.

The move was announced by press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who cited “the risk posed by his erratic conduct and behavior.”

Brennan, CIA chief from 2013-17, has been vocal about his disdain for Trump on the president’s most-used social media platform, tweeting Tuesday that he would “never understand what it means to be president, nor what it takes to be a good, decent & honest person. So disheartening, so dangerous for our nation.” He echoed those comments in an MSNBC appearance Tuesday night.

The comments were in response to Trump attacking former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman by calling her “that dog” after she began to leak a series of taped conversations to the press. But Brennan’s verified account has been pretty much tweeting only about Trump over the past several months, often criticizing him for attacking the Russia investigation.

Dan Coats, director of national intelligence, wasn’t consulted before Trump’s move to revoke, according to CNN.

In July, when the president's team first indicated that he might begin to pull security clearances from former national security and intelligence officials, Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan said he thought Trump was “trolling people, honestly.”
This is one big step on the road to autocracy. Critics of the President lose their rights to a security clearance and with it, their right to a livelihood. Despicable.

This should cause riots in D.C. but it won’t. People are clueless as to what this means. Security clearances have never been the subject of political support. There is actually a whole body of law about this, and this is blatantly against the First Amendment. But I suspect the vast majority of people will yawn and say so what.

Trump revokes former CIA Chief Brennan's security clearance


At some point, I'm sure the GOP will stand up and say "The President is naked." I'm kidding of course, we all know that when Trump is no longer President they'll say "I was one of the only that knew he was naked."

article said:
"I have a unique constitutional responsibility to protect the nation's classified information, including by controlling access to it. Today, in fulfilling that responsibility, I have decided to revoke the security clearance of John Brennan, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency," Trump said in a statement dictated in the White House briefing room by his press secretary Sarah Sanders. "Mr. Brennan's lying and recent conduct characterized by increasingly frenzied commentary is wholly inconsistent with access to the nation's most closely held secrets."

Brennan is the first former national security official to see his security clearance revoked since the White House announced last month that Trump was considering taking that action against several of his most vocal critics in the national security world.
In other news, Sanders also announced a hit list of other opponents that dared speak out against Trump. (No, that wasn't satire. Comey, Hayden, Yates, Rice, McCabe, Strozk, and Page were also publicly called out.)

Oddly enough, Michael Flynn... still has clearance. (Also not satire.)
Little by little, the orange nazi is taking out critics...

President Donald Trump yanked the White House security clearance for former CIA Director John Brennan on Wednesday, and he could target others critical of him next.

The move was announced by press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who cited “the risk posed by his erratic conduct and behavior.”

Brennan, CIA chief from 2013-17, has been vocal about his disdain for Trump on the president’s most-used social media platform, tweeting Tuesday that he would “never understand what it means to be president, nor what it takes to be a good, decent & honest person. So disheartening, so dangerous for our nation.” He echoed those comments in an MSNBC appearance Tuesday night.

The comments were in response to Trump attacking former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman by calling her “that dog” after she began to leak a series of taped conversations to the press. But Brennan’s verified account has been pretty much tweeting only about Trump over the past several months, often criticizing him for attacking the Russia investigation.

Dan Coats, director of national intelligence, wasn’t consulted before Trump’s move to revoke, according to CNN.

In July, when the president's team first indicated that he might begin to pull security clearances from former national security and intelligence officials, Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan said he thought Trump was “trolling people, honestly.”

Fascist, he isn’t a Nazi. Nazis were capable of developing plans.
If this were 19th-18th century France people would be in the streets with pitchforks. Reports of damage from home continue to surface from tariffs.

An idiot dictator with the psyche of a rich kid.
Republicans always believed in the rule of men instead of the rule of law. They're just being more obvious about it now.
This isn’t about Brennan. It’s a message. Criticize Trump and you lose your clearance. That means for most people their livelihoods. Without a clearance they can go work at Walmart. Losing a clearance is a big deal.
This is one big step on the road to autocracy. Critics of the President lose their rights to a security clearance and with it, their right to a livelihood. Despicable.

This should cause riots in D.C. but it won’t. People are clueless as to what this means. Security clearances have never been the subject of political support. There is actually a whole body of law about this, and this is blatantly against the First Amendment. But I suspect the vast majority of people will yawn and say so what.

I’m not pro Trump but please tell me how revoking the white house security clearance means that they loose ”their right to a livelihood”?
This is one big step on the road to autocracy. Critics of the President lose their rights to a security clearance and with it, their right to a livelihood. Despicable.

This should cause riots in D.C. but it won’t. People are clueless as to what this means. Security clearances have never been the subject of political support. There is actually a whole body of law about this, and this is blatantly against the First Amendment. But I suspect the vast majority of people will yawn and say so what.

I’m not pro Trump but please tell me how revoking the white house security clearance means that they loose ”their right to a livelihood”?

It's security clearance, period. For guys like Brennan, it means little. In his case, it's actually more harmful to the US than to him - he's free to blast the idiot in chief as always, but not free to help anyone in the administration using *his* expertise, assuming he would.

For the average worker, it'd mean a major career shift, at the very least. Of course, most such people don't get to go on tv or major publishing deals to begin with, so not necessarily a major deal.

All in all, petty, vindictive, and ineffective - a classic Dolt 45 move.
Oddly enough, Michael Flynn... still has clearance. (Also not satire.)

About 30 years ago, a USN missile tech on the Bangor sub base broke into a home, was robbing it, ran into the homeowners, killed them.
Cops identified him, arrested him, tried, eventually convicted him for murder.
Once he was finally convicted, someone at his command asked the off-hand question, should he still have a Top Secret clearance? It wasn't even suspended during his trial.

They've since revamped at least the Navy's policy on such things. I'd have thought Fllynn's would have been pulled. Or maybe they just put a yellow sticky in his folder for the next background check?
It is kind of impressive how this trivial story/sideshow is getting so much attention. This revoking is irrelevant. The only reason such clearances are maintained for people ,like the FORMER head of the CIA, is so the current leadership can pick their brains on current issues w/o violating secrecy laws. At the most this only hurts an administration that is trying to do its best. This is FFvC being his childish inner self.

Why Flynn would even still have a clearance, is suggestive that the government doesn't have a good security shutdown process in place for high level former Administration people. So un-shocking... My secret clearance went away immediately when I left the civil service job with the DoD years ago, but I'm a nobody.
It is kind of impressive how this trivial story/sideshow is getting so much attention. This revoking is irrelevant.
I have to disagree. Yes, the EFFECT of pulling the clearance is trivial for this individual. but the story is not.
Trump is using the power of his office to, as you point out, be a childish little bitch. He's not above throwing ANYTHING HE CAN at a critic, just because he's been butthurt, and no one in his corner is tempering his tantrum.
No one is saying, 'This would be beneath you, sir,' and no one outside of his corner his reining him in.

I don't think it's getting anywhere near enough attention.

This would be like Nixon's blacklist, except Trump just doesn't have the attention span to maintain a list. He whines, he reacts, next bitch.
This is one big step on the road to autocracy. Critics of the President lose their rights to a security clearance and with it, their right to a livelihood. Despicable.

This should cause riots in D.C. but it won’t. People are clueless as to what this means. Security clearances have never been the subject of political support. There is actually a whole body of law about this, and this is blatantly against the First Amendment. But I suspect the vast majority of people will yawn and say so what.

I’m not pro Trump but please tell me how revoking the white house security clearance means that they loose ”their right to a livelihood”?

It's security clearance, period. For guys like Brennan, it means little. In his case, it's actually more harmful to the US than to him - he's free to blast the idiot in chief as always, but not free to help anyone in the administration using *his* expertise, assuming he would.

For the average worker, it'd mean a major career shift, at the very least. Of course, most such people don't get to go on tv or major publishing deals to begin with, so not necessarily a major deal.

All in all, petty, vindictive, and ineffective - a classic Dolt 45 move.

Many government contractors and consultants require their employees to have clearance to do their jobs. I'm sure Keith&Co can affirm that.

Considering Bonespurs gives his kids secrets and jobs that require clearance while not qualifying for it, it's also hypocritical.
It's security clearance, period. For guys like Brennan, it means little. In his case, it's actually more harmful to the US than to him - he's free to blast the idiot in chief as always, but not free to help anyone in the administration using *his* expertise, assuming he would.

For the average worker, it'd mean a major career shift, at the very least. Of course, most such people don't get to go on tv or major publishing deals to begin with, so not necessarily a major deal.

All in all, petty, vindictive, and ineffective - a classic Dolt 45 move.

Many government contractors and consultants require their employees to have clearance to do their jobs. I'm sure Keith&Co can affirm that.

Considering Bonespurs gives his kids secrets and jobs that require clearance while not qualifying for it, it's also hypocritical.
Yep. Everyone (no exceptions) where I work has to have security clearance. The exact clearance varies depending on what program they are working, but to have it unilaterally taken away (is that even in the presidential powers?) would force a job change. That applies to upwards of 90% of ALL government employees, I would guess.
This isn’t about Brennan. It’s a message. Criticize Trump and you lose your clearance. That means for most people their livelihoods. Without a clearance they can go work at Walmart. Losing a clearance is a big deal.
I think the message will be complete with the quick and swift pardon of Paul Manafort.

And the GOP will continue to look down at their shoes, the spineless fuckers.
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