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Trump just revoked former CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance

Something I haven't seen mentioned in thread, but have heard elsewhere - how does revoking their security clearances interfere if they are called to deposition or to testify regarding Russian interference in our elections and/or trump's collusion?

Look at the names on the hit list. ALL of them were involved in investigating those issues. Without security clearance, how will they be able to review their own notes in preparation for a deposition or to take the stand at trial as a witness?
President Donald Trump said Friday that he would likely strip the security clearance of a Justice Department official "very quickly," opening a new front in his battle with figures related to the special counsel investigation into his campaign and Russian election interference.

The official, Bruce Ohr, is a longtime government prosecutor who up until this week had not been a household name.

That changed on Wednesday when press secretary Sarah Sanders named Ohr from the White House podium alongside a list of former national security and law enforcement officials who have been critical of the President and are now having their security clearances reviewed. On Friday, Trump expanded on his targeting of Ohr, who stood out on the list as the only official currently serving in government.

Oh, it keeps getting better:

As Trump stepped up his public and private attacks on Obama, some of the new President’s advisers thought that he should take the extraordinary step of denying Obama himself access to intelligence briefings that were made available to all of his living predecessors. Trump was told about the importance of keeping former Presidents, who frequently met with foreign leaders, informed. In the end, Trump decided not to exclude Obama, at the urging of McMaster.

I think from now on, any international summits or assemblies that invite the President of the United States must supply a colouring book for this fucking baby, so grown ups can do some productive work without distraction.
I keep wondering if Dumpf is trying to lay groundwork for revoking Mueller's security clearance (he says he hasn't though about it much, so you KNOW it's in the front of his little mind). But then I remember who we're talking about, and realize again that he's just lashing out randomly, doing whatever he can to punish anyone who tells the truth about him. Of course Mueller is public dumpf enemy #1, so I'm sure he's seething about his handlers' dire warnings against treading that path.
It is kind of impressive how this trivial story/sideshow is getting so much attention. This revoking is irrelevant.
I have to disagree. Yes, the EFFECT of pulling the clearance is trivial for this individual. but the story is not.
Trump is using the power of his office to, as you point out, be a childish little bitch. He's not above throwing ANYTHING HE CAN at a critic, just because he's been butthurt, and no one in his corner is tempering his tantrum.
No one is saying, 'This would be beneath you, sir,' and no one outside of his corner his reining him in.

I don't think it's getting anywhere near enough attention.
Yeah, I get that FFvC's tantrums are beneath the office of the presidency and is worth noting. But I think that already needs a deep deep cleaning after this Dotard has soiled it for the 538th time. I just think there are so many other stories that should get some/more air time than they do. If Brennan were younger than this could hurt his career options. As he is 62 and probably already has a sweet media deal with NBC/MSNBC. This attention won't hurt that...

This would be like Nixon's blacklist, except Trump just doesn't have the attention span to maintain a list. He whines, he reacts, next bitch.
The other difference from Nixon's blacklist is that there is no evidence that Don the Con has tried to employ agencies like the IRS to harangue his "enemies".
Yeah, I get that FFvC's tantrums are beneath the office of the presidency and is worth noting. But I think that already needs a deep deep cleaning after this Dotard has soiled it for the 538th time. I just think there are so many other stories that should get some/more air time than they do. If Brennan were younger than this could hurt his career options. As he is 62 and probably already has a sweet media deal with NBC/MSNBC. This attention won't hurt that...

This would be like Nixon's blacklist, except Trump just doesn't have the attention span to maintain a list. He whines, he reacts, next bitch.
The other difference from Nixon's blacklist is that there is no evidence that Don the Con has tried to employ agencies like the IRS to harangue his "enemies".
Naw, he's just attempted to publicly intimidate several witnesses (Yates, Comey, Cohen, etc...).
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