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Trump Lashes Out at Female Reporter: ‘I Know You’re Not Thinking. You Never Do.’


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Weapons-grade stupidity on display yet again. And Penguin, Derec, et al wonder why women are pissed off at us.......

President Trump’s Monday morning press conference went off the rails, with him berating multiple female reporters, claiming he has dirt on an unnamed Democratic senator, and ranting about the media.

The president appeared in the Rose Garden presser, flanked by trade-focused staffers and cabinet members, to announce his new trilateral trade at a White House press conference, boasting the agreement will turn “North America into a manufacturing powerhouse.”

But when the presser opened up for questions, the president returned to his usual combativeness with members of the media.

After calling on ABC reporter Cecilia Vega, who paused as she stood up to ask her question, Trump decided to mock the female reporter.

“She’s shocked that I picked on her. She’s, like, in a state of shock,” he said, earning laughs from the crowd.

“I’m not, thank you, Mr. President,” the White House reporter responded.

Trump, seemingly misunderstanding the female reporter, hit back again—this time directly insulting her intelligence.

“That’s ok, I know you're not thinking. You never do,” the president said.

Shocked by the comment, Vega said, “I’m sorry?” while he dismissively told her to “Go ahead.”

I like the Alert format used by some

Gas lighting
Projection <--------
Even with this he still didn't in a passive-aggressive way, not confronting her directly with the comment. Why? Because he's a coward.
The media and especially reporters in a news conference have become a bunch of children screaming for candy.

They act collectively like jerks. I hate saying this, Trump made reasonable request to stay focussed on trade.

For weeks it has been Kavanaugh 24/7. Sex scandals are for more titaliating and ratings generating than important trade issues.

The media today interpets freedom of the press to be having the authority to define a narrative others must follow.

If it were me and a group of reporters kept shouting our questions at the same time like undisciplined kids I'd treat them like undisciplined kids. Trump anti media campaign has had an effect, but the distrust of the media oredates Trump and the media's own actions are creating the distrust. Cnn has reduced itself to 24/7 tabloid gossip journalism. Endless speculation and phony drama of unnamed sources' comments. Rachel Madox is a master titillator.

Freedom of the press is not freedom from criticism and freedom from reaction.The media alloed itself to be pulled into Trump's game. CNN and FOX now routinely trade insults. It is all we got and mainstream media is a large part of the firewall containing Trump, but they are becoming as corrupt as politicians.

The media paints Trump as unpresidential. The media paints itself unprofessional and undisciplined. On air anchors seem to have trouble speaking in coherent sentences. They get so excited over trashing Trump they trip over their own words.
I hate saying this, Trump made reasonable request to stay focussed on trade.
That might be true if Trump was regularly accessible to the whole press whenever there's something they want to ask him about.

If they could trust that Sarah would dependably relay the President's position on any given matter. It would be a reasonable request IF the press could feel they could get answers to other topics at a later date.

But no one trusts what Sarah says about the President's response to or feelings on something. That layer of disconnect between President and Press Secretary has too much editing, shifting, denial, and expired statements that don't match the current attention span.

So if they can access the President, they will try to cram in as much news as they can, because they have to.
Even with this he still didn't in a passive-aggressive way, not confronting her directly with the comment. Why? Because he's a coward.
The transcript doesn't do it justice, as the reporter shot back a quick "Excuse me?" and Trump verbally ran behind a bush waiting for the reporter to go away.
The media and especially reporters in a news conference have become a bunch of children screaming for candy.

They act collectively like jerks. I hate saying this, Trump made reasonable request to stay focussed on trade.
Yes, they could have concentrated on how little change there was to the worst trade deal ever that he was touting as a massive victory.

For weeks it has been Kavanaugh 24/7.
Two weeks.
Sex scandals are for more titaliating and ratings generating than important trade issues.
This is a sex assault scandal, not a sex scandal.

If it were me and a group of reporters kept shouting our questions at the same time like undisciplined kids I'd treat them like undisciplined kids. Trump anti media campaign has had an effect, but the distrust of the media oredates Trump and the media's own actions are creating the distrust.
Fox: While yes, the chickens have disappeared, security at the hen house has been in question for years.
Cnn has reduced itself to 24/7 tabloid gossip journalism. Endless speculation and phony drama of unnamed sources' comments. Rachel Madox is a master titillator.
Except most of those types of people are NOT in the White House Press Corp.
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...most of those types of people are in the White House Press Corp.

They have a mandate to keep the Trump Show's ratings up at all cost. Fuck policy, fuck running the goddam government, it's ALL about aggrandizing The Donald.
Even with this he still didn't in a passive-aggressive way, not confronting her directly with the comment. Why? Because he's a coward.
The transcript doesn't do it justice, as the reporter shot back a quick "Excuse me?" and Trump verbally ran behind a bush waiting for the reporter to go away.

The "official" WH transcript changed the actual words we can all hear him say to the reporter. Gaslighting again.
Even with this he still didn't in a passive-aggressive way, not confronting her directly with the comment. Why? Because he's a coward.
The transcript doesn't do it justice, as the reporter shot back a quick "Excuse me?" and Trump verbally ran behind a bush waiting for the reporter to go away.

The "official" WH transcript changed the actual words we can all hear him say to the reporter. Gaslighting again.
It is incredible how the White House works hard to not have to address the shit he pulls out in the open.
Even with this he still didn't in a passive-aggressive way, not confronting her directly with the comment. Why? Because he's a coward.
The transcript doesn't do it justice, as the reporter shot back a quick "Excuse me?" and Trump verbally ran behind a bush waiting for the reporter to go away.

The "official" WH transcript changed the actual words we can all hear him say to the reporter. Gaslighting again.

totalitarian tactic
Does anybody think Trump would have spoken differently to the reporter had she been male? Why cite her gender in article in the OP?

And Trump's request to stay on trade was reasonable.

The reporters should have been asking him about the trade agreement, and exposing how little he knew about it.

Why do reporters never expose Trump for being ignorant on the policies and treaties he claims to have authored?

The press is letting itself get distracted by the circus, and are very much becoming part of the circus.
Does anybody think Trump would have spoken differently to the reporter had she been male? Why cite her gender in article in the OP?

And Trump's request to stay on trade was reasonable.

The reporters should have been asking him about the trade agreement, and exposing how little he knew about it.

Why do reporters never expose Trump for being ignorant on the policies and treaties he claims to have authored?

The press is letting itself get distracted by the circus, and are very much becoming part of the circus.
Kavanaugh is looking at a lifetime appointment and will help ensure the stepping America back a few steps with civil rights. It's not a circus! The consequences are going to be dramatic. The court was conservative already, now it is going to be unchecked conservative.
Thank Hillary for her spectacular failure for that.

Some of you may get accepted into Canada as refugees if things get bad enough. Unlike the US, we open our doors to refugees.
Does anybody think Trump would have spoken differently to the reporter had she been male? Why cite her gender in article in the OP?

Yes...he always treats women badly, unless they're toadying sycophants like Sarah Slanders or CreepyAnn Conmerchant.

And Trump's request to stay on trade was reasonable.
Not really...it was a press conference...they can ask anything topical.

The reporters should have been asking him about the trade agreement, and exposing how little he knew about it.
No...they should ask him why he's a serial sex-offender and rape condoner.

Why do reporters never expose Trump for being ignorant on the policies and treaties he claims to have authored?

They do all the time...unless they're faux news.

The press is letting itself get distracted by the circus, and are very much becoming part of the circus.

That is sadly true if you discuss faux news agaion, but most are tryin g to discuss the ugly truth about this foul, stupid sexist bigot with genocidal tendencies.

Thank Hillary for her spectacular failure for that.

Hillary won by any democratic definition. That trumpo colluded with the russkies is beyond doubt.
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The bald old man has early dementia.

He does not understand things.

And since he is in a position where people cannot tell him to fuck off he can get away with stupidity and belligerence.

He is a thing that should not be tolerated for a second.

It is Alice in Wonderland. It is madness.

All this kowtowing to the biggest asshole in the nation.

He's an elected servant, not the king.
The reporters should have been asking him about the trade agreement, and exposing how little he knew about it.

The brownshirts would cart her away. She'd lose her access which means her job...

Why do reporters never expose Trump for being ignorant on the policies and treaties he claims to have authored?

See above. At some point one or two might make that kamikaze run, but that will be another flash in the pan story. What do you suggest?
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