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Trump makes his aides say how sane he is


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump Spent 7 Minutes Making His Staff Declare That He's Not A Lunatic
Kyle Griffin on Twitter: "Here is a 7+ minute video, from ABC, of Trump calling on multiple senior aides to defend him and vouch for his 'calm' demeanor in the infrastructure meeting with Democrats after Nancy Pelosi said that he'd had a temper tantrum. https://t.co/iiLcrjnTe4"

Insane Trump Makes His Staff Go On TV and Declare Him Calm
Trump: I don’t think anybody wants to be impeached. Kellyanne, what was my temperament yesterday?

Kellyanne Conway: Very calm, Mr. President. You did not raise your voice. You were very calm and very direct.

Trump: What was my attitude yesterday?

Larry Kudlow: You were very calm.

Trump: What was my demeanor yesterday?

Sarah Sanders: Very calm. I have seen both. This was not an angry or ranting, very calm and straightforward.
He seems rather desperate.

Pelosi Suggests That Trump Is Mentally Ill And Calls For An Intervention
I thought we could give him the opportunity to make a historic contribution to safety because it’s a safety measure. It’s the best commerce, best safety, best mobility product to market and in addition clean air, clean water. A better future for our country, much needed, billions, trillions of dollars in deficit in terms of well or no maintenance. It’s never been partisan. We don’t want it to be partisan now, but I can only think he wasn’t up to the task of figuring out the difficult choices how to cover the cost of what the important infrastructure legislation, that we had talked about three weeks before.

So — so, but the president, again, stormed out. And I think, first — pound the table. Walk out the door. Next time, have the TV cameras in there when I had my say. That didn’t work for him either. Now this time, another temper tantrum — again — I pray for the President Of The United States. I wish him and his family, his administration and staff would have an intervention for the good of the country.
Trump Threw A Fit And Stormed Out Of Meeting Because Pelosi Hurt His Feelings
When she and Senator Chuck Schumer arrived at the White House, Mr. Trump was loaded for bear. He walked into the Cabinet Room, did not shake anyone’s hand or sit in his seat, according to a Democrat informed about the meeting. He said he wanted to advance legislation on infrastructure, trade and other matters, but that “Speaker Pelosi said something terrible today and accused me of a cover-up,” according to the Democrat.

After just three minutes, he left the room before anyone else could speak, the Democrat said.
Nancy Pelosi Triggers A Full Trump Meltdown On National Television
'Extremely stable genius': Trump defends his mental fitness as he tears into Pelosi - POLITICO
Nancy Pelosi on Twitter: "When the “extremely stable genius” starts acting more presidential, I’ll be happy to work with him on infrastructure, trade and other issues.… https://t.co/dmtDjlxQKZ"

“The whole Democrat Party is very messed up. They have never recovered from the great election of 2016 — an election that I think you folks liked very much, right?” Trump said, addressing the farmers flanking his lectern. “Well, Nancy Pelosi was not happy about it, and she is a mess.”

Not even the leaders' families were spared from the sniping and accusations of poor physical well-being. Christine Pelosi, the speaker's daughter, sought to defend her mother on Twitter earlier Thursday, commenting on a Washington Post report detailing how a conservative Facebook page had posted a doctored video of the California Democrat in which she appears to drunkenly slur her words.

"Republicans and their conservative allies have been pumping this despicable fake meme for years! Now they are caught," Christine Pelosi wrote online. "#FactCheck: Madam Speaker doesn’t even drink alcohol!"
The New York Times on Twitter: "Manipulated videos of Nancy Pelosi that made it seem as if she were repeatedly stumbling and slurring her words spread across social media on Thursday. President Trump shared one of the edited videos as tensions escalated between the 2 leaders. https://t.co/rrXteAOXbY"
Vomit inducing. The only thing worse is that cabinet meeting from 2017 where the secretaries went round robin saying what an honor it was to work for Orangey. That footage would be unbelievable anywhere outside of an 18th century monarchy (at least in the western world.) It needs to be seen by future generations so that they can understand viscerally what it means when your political system is dominated by a Machiavellian scoundrel.
I just heard that Facebook is refusing to take down those altered videos of Pelosi, while Youtube has taken them down. WTF. And yeah. Watching Trump's sycophants yesterday was enough to make one wonder what happened to our previously half way sane nation.
I don't blame Trump for making his aides say he is sane. After all, someone has to do it. And there is ample evidence that none of his aides have a problem with lying.
I don't blame Trump for making his aides say he is sane. After all, someone has to do it. And there is ample evidence that none of his aides have a problem with lying.

These folks gotta eat too. Clinging to an abusive guardian is one thing. Clinging to a cash cow ain't much different.
I just heard that Facebook is refusing to take down those altered videos of Pelosi, while Youtube has taken them down. WTF. And yeah. Watching Trump's sycophants yesterday was enough to make one wonder what happened to our previously half way sane nation.

I think it was a case of you all miscalculating how sane you actually were.
I just heard that Facebook is refusing to take down those altered videos of Pelosi, while Youtube has taken them down. WTF. And yeah. Watching Trump's sycophants yesterday was enough to make one wonder what happened to our previously half way sane nation.

I think it was a case of you all miscalculating how sane you actually were.

There are plenty of altered video of Bonespurs out there. I don't think the Pelosi videos warrant special consideration.
Trump feels a need to do this, every time people start to make public comments about his erratic behavior. He has always been a self-promoter and open braggart, but now it is taking on the character of a Soviet-style "cult of personality". I recently noticed that Wikipedia has added the US to it  list of cults of personality because of Donald Trump.
OP said:
Trump makes his aides say how sane he is

It would be impossible to say how sane He is. He is so sane. Probably the sanest person ever born. The sanity is off the charts. All the Democrats and their psychiatrists are insane by comparison.
Anticipating a 25th Amendment challenge, Trump had himself tested for mental instability and "everything was positive! Every test had positive results! Doc says I have the mind of a 12-year-old!"
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I just heard that Facebook is refusing to take down those altered videos of Pelosi, while Youtube has taken them down. WTF. And yeah. Watching Trump's sycophants yesterday was enough to make one wonder what happened to our previously half way sane nation.

I think it was a case of you all miscalculating how sane you actually were.

There are plenty of altered video of Bonespurs out there. I don't think the Pelosi videos warrant special consideration.

That are "plenty" of fake videos that were made to appear real so as to falsify some of Trump's behavior or speech? I mean, not joke videos with silly graphics or captions that are obviously made to parody or demean... but actual videos of speeches where his words were artfully changed to deceive people, or cleaver looping was added to make him look like he did something he didn't actually do? Can you link three? Or even one? very interested if it is true that this occurs on "both sides". I presently doubt there are "plenty" (or any).
not joke videos ...obviously made to parody ... but actual videos of speeches where his words were artfully changed to deceive people,
Isn't this exactly Trump's claim about Alec Baldwin on SNL? That they are not entertaining, but every time they portray Trump on SNL, their intent is to deceive voters, that they're acting as propaganda for the DNC, for Hillary, and attempt to smear Trump in the eyes of good, honest Americans?

It just becomes hard to draw a firm line between jokes and attacks, these days. Even aside from Trump being paranoid, and only seeing an 'attack' when they smear him, not when they smear Hillary or Bernie, you'd have a difficult time establishing for a solid fact where they sit on or astride that line.
not joke videos ...obviously made to parody ... but actual videos of speeches where his words were artfully changed to deceive people,
Isn't this exactly Trump's claim about Alec Baldwin on SNL? That they are not entertaining, but every time they portray Trump on SNL, their intent is to deceive voters, that they're acting as propaganda for the DNC, for Hillary, and attempt to smear Trump in the eyes of good, honest Americans?

It just becomes hard to draw a firm line between jokes and attacks, these days. Even aside from Trump being paranoid, and only seeing an 'attack' when they smear him, not when they smear Hillary or Bernie, you'd have a difficult time establishing for a solid fact where they sit on or astride that line.

My question was about material meant to deceive. Anything.at.all. SNL is OBVIOUSLY parody and comedy. Anyone claiming that "counts" as propaganda meant to distort the truth and promote a false belief is a liar or a complete idiot whose impression holds no value. Trump claims lots of things... including things he says he did not say that were indeed captured on camera. Is it that anything is fake that he just declares so?
There are plenty of altered video of Bonespurs out there. I don't think the Pelosi videos warrant special consideration.

That are "plenty" of fake videos that were made to appear real so as to falsify some of Trump's behavior or speech? I mean, not joke videos with silly graphics or captions that are obviously made to parody or demean... but actual videos of speeches where his words were artfully changed to deceive people, or cleaver looping was added to make him look like he did something he didn't actually do? Can you link three? Or even one? very interested if it is true that this occurs on "both sides". I presently doubt there are "plenty" (or any).

All I typed into the search bar on Youtube was Trump and "Trump slowed down" was the second suggestion.


There are plenty of altered video of Bonespurs out there. I don't think the Pelosi videos warrant special consideration.

That are "plenty" of fake videos that were made to appear real so as to falsify some of Trump's behavior or speech? I mean, not joke videos with silly graphics or captions that are obviously made to parody or demean... but actual videos of speeches where his words were artfully changed to deceive people, or cleaver looping was added to make him look like he did something he didn't actually do? Can you link three? Or even one? very interested if it is true that this occurs on "both sides". I presently doubt there are "plenty" (or any).

All I typed into the search bar on Youtube was Trump and "Trump slowed down" was the second suggestion.



Do the videos explicity state that they're slowed down (as your post makes it appear)? If so, it's apples to oranges, since Pelosi's video doesn't (AFAIK).
There are plenty of altered video of Bonespurs out there. I don't think the Pelosi videos warrant special consideration.

That are "plenty" of fake videos that were made to appear real so as to falsify some of Trump's behavior or speech? I mean, not joke videos with silly graphics or captions that are obviously made to parody or demean... but actual videos of speeches where his words were artfully changed to deceive people, or cleaver looping was added to make him look like he did something he didn't actually do? Can you link three? Or even one? very interested if it is true that this occurs on "both sides". I presently doubt there are "plenty" (or any).

All I typed into the search bar on Youtube was Trump and "Trump slowed down" was the second suggestion.



When the title of the video is "trump slowed down", then it fails to serve as evidence that someone was trying to deceive people about it being slowed down.. don't ya think?

Recall we are comparing a slowed down video that was claimed to be an actual real time video that demonstrated drunkenness.

Did you see the "trump slowed down" video and think he might be drunk? or think anyone thought that was what the video was trying to show? really, this is your "evidence" of bad play on that side?
It is this point where you look at the GOP leadership and make a not so subtle cough in their direction... trying to indicate that the GOP should take some action. That press conference should send shivers down someone's spine it is so inauthentic and grossly inappropriate and terribly unPresidential.
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