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Trump - Military Strike on Iran

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

Well, it is being reported that a military strike was okay'd and then called back. The story says Trump was involved in both. One problem we have in America is that Trump effectively let the military off of their leash a while ago, so we have no idea who is wagging who.
tRump just surrendered to the Iranians without firing a shot. I wonder what the base will say. I wonder if Bolton is out.

This is a foreign policy fiasco from start to finish. Maybe, just maybe though, it doesn’t end too badly. This past week I keep having flashbacks to July 1914.

While I consider ordering and then rescinding the attack order to be very bad, at least the explanation he gives is coherent; it would be disproportionate to make an attack that would cause many deaths over a drone.
When Pompeo (spelled just a letter or two differently than the biggest disaster of the first century) was shown claiming that there was 'absolutely no doubt' that Iran took out the 2 tankers, I wondered why it wasn't juxtaposed with footage from 2002 -2003 of Powell and Cheney. No doubt at all, world -- you can believe us 'Marekuns.
While I consider ordering and then rescinding the attack order to be very bad, at least the explanation he gives is coherent; it would be disproportionate to make an attack that would cause many deaths over a drone.
President Ellipsis said:
President Obama made a desperate and terrible deal with Iran - Gave them 150 Billion Dollars plus I.8 Billion Dollars in CASH! Iran was in big trouble and he bailed them out. Gave them a free path to Nuclear Weapons, and SOON. Instead of saying thank you, Iran yelled.....

....Death to America. I terminated deal, which was not even ratified by Congress, and imposed strong sanctions. They are a much weakened nation today than at the beginning of my Presidency, when they were causing major problems throughout the Middle East. Now they are Bust!....

....On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not....

....proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world. Sanctions are biting & more added last night. Iran can NEVER have Nuclear Weapons, not against the USA, and not against the WORLD!
That is rambling, not an explanation. 150 people would have died? Yeah, that'd be disproportional, which is why I don't believe a word of it. Iran has no other targets? Didn't the US strike Syria without killing anyone (or damaging much of anything)?

Should the US respond? That is a trick question. Trump's Iranian policies have helped precipitate the situation we see now. This is kind of the "How wars start" thing. What I do know, is that what happened last night is very unknown. We do apparently know that a strike was either ordered or underway and then subsequently cancelled. We don't know anything else. Trump's tweets seem to be more about saving face than sustainable foreign policy. It is extremely worrisome. Especially when the President lies about what happened.

Less importantly, shouldn't it be loaded and cocked? If you are cocked, you are an idiot if you aren't loaded.
I'm not defending him. Whoever is pulling his strings for restraint got it right. Its possible the military had prepared for a response to a different action by Iran, and that is what ended up on his desk.

Basically I picture Bolton and someone else, maybe Kushner (god help us) taking turns to talk to him, while he wavers like a limp noodle. Bolton might have presented him with an action that he knew would be an escalation. Whoever told him that we shouldn't start a war over a drone is right.
I'm not defending him. Whoever is pulling his strings for restraint got it right. Its possible the military had prepared for a response to a different action by Iran, and that is what ended up on his desk.

Basically I picture Bolton and someone else, maybe Kushner (god help us) taking turns to talk to him, while he wavers like a limp noodle. Bolton might have presented him with an action that he knew would be an escalation. Whoever told him that we shouldn't start a war over a drone is right.

My guess would be that he didn't want to start a war period and got cold feet at the end. That it was a drone is merely an excuse to pin it on (just as easily as it could be an excuse to move forward). Look at all the tweetstanding and how he buries the lede with all the shit against Obama first.

One thing's for sure, he's clearly covering up some fuck up that he was lucky did not happen by trying to spin everything in his favor.
The fuck up he's trying to cover up is withdrawing from the Iran agreement.
The depressing thing is that what most likely happened was that Trump was ready to escalate the conflict admiring his massive erection in his new game of tit for tat, when an aide walked up to him and said, "Sir, you have a call from the Kremlin..."
tRump just surrendered to the Iranians without firing a shot. I wonder what the base will say. I wonder if Bolton is out.

This is a foreign policy fiasco from start to finish. Maybe, just maybe though, it doesn’t end too badly. This past week I keep having flashbacks to July 1914.


Eh, not sure it will be a "fiasco" unless it starts a war. Otherwise, it's probably just a fuck up on one of the sides, either by violating the airspace or incorrectly thinking it violated the air space.
I'm not defending him. Whoever is pulling his strings for restraint got it right. Its possible the military had prepared for a response to a different action by Iran, and that is what ended up on his desk.

Basically I picture Bolton and someone else, maybe Kushner (god help us) taking turns to talk to him, while he wavers like a limp noodle. Bolton might have presented him with an action that he knew would be an escalation. Whoever told him that we shouldn't start a war over a drone is right.
Or Trump ordered the strike and the military brass held back and sent in an adult to counter the Walrus.
Take this with a grain of salt because it is from the Daily Beast...but the report says that the one who talked Trump back is Tucker Carlson.


So...I guess; Please clap for Tucker Carlson.
As a reminder... thank you America for voting this idiot into power. And if Trump is talking to Carlson immediately prior to bombing Iran (umm... security issues?), our nation is in seriously deep shit.

Military General: Mr President... we need an answer... now!
Trump: Let me phone a friend with Fox and Friends.
It would be madness. it has been reported from the region and I have been told by Iranian immigrants that any overtaction against iran by the USA wiukd galvanize the people. They have a deep sense of history, culture, and country.

We will never hear it said from our govtm the current Iaranian regieme is the result of inserting the Shah to suppress an Iranian democracy movement. It was seen as too socialist.

We upset Iraq and the door was opened to Iran. Iran was held in check by Hussein.

Thousands of rockets and missiles stored on the Lebanese border held by Iran proxies could rain on Israeli.

Coming soon to a combat zone near you...Gulf Of Tonkin II staring Donald Trump and his supporting cast of idiots.

I bet the hawks in congress and the WH are salivating at the possibility of waving the flag and the glory of war. Seriously. The prospect is exciting to them.

This is why the power to make war rests in congress.

Starting in VN we keep trying the same thing hoping to create ourselves elsewhere and we get the same results.
Maybe Putin called Trump and told him he better not attack Iran. At least for now, I'm relieved that nothing happened, but that doesn't mean the idiot in office won't do something really stupid within the near future. We've already spent something like 4 trillion dollars on these awful Mideastern wars. We need to get the fuck out of the area and mind our own damn business. Anyone notice that not a single European ally, ( well they used to be allies ) said they would join in if we attacked Iran. It could also be that when Trump and company realized that we'd be on our own, he backed out. Of course, the Saudi's and Israel are jonesing for a war with Iran.....

This is all so depressing.
It is Trump trying to scare Iran probably. Showing that he is on the edge of attacking them, to get them to take him more seriously as a threat and back down?
If something is not done, Iran will just get more and more emboldened. I think it was a mistake not to do a limted strike on an IRGC facility to show we mean business. Force is the only language these theocrats understand.

As to the reference to 1914 upthread, the WWI started when the Emperor of Austria's son was assassinated. Does that mean some Persian Assassin will try to take out Archduke Don Jr. or that somebody will be gunning for Ayatollah Jr.?
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