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Trump retweets animated gif of him hitting Clinton with golf ball

Does this include when Trump sounded like a pussy when he complained about the mean ads Clinton ran against him in the first debate?
Clearly Trump exposed a lot of personal weakness moaning about all of the negative ads in the primary also, but I didn't see him deeply wear it on his face like Cruz did in the closing stages.
He was whining about at the first major Presidential debate. Had Clinton done the same, OMG, Trump supporters would have been 'she is too frail to be President'. Nope instead we see 'Man, I wish I had a pussy so Trump could grab it.'
What an odd FFvC stupid day event to trigger discussions of how to combat him in a 2020 election. First, he will be 3+ years into being the incumbent, which will really play havoc with his “drain the swamp” mantra. “Lock her up” won’t exactly work. This latest GIF won’t matter. The main thing that will matter, will be “it’s the economy, stupid”. What I wrote last February about 2018, will also apply to Don the Con trying to get re-elected. Not much has changed. The Repugs weren’t able to boost border security, so it remains a wash. DACA’s fate is fluttering in the political hot air, but not doing much harm (yet). Still nothing on trashing trade deals. Infra….what? Even if the Repugs manage a tax cut deal, it really won’t have any impact for a year. The Repugs still might squeeze out a small shot in the foot over the ACA, though they still seem a little gun shy.

They said, Cheetolini couldn't win the primaries, and he did. Then they said, he couldn't win the general election and he did. It's pretty much gone all in Il Douchebag favor.

Even though the party in the White House looses seats in the off year election, I'm getting more and more scared that the repugna-can'ts will pick up more seats in 2018, going "against the grain" of political thought.
With repealing of Obamacare, and whatever tweaks the Repugs can muster, health care for average Americans will not get better, will be less accessible, and costs will continue to climb.

There will not be any big federal 'infrastructure spending' project to build roads, bridges, schools, airports, et.al.

America will not be 'Great Again' anymore so than it is today. The tough trade talk will not amount to a hill of beans for Joe six-pack jobs, even if Don the Con gets a few tweaks into the NAFTA agreement. Tax cuts and deregulation might help the top 10%, but again Joe six-pack won't see any of it. Increased military spending will do little for Joe six-pack. And by the time the 2018 elections roll around I'd guess that the odds of a recession already brewing and visible will probably be better than 50-50. Beefing up border security (even w/o a Wall) could help jack up fruit and vegetable prices. And if the Repugs actually achieve their pent up orgasmic release and gush out real Federal cuts in agencies, many of the chumps who bought the BS, will start feeling the pain of those hand outs they didn't think they were getting...

Though they will still probably be able to trot out the boogieman to keep some of the chumps in line. But that is not much to work with. I'd say odds are that the Repugs will have tough sailing in 2018.

"You can’t con people, at least not for long…If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on." -- Per Don the Con himself

Maybe Don the Con can find some pixie dust to get his job approval ratings up 10 points. He has spent 90% of this year so far at or below a 40% rating. That in itself would be a tall order to overcome in a reelection campaign. In 3 more years, the rust belt will be a little rustier. There won’t be any more coal mining jobs. Health care access and costs will still be big problem, and blaming the Dums won’t nearly have the pleasant musical notes it did last year. The Middle East will still be a mess and on fire, even if the hot spots have shifted. It will be nearly 20 years in that War that never ends in Afghanistan with nothing to show from Lite Surge II. NK will have probably truly become a nuclear armed state on El Cheato’s watch, as the FFvC clown car obviously chickened and veered into the ditch. Joe six-pack will still be looking for someone to blame…most likely The Con will look rather soiled; and MAG will seem more like maggot.
Clearly Trump exposed a lot of personal weakness moaning about all of the negative ads in the primary also, but I didn't see him deeply wear it on his face like Cruz did in the closing stages.
He was whining about at the first major Presidential debate. Had Clinton done the same, OMG, Trump supporters would have been 'she is too frail to be President'. Nope instead we see 'Man, I wish I had a pussy so Trump could grab it.'
Trump supporters were already well-abusing the obnoxious fancy that Clinton had health problems throughout the general election, hence this video and others akin to it, making this seem as though extremely isolated accidents are definite signals of something much more serious.
What an odd FFvC stupid day event to trigger discussions of how to combat him in a 2020 election. First, he will be 3+ years into being the incumbent, which will really play havoc with his “drain the swamp” mantra. “Lock her up” won’t exactly work. This latest GIF won’t matter. The main thing that will matter, will be “it’s the economy, stupid”. What I wrote last February about 2018, will also apply to Don the Con trying to get re-elected. Not much has changed. The Repugs weren’t able to boost border security, so it remains a wash. DACA’s fate is fluttering in the political hot air, but not doing much harm (yet). Still nothing on trashing trade deals. Infra….what? Even if the Repugs manage a tax cut deal, it really won’t have any impact for a year. The Repugs still might squeeze out a small shot in the foot over the ACA, though they still seem a little gun shy.

With repealing of Obamacare, and whatever tweaks the Repugs can muster, health care for average Americans will not get better, will be less accessible, and costs will continue to climb.

There will not be any big federal 'infrastructure spending' project to build roads, bridges, schools, airports, et.al.

America will not be 'Great Again' anymore so than it is today. The tough trade talk will not amount to a hill of beans for Joe six-pack jobs, even if Don the Con gets a few tweaks into the NAFTA agreement. Tax cuts and deregulation might help the top 10%, but again Joe six-pack won't see any of it. Increased military spending will do little for Joe six-pack. And by the time the 2018 elections roll around I'd guess that the odds of a recession already brewing and visible will probably be better than 50-50. Beefing up border security (even w/o a Wall) could help jack up fruit and vegetable prices. And if the Repugs actually achieve their pent up orgasmic release and gush out real Federal cuts in agencies, many of the chumps who bought the BS, will start feeling the pain of those hand outs they didn't think they were getting...

Though they will still probably be able to trot out the boogieman to keep some of the chumps in line. But that is not much to work with. I'd say odds are that the Repugs will have tough sailing in 2018.

"You can’t con people, at least not for long…If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on." -- Per Don the Con himself

Maybe Don the Con can find some pixie dust to get his job approval ratings up 10 points. He has spent 90% of this year so far at or below a 40% rating. That in itself would be a tall order to overcome in a reelection campaign. In 3 more years, the rust belt will be a little rustier. There won’t be any more coal mining jobs. Health care access and costs will still be big problem, and blaming the Dums won’t nearly have the pleasant musical notes it did last year. The Middle East will still be a mess and on fire, even if the hot spots have shifted. It will be nearly 20 years in that War that never ends in Afghanistan with nothing to show from Lite Surge II. NK will have probably truly become a nuclear armed state on El Cheato’s watch, as the FFvC clown car obviously chickened and veered into the ditch. Joe six-pack will still be looking for someone to blame…most likely The Con will look rather soiled; and MAG will seem more like maggot.
And about the only part of this list that I think Trump should have his name attached to is tax reform. It is one thing that the Republicans are assumed not accomplishing enough, and another will be what exactly do the Democrats have planned instead.
the only part of this list that I think Trump should have his name attached to is tax reform.

Yeah, he can become a poster boy for the act of giving oneself more money. :)
Cheato has yet to do - or even propose - anything that doesn't further enrich himself and the top 0.1%. I just can't WAIT to see his tax "reform" bill.
the only part of this list that I think Trump should have his name attached to is tax reform.

Yeah, he can become a poster boy for the act of giving oneself more money. :)
Cheato has yet to do - or even propose - anything that doesn't further enrich himself and the top 0.1%. I just can't WAIT to see his tax "reform" bill.
If his party can not get a tax bill out, then there is some major paralysis.
Yeah, he can become a poster boy for the act of giving oneself more money. :)
Cheato has yet to do - or even propose - anything that doesn't further enrich himself and the top 0.1%. I just can't WAIT to see his tax "reform" bill.
If his party can not get a tax bill out, then there is some major paralysis.

Uh... guess you didn't notice the acute case of major paralysis that has plagued this administration for 8 months now?

But you're right - the rethuglicans will gin up an offer to give the top 1% lots and lots and lots of money, and the rethuglican voter base will be satisfied that their orange avatar is thinking about them when they are told of the twenty bucks they'll save on taxes... or so their congresscritters will assume. It would be very surprising if they can't jam some kind of wealthcare package through both houses, as long as there a token concession to low earners. But this administration is quite full of such surprises, so...
If his party can not get a tax bill out, then there is some major paralysis.

Uh... guess you didn't notice the acute case of major paralysis that has plagued this administration for 8 months now?
I have already tried to answer this one earlier by thinking Trump honestly should not want to pass laws right now or even ever on most of what has been offered to him lately, except for a tax cut plan.
Uh... guess you didn't notice the acute case of major paralysis that has plagued this administration for 8 months now?
I have already tried to answer this one earlier by thinking Trump honestly should not want to pass laws right now or even ever on most of what has been offered to him lately, except for a tax cut plan.

Cheato doesn't care about policies - except perhaps tax policy, in that he can award himself more millions. Other than that, all he cares about is "WINNING!"
Are you sick of winning yet?
Well, you're in luck, because Cheato will sign ANYTHING put in front of him, no matter WHAT it says. The only thing that matters is signing something into law, so he can call it a "WIN!"
I don't think it's even possible that would ever veto anything, since that would deprive him of a "WIN!"
At this point he'd sign a pile of dog shit if doing so would make it law.
I have already tried to answer this one earlier by thinking Trump honestly should not want to pass laws right now or even ever on most of what has been offered to him lately, except for a tax cut plan.

Cheato doesn't care about policies - except perhaps tax policy, in that he can award himself more millions. Other than that, all he cares about is "WINNING!"
Are you sick of winning yet?
Well, you're in luck, because Cheato will sign ANYTHING put in front of him, no matter WHAT it says. The only thing that matters is signing something into law, so he can call it a "WIN!"
I don't think it's even possible that would ever veto anything, since that would deprive him of a "WIN!"
At this point he'd sign a pile of dog shit if doing so would make it law.
Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.
Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.

What are you basing that statement on? Are you unaware of what was happening with the health care plan? Trump had little idea what was in it and didn't seem to like the parts he did know about but was fuming that congress couldn't send a bill to him so that he could have a photo op at a signing ceremony showing that he'd actually managed to accomplish something.

I mean ... seriously. What is the basis of that claim you just made?
Cheato doesn't care about policies - except perhaps tax policy, in that he can award himself more millions. Other than that, all he cares about is "WINNING!"
Are you sick of winning yet?
Well, you're in luck, because Cheato will sign ANYTHING put in front of him, no matter WHAT it says. The only thing that matters is signing something into law, so he can call it a "WIN!"
I don't think it's even possible that would ever veto anything, since that would deprive him of a "WIN!"
At this point he'd sign a pile of dog shit if doing so would make it law.
Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.

Well FFvC signed a bill codifying existing Russian sanctions, blocking his executive power options, and adding more sanctions...that was a bit of a fresh turd to swallow.

- - - Updated - - -

Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.

What are you basing that statement on? Are you unaware of what was happening with the health care plan? Trump had little idea what was in it and didn't seem to like the parts he did know about but was fuming that congress couldn't send a bill to him so that he could have a photo op at a signing ceremony showing that he'd actually managed to accomplish something.

I mean ... seriously. What is the basis of that claim you just made?
Who knew it was so complicated :D
Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.

What are you basing that statement on? Are you unaware of what was happening with the health care plan? Trump had little idea what was in it and didn't seem to like the parts he did know about but was fuming that congress couldn't send a bill to him so that he could have a photo op at a signing ceremony showing that he'd actually managed to accomplish something.

I mean ... seriously. What is the basis of that claim you just made?
I already went over this elsewhere about a month ago.
Cheato doesn't care about policies - except perhaps tax policy, in that he can award himself more millions. Other than that, all he cares about is "WINNING!"
Are you sick of winning yet?
Well, you're in luck, because Cheato will sign ANYTHING put in front of him, no matter WHAT it says. The only thing that matters is signing something into law, so he can call it a "WIN!"
I don't think it's even possible that would ever veto anything, since that would deprive him of a "WIN!"
At this point he'd sign a pile of dog shit if doing so would make it law.
Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.
Trump held a Republican circle jerk on the White House lawn for the passed House bill for the ACA 'repeal' and 'replace', then bemoaned later about how it was mean and the Senate needed to do better.

Trump clearly has no vision, literally and figuratively. He can't even stick to anything. DACA, Paris, Transgenders in military. He hedges on everything.
Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.
I dunno. He's not that big on quality. But quantity... He keeps bragging about how much legislation this administration has passed, record amounts of registration, the most regulations in the world, history will remember how much legislation he has passed.
He's not going to read much of anything, so as long as the GOP controlled legislature passes it, and someone on his staff tells him it's a good thing, and the title of the bill does not mention Obama, he'll probably sign it.
They could pass gerrymandering reform if the bill title is the 'Stop Dirty Immigrants At The Border' bill.
As long as Fox doesn't mention the fact that there's a rider attached to the 'dirty immigrants' bill that declares June 14th to be National Trump Has A Tiny Dick Day, he'll sign, cut a notch in his belt and declare it good. Because he's accomplishing things!
What are you basing that statement on? Are you unaware of what was happening with the health care plan? Trump had little idea what was in it and didn't seem to like the parts he did know about but was fuming that congress couldn't send a bill to him so that he could have a photo op at a signing ceremony showing that he'd actually managed to accomplish something.

I mean ... seriously. What is the basis of that claim you just made?
I already went over this elsewhere about a month ago.

Ah... just like the old creationist canard "I already provided evidence that no new information can arise in DNA".
All you'd have to do is tell us what kind of legislation coming from the GOP he would NOT sign.
And a bag of muffler bearings.
I already went over this elsewhere about a month ago.

Ah... just like the old creationist canard "I already provided evidence that no new information can arise in DNA".
All you'd have to do is tell us what kind of legislation coming from the GOP he would NOT sign.
And a bag of muffler bearings.

She already told you where: Elsewhere
Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.
Trump held a Republican circle jerk on the White House lawn for the passed House bill for the ACA 'repeal' and 'replace', then bemoaned later about how it was mean and the Senate needed to do better.
Which I, again, went over, and then left for around a month, because it did not seem like this consuming premise was moving on yet, Trump included. As I have said back then, if I am wrong in my prediction, I will not talk about Trump here anymore.

Trump clearly has no vision, literally and figuratively. He can't even stick to anything. DACA, Paris, Transgenders in military. He hedges on everything.
Trump should not want any of these, but we'll see how it ultimately turns out.
Obviously you are going to disagree with pretty much whatever he eventually signs, but he would hardly just pass anything.
I dunno. He's not that big on quality. But quantity... He keeps bragging about how much legislation this administration has passed, record amounts of registration, the most regulations in the world, history will remember how much legislation he has passed.
He's not going to read much of anything, so as long as the GOP controlled legislature passes it, and someone on his staff tells him it's a good thing, and the title of the bill does not mention Obama, he'll probably sign it.
They could pass gerrymandering reform if the bill title is the 'Stop Dirty Immigrants At The Border' bill.
As long as Fox doesn't mention the fact that there's a rider attached to the 'dirty immigrants' bill that declares June 14th to be National Trump Has A Tiny Dick Day, he'll sign, cut a notch in his belt and declare it good. Because he's accomplishing things!
I am talking about much bigger things that are better remembered like a tax reform bill and a health care plan.
I already went over this elsewhere about a month ago.

Ah... just like the old creationist canard "I already provided evidence that no new information can arise in DNA".
All you'd have to do is tell us what kind of legislation coming from the GOP he would NOT sign.
And a bag of muffler bearings.
Look, I have no problem saying it again, and even again, like I did last month. I said Trump should not actually want to sign a health care bill that replaces ACA, and it does not matter how much he loudly declares to really want one. I predicted that there will not be a bill for him to sign and/or he will not sign the bill. So, if there is a health care bill that replaces ACA, and Trump signs it, then I am wrong.

- - - Updated - - -

Ah... just like the old creationist canard "I already provided evidence that no new information can arise in DNA".
All you'd have to do is tell us what kind of legislation coming from the GOP he would NOT sign.
And a bag of muffler bearings.

She already told you where: Elsewhere
Ha, I was already waiting for someone to say this after I put down that word.
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