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Trump supporters burn their own stuff in protest of people protesting for justice


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Some of them should burn them while they are still wearing them....

[FONT=&quot]On Monday, Nike announced that that former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick would be the new face of its long-running “Just Do It” campaign. By Monday afternoon, Trump supporters began destroying their own clothes.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Trumpists spent the evening cutting up their own socks, rending their own shirts, setting fire to their own shoes and, of course, making videos of the whole thing so that they could show how they owned the liberals. By destroying their own stuff. That they already paid for. This follows in the proud tradition of Trumpists blowing up Yeti coolers when they thought Yeti had stopped being adequately supportive of the NRA. Because there’s nothing that shows righteous anger like … destroying inanimate objects that you own. It’s like taking your ball and going home. Then blowing up the ball.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Kaepernick last played in the NFL in 2016. It was in that season that he began to protest police violence against African Americans by kneeling during the playing of the national anthem. He was later dropped from the 49ers and, despite a record and abilities that would seem to make him a sought-after commodity, has been left on the sidelines. However, in that interim, many other players have taken up the cause advocated by Kaepernick and begun using the anthem as a time to show their concern over racial injustice.[/FONT]

Some of them should burn them while they are still wearing them....

[FONT="]On Monday, Nike announced that that former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick would be the new face of its long-running “Just Do It” campaign. By Monday afternoon, Trump supporters began destroying their own clothes.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#3C3736][FONT="]Trumpists spent the evening cutting up their own socks, rending their own shirts, setting fire to their own shoes and, of course, making videos of the whole thing so that they could show how they owned the liberals. By destroying their own stuff. That they already paid for. This follows in the proud tradition of Trumpists blowing up Yeti coolers when they thought Yeti had stopped being adequately supportive of the NRA. Because there’s nothing that shows righteous anger like … destroying inanimate objects that you own. It’s like taking your ball and going home. Then blowing up the ball.[/FONT]

[FONT="]Kaepernick last played in the NFL in 2016. It was in that season that he began to protest police violence against African Americans by kneeling during the playing of the national anthem. He was later dropped from the 49ers and, despite a record and abilities that would seem to make him a sought-after commodity, has been left on the sidelines. However, in that interim, many other players have taken up the cause advocated by Kaepernick and begun using the anthem as a time to show their concern over racial injustice.[/FONT]


I get the biggest LOL at the ones who pledge to switch to Converse, without realizing it's owned by Nike. If only I had the skills to start a campaign to get people to buy more Nike stuff so they could make videos of burning them.
This will have all the economic and political force that burning Beatles albums had in the 1960's.

Disgruntled NFL fans make up a very small percentage of Nike's customer base. It stands to reason, people who watch football aren't really all that active, so they're not buying high dollar athletic shoes. Wal-mart or Shoetown off the shelf lookalotlike running shoes will do just fine for them.

What's more interesting is what the NFL is going to do. The Nike swoosh appears on nearly every piece of a NFL player's gear that is visible to the public and there's another 10 years to go on that contract. We won't see any NFL team owners burning their Nike gear.
This is an odd situation of a sponsor throwing shade on the sponsoree in another ad campaign.

Has this happened before?

Nike is definitely in a very powerful position here. If Kaepernick stays out they win and if he comes back they win on the whole despite royally pissing off a small minority. In fact, pissing off that minority is also a win.
Wait, they pay for Nike products then burn them? Ooh, that must really hurt the bottom line...
Clarification please: Are they buying Nike products in order to burn them in protest? Or are they burning Nike products that they already owned before this announcement?

I agree, filming your own bonfire is apparently the the new Virtue Signalling in this, our Web 2.0 era. But getting rid of a company's products because you disagree with its policies seems rather ordinary.
Clarification please: Are they buying Nike products in order to burn them in protest? Or are they burning Nike products that they already owned before this announcement?

I agree, filming your own bonfire is apparently the the new Virtue Signalling in this, our Web 2.0 era. But getting rid of a company's products because you disagree with its policies seems rather ordinary.

As far as I know, they are burning Nike stuff they already own.
jordan's parody, and the responses, were priceless

And The Onion came up with....

Competitive Adidas Unveils Darren Wilson As New Face Of Brand

Today 12:17pmSEE MORE: VOL 54 ISSUE 36


PORTLAND, OR—In response to their competitor Nike’s new marketing campaign featuring former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, Adidas reportedly unveiled former police officer Darren Wilson Tuesday as the new face of the brand. “Darren Wilson represents the values that Adidas stands for—the values of true-blue, patriotic Americans,” said spokesperson Victor Donnelly at a press conference where Adidas displayed a new 30-second black-and-white ad spot featuring close-ups of Wilson, Timothy Loehmann, John Rogers, Andrew Hutchins, and several other police officers who were acquitted in the shooting deaths of unarmed African American men with the new slogan “Believe You’ll Walk Away Scot-Free” superimposed over their faces. “Whether you’re walking carefully through a crime scene to plant a gun on someone or sprinting after a suspect so you can shoot him in the back, Adidas offers the most comfortable, form-fitting, breathable attire for high-performance police work. In these controversial times, brands like Adidas must take a stand, and wherever you go from now on, if you hear or see the word ‘Adidas,’ we want you to think of Darren Wilson.” At press time, Adidas’ stock price was soaring after a massive increase in sales.

Clarification please: Are they buying Nike products in order to burn them in protest? Or are they burning Nike products that they already owned before this announcement?

They're doing the second thing. I'm hoping some creative individual will start a campaign to get them to do the first one.
Clarification please: Are they buying Nike products in order to burn them in protest? Or are they burning Nike products that they already owned before this announcement?

I agree, filming your own bonfire is apparently the the new Virtue Signalling in this, our Web 2.0 era. But getting rid of a company's products because you disagree with its policies seems rather ordinary.

I don't believe anyone is buying Nike products for the purpose of burning them. This is just another of a long history of pointless protests, which accomplish nothing.
Frankly, this one doesn't even seem to have the *gravitas* of the "Keurig Smash".

I've only seen the same 3 or 4 "protestors" over and over (and that includes Jordan's parody)
Clarification please: Are they buying Nike products in order to burn them in protest? Or are they burning Nike products that they already owned before this announcement?

I agree, filming your own bonfire is apparently the the new Virtue Signalling in this, our Web 2.0 era. But getting rid of a company's products because you disagree with its policies seems rather ordinary.

I don't believe anyone is buying Nike products for the purpose of burning them. This is just another of a long history of pointless protests, which accomplish nothing.

Oh, but it defuses the irrational fury of trumpsuckers by giving them an outlet for their anger. Better than running over lib'ruls with their trucks...
It's genius. The minute this nonsense dies down is the minute all these idiots will go right back out and buy more Nike. All that's happened is Nike just ensured millions in new purchases by the end of the next quarter.
It's genius. The minute this nonsense dies down is the minute all these idiots will go right back out and buy more Nike. All that's happened is Nike just ensured millions in new purchases by the end of the next quarter.
Yeah. Just like after the Deepwater Horizon accident, and I burned the gasoline from the local BP station in my car...

...had to get a new car and still fill it up at the BP. :(

Next is burning their Levis. Levi Strauss is getting involved in gun control, and the NRA is not happy.

Does that mean we can identify the Trump supporters as those wearing dress shoes and sweat pants?
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