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Trump: take the firearms first, go through due process second

expressed goal: reducing the number of firearms in the civilian population.
actual goal: reducing the number of firearms in the civilian population.

...and some wonder why they are called Trumpsuckers!

Yeah, I do wonder why you are sucking him off so much.

So it seems that Trump's error is being completely blatant and open about getting rid of guns instead of being subtle about it. "Oh no, we're not coming to get your guns, we just want to restrict to the point of proibitition the ability to acquire guns."
expressed goal: reducing the number of firearms in the civilian population.
actual goal: reducing the number of firearms in the civilian population.

...and some wonder why they are called Trumpsuckers!

Yeah, I do wonder why you are sucking him off so much.

So it seems that Trump's error is being completely blatant and open about getting rid of guns instead of being subtle about it. "Oh no, we're not coming to get your guns, we just want to restrict to the point of proibitition the ability to acquire guns."

Nah - Trump's "error" is being a ignorant post-turtle who has no idea what the effects of his words are. Being blatant and open about suspending due process, f'rinstance. Do you think anyone who already expects him to declare war and declare martial law to preserve his supremacy, is going be excited about that?

You are a pitiable sucker if you believe for one second that he is trying to do ANYTHING for the benefit of someone other than Donald J Trump.
So people here admire the goal but detest the method?

Which means they admire the goal?

Most of us have no problem with denying guns to people like the recent shooter.

The problem is a lack of trust in the systems used to accomplish that goal.
So people here admire the goal but detest the method?

Which means they admire the goal?

Trump's goal is to enrich Trump. I detest the goal AND the "method".

Oh, but Jason wants you to ignore the man behind the curtain. He wants you to agree only with what comes out of one side of his mouth. Jason won't even admit that the pretense is to mitigate the damage done by active shooters in schools. He represents that Trump is ONLY expressing and endorsing means to "reduce the number of firearms in the civilian population", and no mention of any pretense about making/keeping schools safe. That, even though Cheato is obviously pandering to people who are concerned about school safety, not the number of guns owned by civilians.
Democratic politician: Hey, maybe let's make it harder for crazy people and ex-cons to buy guns?


Trump: Let's just take away guns that people already have and not bother with any of that due process stuff.

Consevolibertarians: He's making America great again and protecting our freedom! USA! USA! USA!
Democratic politician: Hey, maybe let's make it harder for crazy people and ex-cons to buy guns?


Trump: Let's just take away guns that people already have and not bother with any of that due process stuff.

Consevoprogressive: He's making America great again and protecting our freedom! USA! USA! USA!

Libertarian: What a bunch of kooks.
So people here admire the goal but detest the method?

Which means they admire the goal?

Trump's goal is to enrich Trump. I detest the goal AND the "method".

Oh, but Jason wants you to ignore the man behind the curtain. He wants you to agree only with what comes out of one side of his mouth. Jason won't even admit that the pretense is to mitigate the damage done by active shooters in schools. He represents that Trump is ONLY expressing and endorsing means to "reduce the number of firearms in the civilian population", and no mention of any pretense about making/keeping schools safe. That, even though Cheato is obviously pandering to people who are concerned about school safety, not the number of guns owned by civilians.

So you won't address whether or not you share the obvious glee of Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) at Trump's attempts to diminish the number of firearms in circulation?

I never thought I'd say this, but Feinstein is more honest than a lot of those who agree with her.
Democratic politician: Hey, maybe let's make it harder for crazy people and ex-cons to buy guns?


Trump: Let's just take away guns that people already have and not bother with any of that due process stuff.

Consevolibertarians: He's making America great again and protecting our freedom! USA! USA! USA!


Conservolibertarians: Boy, them libtards sure are a buncha hypocrites, ain't they?
Democratic politician: Hey, maybe let's make it harder for crazy people and ex-cons to buy guns?


Trump: Let's just take away guns that people already have and not bother with any of that due process stuff.

Consevoprogressive: He's making America great again and protecting our freedom! USA! USA! USA!

Libertarian: What a bunch of kooks.
I agree with your definition.
Democratic politician: Hey, maybe let's make it harder for crazy people and ex-cons to buy guns?


Trump: Let's just take away guns that people already have and not bother with any of that due process stuff.

Consevoprogressive: He's making America great again and protecting our freedom! USA! USA! USA!


Libertarians: Boy, them conservoprogressives sure are a buncha hypocrites, ain't they?

Nobody is fooled by your act anymore. Wear your MAGA hat proudly.
Oh, but Jason wants you to ignore the man behind the curtain. He wants you to agree only with what comes out of one side of his mouth. Jason won't even admit that the pretense is to mitigate the damage done by active shooters in schools. He represents that Trump is ONLY expressing and endorsing means to "reduce the number of firearms in the civilian population", and no mention of any pretense about making/keeping schools safe. That, even though Cheato is obviously pandering to people who are concerned about school safety, not the number of guns owned by civilians.

So you won't address whether or not you share the obvious glee of Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) at Trump's attempts to diminish the number of firearms in circulation?

I never thought I'd say this, but Feinstein is more honest than a lot of those who agree with her.

There are very few "firearms" in circulation... black powder, muzzle-loaded musket ball firing weapons only recently have come back in popularity as novelty arms. A enthusiastic family member of mine likes them for the fun of the process just to fire one round... which an expert can do every 30 seconds or so.

Semi-automatic weapons are not firearms. They are military-grade machines of mass destruction. We call them "guns". The second amendment protects possession of "firearms" for state-appointed militia. So, if you are a member of the militia (aka the police force), the state has the right to allow you to carry a "firearm". The feds cannot impinge on the rights of the state to form a police force, independent of the feds.

There is no problem with firearms. There is a huge problem with the proliferation of military-grade weapons of mass-destruction that erroneously have been covered by the 2nd amendment.
So you won't address whether or not you share the obvious glee of Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) at Trump's attempts to diminish the number of firearms in circulation?
Wait, was she gleeful about the reduction in gun proliferation, or was she gleeful that Trump had, hopefully, just shot himself in the foot with respect to his base?

I really think that was schadenfreude on Diane's part, no matter how Trump interpreted it...
So you won't address whether or not you share the obvious glee of Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) at Trump's attempts to diminish the number of firearms in circulation?
Wait, was she gleeful about the reduction in gun proliferation, or was she gleeful that Trump had, in a rational world, just shot himself in the foot with his base?

You have to trust Jason. After all he was quick to inform us that Cheato's intent had nothing to do with keeping kids safe, and was only a ploy to reduce the number of guns in the hands of civilians. So yeah - Feinsteain must have been elated at the scope of Cheato's 17,325th* major gaffe since in office.

* Another RECORD for DJT!
Just the impossibility of trying to get Trump opponents to state on record their opinion.

Instead of "I agree/disagree with the goal proposal as stated" I get "but the means" and "surely he has an ulterior motive."

Knowing how intelligent you think he is, do you really think he's got a multi-layered motive scheme in play?
Malintent said:
There are very few "firearms" in circulation... black powder, muzzle-loaded musket ball firing weapons only recently have come back in popularity as novelty arms. A enthusiastic family member of mine likes them for the fun of the process just to fire one round... which an expert can do every 30 seconds or so.

Semi-automatic weapons are not firearms. They are military-grade machines of mass destruction. We call them "guns". The second amendment protects possession of "firearms" for state-appointed militia. So, if you are a member of the militia (aka the police force), the state has the right to allow you to carry a "firearm". The feds cannot impinge on the rights of the state to form a police force, independent of the feds.

There is no problem with firearms. There is a huge problem with the proliferation of military-grade weapons of mass-destruction that erroneously have been covered by the 2nd amendment.

I bought a "Tower Pistol" kit from Dixie Gun Workds back in the late 1980's. Still have it but I've never put it together.

Just the impossibility of trying to get Trump opponents to state on record their opinion.

Instead of "I agree/disagree with the goal proposal as stated" I get "but the means" and "surely he has an ulterior motive."

Knowing how intelligent you think he is, do you really think he's got a multi-layered motive scheme in play?

Okay Jason, here's a stance I HOPE you can understand:
I do NOT condone any exercise in removing guns from civilian hands for the purpose of diminishing the number of firearms in circulation.

Does that answer your question?
Please don't try to infer that I am "pro gun", or not opposed to allowing high-velocity semi-automatic weapons to be readily available.
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