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Trump: the If-You-Were-Prettier-I'd-Rape-You Defense

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Donald Trump on Friday intimated a woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her was not attractive enough to have drawn his interest, part of a broader attack on the integrity and physical appearance of multiple women who've come forward this week to accuse the GOP presidential nominee of sexual assault.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go after her,” he said sarcastically at a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina. “Believe me, she would not be my first choice. That I can tell you. You don’t know. That would not be my first choice.”

Donald Trump on Friday intimated a woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her was not attractive enough to have drawn his interest, part of a broader attack on the integrity and physical appearance of multiple women who've come forward this week to accuse the GOP presidential nominee of sexual assault.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go after her,” he said sarcastically at a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina. “Believe me, she would not be my first choice. That I can tell you. You don’t know. That would not be my first choice.”
That exact statement ran through my mind a few days ago. I figured he wouldn't have been dumb enough to say it, as typically it implies certain guilt.

If you weren't guilty, you'd try to defend yourself based on where you were, witnesses who saw you, etc... You wouldn't attack the looks of the accuser. You do that when you have no viable defense.

article (my emphasis) said:
“When you looked at that horrible woman last night, you said 'I don’t think so,'” Trump told his supporters. “I don’t think so. Whoever she is, wherever she comes from, the stories are total fiction. They are 100 percent made up. They never happened. They never would happen. I don’t think it happened with very many people, but they certainly aren’t gonna happen with me.”
Can someone explain to me what that is supposed to mean?
That exact statement ran through my mind a few days ago. I figured he wouldn't have been dumb enough to say it, as typically it implies certain guilt.

If you weren't guilty, you'd try to defend yourself based on where you were, witnesses who saw you, etc... You wouldn't attack the looks of the accuser. You do that when you have no viable defense.

article (my emphasis) said:
“When you looked at that horrible woman last night, you said 'I don’t think so,'” Trump told his supporters. “I don’t think so. Whoever she is, wherever she comes from, the stories are total fiction. They are 100 percent made up. They never happened. They never would happen. I don’t think it happened with very many people, but they certainly aren’t gonna happen with me.”
Can someone explain to me what that is supposed to mean?

It means "I groped her. I mean, I don't know but that's what a lot of people are saying - good people, TREMENDOUS people. And that's what they're saying; I groped her!"
That exact statement ran through my mind a few days ago. I figured he wouldn't have been dumb enough to say it, as typically it implies certain guilt.

If you weren't guilty, you'd try to defend yourself based on where you were, witnesses who saw you, etc... You wouldn't attack the looks of the accuser. You do that when you have no viable defense.

article (my emphasis) said:
“When you looked at that horrible woman last night, you said 'I don’t think so,'” Trump told his supporters. “I don’t think so. Whoever she is, wherever she comes from, the stories are total fiction. They are 100 percent made up. They never happened. They never would happen. I don’t think it happened with very many people, but they certainly aren’t gonna happen with me.”
Can someone explain to me what that is supposed to mean?

Ironically enough I was thinking he might say it.
That exact statement ran through my mind a few days ago. I figured he wouldn't have been dumb enough to say it, as typically it implies certain guilt.

If you weren't guilty, you'd try to defend yourself based on where you were, witnesses who saw you, etc... You wouldn't attack the looks of the accuser. You do that when you have no viable defense.

article (my emphasis) said:
“When you looked at that horrible woman last night, you said 'I don’t think so,'” Trump told his supporters. “I don’t think so. Whoever she is, wherever she comes from, the stories are total fiction. They are 100 percent made up. They never happened. They never would happen. I don’t think it happened with very many people, but they certainly aren’t gonna happen with me.”
Can someone explain to me what that is supposed to mean?

I think he's saying that the women are dogs and so not a lot of men would be interested in raping them. He's simultaneously aggrandizing his taste in women while degrading these women by criticizing their looks.

He couldn't be more of a dog himself by just saying that. Actually, that's an insult to dogs, even the tiny hyperactive, shaking yap-yap dogs, which I am not convinced are real dogs.

Anyway, this man's regard for his fellow human beings is rancid.

As for a viable defense, he pays smart lawyers to coach him and to think up more viable-sounding defenses. But he doesn't check with them before responding and instead chooses to blurt out to the world that beautiful women ignite callous, violent reactions in him, and that he is so stupid as to base his defense in the implication that this is normal or expected and would aid in clearing him in any way.
I can kind of understand the tactic. Trump's options:

1) Admit to sexual harrassment and try to apologize. His campaign would be ruined.

2) Deny everything. It's only two weeks until elections, and it's not like any law suits can be resolved in that time so it's just a PR game. Blame the media for not wanting to discuss the issues.

With option 2, Trump can at least keep his core supporters, and maybe if Hillary has a stroke or wikileaks publishes all those secret Benghazi emails that must exist :)rolleyes:) then he might have a shot. Option 1 would be the end of it.
I can kind of understand the tactic. Trump's options:

1) Admit to sexual harrassment and try to apologize. His campaign would be ruined.

2) Deny everything. It's only two weeks until elections, and it's not like any law suits can be resolved in that time so it's just a PR game. Blame the media for not wanting to discuss the issues.

With option 2, Trump can at least keep his core supporters, and maybe if Hillary has a stroke or wikileaks publishes all those secret Benghazi emails that must exist :)rolleyes:) then he might have a shot. Option 1 would be the end of it.

True, the "anything is better than admitting and apologizing" tactic buys him time. But that doesn't make him a smart strategist, per se, only that his deep seated aversion to admitting wrong will likely serve him at this crucial time. A smart tactic would be to devise an excuse that is not so blatantly evil and stick with that until election time, possibly retaining a few more voters than what he chose to go with, which is about as thoughtless and offensive as he can be in this situation. he's oblivious. His money has clearly made him, but his contribution to the success equation thus far outside of money is sheer entitlement and lack of capacity for shame. He's been pickling in it for 70 years.
But this defense does not even work because according to pictures from the time, the woman was clearly attractive, certainly more atractive than Monica Levinsky.
But this defense does not even work because according to pictures from the time, the woman was clearly attractive, certainly more atractive than Monica Levinsky.
Perverts don't really care - what they are interested in is power.
"Not attractive enough" is the very blunder that led to Oscar Wilde's conviction for the Crime Against Nature in 1895! Trump's in good company. Wilde remarked under oath that one of his accusers was not at all handsome (and therefore could not have been the object of Wilde's attentions) and the prosecution pounced on him. He never recovered. Trouble is, Trump's yahoos are not refined enough to grasp the implication. He could shoot all of them on Fifth Avenue and the survivors would still be chanting 'Lock'er up!!'
I'm just disgusted by the continued hypocrisy of my conservative friends who have no problem with Donald saying, "She's a lying ugly political attack" but continue to post how evil Hillary is for "viciously attacking her husband's accusers."
Ask your friends if Hillary ever grabbed her "lesbian" friends by the crotch and then later denied it by saying they were too ugly for her to have done that.
That exact statement ran through my mind a few days ago. I figured he wouldn't have been dumb enough to say it, as typically it implies certain guilt.

If you weren't guilty, you'd try to defend yourself based on where you were, witnesses who saw you, etc... You wouldn't attack the looks of the accuser. You do that when you have no viable defense.

article (my emphasis) said:
“When you looked at that horrible woman last night, you said 'I don’t think so,'” Trump told his supporters. “I don’t think so. Whoever she is, wherever she comes from, the stories are total fiction. They are 100 percent made up. They never happened. They never would happen. I don’t think it happened with very many people, but they certainly aren’t gonna happen with me.”
Can someone explain to me what that is supposed to mean?

He's saying people would very, very rarely have [rape] encounters with a woman that ugly. And he has high standards so he'd never touch her. If she's pretty, though, watch out!

The fact that you and I just didn't understand his statement for so long shows how we are poor listeners. Donald Trump is a way better speaker than Ronnie Raygun. I mean, Ronnie Raygun was just great. He was better than all previous Presidents and world leaders at speaking. But Trump is a level above Ronnie Raygun. So that's why we're terrible listeners. In fact, Trump would never even talk to us personally because we're not good enough. I mean, just look at us, Jimmy. If Trump ever had a problem with his communications--like they were ambiguous or something--it would not be with us, it would be with someone great.
If you weren't guilty, you'd try to defend yourself based on where you were, witnesses who saw you, etc... You wouldn't attack the looks of the accuser. You do that when you have no viable defense.
Yeah... "I would not do that to a woman" is a completely different statement from "i would not do that to an ugly woman."

Kind of like my son's classmate who regularly teased my son with racially insensitive comments. But he swore up and down that it wasn't racism because my kid's 'not black enough.'

Sometimes you just gotta wonder, exactly where are the wires crossed in their brain, you know? How did they learn enough English to demonstrate how stupid they are?
Donald Trump on Friday intimated a woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her was not attractive enough to have drawn his interest, part of a broader attack on the integrity and physical appearance of multiple women who've come forward this week to accuse the GOP presidential nominee of sexual assault.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go after her,” he said sarcastically at a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina. “Believe me, she would not be my first choice. That I can tell you. You don’t know. That would not be my first choice.”


Which basically is admitting that he's done it to attractive women.
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