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Trump threaten Iran: The art of distraction

What they don't get it that we DO want toughness on Iran. It can be done without being a bully and threatening war. The left doesn't understand the difference.

How about some toughness on ourselves?

We have been a destructive menace for decades.

We gave the ME a strengthened ISIS.

We are the nation attacking other people, not Iran.

What they don't get it that we DO want toughness on Iran. It can be done without being a bully and threatening war. The left doesn't understand the difference.

How about some toughness on ourselves?

We have been a destructive menace for decades.

We gave the ME a strengthened ISIS.

We are the nation attacking other people, not Iran.
What we want is a nuclear bomb free Iran, because if Iran gets a bomb, then Saudi Arabia will get the bomb. The Middle East has enough trouble as it is.
How about some toughness on ourselves?

We have been a destructive menace for decades.

We gave the ME a strengthened ISIS.

We are the nation attacking other people, not Iran.
What we want is a nuclear bomb free Iran, because if Iran gets a bomb, then Saudi Arabia will get the bomb. The Middle East has enough trouble as it is.

Give 'e m all the bomb. It's just a matter of time anyway. If they blow each other up, so be it. I know the oil companies won't like it, but "womp womp womp".
How about some toughness on ourselves?

We have been a destructive menace for decades.

We gave the ME a strengthened ISIS.

We are the nation attacking other people, not Iran.
What we want is a nuclear bomb free Iran, because if Iran gets a bomb, then Saudi Arabia will get the bomb. The Middle East has enough trouble as it is.

I agree with this.

But just as much we want a nuclear bomb free US.

The current president is unhinged, cannot be trusted, and the world is in danger.
How about some toughness on ourselves?

We have been a destructive menace for decades.

We gave the ME a strengthened ISIS.

We are the nation attacking other people, not Iran.
What we want is a nuclear bomb free Iran, because if Iran gets a bomb, then Saudi Arabia will get the bomb. The Middle East has enough trouble as it is.

I agree with this.

But just as much we want a nuclear bomb free US.

The current president is unhinged, cannot be trusted, and the world is in danger.
The military will not preemptively strike with nuclear weapons with Trump as President. I believe this is true... I sure the heck need to be able to believe it is true.
How about some toughness on ourselves?

We have been a destructive menace for decades.

We gave the ME a strengthened ISIS.

We are the nation attacking other people, not Iran.
What we want is a nuclear bomb free Iran, because if Iran gets a bomb, then Saudi Arabia will get the bomb. The Middle East has enough trouble as it is.

Give 'e m all the bomb. It's just a matter of time anyway. If they blow each other up, so be it. I know the oil companies won't like it, but "womp womp womp".
I'd rather millions of people not needlessly die in some ridiculously absurd holy civil war.

I can only imagine the Muslims fighting in the Crusades, being rallied for the cause.

"And with our victory in this battle today, we will live on to one day have our future generations eventually war with each other, for almost no reason at all." *HURRAH!!!*
Give 'e m all the bomb. It's just a matter of time anyway. If they blow each other up, so be it. I know the oil companies won't like it, but "womp womp womp".
I'd rather millions of people not needlessly die in some ridiculously absurd holy civil war.

I was being facetious, Jimmy. (where's that emoji?)
I would prefer that too. But if millions are gonna die in a nuclear holocaust, I'd prefer that it not be of our doing.

I can only imagine the Muslims fighting in the Crusades, being rallied for the cause.

Religions do evil when they make hollow promises of blissful afterlives for those who toe their political line. I feel sorry for those who are raised with that evil ingrained in their psyches. But if some are able to escape it, maybe there's some long term Darwinian benefit?

"And with our victory in this battle today, we will live on to one day have our future generations eventually war with each other, for almost no reason at all." *HURRAH!!!*

Yeah, that's about it... crying-face_1f622.png
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