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Trump threatens to shut down government over funding for "the Wall"

Not to mention government-funded contractors (like myself) who lose real paychecks. But that's Trump's style, right? Don't pay the contractors.

As another gov contractor, I can say that if they hang us out to dry on payments due for some large (for us) contracts, it will sink us.
Don't think it's gonna happen - Honest Don PROMISED that Mexico was going to pay for it. And Honest Don never lies, right?

I lost real money in the last shutdown. Yes, I got some extra time to organize my garage, but it wasn't worth the lost pay. And this time, my youngest child's daycare would be shut down too, so I wouldn't even get that time.
As another gov contractor, I can say that if they hang us out to dry on payments due for some large (for us) contracts, it will sink us.
Don't think it's gonna happen - Honest Don PROMISED that Mexico was going to pay for it. And Honest Don never lies, right?

I lost real money in the last shutdown. Yes, I got some extra time to organize my garage, but it wasn't worth the lost pay. And this time, my youngest child's daycare would be shut down too, so I wouldn't even get that time.

I'm already "losing" money because of fucking Cheato. Last year by this time, my Company was fulfilling two separate contracts worth ~$1m each under a 5 year BPA that we're only two years into. No solicitations like that this year at all - which might be a good thing if they were going to fail to pay us. As it is, we're barely keeping up with last year's total sales to date. We're negotiating sale of some of the Company, and we'd be in a much stronger position if we had another 1-2m to show for the year...
On the brighter side... there are certain individuals within the gov whose passions seem to have been ignited by Cheato's efforts to disempower them. I'm thinking in particular of our GSA Contracting Officer - just assigned to us last year. It used to be almost scary to ask a contracting officer for anything, but all of a sudden it seems like this one is going above and beyond to help us make best use of that channel. I do appreciate that very much, and lament for the pain being inflicted on all the good personnel.
<---- Also a contractor.
If he shuts down the govt, our business travel stops. Does his? Does Air Force 1 fly to Florida or Jersey or campaign rallies during a shutdown?

And does it make sense to stop paying for Border Patrol in order to get funding for a Border Wall? I mean, if we're THAT threatened by the US Mexico border, is it responsible, or irresponsible, to make that border less secure?
It kinda worked in Australia.

Yabut then they killed all the thylacines. :(

True, but they killed all the megalania's too. You know what they say, you can't get rid of a megalania without whoppin' a thylacine with a didgeridoo on the billabong... or something. I'm sure Australians say something like that.
We should not only build the Wall, but also create Night's Watch.

I like that idea. Clear out all the prisons and send the criminals down there to be part of a private army answerable to nobody but themselves. It's a brilliant plan.

Ok, maybe the "all crimes are forgiven if you take the black" would not be the best idea, but we need something more serious than the namby-pamby, catch-and-release Border Patrol that lets too many Wildlings, uhm I mean Mexicans, through.
One thing we need to keep is the celibacy. With a few 10,000s of these celibate Watchmen around, my chances would improve a bit. :)

P.S.: Donald, first of his name, could appoint Ser Joe Arpaio as Lord Commander.
I like that idea. Clear out all the prisons and send the criminals down there to be part of a private army answerable to nobody but themselves. It's a brilliant plan.

It kinda worked in Australia.

The plan was to create an extension of the British empire. They are now independent. So that didn't work out at all. Everything about the British empire turned out to be a failure. They couldn't even get their subjects to keep the same shitty British food.
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Just popping in to say that I am still not interested in Trump. This is 7 days now and the cravings are lessening.

Thank you, Jesus.:huggs:

<---- Also a contractor.
If he shuts down the govt, our business travel stops. Does his? Does Air Force 1 fly to Florida or Jersey or campaign rallies during a shutdown?

And does it make sense to stop paying for Border Patrol in order to get funding for a Border Wall? I mean, if we're THAT threatened by the US Mexico border, is it responsible, or irresponsible, to make that border less secure?
Not a lot of govt employees actually get furloughed, just what is deemed non-essential. All dealing with security stay on the job. Those furloughed get backpay. It's a free vacation.


Just popping in to say that I am still not interested in Trump. This is 7 days now and the cravings are lessening.

Thank you, Jesus.:huggs:

I'm strung out on Trump. The news people spent the entire weekend talking about a hurricane. It had me climbing the walls. 😉
I like that idea. Clear out all the prisons and send the criminals down there to be part of a private army answerable to nobody but themselves. It's a brilliant plan.

Ok, maybe the "all crimes are forgiven if you take the black" would not be the best idea, but we need something more serious than the namby-pamby, catch-and-release Border Patrol that lets too many Wildlings, uhm I mean Mexicans, through.
One thing we need to keep is the celibacy. With a few 10,000s of these celibate Watchmen around, my chances would improve a bit. :)

P.S.: Donald, first of his name, could appoint Ser Joe Arpaio as Lord Commander.

You and the Donald both seem to think he's the rightful king but sorry we're a democracy. The wheel is mostly destroyed.
Trump thinks like a criminal. Let's torture. Let's wipe out the relatives of terrorists. If we occupy a place, take their oil. Let's build something and present the bill to our neighbor. A hero is someone who shoots 49 captives in bullets dipped in pig's blood (this last one also belongs in the list demonstrating Trump's lies.)
I still have to believe that such repetitive nastiness and ignorance will lead to bad things for the man, and hopefully, his party. But the OP here demonstrates how horrible are the consequences of Trumpism for the country.
Not a lot of govt employees actually get furloughed, just what is deemed non-essential. All dealing with security stay on the job. Those furloughed get backpay. It's a free vacation.
But those non-essential jobs are still going to have an impact, which will only be cumulative as Trump's temper tantrum goes on.

The cop may be on the wall, but the person who fixes pay problems isn't available. The person who enacts pay raises is on the couch. The guys maintaining the trucks are either at home or the skeleton crew is being swamped.
Not a lot of govt employees actually get furloughed, just what is deemed non-essential. All dealing with security stay on the job. Those furloughed get backpay. It's a free vacation.

Civil servants I work with got their free vacation, but us contractors got shafted.
If Trump vetoes a budget bill, the Republicans will introduce impeachment in the House.

It would be just like Republicans to do that, too. Meanwhile, most Democratic Party politicians would still be worried over how it looks.

- - - Updated - - -

It was a joke. The serious part is that we need to do more to stop illegal migration though.
but sorry we're a democracy. The wheel is mostly destroyed.
What wheel?

got reference
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