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Trump told Comey to shut down the Flynn investigation

From The Daily Beast
A senior official in the Trump administration, who previously worked on the president’s campaign, offered a candid and brief assessment of the fallout from that string of bad press: “I don’t see how Trump isn’t completely fucked.”
Yep. He should have known that making Comey an enemy in this manner would have consequences. But he's rash, impulsive and just generally irrational. Which is why we can't have him in charge of nuclear weapons.

That's what I just can't fathom. He made enemies with the FBI, CIA, etc. before he was even elected. And he's treated them like shit this whole time. What did he think was going to happen?

He's also very familiar with lawyers. Comey is a lawyer AND the head of the fucking FBI! Comey keeps records of anything of any potentially minor note because it's so necessary to cover your ass in those lines of work. Does Trump not know that lawyers FBI people document everything???

But then again, he doesn't seem to be aware of the gravity of the office he holds. As if this is a civil case where he can just call up a team of lawyers and make the thing go away, while he goes off to play golf and grab pussy.

This is the guy who lied about using the John Miller/John Barron alias after admitting under oath that he did use that name. Nothing is unfathomable, in my opinion, with him or his continued supporters.
"Avoid fuck-ups. You all know the type. Anything they have anything to do with, no matter how good it sounds, turns into a disaster."

William S. Burroughs - Advice For Young People

It is obvious now that Trump's problem is that he is just a fuck-up. He has a special knack for screwing up and not learning from the experience. It's going to be a long 4 years, if he lasts that long. Not only is Donald J. Trump a fuck-up, but he has surrounded himself with fuck-ups.
The House oversight committee has requested the Comey memos. Chaffetz and Ryan have commented supporting it. Wonder if they are ready to cut Trump loose or if that's they think they can whitewash it. I suspect most congressional repubs would be relieved to have a President Pence, assuming Pence is not ensnared.
The House oversight committee has requested the Comey memos. Chaffetz and Ryan have commented supporting it. Wonder if they are ready to cut Trump loose or if that's they think they can whitewash it. I suspect most congressional repubs would be relieved to have a President Pence, assuming Pence is not ensnared.

They would, but the problem is the rabid, unforgiving and totally unreasonable portion of the electorate still backing Trump. They view anyone not in their camp as their avowed enemy and House Republicans risk a civil war within the party if they cross them. We can hope that enough Republicans feel the heat from the non batshit insane portions of their base that they do something. But either way it's going to be a brutal fight to get him the fuck out of office.
If all this shit combined doesn't take him down we really are in big fucking trouble (worse than we thought).

I think the worst thing about Trump is that he's making Bush look reasonable.

I don't see how Trump can last a full term. His abuses of the democratic system must have some limits. It's already gone beyond parody.
At worst, impeachment. At best, a failed presidency and Trump will be a one term president like G.W.H. Bush. The 2018 off year elections may see a rush to sanity by American voters to hobble Trump, Ryan and the GOP crazies. A new Democatic Congress may have a mandate to rein in and defang Trump if he survives.
Now we have Comey saying Trump did, and Trump saying he didn't. This means the sheeple left and right will believe what they want to hear. However the issue is that since an accusation was made it would logically need more than someone making notes.
The House oversight committee has requested the Comey memos. Chaffetz and Ryan have commented supporting it. Wonder if they are ready to cut Trump loose or if that's they think they can whitewash it. I suspect most congressional repubs would be relieved to have a President Pence, assuming Pence is not ensnared.

They would, but the problem is the rabid, unforgiving and totally unreasonable portion of the electorate still backing Trump. They view anyone not in their camp as their avowed enemy and House Republicans risk a civil war within the party if they cross them. We can hope that enough Republicans feel the heat from the non batshit insane portions of their base that they do something. But either way it's going to be a brutal fight to get him the fuck out of office.

I am sure a barrage of unsubstantiated claims can have an effect. Of course it will mean the US no longer respects the democratic process. It stems from Hilary stupidly using her own server for emails then finding Wiki leaks leaked them. The Russians were then accused for which there is still no indefeasible link.

I'm not sure if many people read what she had written on these and how this would have a major impact on the electorate. So Clinton says she has a private and public opinion on politics; so what? The 24/7 press barrage during the elections didn't seem to stop Trump being elected. This is continuing to this day.
I am sure a barrage of unsubstantiated claims can have an effect. Of course it will mean the US no longer respects the democratic process. It stems from Hilary stupidly using her own server for emails then finding Wiki leaks leaked them. The Russians were then accused for which there is still no indefeasible link.

I'm not sure if many people read what she had written on these and how this would have a major impact on the electorate. So Clinton says she has a private and public opinion on politics; so what? The 24/7 press barrage during the elections didn't seem to stop Trump being elected. This is continuing to this day.

^More previously refuted blatant falsehoods and gibberish.
Now we have Comey saying Trump did, and Trump saying he didn't. This means the sheeple left and right will believe what they want to hear. However the issue is that since an accusation was made it would logically need more than someone making notes.

Comey long ago learned that it is wise when dealing with incompetent presidents et al, to document what happene in detail. Comey knew what he was doing and Trump hasn't a clue.

You don't know what you are posting about.
I am sure a barrage of unsubstantiated claims can have an effect. Of course it will mean the US no longer respects the democratic process. It stems from Hilary stupidly using her own server for emails then finding Wiki leaks leaked them. The Russians were then accused for which there is still no indefeasible link.

I'm not sure if many people read what she had written on these and how this would have a major impact on the electorate. So Clinton says she has a private and public opinion on politics; so what? The 24/7 press barrage during the elections didn't seem to stop Trump being elected. This is continuing to this day.

^More previously refuted blatant falsehoods and gibberish.

How can a question be a falsehood? Did you read what I wrote? If there is a falsehood give a for instance. Besides, Hilary shouldn't have used her own server than blame the Russians for hacking the hackable but for which we don't know who is actually responsible. Assage and McFee say it was not the Russians.
Now we have Comey saying Trump did, and Trump saying he didn't. This means the sheeple left and right will believe what they want to hear. However the issue is that since an accusation was made it would logically need more than someone making notes.

Comey long ago learned that it is wise when dealing with incompetent presidents et al, to document what happene in detail. Comey knew what he was doing and Trump hasn't a clue.

You don't know what you are posting about.

What you say about Comey doesn't alter what I wrote. It's common practice to take notes after a conversation or meeting.

Who were the incompetent administrations? Are you indicating Obama?

Firstly we don't have the detail of what Comey recorded, and how this could be verified. Secondly we don't have what Trump reportedly taped. Also there is no actual instruction to cease the investigation. Check the wording.

Since Trump denies what Comey claims evidence is required hence the following:

"A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence" David Hume 1748

To expand further it means a wise man doesn't believe things on insufficient evidence

Now we have Comey saying Trump did, and Trump saying he didn't. This means the sheeple left and right will believe what they want to hear. However the issue is that since an accusation was made it would logically need more than someone making notes.
;Unless one of the people making notes is an FBI officer. THere's a precedent in accepting such notes of conversations as weighty testimony. Especially since he spread this information around right away, rather than hide them in a cabinet until after he was fired.
If Trump just says 'nuh-uh' without producing these tapes, the weight is firmly on COmey's side.
Trump and his people can't even keep to a single story, also a traditional sign of being liars.
^More previously refuted blatant falsehoods and gibberish.

How can a question be a falsehood?

1. A question can be gibberish.
2. There was only one question in your post.
3. So wtf are you talking about?

Did you read what I wrote?

Yes, I did, I'm not the one of us two with the reading comprehension problem.

If there is a falsehood give a for instance.

The very clear and blatant falsehood that:

It stems from Hilary stupidly using her own server for emails then finding Wiki leaks leaked them. The Russians were then accused for which there is still no indefeasible link.

Wikileaks didn't release any of her emails. Her server was never hacked as far as anyone knows. This is a basic, elementary fact of the whole story. Anybody who doesn't knows this should not be talking about any of it (meaning you). Only a fool/liar would keep repeating such a basic lie. And I say "repeat" because you posted the same thing just yesterday and I even pointed it out to you, and you replied to very post where I did so. my post

And you just repeated this error/lie once again:

Besides, Hilary shouldn't have used her own server than blame the Russians for hacking the hackable but for which we don't know who is actually responsible. Assage and McFee say it was not the Russians.

So, what is your deal? What is your problem? Time to come clean for once and to also stop spamming the forum with your falsehoods/lies/gibberish.
Now we have Comey saying Trump did, and Trump saying he didn't. This means the sheeple left and right will believe what they want to hear. However the issue is that since an accusation was made it would logically need more than someone making notes.
;Unless one of the people making notes is an FBI officer. THere's a precedent in accepting such notes of conversations as weighty testimony. Especially since he spread this information around right away, rather than hide them in a cabinet until after he was fired.
If Trump just says 'nuh-uh' without producing these tapes, the weight is firmly on COmey's side.
Trump and his people can't even keep to a single story, also a traditional sign of being liars.

Only a fool doesn't make notes. He would be better off if he had a carbonated pad and asked someone present to sign it where there are clear dates and signatures. However this is easier said than done.
Really if Trump has tapes of the conversation he should produce these and the memos should be produced.
;Unless one of the people making notes is an FBI officer. THere's a precedent in accepting such notes of conversations as weighty testimony. Especially since he spread this information around right away, rather than hide them in a cabinet until after he was fired.
If Trump just says 'nuh-uh' without producing these tapes, the weight is firmly on COmey's side.
Trump and his people can't even keep to a single story, also a traditional sign of being liars.

Only a fool doesn't make notes. He would be better off if he had a carbonated pad and asked someone present to sign it where there are clear dates and signatures. However this is easier said than done.
Really if Trump has tapes of the conversation he should produce these and the memos should be produced.

Your opinion is worth less than nothing.
How can a question be a falsehood?

1. A question can be gibberish.
2. There was only one question in your post.
3. So wtf are you talking about?

Did you read what I wrote?

Yes, I did, I'm not the one of us two with the reading comprehension problem.

If there is a falsehood give a for instance.

The very clear and blatant falsehood that:

It stems from Hilary stupidly using her own server for emails then finding Wiki leaks leaked them. The Russians were then accused for which there is still no indefeasible link.

Wikileaks didn't release any of her emails. Her server was never hacked as far as anyone knows. This is a basic, elementary fact of the whole story. Anybody who doesn't knows this should not be talking about any of it (meaning you). Only a fool/liar would keep repeating such a basic lie. And I say "repeat" because you posted the same thing just yesterday and I even pointed it out to you, and you replied to very post where I did so. my post

And you just repeated this error/lie once again:

Besides, Hilary shouldn't have used her own server than blame the Russians for hacking the hackable but for which we don't know who is actually responsible. Assage and McFee say it was not the Russians.

So, what is your deal? What is your problem? Time to come clean for once and to also stop spamming the forum with your falsehoods/lies/gibberish.


Earlier this week, leaders of the Democratic National Committee and former officials of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign made the startling allegation that the Russian government hacked into the email accounts of Mrs. Clinton’s colleagues to tilt the presidential election toward Donald Trump. They even pointed to statements made by CIA officials backing their allegations.

Your comment to mine does not relate to what I wrote.
Only a fool doesn't make notes. He would be better off if he had a carbonated pad and asked someone present to sign it where there are clear dates and signatures. However this is easier said than done.
Really if Trump has tapes of the conversation he should produce these and the memos should be produced.

Your opinion is worth less than nothing.

Does this mean Comey's Memos and Trumps Tapes are of no importance?
You again only proved your lack of the merest of reading comprehension ability. That quote isn't talking about her server.

I'm done for now, so I'll address later your next and inevitable vomit of gibberish.
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