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Trump told Comey to shut down the Flynn investigation

Why are we Capitalizing words like Tapes and Memos like This?

I pointed to the Moon, but instead you looked at the finger. Do you understand the purpose of the statement?

I've found it's a common affectation among cranks - you see it all the time at WND. And I do understand the purpose of the statement, and while you claim to be pointing at the Moon it clearly smells more like Uranus.
This is way speculative, but... if Dems take the House in 2018, and then both Trump and Pence are removed from office - would that then mean a President Pelosi? Would that mean that, depending on the evidence against Pence (and the amount of immediate damage Trump is doing) it might be strategically advisable for Dems to leave Trump in office until after 2018, even if he could be removed sooner?

Way, way speculative. For starters, they wouldn't get the keys to the House until January 2019. If this scandal is the basis for impeachment (assuming nothing else pops up) then 20 months is a very long time between the news breaking and the Democrats being able to do anything about it. The Trump administration would simply scream "old news" over and over again, the Republicans in the House would mumble assent, and the Senate changing hands in 2018 is unlikely.

In any case, in order for an impeachment of Trump (and possibly Pence) to have any political legitimacy, more than a handful of Republicans need to be involved. Not just quietly voting for it in a couple years, but actively involved. Testifying. Speechifying. It must be a bipartisan effort otherwise Pelosi (or whomever is Speaker) will be viewed as less than legit. Ford had legitimacy (despite having not been elected) because he was perceived as taking the job out of a sense of duty. He couldn't be accused of stealing the Presidency, and you can be damned sure that such an accusation will be leveled at Pelosi.

In order for Trump to be removed from office AND be a benefit to the country as opposed to one party, the best thing would be for the proceedings to begin prior to November 2018, have Pence remain as "caretaker" President, and then try not to have a dumpster fire of an election in 2020.
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