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Trump told Comey to shut down the Flynn investigation

You again only proved your lack of the merest of reading comprehension ability. That quote isn't talking about her server.

I'm done for now, so I'll address later your next and inevitable vomit of gibberish.

I mentioned the matter regarding her server as this is one of the sources of later media flurries and does not alter the fact that we need to see the Memos and the Tapes from Trump.

You can't give a specific answer to any of your points.
If all this shit combined doesn't take him down we really are in big fucking trouble (worse than we thought).

I think the worst thing about Trump is that he's making Bush look reasonable.

I don't see how Trump can last a full term. His abuses of the democratic system must have some limits. It's already gone beyond parody.

Watching Senator Angus King this morning calling for caution about impeachment. He said that there have been only two impeachments in our history (Nixon and Clinton) then mentions Andrew Jackson and says we don't want to repeat that mistake of one party calling for the impeachment of a President of the other party "only" because of a disagreement over policies.


I hope that I am misinterpreting his intent, but it seems to me that the current situation with Trump has far far far more in common with Nixon whereas the very partisan Republican House impeachment of Clinton was that was purely "disagreement over policies"
WP, The Washington Times? Really? Not a good non-biased source still: "Hacked into the emails of her colleagues" is not the same as "Hacked into a defunct private server."

- - - Updated - - -

I think the worst thing about Trump is that he's making Bush look reasonable.

I don't see how Trump can last a full term. His abuses of the democratic system must have some limits. It's already gone beyond parody.

Watching Senator Angus King this morning calling for caution about impeachment. He said that there have been only two impeachments in our history (Nixon and Clinton) then mentions Andrew Jackson and says we don't want to repeat that mistake of one party calling for the impeachment of a President of the other party "only" because of a disagreement over policies.


I hope that I am misinterpreting his intent, but it seems to me that the current situation with Trump has far far far more in common with Nixon whereas the very partisan Republican House impeachment of Clinton was that was purely "disagreement over policies"

Yep. Is the disagreement that the GOP thinks Trump's actions are just fine?
Now we have Comey saying Trump did, and Trump saying he didn't. This means the sheeple left and right will believe what they want to hear. However the issue is that since an accusation was made it would logically need more than someone making notes.

You, of all people, calling others "sheeple" is highly amusing.

But setting your name-calling aside for the moment, contemporaneous notes are generally considered credible - much more so than people's memories of events. Moreover, it comes down to an issue of individual credibility, too. Trump has none. And finally, the sequence of events fully support the accusation that Trump was trying to put an end to investigations into Michael Flynn and/or any Trump connections with Russia.

We don't necessarily need a smoking gun with Trump's fingerprints on it when we find the dead body on Fifth Avenue.
The Clown just behaved like a clown, and firmly believes he should not be judged by normal standards because he is so totally abnormal. Cutting off your nose to spite your face does produce daft results, just like Brexit.
They would, but the problem is the rabid, unforgiving and totally unreasonable portion of the electorate still backing Trump. They view anyone not in their camp as their avowed enemy and House Republicans risk a civil war within the party if they cross them. We can hope that enough Republicans feel the heat from the non batshit insane portions of their base that they do something. But either way it's going to be a brutal fight to get him the fuck out of office.

I am sure a barrage of unsubstantiated claims can have an effect. Of course it will mean the US no longer respects the democratic process...
I am not repeating your wild rant about HRC, but I will say that you have it so completely backwards that I can't imagine you didn't do it on purpose. Yes, a barrage of unsubstantiated claims can indeed have an effect. But it was HRC (and American democracy) that have been the victims. What the Republicans have been doing to the Clintons for more than 25 years is why we have an undemocratically-elected incompetent buffoon destroying the country now.
;Unless one of the people making notes is an FBI officer. THere's a precedent in accepting such notes of conversations as weighty testimony. Especially since he spread this information around right away, rather than hide them in a cabinet until after he was fired.
If Trump just says 'nuh-uh' without producing these tapes, the weight is firmly on COmey's side.
Trump and his people can't even keep to a single story, also a traditional sign of being liars.

Only a fool doesn't make notes.
And your point about Trump is...?
Really if Trump has tapes of the conversation he should produce these and the memos should be produced.
If Trump secretly recorded the conversation he should absolutely produce that recording. That will absolutely clear the record and everyone will leave Trump alone for now.
You again only proved your lack of the merest of reading comprehension ability. That quote isn't talking about her server.

I'm done for now, so I'll address later your next and inevitable vomit of gibberish.

I mentioned the matter regarding her server

Of course you did. You have nothing else in hand to distract from the obvious - it has been ever so for well over a year now.

You can't give a specific answer to any of your points.

You can't even string together a coherent rebuttal to any of the points raised here, Spicey.
Now we have Comey saying Trump did, and Trump saying he didn't.
Trump said a record number of people attended the Inauguration. Said millions illegally voted in the 2016 Election. He says a lot of stuff, almost none of it is true.

This means the sheeple left and right will believe what they want to hear.
I believe that the Comey memo fits in the timeline quite squarely with all the other dots, including the White House obstruction of the House Intelligence investigation on Russia.

However the issue is that since an accusation was made it would logically need more than someone making notes.
You are so cute. Honestly, I think most of us are ready to fire Trump from a cannon over the Mexican border, but if you insist, we probably could wait until he resigns. At which point, you'll still defend him for being a victim of the swamp draining him.
They would, but the problem is the rabid, unforgiving and totally unreasonable portion of the electorate still backing Trump. They view anyone not in their camp as their avowed enemy and House Republicans risk a civil war within the party if they cross them. We can hope that enough Republicans feel the heat from the non batshit insane portions of their base that they do something. But either way it's going to be a brutal fight to get him the fuck out of office.

I am sure a barrage of unsubstantiated claims can have an effect. Of course it will mean the US no longer respects the democratic process. It stems from Hilary stupidly using her own server for emails then finding Wiki leaks leaked them. The Russians were then accused for which there is still no indefeasible link.

I'm not sure if many people read what she had written on these and how this would have a major impact on the electorate. So Clinton says she has a private and public opinion on politics; so what? The 24/7 press barrage during the elections didn't seem to stop Trump being elected. This is continuing to this day.
Bull shit! It wasn't HER email server that was hacked. It was the govt. servers.
Get your facts straight before trying to blame HRC.
I think the worst thing about Trump is that he's making Bush look reasonable.

I don't see how Trump can last a full term. His abuses of the democratic system must have some limits. It's already gone beyond parody.

Watching Senator Angus King this morning calling for caution about impeachment. He said that there have been only two impeachments in our history (Nixon and Clinton) then mentions Andrew Jackson and says we don't want to repeat that mistake of one party calling for the impeachment of a President of the other party "only" because of a disagreement over policies.


I hope that I am misinterpreting his intent, but it seems to me that the current situation with Trump has far far far more in common with Nixon whereas the very partisan Republican House impeachment of Clinton was that was purely "disagreement over policies"

Clinton's impeachment was total bullshit. The place a president consensually puts his penis is utterly and completely irrelevant for the job as a president. If they think that is grounds for impeachment, then everything is. Trump has already bragged about non-consensually grabbing women by the pussy before the election. Which means that the Republicans have no moral standards around sexual matters. Which means that the Clinton impeachemnt, wasn't about morals. It was only about removing a popular president on any flimsy pretext.

The Republicans have already sunk so low that they deserve no respect in any way. I mean... Reagan. They voted for that total clown. And after that it's only gotten worse.

American politics is already a reality show devoid of any intelligence. Americans doesn't seem to understand how dangerous it is that a person like Trump is at the helm of the most important force for democracy in the world.

Anyway... that's how it looks like from Sweden. Not saying Sweden is any better. But Trump is certainly making every other political leader look good. Next to Trump Al-Baghdadi and Kim Yong Un have never looked as good.
I think the worst thing about Trump is that he's making Bush look reasonable.

I don't see how Trump can last a full term. His abuses of the democratic system must have some limits. It's already gone beyond parody.

Watching Senator Angus King this morning calling for caution about impeachment. He said that there have been only two impeachments in our history (Nixon and Clinton) then mentions Andrew Jackson and says we don't want to repeat that mistake of one party calling for the impeachment of a President of the other party "only" because of a disagreement over policies.


I hope that I am misinterpreting his intent, but it seems to me that the current situation with Trump has far far far more in common with Nixon whereas the very partisan Republican House impeachment of Clinton was that was purely "disagreement over policies"
I think he needs to study his history. Nixon was NOT impeached. Nixon resigned. Johnson and Clinton were impeached by the House, but acquitted by the Senate. Why should we listen to a commentator that doesn't even have his facts correct?
You again only proved your lack of the merest of reading comprehension ability. That quote isn't talking about her server.

I'm done for now, so I'll address later your next and inevitable vomit of gibberish.

I mentioned the matter regarding her server as this is one of the sources of later media flurries and does not alter the fact that we need to see the Memos and the Tapes from Trump.

You can't give a specific answer to any of your points.

Why are we Capitalizing words like Tapes and Memos like This?

Meh. This tweet is from a Democrat. So not particularly interesting. If the source had been members of Trump's team it would have been interesting.

I believe it, pretty much because that is how I'd be handling it if I never had to be diplomatic in my life. That being said, I don't think it is particularly telling, because if I was innocent, I'd be pissed as well.
Meh. This tweet is from a Democrat. So not particularly interesting. If the source had been members of Trump's team it would have been interesting.

I believe it, pretty much because that is how I'd be handling it if I never had to be diplomatic in my life. That being said, I don't think it is particularly telling, because if I was innocent, I'd be pissed as well.
Trump wants respect. The respect he thinks he deserves and is entitled to. He isn't getting it, and that is killing him.

Trump has always been this person, but with the god given gift of money and lawyers, Trump has been shielded for most of his corporate life from a lot of this stuff getting out. That shield is gone. Turns out the wannabe dictator was naked... and stupid... and can't read well because he is too vain to wear glasses.
Actually, I'd rather he try to play with the Football than order some cruise missiles.
"Open up, I'm gonna nuke Korea."
"Yes, sir, what's today's password?"
"I don't know that!"
"It was in the intel brief, sir."
"It wasn't in the one I saw!"
"Oh, it wouldn't be in the one-page summery, sir, no. That's seen by too many people."
"Well, where's the big one?"
"Oh, it gets shredded each day following the briefing."
"There was no briefing!"
"It was scheduled, you weren't there."
"Well, whatever, I need the password."
"It'll be in tomorrow's briefing, sir. Be sure to attend."
"I'm going to Mar A Lago tomorrow!"
"Oh, we can't brief you there, sir, that's a horribly unsecure location. Well, see you at Monday's briefing...."
I hope the JCS has hid "the Football" from Il Douchebag. Otherwise, someone's going to get nuked as a distraction.
Actually, I'd rather he try to play with the Football than order some cruise missiles.
"Open up, I'm gonna nuke Korea."
"Yes, sir, what's today's password?"
"I don't know that!"
"It was in the intel brief, sir."
"It wasn't in the one I saw!"
"Oh, it wouldn't be in the one-page summery, sir, no. That's seen by too many people."
"Well, where's the big one?"
"Oh, it gets shredded each day following the briefing."
"There was no briefing!"
"It was scheduled, you weren't there."
"Well, whatever, I need the password."
"It'll be in tomorrow's briefing, sir. Be sure to attend."
"I'm going to Mar A Lago tomorrow!"
"Oh, we can't brief you there, sir, that's a horribly unsecure location. Well, see you at Monday's briefing...."
Or simply...

"I need the password"
"Here you go sir"
"What is this?"
"It is the typical 25 code word password."
"I can't read it, the font is too small."
"It is 14 pt font."
"Okay, thanks..." ... "Hey General, I want to nuke North Korea, the password is 14 point font".
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