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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

The coronavirus that has infected more than a million Americans is increasingly moving into rural areas in search of new victims, as nearly one-third of the nation’s counties experienced widespread transmission over the last week.
Will Republicans start to take it more seriously? Especially at the sight of honkies suffering and dying from it.

I think they will.Like so many things, many people don't have an empathy for it until it hits them at someone they personally know. I suspect the incursion into the rural areas will indeed change some minds.
I can't speak for other states, but I'm hoping that most of them are also taking reasonable approaches.

Reading about the durability of the COVID-19 virus, it sounds like AZ (and CO, NM) might benefit from the summer heat because of the low humidity. Apparently the virus (or its lipid shell) is more persistent in humid heat and dryer cold.
So a reasonable approach that works in one area might not work in another. Control of the spread is only as good as its weakest point. I'll feel better about it once more is known about antibodies, re-infection rates etc..
Being dried out seems like a likely limiter for the virus's survival outside its hosts. So hot and dry would be especially bad for it.

Wouldn’t this be a bigger problem for the bug if Covid-19 was like measles, ie hanging around a room for a long time, reading a magazine?

Covid-19 spreads from people being close because the host appears healthy.
China's response to Trump blaming them for well, everything covid-19 related. Not a joke - this is from Xinhua News.


Trump may be doing a fucking abysmal job handling this pandemic, but at least America is no longer the laughing stock of the world like it was under Obama amirite?
Distinction between the the two? This is from a center right source, but please be my guest and deny any of the claims made about Trump here with your usual vitriol! I won't hold my breath!


The distinction I was referring to is the difference between "endorsing Biden" and "resoundingly condemning Trump", but that just flew over your head didn't it? Also, if you're trying to peg hate sites as being merely "centre right", you are clearly not arguing in good faith. Not a surprise, but just letting you know.

Still waiting on proof that NYT said 87% of the media support Dems, by the way.

Hate sites? You mean like the NYT?
The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican Party member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, it has endorsed the Democratic Party nominee in every presidential election (see New York Times presidential endorsements).
Distinction between the the two? This is from a center right source, but please be my guest and deny any of the claims made about Trump here with your usual vitriol! I won't hold my breath!


The distinction I was referring to is the difference between "endorsing Biden" and "resoundingly condemning Trump", but that just flew over your head didn't it? Also, if you're trying to peg hate sites as being merely "centre right", you are clearly not arguing in good faith. Not a surprise, but just letting you know.

Still waiting on proof that NYT said 87% of the media support Dems, by the way.

Hate sites? You mean like the NYT?
The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican Party member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, it has endorsed the Democratic Party nominee in every presidential election (see New York Times presidential endorsements).

Maybe the NYT are on to something?
Hate sites? You mean like the NYT?

No, I mean hate sites run by known bigots

The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican Party member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, it has endorsed the Democratic Party nominee in every presidential election (see New York Times presidential endorsements).

Cool story. It has fuck all to do with your assertion that "The New York Times itself has admitted that around 87% of the mainstream media is pro Dem" When did the NYT say that, and in what context? This is your assertion, back it up with some proof.
Hate sites? You mean like the NYT?
The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican Party member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, it has endorsed the Democratic Party nominee in every presidential election (see New York Times presidential endorsements).

Maybe the NYT are on to something?

Any news source on Earth that claims non partiality, or even handed fairness as the NYT does, it's simply not possible that not once in modern history there's never been one conservative they gave an even break to. Even Pravda hasn't got such a record.
Distinction between the the two? This is from a center right source, but please be my guest and deny any of the claims made about Trump here with your usual vitriol! I won't hold my breath!


The distinction I was referring to is the difference between "endorsing Biden" and "resoundingly condemning Trump", but that just flew over your head didn't it? Also, if you're trying to peg hate sites as being merely "centre right", you are clearly not arguing in good faith. Not a surprise, but just letting you know.

Still waiting on proof that NYT said 87% of the media support Dems, by the way.

Hate sites? You mean like the NYT?
The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican Party member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, it has endorsed the Democratic Party nominee in every presidential election (see New York Times presidential endorsements).

That is hate? Then what is OAN?
Will Republicans start to take it more seriously? Especially at the sight of honkies suffering and dying from it.

Racist. This is no different from using the n word for black people.
Half-Life, where is your sense of humor?

Halfie uses 'humor' to reinforce his outlook, not to challenge it. It's not an 'interrupted defense mechanism,' just a straight-up defense.
Liberals hating white people validates a whole lot in his little life.
The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican Party member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, it has endorsed the Democratic Party nominee in every presidential election (see New York Times presidential endorsements).
Assertion of victimhood - something that conservatives claim is contrary to their principles.

angelo's post is contrary to conservative principles in other ways. A major one is that anything goes when it's a business management or a business leader that does it. A related one is that if one does not like a business, one does not have to patronize it. Also that if one does not patronize a business, one isn't suffering from it, and thus that one has no right to complain about it.
China's response to Trump blaming them for well, everything covid-19 related. Not a joke - this is from Xinhua News.


Trump may be doing a fucking abysmal job handling this pandemic, but at least America is no longer the laughing stock of the world like it was under Obama amirite?
Too true vid...sadly I think we are going to see a ton more China bashing/lies by Clownstick as he seeks to deflect for Nov election.

Note: I am not implying that China is perfect or honest...
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:confused: Do you actually think anyone has suggested that the virus cares about unemployment?
That seems to be the case because they keep suggesting we open up and increase the risk of spreading the virus because of unemployment.
People care about both unemployment and the virus.
Funny, because you accused me of not passive aggressively.
People care about getting sick and maybe dying... but also care about losing their income and maybe their house and ending up homeless and destitute.
That later stuff is stuff the Government can manage... if people in the US had elected a viable govenrment. My plan in very early March was the government paying people their salaries, up to $200k or whatnot. Enough to pay the bills and keep things afloat. Corporations would have needed to set aside their payroll if they could have afforded it. It would have been very costly, but it would have stabilized a good portion of the system, instead of trying to do these stupid different fund set ups that are poorly managed. Keep out the middle man, use FICA to reverse fund people's salaries during a close down. We didn't get that unfortunately.

You aren't at risk of losing your job, neither am I. But I've got family who have lost their income, and I've got family and friends worried about how they're going to pay their bills and their rent and pay for food. And worried about whether or not they're going to be able to find a job when this is done.
And 500,000 to 3,000,000 people can die and destroy the health care system, leading to hundreds of thousands or millions more deaths. Trump fucked up big by failing to lead in this and closing shit down in very early March. We are stuck with the mathematical consequences of his failure. Trading jobs with unknown economic viability during a pandemic for a lot of lives is grossly unethical and simply shows what a failure the right-wing safety net philosophy is.

People are contemplating whether they have to work and risk spreading a deadly disease because otherwise, they would become homeless. That is right-wing compassionate conservatism straight up the butt... no lube... no warning.

I'm glad to see that you at least consider population density as a factor that might vary from place to place. I'd also suggest consideration for geographical and climate differences. Perhaps even some thought to prevailing industry and the kind of work that gets done in that region.
Oh that's right, the climate differences... because that science is settled? This isn't measles. This isn't a disease that lingers in the air forever, at least not yet. This is a disease that appears to spread be close contact, and when you open things up, the Venn Diagrams of homes intersect with a lot more homes. And that leads to the spread. Humidity, temperature aren't going to play as much.

Opening up HI, ID, MT, and VT may not do a lot of the entire US economy... but it might make a big difference to the economies in those states, and the ability of people in those states to keep their homes and feed their families.
Yeah, again, I didn't say they couldn't. They meet certain metrics and can likely open. Of course, once we closed the first time, 60,000+ were doomed to die... and states like Ohio only had 371 cases. The trouble we will see is that controlling the spread will be extraordinarily hard.
Hate sites? You mean like the NYT?
The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican Party member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, it has endorsed the Democratic Party nominee in every presidential election (see New York Times presidential endorsements).

Maybe the NYT are on to something?

Any news source on Earth that claims non partiality, or even handed fairness as the NYT does, it's simply not possible that not once in modern history there's never been one conservative they gave an even break to. Even Pravda hasn't got such a record.

So you're admitting that your claim that the NYT stated that 87% of the media supports Democrats was totally made-up bullshit.

Congratulations. The first step is beating your problem is to admit you are the problem.
The State of Maryland has hidden the coronavirus tests they recently acquired from S. Korea, so the feds won't grab them. They're being guarded by State Police and National Guard.


I wonder what would happen if asshole sent troops to confiscate the tests? It could make him look like an even bigger idiot, or it could spark something really bad.
Hate sites? You mean like the NYT?
The New York Times has not endorsed a Republican Party member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, it has endorsed the Democratic Party nominee in every presidential election (see New York Times presidential endorsements).

Maybe the NYT are on to something?

Any news source on Earth that claims non partiality, or even handed fairness as the NYT does, it's simply not possible that not once in modern history there's never been one conservative they gave an even break to. Even Pravda hasn't got such a record.

The problem is you don't recognize an even break when you see it.
I'm glad to see that you at least consider population density as a factor that might vary from place to place. I'd also suggest consideration for geographical and climate differences.

Exactly. That's a lot of factors to juggle and there could be thousands of discrete or even unique sets of conditions. That's why we need the Fed to support local governments and not abdicate all responsibility, deferring everything to the States. Having declared a National Emergency it is the Administration's job to actually manage the response - including supply logistics, production etc.
Sorry, Elixir, I'm having some confusion here. It seems like you're saying that there are so many factors that vary from place to place, that each place shouldn't be allowed to make their own decisions, but that all of those thousands of unique sets of conditions should be monitored and decided on predominantly by one central entity? That doesn't make sense to me, so I suspect I'm parsing that improperly. Can you re-explain?
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