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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Coupled with the fact that Pelosi did not have access to the same information Trump was receiving, it's a bullshit argument. But all of that pales in comparison with the fucking stupid belief that a political party in a democratic nation is hell bent on killing off their constituents. That's some infantile stupidity right there.

You guys all claimed that you all knew a lockdown was needed in January. What information were you guys using to make that determination? Then you say Pelosi didn't have the necessary information in LATE FEBRUARY and when Fauci told us all to go party on cruise ships on March 9, you said, "HE WAS LYING FOR TRUMP!!!!"

Hi there! You know all that shit you have accused me of saying? Yeah, never said it.

My God! Listen to yourselves and the excuses! Seriously!

Why don't you smell what you're shoveling?
Excuses for what? I stand by my claim that no elected official wants their constituents to die, as people like yourself and angelo keep on insisting. Not even Trump. Now if you were to ask me if certain officials give a fuck if their decisions cause deaths, I'd have to revise my answer. But that is most certainly not what Trumpsuckers are proclaiming.

And Trump has been saying at all his briefings lately, "I was the only one in the room of 21 people on January 23 that wanted to ban travel form China. I was the only one in the room that wanted to do it. Everyone else told me not to do it."

He also just said, "The Democrats say, 'you closed the borders but let 40,000 come to America!"...."Yes they were American citizens! And we put them through rigorous testing and quarantine when they came back."

Paragraph 2 disqualifies Paragraph 1. "Rigorous testing and quarantine" is an outright lie, and you have your number mixed up. 430,000 people have entered the US since the pandemic started. Trump decided to close to borders after 390,000 people have come trough - and that closure was selective at best as authorized non-US citizens went through as well. Rearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic doesn't even begin to cover how ineffective Trump's plan is.

He also said, "The Democrats are hoping there's no vaccine by re-election time because they don't want me receiving credit for it. They'd rather see Americans die than give me credit."

I'm not surprised Trump would say something like that. He's a lying cunt.
"According to the anti-Trump cult, Trump can do no right." - Sean Hannity

From the man who criticized President Obama for his choice of mustard on a hot dog.

Perhaps Fox News has succeeded after all in polarizing a nation, as intended.

I've seen Hannity say stuff like, "I will give Obama credit for doing x, y, and z."

Can't say the same for Trump haters.
"According to the anti-Trump cult, Trump can do no right." - Sean Hannity

From the man who criticized President Obama for his choice of mustard on a hot dog.

Perhaps Fox News has succeeded after all in polarizing a nation, as intended.

I've seen Hannity say stuff like, "I will give Obama credit for doing x, y, and z."

Can't say the same for Trump haters.

Oh, well if you say it, then it must be so.

One minor thing:
I've seen Hannity say stuff like, "I will give Obama credit for doing x, y, and z."

Can't say the same for Trump haters.

Oh, well if you say it, then it must be so.

One minor thing:

Funny you use known anti-semite Jon Leibowitz...I mean Jon Stewart because he's embarrssed to use his Jewish name.

Then about a week later, Leibowitz backtracked his comments and bashed Trump again.
Funny you use known anti-semite Jon Leibowitz...I mean Jon Stewart because he's embarrssed to use his Jewish name.

Then about a week later, Leibowitz backtracked his comments and bashed Trump again.

What have we told you about making bullshit claims without citing your source? Seeing as I am the one providing actual proof, I'm justified in dismissing your rhetorical crap. Incidentally, where is your clip of Hannity giving Obama credit for anything?
Former OSHA Officials Voice Alarm as Trump Tells Corporations They Don't Have to Record Coronavirus Cases Among Their Workers

"Also, not many people know this, but remember those relatives that they told you died? They're not really dead. Trust me."

Is there any degree of evil they will not resort to?

I think you know the answer to that already. The answer is no, because they have in fact already resorted to it. Letting children die of neglect in concentration camps is pretty much the bottom of the barrel already; it is already the fullest extent of evil possible; past here are only varying levels of scale rather than degree. I mean he fucking raped a child sex slave. You already have your answer.
The Trumpster would eat him alive in a direct one on one debate.

Considering the extent of his morbid obesity, Trump would eat anything - period. Other than that you're full of shit.

I'm full of shite? So Creepy's figure of 600.000 Americans dead from the Chinese virus is correct? :realitycheck:

It's less than the 46 trillion who would die if they believed the bullshit you spew, considering it has been proven without doubt you can't argue in good faith.
The Trumpster would eat him alive in a direct one on one debate.

Considering the extent of his morbid obesity, Trump would eat anything - period. Other than that you're full of shit.

I'm full of shite? So Creepy's figure of 600.000 Americans dead from the Chinese virus is correct? :realitycheck:
If Biden said that, it was a Biden "gaffe". That we are almost at 70,000 is Trump incompetence, as he eggs on more protests and dissent for social distancing... a policy he let expire.
Patrick Stokes on Twitter: "London, November 1940: ripping down blackout panels and loudly demanding the streetlights come back on because it’s been two months already and people just aren’t meant to live like this" / Twitter
London, November 1940: ripping down blackout panels and loudly demanding the streetlights come back on because it’s been two months already and people just aren’t meant to live like this

Smashing up the wireless set because it keeps feeding media lies about a so-called “Blitz” designed to control us with fear

“More people have died of flu than buzzbombs!*

*here in Berwick-upon-Tweed

“The best thing we can do is open back up and let Coventry burn to the ground so it can’t burn anymore.”

“For the vast majority of healthy people a V2 produces nothing more serious than a mild buzzing noise.”

“Why are we sending children out to stay with relatives in the countryside? Why disrupt their education when so far there have been so few direct hits on schools?”

“The Blitz only killed 0.23% of the population of London! Why did we make such a big deal out of it?”
Tony Kuriger on Twitter: "@patstokes @ptoothfish Remember when Al Quaeda did 9/11 and many of the same people calling for ending lockdown now went on a literal multi trillion dollar crusade on the other side of the world over it?" / Twitter

Yes. Iraq had no direct connection with Al Qaeda, and no convincing evidence of weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein was admittedly not a very nice sort of leader, but I doubt that that is worth fighting a major war about.

The Iraq War was also fought without a clearly stated plan for paying for it.
Pat Stokes mixed up V1's with V2's, something that he conceded in a later tweet. V1's were called "buzz bombs" from their pulse-jet engines -- they were an early cruise missile. V2's could not be heard before they arrived, because IIRC they arrived at supersonic speed.

Paul Bamford on Twitter: "@patstokes “You’re more likely to die from peritonitis from a ruptured appendix than German bombing.” https://t.co/3Db8oRlLIj" / Twitter

Patrick Stokes on Twitter: "@dprobbob From what I can gather (and I’m obviously not a historian!) it depends what we mean by “destroy.” About 40,000 civilians killed during the Blitz nationally + 20,000 more by the end of the war. Over 8m people in London (then dropped by 2m, didn’t return to 1939 levels until 2015.)" / Twitter

Reddishraven on Twitter: "@patstokes Clearly not worth the huge investment in Spitfires the government made without consulting us." / Twitter

Kathryn Skidmore on Twitter: "@patstokes @delmaclifton What’s this rationing idea all about???? It’s a commie plot! Give us all the food NOW! We know you’re keeping it from us🤬" / Twitter

Naomi Ager on Twitter: "@patstokes What do you mean No more trips to the continent unless I’m in the RAF or MI5? Screw that, it’s a free country." / Twitter

Tim Lyons on Twitter: "@patstokes Refusing to carry your gas mask because freedom and running out into the street when you hear a V2 coming because life must return to normal." / Twitter

Dan Smith on Twitter: "@patstokes I haven't seen a single German soldier, this is a massive overreaction" / Twitter

John on Twitter: "@patstokes @ACTINOSProject Great analogies. My mum is currently in lockdown in the UK. She lived through the blitz. I asked her how the current conditions compared to the war years and she said 'things are not too bad. At least the Germans aren't bombing us'. ;? )" / Twitter

Patrick Stokes on Twitter: "@John09386301 @ACTINOSProject We landed in London the afternoon of the '05 bombings. The tube was obviously not running so we queued for ages for a cab, and the attitude of the people chatting in the queue was "we've been through this with the Blitz and the IRA, we'll get through it."" / Twitter

Ohm (Unit of Resistance)🆘️ on Twitter: "@patstokes Best part of the analogy is we have our very own Lord Haw Haw with Donald Trump" / Twitter

An English-language propaganda broadcaster who worked for Nazi Germany. Among other things, he'd exaggerate Allied losses in the hope of making his listeners believe that the war effort is doomed.

Hoodie on Twitter: "@patstokes Everyone knows positive mental health repels incendiary bombs." / Twitter

Kimmylea on Twitter: "@patstokes Heavily armed mobs storming parliament to make their demands to lift restrictions, and somehow not being arrested and shot for treason" / Twitter
Trump has left Democrats in charge of the coronavirus stimulus - Vox - “They don’t want the federal government to work and we do”: the Democrats’ stimulus dilemma.
“There is an enormous amount of bluffing going on among Republicans, who need stimulus measures just as much as Democrats,” writes my colleague Dave Roberts. “Sooner or later, if Democrats don’t want to get steamrolled, played, and blamed for the next six months, they are going to have to call some of those bluffs.”

Behind this is an unusual bargaining dynamic: Democrats are acting as the governing party even though they’re in the minority. They’re fighting for the baseline policies that any normal administration, Republican or Democrat, would be begging for right now.

“From the very beginning, this administration made the decision that there was no legitimate role for the federal government to play in responding to this crisis,” says Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT). “It wasn’t an accident they didn’t request any money in the early days. They really believed, as they believe today, that this is a problem states and local governments should confront.”

Trump responds to Bush’s call for bipartisan unity on coronavirus with tweets attacking his enemies - Vox

George W. Bush Presidential Center on Twitter: "A Message from President George W. Bush @TheCalltoUnite " / Twitter

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ".@PeteHegseth “Oh bye the way, I appreciate the message from former President Bush, but where was he during Impeachment calling for putting partisanship aside.” @foxandfriends He was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!" / Twitter
After sending out the tweet about Bush, Trump proceeded to send out one adversarial and divisive post after another.

He deemed NBC and CNN “Chinese puppets who want to do business there” and “the enemy of the people.” He boasted about his approval ratings among Republicans and said that a new Gallup poll shows “Trump beating Sleepy Joe Biden.” (It does not.) He said there were “many complaints coming in” over Maine’s coronavirus response (despite the state government’s rising approval ratings) — and then added that he won the state. He also retweeted some of his old tweets, one in which he declared a video of a boat owner who painted Trump’s name onto his boat “very cool,” and another in which he falsely claims Democrats want “OPEN BORDERS.”
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....And then came a Plague, a great and powerful Plague, and the World was never to be the same again! But America rose from this death and destruction, always remembering its many lost souls, and the lost souls all over the World, and became greater than ever before!" / Twitter
I'm full of shite? So Creepy's figure of 600.000 Americans dead from the Chinese virus is correct? :realitycheck:
If Biden said that, it was a Biden "gaffe". That we are almost at 70,000 is Trump incompetence, as he eggs on more protests and dissent for social distancing... a policy he let expire.
Joe Biden adding an extra zero.

Trump contradicts top health officials with vaccine timeline, malaria drug claims - POLITICO
President Donald Trump claimed on Sunday that a coronavirus vaccine would be ready by the end of 2020 and returned to touting an unproven treatment for the disease — on both fronts contradicting his own health officials as well as companies developing and testing potential vaccines.

“We think we'll have a vaccine by the end of this year and we're pushing very hard,” he said at a Fox News town hall at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. “We're building supply lines, we even have the final vaccine.”
That's grossly optimistic, but I think that it is because of caution in vaccine tests. I think that COVID-19 vaccine testers should consider recruiting lockdown objectors and protesters. I'm sure that they will find a lot of willing volunteers.

AOC joins Masks For America's COVID19 PPE relief to help frontline essential workers in NYC - YouTube
Today, the Masks For America team and Akeem Browder of the Kalief Browder Foundation joined with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to donate thousands of FDA-certified KN95 masks to frontline essential workers in the Bronx and Brooklyn, in New York City.

Join us by donating as little as $2: masks4america.org
She also recently Instagrammed herself and her aides pulling a wagonful of supplies in a residential neighborhood. She asked about doing so is Trumpism making America great when she's forced into doing things like that to help her constituents.
Trump campaign spotlights handling of coronavirus in first big TV ad blitz | Fox News

Trump claims Lincoln got better press treatment as he ups Covid-19 death estimate - CNNPolitics
Trump on media 'hostility': 'If I was kind to them, I'd be walked off the stage' | Fox News
The president argued, "I am greeted with a hostile press the likes of which no president has ever seen."

"The closest will be that gentleman up there," he continued, gesturing toward the statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial. "They say nobody got treated worse than Lincoln... I believe I am treated worse. You see those press conferences. They come at me with questions that are disgraceful... their manner of presentation and their words. I feel if I was kind to them, I would be walked off the stage."

"They come at you with the most horrible horrendous biased questions," Trump said. "You see it. 94 to 95 percent of the press is hostile, and yet... we have tremendous support... but the media might as well be in the Democrat party."

He continued, "I appreciate the question, and I very much appreciate the sentiment behind the question -- but I'm standing up there and instead of asking me a normal question, the level of anger and hatred..." before trailing off.

"I look at them and say, what is your problem? I think we have done more than any other president in the history of our country."

"We rebuilt our military. We had the biggest tax cut in history... yet we have a very hostile press," Trump went on. "Nobody has seen anything like this."
Evidence-free assertions. There are lots of presidents who have done tons more than he has.

Coronavirus: CA counties strike back at Newsom over pandemic | The Sacramento Bee - mostly rural, thinly-populated ones
Modoc County officials, who govern one of the least-populated counties in the state, announced on Friday that businesses, schools and even churches — which have proven to be a high risk vector of viral transmission — could return to normalcy.

The county, located in the far northeastern corner of California, where it shares borders with Oregon and Nevada, is one of the few in the state to have not discovered a single confirmed case of coronavirus.

For A.O.C., ‘Existential Crises’ as Her District Becomes the Coronavirus Epicenter - The New York Times - nice article on her and her lonely vote against the fourth aid bill.
The left struggles in coronavirus fight - POLITICO - AOC shortly before aid package #4, for $500B:
“It is a joke when Republicans say that they have urgency around this bill,” Ocasio-Cortez shouted into the microphone, mask in hand, as she pointed toward the GOP side of the aisle. “If you had urgency, you would legislate like rent was due on May 1.”

But Ocasio-Cortez, like many of her progressive colleagues, thinks her own party is also falling short: "I can’t go back to my community and give people false hope."

“There’s an enormous amount of pressure, I think, that progressive leadership is under, that’s saying, ‘Well, are you really going to vote against crumbs for hospitals?’” Ocasio Cortez said in an interview just before the vote last month. “I think a lot of that leadership is going to have to depend on outside agitation.”

Democratic Reps. Pramila Jayapal of Washington and Mark Pocan of Wisconsin, co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, frequently work behind the scenes with Speaker Nancy Pelosi to shape major bills. But some in the caucus complain they are disappointed with the final product — which usually skews toward the caucus’ moderate wing, the “majority makers” who delivered Democrats the House.

The coronavirus negotiations have been even more top-down than usual because lawmakers are spread across the country with a small group of leaders hammering out the details in Washington. And it's even more difficult for the left to mobilize.

Progressive caucus leaders say they are determined to have a louder voice in the upcoming coronavirus aid talks, particularly in the Democratic-led House. Progressive lawmakers — backed by an increasingly restive grassroots base — are pushing a list of even more sweeping programs to help the tens of millions people who have lost paychecks and the 1.1 million people who have fallen ill with the virus.

Among their ideas: free coronavirus treatment, paid family and sick leave for all workers, free protective equipment, halting evictions and foreclosures, and relieving student debt.

After going along with previous relief measures, Jayapal and her members have big expectations for the next bill. And Pelosi has privately said it could feature a major priority for the progressive caucus, according to people familiar with the discussions: a paycheck guarantee program. That bill, drafted by Jayapal and her Senate counterpart, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), would provide grants to businesses to pay 100 percent of worker salaries of up to $100,000 for three months.

“If you look at the history of this country, when did safety nets come in? The Great Depression. Good programs come out of desperate times,” said Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), a progressive caucus member. “I think this has shined a light on the fractures and the fault lines in our society.”
I hope that they get at least some of their wish list into the next bill, and I hope that they won't back down if Mitch McConnell doesn't back down.

I think that they ought to try to drive a wedge between MMC and Trump, but that may be difficult. MMC apparently considers Trump not very smart, and I wouldn't be surprised if MMC considers Trump lazy and undisciplined. MMC puts his notes in his pockets rather than in trashcans, to thwart dumpster divers, and he has titled his memoirs "The Long Game".
Coronavirus Live Updates: Daily Death Toll Will Nearly Double by June, Trump Administration Models Predict

As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double the current number of about 1,750.

The projections, based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.

The numbers underscore a sobering reality: While the United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks, significant risks remain. And reopening the economy will make matters worse.
Coronavirus Live Updates: Daily Death Toll Will Nearly Double by June, Trump Administration Models Predict - The New York Times
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York listed seven requirements that each of the state’s 10 regions would need to meet before restrictions meant to slow the virus’s spread could be eased:
  • A 14-day decline in hospitalizations, or fewer than 15 hospitalizations a day.
  • A 14-day decline in virus-related hospital deaths, or under five a day.
  • A rate of new hospitalizations below 2 per 100,000 residents per day.
  • A hospital-bed vacancy rate of at least 30 percent.
  • At least 30 percent of I.C.U. beds available.
  • At least 30 virus tests per 1,000 residents per month.
  • At least 30 contract tracers per 100,000 residents.
Central NY and North Country are already at 5 of these 7, but NYC is only at 3: "Hospital deaths and new hospitalizations are declining steadily, and the city is conducting the appropriate number of tests each month."

Cuomo Gives Checklist for Reopening as Virus Declines: Live Updates - The New York Times
The governor also said that once reopening started, it would proceed in phases. He had previously discussed a first phase in which construction and manufacturing would restart. On Monday he added three more phases.

The second would include professional services, retail and real estate businesses; the third would include restaurants and hotels; and the fourth would include businesses related to the arts and entertainment.
This is by risk of COVID-19 virus transmission: the more people together, the more risk. He's also careful not to rush it, like govs of CT and RI, and unlike govs of GA, FL, and TX.
Coronavirus Live Updates: Daily Death Toll Will Nearly Double by June, Trump Administration Models Predict

As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double the current number of about 1,750.

The projections, based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.

The numbers underscore a sobering reality: While the United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks, significant risks remain. And reopening the economy will make matters worse.

Wait. Aren't you paying any attention to TrumpSwizzle's posts? He says that social distancing has already solved the problem. The death rate will be manageable, and we can all just go back to work. Except for old people. They can stay home or die.
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