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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Mitch McConnell could yet pay price for 'tone deaf' coronavirus response | US news | The Guardian - "The Senate majority leader oversaw a huge handout to big business and drew bipartisan ire for suggesting struggling states should go bankrupt"
It also showed that Donald Trump is not the only figure embodying liberal nightmares in the time of coronavirus. When historians contemplate a death toll in the tens of thousands and an economy fallen off a cliff, they will pay close attention to the president’s most important ally.

“I think Mitch McConnell is the guy to be watching and focusing on in terms of what’s going on,” said Larry Jacobs, director of the Center for the Study of Politics and Governance at the University of Minnesota. “His messaging around the coronavirus has been tone deaf.

“It’s not just the fact that McConnell was remarkably brutal in pairing Americans into red and blue states at a time of national crisis – that is pretty shameless – but I think it was also politically inept because he’s got his colleagues in tough races in blue states.”
The MMC - Trump relationship is much like the relationship between Dick Cheney and George Bush II, it seems to me, though GBII was much more pleasant and much less vindictive than Trump. But there is a similarity: MMC and DC seem much better at strategy than either President.
Moe Vela, a former senior adviser to Joe Biden, said: “Almost any good Mitch McConnell did by cooperating and collaborating on the legislative side is undone by his enabling of the president at a time when he could have been a real leader and called out the president on his lack of responsiveness and leadership.
As I've posted earlier, MMC is rumored to consider Trump not very smart, and I also suspect that MMC considers Trump undisciplined.
Trump and McConnell appear bound together. Should the president lose in November, he could bring down Senate Republicans – perhaps even McConnell in Kentucky. Challenger Amy McGrath, a fighter pilot, outraised McConnell in the first three months of this year.
The two are roughly neck and neck in the polls, though the election is still 5 months away, and a lot can happen between now and then.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom says some businesses will reopen Friday, with conditions
  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday said some of the state’s retail businesses could begin reopening with modifications by the end of this week if certain criteria are met.
  • Newsom said state officials will issue further guidance Thursday on the state’s next phase of reopening, which will include specific guidelines that low-risk businesses must meet in order to reopen with modifications as soon as Friday.
  • He said retailers of such items as clothing, books, music, toys and sporting goods, as well as florists, would be allowed to offer curbside pickup services if they institute state guidelines.
Gavin Newsom on Twitter: "CA is led by data and SCIENCE.
Based off our progress, we’ll begin to gradually move into Stage 2 this FRIDAY.
Some sectors where there’s a lower risk of transmission will be able to adapt & re-open with modifications.
This will include some retail and manufacturing/logistics." / Twitter

Gavin Newsom on Twitter: "What DOES this include?
Places like:
- clothing stores
- florists
- bookstores
- sporting goods stores
All with curbside pick-up.
What does this NOT include at this time?
Places like:
- Offices (can continue telework)
- Restaurants (seated dining)
- Shopping Malls" / Twitter
Newsom details 4 stages to reopen California businesses: 'We are weeks not months away' - SFGate

Stage 1: everybody at home except for essential workers.

Stage 2: what CA is to enter as early as Friday.
... schools, summer programs, childcare facilities and low-risk businesses will reopen with adaptations and modifications to promote social distancing.

Dr. Sonia Angell Angel, director of the California Department of Public Health, said retail may be allowed to reopen with curbside pickup and non-essential manufacturing for products such as clothing and toys could restart. She also said offices where teleworking isn't possible and where social distancing is possible can reopen. This includes public relations and consulting firms.

The reopening of open spaces such as parks and trails also occurs in this stage. Also, counties can choose to relax stricter local orders at their own pace.
Curbside pickup - that's delivery to just outside the store. Seems like a good plan, since one will have less risk of the virus outside than inside. It will also avoid the awkwardness of home delivery.

Stage 3:
In this stage high-risk work places will reopen. Newsom said those include: personal care (hair and nail salons, gyms), entertainment venues (movie theaters, sports without live audiences) and in-person religious services (churches, weddings).
Stage 4:
This marks the end of the stay-at-home order and reopening of the highest-risk parts of the economy including concerts, convention centers and live audience sports events. Newsom said this stage will be implemented when therapeutics to treat patient infected with COVID-19 have been developed.
I doubt that that will happen anytime soon.

Gov. Newsom is watching six indicators:
1.) increased testing and contact tracing;
2.) systems for protecting the most vulnerable populations such as seniors;
3.) ensuring hospitals are equipped to handle a patient surge;
4.) engaging research partners to develop therapeutics;
5.) issuing new social distancing guidelines for businesses, schools and childcare facilities; and
6.) developing the capacity to reinstate new orders when necessary.

Newsom said politics, protests and political pressure will not drive the state's decision to reopen and instead he'll be looking at data and science.
That looks like a very good plan.
California releases detailed list of outdoor activities allowed during shutdown - SFGate Gov. Gavin Newsom: We want you to see sunsets. We want you to enjoy activities outdoors. What they don't want is people congregating outside in large groups."

California Coronavirus COVID-19 Response

Permitted outdoor activities:
Athletics, Badminton (singles), Throwing a baseball or softball, BMX biking, Canoeing (singles), Crabbing, Cycling, Exploring rock pools, Gardening (not in groups), Golf (singles, walking – no cart), Hiking (on trails and paths allowing distancing), Horseback riding (singles), Jogging and running, Kite boarding and kitesurfing, Meditation, Outdoor photography, Picnics (with your stay-home household members only), Quad Biking, Rock Climbing, Roller Skating and Roller Blading, Rowing (singles), Scootering (not in groups), Skateboarding (not in groups), Soft martial arts – Tai Chi, Chi Kung (not in groups), Table tennis (singles), Throw and catch an American mini football, Frisbee or Frisbee golf (not in groups), Trail running, Trampolining, Tree climbing, Volleyball (singles), Walk the dog, Wash the car, Watch the sunrise or sunset, Yoga
Just about anything that does not involve a lot of other people.

Gavin Newsom announces California will enter Stage 2 of reopening Friday - SFGate - GN won't try to override local decisions: "The Bay Area has guidelines that are a little more strict. If they choose to not come into compliance, they have that right."
In a Monday afternoon press conference, San Francisco Mayor London Breed acknowledged Governor Newsom’s announcement but said the city is currently focused on observing the social distancing success of outdoor businesses that have been allowed to reopen to inform whether San Francisco will take further steps to reopen.

“The health directive has everything to do with limiting our ability to be in contact with people so we can avoid not only transmitting the virus, but we also realize there are a number of people out there struggling financially,” Breed said. “If there is a way to accommodate the public health goal of keeping people safe while allowing businesses to operate but to operate differently with certain guidelines, we can definitely work together to achieve that goal and get to a better place.”
It's such a contrast between blue-state governors like of CA, NY, CT, and RI, and those lockdown protestors. The latter ones wail about "freedom", while the former ones ask "how much can we do that is safe".
To Counter Trump Inaction, Sanders-Khanna Bill Would Unleash $75 Billion for Emergency Manufacture of PPE, Covid-19 Testing | Common Dreams News - "It's been three months, but somehow the Trump administration continues to drag its feet in ramping up the production of critical testing and protective equipment that our health care providers are begging for."

Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "There is no excuse for medical workers in the richest country on Earth to lack masks, gloves, gowns and tests.
If Trump won't act, Congress must. @RepRoKhanna and I are introducing legislation to rapidly manufacture all the medical equipment we need: https://t.co/nQESBMcRXW" / Twitter

Bernie Sanders and Ro Khanna introduce legislation to bolster production of PPE - CBS News
Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressman Ro Khanna are unveiling the Emergency Medical Supplies Procurement Act, which would provide an additional $75 billion to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The money would allow the Trump administration to manufacture or purchase PPE such as hospital gowns and masks, ventilators, testing reagents and compounds, approved medication treatments, and any other necessary medical supplies or hospital infrastructure.

"It's incomprehensible to most Americans why our country can't produce masks, why we can't produce swabs," Khanna said in an interview with CBS News, referring to the shortfall in PPE in hospitals across the country. "The greatest economy in the world should be able to produce these things."
California releases detailed list of outdoor activities allowed during shutdown - SFGate Gov. Gavin Newsom: We want you to see sunsets. We want you to enjoy activities outdoors. What they don't want is people congregating outside in large groups."

California Coronavirus COVID-19 Response

Permitted outdoor activities:
Athletics, Badminton (singles), Throwing a baseball or softball, BMX biking, Canoeing (singles), Crabbing, Cycling, Exploring rock pools, Gardening (not in groups), Golf (singles, walking – no cart), Hiking (on trails and paths allowing distancing), Horseback riding (singles), Jogging and running, Kite boarding and kitesurfing, Meditation, Outdoor photography, Picnics (with your stay-home household members only), Quad Biking, Rock Climbing, Roller Skating and Roller Blading, Rowing (singles), Scootering (not in groups), Skateboarding (not in groups), Soft martial arts – Tai Chi, Chi Kung (not in groups), Table tennis (singles), Throw and catch an American mini football, Frisbee or Frisbee golf (not in groups), Trail running, Trampolining, Tree climbing, Volleyball (singles), Walk the dog, Wash the car, Watch the sunrise or sunset, Yoga
Just about anything that does not involve a lot of other people.

Gavin Newsom announces California will enter Stage 2 of reopening Friday - SFGate - GN won't try to override local decisions: "The Bay Area has guidelines that are a little more strict. If they choose to not come into compliance, they have that right."
In a Monday afternoon press conference, San Francisco Mayor London Breed acknowledged Governor Newsom’s announcement but said the city is currently focused on observing the social distancing success of outdoor businesses that have been allowed to reopen to inform whether San Francisco will take further steps to reopen.

“The health directive has everything to do with limiting our ability to be in contact with people so we can avoid not only transmitting the virus, but we also realize there are a number of people out there struggling financially,” Breed said. “If there is a way to accommodate the public health goal of keeping people safe while allowing businesses to operate but to operate differently with certain guidelines, we can definitely work together to achieve that goal and get to a better place.”
It's such a contrast between blue-state governors like of CA, NY, CT, and RI, and those lockdown protestors. The latter ones wail about "freedom", while the former ones ask "how much can we do that is safe".

While I didn't vote for him, GOP Gov. Baker in Massachusetts is doing a good job I think. Of course he would be unelectable in a red state. Way to liberal and not insane.
Coronavirus Live Updates: Daily Death Toll Will Nearly Double by June, Trump Administration Models Predict

As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double the current number of about 1,750.

The projections, based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.

The numbers underscore a sobering reality: While the United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks, significant risks remain. And reopening the economy will make matters worse.

Wait. Aren't you paying any attention to TrumpSwizzle's posts? He says that social distancing has already solved the problem. The death rate will be manageable, and we can all just go back to work. Except for old people. They can stay home or die.
And by "manageable", they mean a 9/11 every two days!
Very interesting idea.

Wastewater test could provide early warning of COVID-19

"If COVID-19 can be monitored in a community at an early stage through WBE, effective intervention can be taken as early as possible to restrict the movements of that local population, working to minimise the pathogen spread and threat to public health."

Apparently this has been pioneered in Europe and was able to detect the presence of C-19 virus in communities that had yet to report any cases.
Very interesting idea.

Wastewater test could provide early warning of COVID-19

"If COVID-19 can be monitored in a community at an early stage through WBE, effective intervention can be taken as early as possible to restrict the movements of that local population, working to minimise the pathogen spread and threat to public health."

Apparently this has been pioneered in Europe and was able to detect the presence of C-19 virus in communities that had yet to report any cases.

That is an interesting approach. I expect it would be very useful.
It would not help in the rural areas, where we don’t have public water, but that doesn’t diminish its overall usefulness!
Any news stories on what Gov. Baker is doing?

The Website www.boston.com is perhaps the best free website for Massachusetts news on Covid-19

I haven't been keeping a log on Massachusetts actions timeline but have observed that MA has frequently parallelled NY.
Looking at a few sources here are a few key actions by Baker and Cuomo.

March 10 Baker bans gatherings greater than 250
March 12 Cuomo bans gatherings of 500

March 15 Baker closes all schools which was continued later for the rest of the school year.
March 15 Baker bans gathers of 25+
March 18 Cuomo closes all schools in NY

March 20 Cuomo announces Stay at home order. Closed non-essential businesses
March 23 Baker announces Stay at home order. Closed non-essential businesses

March 31 Baker bans gatherings to 10 people

April 4 Baker initiates contract tracing as condition for opening up.

May 1, Governor Baker issued an order, effective May 6, to require people to cover their faces in public when in situations where they are unable to keep six feet away from others

Of course Massachusetts in in the Northeast coalition including NY, CT, RI, NJ, etc..

Summary of Massachusetts Government actions from the wiki link

Citing the rapid increase in cases, Governor Charlie Baker declared a state of emergency for Massachusetts on March 10.[108][109] During a press conference on March 14, 2020, Governor Baker established an emergency command center and promised to expand statewide lab testing.[110]

On March 15, Governor Baker banned all public gatherings of over 25 people, closed all K–12 public schools from March 17 through April 7, and banned on-site service at bars and restaurants for the same period.[111] On March 25, Baker ordered all schools and non-emergency childcare services to be closed through May 4, extending the original closure by three weeks.[112] On April 21, Baker announced that schools would not reopen for the remainder of the school year, and extended the order to close non-emergency childcare services through June 29.[93]

On March 23, Governor Baker announced a stay-at-home advisory to be effective from March 24 until April 7. On March 31, the advisory was extended to May 4.[71] On April 28, this advisory was further extended to May 18.[97]

Starting March 31, hotels, motels and online rentals like Airbnb were ordered to close to recreational travelers so they could be used to house essential workers and displaced residents.[113] The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center is being prepared as a 1,000-bed field hospital for COVID-19 patients, including 500 beds for infected homeless patients.[114] The DCU Center in Worcester was set up as a field hospital for recovering COVID-19 patients, overseen by UMass Memorial Medical Center.[115]

On March 27, Governor Baker asked travelers from out of state to avoid Massachusetts or to self-quarantine upon arrival for 14 days. Electronic highway signs were activated, and travelers arriving at Logan International Airport, Worcester Regional Airport, and South Station were given flyers.[116] Medical students were graduated early, and emergency orders were issued giving some nurses with more than two years of experience authority to write prescriptions, and granting incoming medical residents and interns 90-day medical licenses.[116]

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles moved to an appointment-only system to avoid overcrowding, and the state extended deadlines for many renewals by 60 days to reduce the need for in-person transactions. With visits down about 90%, eight of the 30 RMV branches closed completely. The National Association of Government Employees, representing customer service employees at the RMV, asked that the remaining offices be closed for worker safety, but the Secretary of Transportation said essential workers needed the RMV to continue operating.[117]
Sign on a gate of a playground, advising that the playground is closed until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic, and instructing users to wash their hands, avoid touching their face, clean things that are frequently touched, cover their mouths when coughing and sneezing, stay home if they're sick, and think ahead about how to take care of themselves and their loved ones.
Closed playground in Boston

When people in parks were found to not be following social distancing, many parks and playgrounds were closed. Some cities removed or blocked off basketball hoops and other amenities to discourage people from gathering.[118] Beaches and their parking lots were also ordered to close.[119] On April 5, Boston's Mayor Walsh issued a stay-at-home advisory for the city of Boston. All non-essential workers were asked to stay home from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., starting April 6. All baseball, tennis, and hockey fields in parks were ordered to be closed. Residents were instructed not to visit family or fields outside of their households. The restrictions are enforceable by fines.[84]

On April 5, Boston's Mayor Walsh encouraged, but did not require, people to wear masks when outside the home. He asked that people leave medical masks for essential workers and make their own if necessary.[84] On April 27, Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone announced that, beginning on April 29, people would be required to cover their faces when in any public space. Somerville officials said that, while the order would be enforceable with $300 fines after a one-week grace period elapsed, they would be focusing on educating people and distributing masks where possible to vulnerable people, reserving fines for those "showing willful disregard" for the order.[120][121] On May 1, Governor Baker issued an order, effective May 6, to require people to cover their faces in public when in situations where they are unable to keep six feet away from others.[99]

Poll 84% approve of Baker's handling of C19 response.
85% approve of extending lockdown though at least May 18.

Some of my sources
Last edited:
I don't know if the Boston Globe is making C19 news free or not. My apologies if some can't get to this story.

Baker warns of halting process for unfreezing Mass. economy in face of coronavirus

Governor Charlie Baker warned Monday that restarting Massachusetts’ dormant economy will be a halting process that extends far beyond May 18, the day his order closing thousands of businesses is set to expire — suggesting residents should prepare for a methodical return that puts safety ahead of speed.

Baker, who has repeatedly preached vigilance in extending or tightening restrictions on daily life, on Monday painted a picture of a long road ahead. The Republican governor said the discussion about increasing testing for the virus will continue “for months to come,” and the threat of transmission “be with us for a very long time.”

“I don’t want to bring this thing back. You know, whatever we do here, I want to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Baker said, signaling his worry about an explosion of new infections.

“It’s also important to remember — and I can’t stress this enough — that as long as there is no vaccine, we’re going to have to be talking about how to do this in a way that makes the most sense and can be done most safely across all sectors of our economy,” he added.

Polls and surveys have shown that the vast majority of people approve of how Baker has handled the pandemic.

Baker last week extended his order closing so-called nonessential businesses, along with a stay-at-home advisory, until May 18. But both he and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, who’s helping lead an advisory board examining how to reopen the economy, stressed that the date is only a beginning of the slow trudge toward a more regular pace of daily life and business.

Polito, who with the advisory board has met with nearly two dozen industry groups and coalitions, said that some have framed the discussion as if “May 18 is some magical date.” But it’s then the board will release its report recommending how to begin allowing businesses to restart operations, and that some sectors of the economy will naturally be more prepared to do so than others.

“It doesn’t mean the economy across our Commonwealth will just reopen," Polito said. "It’s just not possible, as everyone knows.”

Added Baker: “There won’t be anyone firing a starting gun on May 18 and saying everybody is off to the races.”

Baker also expressed frustration that as he’s repeatedly emphasized the importance of expanding testing, there’s been resistance. Without offering details, he suggested that even includes officials within his own administration.

“We’ve had to discipline some people for not being tested in places where they should probably be tested,” Baker said.

Baker refused to identify who, and his office did not respond to repeated questions after the news briefing about which types of workers had been punished, or how.

“The fact of the matter is not everybody wants to be tested, even people who you would think would consider that to be an appropriate thing, given their role and their responsibility,” Baker said.
Morons for Trump protest lockdown. Call Covid-19 a hoax and blame the press. Hate Baker.


A large crowd of protesters gathered outside the Massachusetts State House on Monday afternoon calling on Gov. Charlie Baker to reopen the economy.

Dubbed the “Liberty Rally,” the event was planned to take place if Baker didn’t reopen nonessential businesses on May 1. Baker’s business order, along with his stay-at-home advisory, was initially set to be lifted on May 4 but was extended last week to May 18, as efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus continue. The protest was promoted by Jeffrey Kuhner, a conservative radio host, and on the website for “Super Happy Fun America,” which organized the controversial “Straight Pride Parade” in Boston last year.

It was slated to begin at 2 p.m. “to demand that the Governor and his minions let the people get back to work,” according to its website.

When asked for comment, Baker’s office pointed to his response to a question about the protest Monday. In responding to the question, the governor noted that the decision to close businesses was based on science, and that his administration knew there would be economic, and other, consequences.

“We do believe and buy into the guidance that we’ve gotten from experts in the field that you need to see downward trends in a number of key indices associated with this virus for some period of time before you can actually reopen, and that’s the reason why we created the reopening task force, and it’s why we’ve spent so much time working with our colleagues in the health care community to develop a set of indices that we report on every single day,” he said. “And as I said in my remarks, you know, after a really long time of not seeing much positive traction at all with regard to those measures, in the course of the past few days, we’ve actually started to see some positive downward trends.”

Lots of pictures of morons protesting. Someone has a sign saying lock up Fauci for crimes against humanity! What a freak.

For unknown reasons this site gets lots of comments from right-wing freaks. They are a very small minority.
I've heard Brockton is having issues.

Ya. Very disproportionate infection rates in communities with high populations of minorities which includes Brockton.

Chelsea which is north of Boston is in terrible shape.

Here are Massachusetts numbers by town/city. Totals and rates per 100K

Brockton also has quite a bit of poverty...probably adding to the pain.
Morons for Trump protest lockdown. Call Covid-19 a hoax and blame the press. Hate Baker.

Lots of pictures of morons protesting. Someone has a sign saying lock up Fauci for crimes against humanity! What a freak.

For unknown reasons this site gets lots of comments from right-wing freaks. They are a very small minority.
Yeah, what's going on with what my dad always called Taxachusetts? ;)
I've heard Brockton is having issues.

Ya. Very disproportionate infection rates in communities with high populations of minorities which includes Brockton.

Chelsea which is north of Boston is in terrible shape.

Here are Massachusetts numbers by town/city. Totals and rates per 100K

Brockton also has quite a bit of poverty...probably adding to the pain.

Unfortunately minorities also have more poverty, less access to medical care, more likely to have pre-existing conditions, more likely to have been laid or have high C19 risk jobs and it goes round and round. Systemic discrimination and the rich get richer. Getting worse all the time.
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