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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Governor Ducey (AZ-IDIOT) has pretty much given up.

article said:
Ducey at another point tried to put a positive spin on the increasingly worsening public health figures by saying things could be worse.

“The fact that that worst-case scenario is not here today is positive news,” he said.
Yes, it is getting worse, but that means it currently isn't as bad as it could be. So take solace with that.

And even better news!
article said:
Data from the Arizona Department Health Services shows that 78% of the state’s intensive care unit beds are filled. Total hospital bed capacity statewide was at 84% on Wednesday and 83% the day before, marking only the second time the state has exceeded the 80% mark. And 38% of the state’s ventilators are in use.

But Ducey said the numbers don’t reflect the whole picture because the state has surge and emergency hospital beds that aren’t counted toward the state’s total available capacity. Those beds haven’t been used yet.
Don't worry folks. We are above 80% capacity in ICU's, but we can always shove your loved one in the Emergency Room. You won't be there to tell the difference.

Yes, we can help reduce transmission by mandating masks, but that would be taking away your freedom to get tubes shoved down your or your loved ones throat.

Arizona resident checking in.

Yes, Ducey is an idiot. His claim to fame (and fortune) is running a successful chain of ice cream shops. That's pretty much it.

He took awhile to enact a "stay at home" order due to the virus, but didn't enforce it. Yet when Scottsdale Fashion Square mall was looted? We got a statewide curfew. Now that's all gone, and based on my purely anecdotal observations (I work at a very busy grocery store for now) the consensus seems to be "welp, the lock down is over, the curfew is over, everything's back to normal!" Mask wearing has dropped off a cliff. Social distancing is shrinking.

It's almost like people don't grasp the fact that the virus hasn't changed one tiny bit (still as contagious and virulent as it was in January) and that humans haven't magically evolved herd immunity since then, either.
Cuomo threatens to reverse localities' reopening, singling out Manhattan and Hamptons | TheHill
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said he would reverse the reopening process for individual parts of the state if they do not abide by social distancing practices, citing thousands of complaints in Manhattan and the Hamptons.

Cuomo called on local officials to step up, saying Albany would be forced to step in otherwise, saying that he has contacted bar and restaurants depicted in some of the viral footage and told them their liquor licenses could potentially be at stake. “Show a modicum of respect,” he added. “Wear masks.”

Arizona Gov. Ducey will not require masks amid state's COVID-19 spike | TheHill - he is a Republican, like other governors overeager for opening up.
Ducey said he wants people to “wear masks when they can't socially distance,” though he has not indicated Arizona would enforce that residents do so by law, as dozens of other states have.

Arizona, Texas and other states with relaxed and short-lived coronavirus-related shutdowns are seeing surges in cases as reopening moves forward.

Washington state sounds alarm over rising coronavirus cases | TheHill
In a report issued Saturday, the Washington State Department of Health pointed to two distinct hot spots, both of which are showing worrying signs of increased spreading.

Confirmed COVID-19 cases are rising fastest in four counties east of the Cascade Mountains, mostly rural and agricultural areas that were spared from the first substantial outbreak in Washington.
Yakima, Spokane, Franklin, and Benton counties.
In a sad week for America, Trump has fled from his duty (opinion) - CNN
This past week has brought tragedy upon tragedy to our nation: the death toll from Covid-19 passed a grim milestone of 100,000 deaths; the brutal killing of George Floyd ignited mass protests in Minneapolis and beyond, and seven people were shot in protests demanding justice in Louisville.

But our President was mostly busy with other things: getting into a public fight with Twitter, condemning China over Hong Kong and terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization -- an entity that once looked to the United States as the world's leading institution in fighting pandemics.

President Donald Trump also took time, of course, to send out a stream of new, controversial tweets. He called protesters in Minneapolis "thugs" and repeated a racist line from a Miami police chief years ago, "When the looting starts, the shooting starts." He even retweeted a video in which a supporter says, "The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat."

But other than a brief tweet in the midst of another storm, Trump remained silent on the most sensitive issue of his presidency: the pandemic that is killing so many older Americans and people of color living near the edge. Understandably, with the rash of other news, the press is moving on. But we should pause for one more moment to recognize how sad and sharp a departure his silence is from past traditions of the presidency.
Author David Gergen then described how several Presidents have been "Mourners in Chief" and he stated "Historians generally agree that Washington, Lincoln and FDR were our greatest presidents. All three are remembered for their empathy and steadfastness in caring for the lives of average Americans. They continue to set the standard."

Sort of like this:

Three reasons why Jacinda Ardern's coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership
The Mayfields’ research-based model highlights “direction-giving”, “meaning-making” and “empathy” as the three key things leaders must address to motivate followers to give their best.

Being a public motivator is essential for leaders – but it’s often done poorly. The Mayfields’ research shows direction-giving is typically over-used, while the other two elements are under-used.

Ardern’s response to COVID-19 uses all three approaches. In directing New Zealanders to “stay home to save lives”, she simultaneously offers meaning and purpose to what we are being asked to do.

In freely acknowledging the challenges we face in staying home – from disrupted family and work lives, to people unable to attend loved ones’ funerals – she shows empathy about what is being asked of us.
UK PM Boris Johnson was very different. "Where Ardern blended direction, care and meaning-making, Johnson largely sought “compliance”."

How the Coronavirus Revived Angela Merkel - Carnegie Europe - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - she may have been short on empathy but she did some good meaning-making -- “Since German unification—no, since the Second World War—there has been no challenge to our nation that has demanded such a degree of common and united action.”
Well, Kellyanne stepped out of he crypt to give us this.
Kellyanne Conway said:
“It sounds like the campaign is taking steps that comport with what the CDC has said, and possibly even Tulsa, or state of Oklahoma guidelines,” she continued. “I’d have to look at that, see what phase they’re in. They’re pretty well along there in Oklahoma.”
Well, it is good to see they'll be handing out masks at the event. It'll be interesting to see if they wear them.
Well, Kellyanne stepped out of he crypt to give us this.
Kellyanne Conway said:
“It sounds like the campaign is taking steps that comport with what the CDC has said, and possibly even Tulsa, or state of Oklahoma guidelines,” she continued. “I’d have to look at that, see what phase they’re in. They’re pretty well along there in Oklahoma.”
Well, it is good to see they'll be handing out masks at the event. It'll be interesting to see if they wear them.
They'll be MAGA masks. Of course they'll wear them.
Well, Kellyanne stepped out of he crypt to give us this.
Kellyanne Conway said:
“It sounds like the campaign is taking steps that comport with what the CDC has said, and possibly even Tulsa, or state of Oklahoma guidelines,” she continued. “I’d have to look at that, see what phase they’re in. They’re pretty well along there in Oklahoma.”
Well, it is good to see they'll be handing out masks at the event. It'll be interesting to see if they wear them.
They'll be MAGA masks. Of course they'll wear them.

Just, not over their breathe-holes. Expect a zillion armbands.
Half a zillion will say 'if i put it on my face, I Can't Breathe!! Ah-hur-hur."
To No One’s Surprise, More Coronavirus Outbreaks Are Traced Back to Churches | Terry Firma | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

I've seen certain people grumble at why protests are OK but church services are not. But there is a difference in risk - outdoor activities are much less risk than indoor ones. I hoped that such people would find some consolation in how bars and nightclubs are also high-risk, but they don't.
Well, Kellyanne stepped out of he crypt to give us this.
Kellyanne Conway said:
“It sounds like the campaign is taking steps that comport with what the CDC has said, and possibly even Tulsa, or state of Oklahoma guidelines,” she continued. “I’d have to look at that, see what phase they’re in. They’re pretty well along there in Oklahoma.”
Well, it is good to see they'll be handing out masks at the event. It'll be interesting to see if they wear them.
They'll be MAGA masks. Of course they'll wear them.
I seriously doubt that very many magats will wear masks. Hell, even in our local Home Depot, the wearing of masks was down to maybe 50-60% when I needed to go there about a week ago. Now we are talking about people who watch Fox as their moderate 'news' source, who praise and follow Dear Leader..."fuck wearing a mask, I aint no pussy!"
They'll be MAGA masks. Of course they'll wear them.
I seriously doubt that very many magats will wear masks. Hell, even in our local Home Depot, the wearing of masks was down to maybe 50-60% when I needed to go there about a week ago. Now we are talking about people who watch Fox as their moderate 'news' source, who praise and follow Dear Leader..."fuck wearing a mask, I aint no pussy!"

I went to Menard's last week in my wife's car. I thought she had masks in the car but didn't so I went in without one. The security guard at the door suggested I could get a mask at the return desk right by the front door. I thanked both the guard and the girl at the desk.
NY should brace itself for a COVID-19 resurgence | CSNY - "The state’s reopening, warmer weather and protests could all contribute to an uptick in coronavirus cases."
As protests against police brutality and systemic racism have occurred daily in New York for nearly two weeks, some are concerned that there will be an uptick in coronavirus cases. And there may well be more cases soon, but there are multiple potential contributing factors, including the state’s reopening and more socializing due to warmer weather, lockdown fatigue and laxer attitudes among the public.

Record spike in new coronavirus cases reported in six U.S. states as reopening accelerates - Reuters
Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma, Oregon and Texas all reported record increases in new cases on Tuesday after recording all-time highs last week. Nevada also reported its highest single-day tally of new cases on Tuesday, up from a previous high on May 23. Hospitalizations are also rising or at record highs.

In Oregon, health officials are trying to contain an outbreak of over 200 new cases in Union County linked to the Lighthouse United Pentecostal Church.

The Oregonian newspaper reported that a video on the church’s Facebook page on May 24 showed hundreds of people standing close together singing. Large gatherings were not permitting under the state’s reopening plan at that time. The video has since been deleted, it said.
Union County is in NE Oregon, well away from Portland and the Willamette Valley.
Pence encouraged governors to downplay new community spread of coronavirus: report | TheHill
Vice President Pence encouraged governors to downplay new community spread of the coronavirus and attribute spikes to increases in testing, The New York Times reported Monday.

Pence urged the state leaders to take on the Trump administration’s explanation for rises in cases — that more testing has led to more positive cases — during a phone call with governors Monday, according to audio obtained by the Times. The newspaper notes, however, that data show his explanation is misleading.
Pence Misleadingly Blames Coronavirus Spikes on Rise in Testing - The New York Times

Trump on coronavirus: 'If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any' | TheHill - like this:
"Our testing is so much bigger and more advanced than any other country (we have done a great job on this!) that it shows more cases. Without testing, or weak testing, we would be showing almost no cases. Testing is a double edged sword - Makes us look bad, but good to have!!!" Trump tweeted.

Texas hits new high for coronavirus cases, hospitalizations | TheHill

Pelosi asks House chairs to enforce mandatory mask-wearing during hearings | TheHill
Pence encouraged governors to downplay new community spread of coronavirus: report | TheHill
Vice President Pence encouraged governors to downplay new community spread of the coronavirus and attribute spikes to increases in testing, The New York Times reported Monday.

Pence urged the state leaders to take on the Trump administration’s explanation for rises in cases — that more testing has led to more positive cases — during a phone call with governors Monday, according to audio obtained by the Times. The newspaper notes, however, that data show his explanation is misleading.
Pence Misleadingly Blames Coronavirus Spikes on Rise in Testing - The New York Times

Trump on coronavirus: 'If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any' | TheHill - like this:
"Our testing is so much bigger and more advanced than any other country (we have done a great job on this!) that it shows more cases. Without testing, or weak testing, we would be showing almost no cases. Testing is a double edged sword - Makes us look bad, but good to have!!!" Trump tweeted.
Trump's statement looks stupid, but it is a calculated statement, as it feeds into the right-wing argument that the pandemic doesn't exist anymore, it is just more testing. Except, Florida, Arizona, and Texas testing increased a while ago and the higher infections did not correspond in time with the increased testing.

What is baffling is that in the United States of America, we have a President and GOP trying to spin away an existing and again growing pandemic. Just accept that 1 in 100 of the new cases will die. Yesterday, over 250 people got a death sentence.
Trump's statement looks stupid, but it is a calculated statement, as it feeds into the right-wing argument that the pandemic doesn't exist anymore, it is just more testing. Except, Florida, Arizona, and Texas testing increased a while ago and the higher infections did not correspond in time with the increased testing.

What is baffling is that in the United States of America, we have a President and GOP trying to spin away an existing and again growing pandemic. Just accept that 1 in 100 of the new cases will die. Yesterday, over 250 people got a death sentence.
Also, testing doesn't put people in the hospital, but hey, facts have no place in the right wing bubble!
Trump's statement looks stupid, but it is a calculated statement, as it feeds into the right-wing argument that the pandemic doesn't exist anymore, it is just more testing. Except, Florida, Arizona, and Texas testing increased a while ago and the higher infections did not correspond in time with the increased testing.

What is baffling is that in the United States of America, we have a President and GOP trying to spin away an existing and again growing pandemic. Just accept that 1 in 100 of the new cases will die. Yesterday, over 250 people got a death sentence.
Also, testing doesn't put people in the hospital, but hey, facts have no place in the right wing bubble!
Especially when a GOP run state like Florida doesn't even bother to report current hospitalizations as that metric really is the best at determining a lot of issues regarding a pandemic and its potential to choke off the Health Care system.
They'll be MAGA masks. Of course they'll wear them.
I seriously doubt that very many magats will wear masks. Hell, even in our local Home Depot, the wearing of masks was down to maybe 50-60% when I needed to go there about a week ago. Now we are talking about people who watch Fox as their moderate 'news' source, who praise and follow Dear Leader..."fuck wearing a mask, I aint no pussy!"

I went to Menard's last week in my wife's car. I thought she had masks in the car but didn't so I went in without one. The security guard at the door suggested I could get a mask at the return desk right by the front door. I thanked both the guard and the girl at the desk.

I forgot my mask on a quick trip to the corner convenience store... I had a strip of toilet paper on me that I hadn't blown my nose into yet.. so I balled up the ends of the strip and stick them in my ears such that the strip of paper reached across my face to either side. Worked just fine for the 3 minutes i needed it to be there.

*** and by "worked" I mean it stayed relatively in place. I have no need to wear an effective mask because I have antibodies. ****
the maskless putz yesterday with his putzettes celebrating the idiocracy.



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Biden gave a speech today on the covid response and he went after Trump, ripping a new one in his giant orange ass.
Fauci: why the public wasn't told to wear masks when the coronavirus pandemic began | TheHill
Medical masks and cloth face coverings are now a common sight when venturing out in public amidst the coronavirus pandemic; most states require them as part of reopening plans, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advocates their use.

This wasn’t always the case. When the coronavirus pandemic hit stateside, face masks were strictly recommended as personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care professionals. According to Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert and a key member of the White House coronavirus task force, masks weren’t advised to the public from the start because of the anticipated PPE shortages.
So he was worried about competition for medical-grade masks. But since then, we see lots of homemade and commercial masks that are not certified medical-grade, but that are often still very functional.

Arizona governor backtracks on mask rules as Covid-19 cases surge | US news | The Guardian
For days, as coronavirus cases climbed across the state, Arizona’s Republican governor blocked local lawmakers from being able to mandate that residents wear masks.

The mayors of Arizona’s largest cities went on national television and radio shows, pressing the governor, Doug Ducey, to give them the power to require mask-wearing in their cities if he was unwilling to mandate it statewide.

Hundreds of Arizona medical professionals sent Ducey an open letter this week, outlining the evidence that masks save lives and asking him to require citizens to wear them.

Partially bowing to pressure, Ducey announced on Wednesday that he would allow local governments to set their own mask-wearing regulations.
Seems that many right-wingers think "If liberals like something, it must be bad."
Masks have become a charged partisan issue in Arizona, one of the key swing states in the 2020 presidential election. As thousands of people watched Ducey’s press conference live on Facebook, many commenters demanded, “Make masks mandatory!” but others pushed back: “Breathing is not aggression. Fear is not a virtue,” one posted.
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