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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

BART releases 15-step plan to welcome back riders as region reopens | bart.gov - lots of cleaning, lots of masks, lots of space between passengers.

Events Like Trump Rally Are ‘Perfect Storm’ for Viral Spread, Experts Say - The New York Times
Dr. Bhadelia said the rise in cases in some states, especially in the South and West, suggested that “we opened too early in those states. We didn’t have the ability to basically trace down those chains of transmission and stop them once people started mingling again.”

But Dr. Osterholm said the reasons are still unclear. “Do we think reopening is going to increase cases? Sure should. But we have examples of states where it hasn’t happened,” he said, adding, “We don’t really know what is actually making the virus move like it is right now in some states and not others.”

He said that so far there have not been widespread indications that protests over police killings of African-Americans and racial injustice have led to a spike in cases. He pointed out that because the virus has an incubation period of up to two weeks, any such effect will become clearer in the coming days. He and other experts have noted that the BlackLivesMatter protests are taking place outdoors and that many participants are wearing masks, steps expected to limit the spread of the virus.

“On the other hand, yelling, screaming, being exposed to tear gas or smoke, which causes coughing, being put into a holding cell overnight in jail if you’re arrested — all are reasons why you would expect to see more cases,” Dr. Osterholm said.
But Trump's rallies will be indoors with no requirement to wear masks - making them an ideal incubator for the COVID-19 virus.
Surprise medical bills in the coronavirus era - Axios
Rep. Katie Porter recently received an explanation of benefits from her insurer saying that, in addition to the $20 co-pay she paid when she got her coronavirus test, she may be on the hook for an additional $56.60.

The catch: The law requires insurers to cover coronavirus testing without cost-sharing. Porter knows that because she voted for it.

Why it matters: Containing the coronavirus depends on knowing who has it, and it's going to be much harder to get people to get tested if they think they'll have to pay for it. But it's becoming increasingly clear that patients may be vulnerable to surprise coronavirus bills.
Yet more reason to distrust the medical-insurance companies.

Cuomo Prime Time - 16 friends get virus after night out. Hear their warning.
A group of 16 friends went out to a crowded Florida bar to celebrate a birthday have all tested positive for coronavirus. They're telling CNN's Chris Cuomo that it was too soon to be around large crowds, and going out without a mask was a mistake.
Commendable humility.
Donald Trump should be tried for crimes against humanity.
MAGA USA is back over 30k new cases per day for the first time since May 1st. (33,539 yesterday). Body count curve likely to follow in a couple of weeks...
The big re-opening Celebration of Stupid is just getting underway in Tulsa. Attendees should be required to quarantine for 6 months, and no mail-in voting. :)

FL Cases.JPG
TX cases.JPG
Surprise medical bills in the coronavirus era - Axios

Rep. Katie Porter recently received an explanation of benefits from her insurer saying that, in addition to the $20 co-pay she paid when she got her coronavirus test, she may be on the hook for an additional $56.60.

The catch: The law requires insurers to cover coronavirus testing without cost-sharing. Porter knows that because she voted for it.
Is she suing them for criminal-stupidity?
‘I don’t kid’: Trump says he wasn’t joking about slowing coronavirus testing - POLITICO
President Donald Trump on Tuesday insisted he was serious when he revealed that he had directed his administration to slow coronavirus testing in the United States, shattering the defenses of senior White House aides who argued Trump’s remarks were made in jest.

“I don’t kid. Let me just tell you. Let me make it clear,” Trump told reporters, when pressed on whether his comments at a campaign event Saturday in Tulsa, Okla., were intended as a joke.

“We have got the greatest testing program anywhere in the world. We test better than anybody in the world. Our tests are the best in the world, and we have the most of them. By having more tests, we find more cases,” he continued.
He deserves the 25th Amendment for such grotesque statements.
‘I don’t kid’: Trump says he wasn’t joking about slowing coronavirus testing - POLITICO
President Donald Trump on Tuesday insisted he was serious when he revealed that he had directed his administration to slow coronavirus testing in the United States, shattering the defenses of senior White House aides who argued Trump’s remarks were made in jest.

“I don’t kid. Let me just tell you. Let me make it clear,” Trump told reporters, when pressed on whether his comments at a campaign event Saturday in Tulsa, Okla., were intended as a joke.

“We have got the greatest testing program anywhere in the world. We test better than anybody in the world. Our tests are the best in the world, and we have the most of them. By having more tests, we find more cases,” he continued.
He deserves the 25th Amendment for such grotesque statements.

Trump poops something out his mouth displaying total ignorance and total disregard for people's lives
Trump enablers say crazy shit trying to clean up Trumps shit
Trump throws enablers under the bus

Of course Trump enablers deserve it for enabling him
Third worst new daily cases day yesterday, as CA, AZ, TX are ballooning, and the SE appears to be increasing in steps.
Here in UT, it's really starting to climb. I think we're close to breaking our worst day, and the ICU capacity topped above 60% yesterday.

...and of course, we're scheduled to return to work this week. It's limited,with alternating groups every other week, but even at 50% capacity, our building (built in the 40s) has terrible HVAC and I'll be wearing a mask the entire time I'm there and spraying my area with Lysol regularly.

I'm actually hoping the Utah Health Commissioner puts our status back to Orange and we can stay home for a while longer.
Here in UT, it's really starting to climb. I think we're close to breaking our worst day, and the ICU capacity topped above 60% yesterday.

...and of course, we're scheduled to return to work this week. It's limited,with alternating groups every other week, but even at 50% capacity, our building (built in the 40s) has terrible HVAC and I'll be wearing a mask the entire time I'm there and spraying my area with Lysol regularly.

I'm actually hoping the Utah Health Commissioner puts our status back to Orange and we can stay home for a while longer.

My employer is in Utah, no shutdown, masks are not common.
Here in UT, it's really starting to climb. I think we're close to breaking our worst day, and the ICU capacity topped above 60% yesterday.

...and of course, we're scheduled to return to work this week. It's limited,with alternating groups every other week, but even at 50% capacity, our building (built in the 40s) has terrible HVAC and I'll be wearing a mask the entire time I'm there and spraying my area with Lysol regularly.

I'm actually hoping the Utah Health Commissioner puts our status back to Orange and we can stay home for a while longer.

My employer is in Utah, no shutdown, masks are not common.

Arizona. Got the news a few days ago that someone in our operation had tested positive. Different department, different building, but still...

This morning I watched as people - for the most part - not wearing masks came up to the entrance, read the sign about the city and county mask mandates, turned around and either left or returned wearing one. We're also offering free basic masks.

This reminds me of that false happy ending in a horror movie where the "everything's gonna be okay after all" music starts playing.
Trump ignores viral surge as Fauci warns of disturbing trend - CNNPolitics
President Donald Trump's top health advisers say that the coronavirus pandemic has driven America to its knees amid a disturbing surge in cases. But Trump is ignoring the new danger, instead using the worst domestic crisis in decades as a racist punchline.
"Kung Flu"
Political mismanagement of the situation, the glaring lack of a national strategy and the nation's exhausting, inconclusive struggle with the coronavirus was reflected Tuesday in three key developments. Fully half of US states are now seeing rising cases of the disease with the situation especially acute in Texas, Florida and Arizona, which embraced aggressive reopening programs. The European Union, which has been more successful than the US in suppressing Covid-19, warned it might bar visitors from America in what would be a major embarrassment for Trump. And the President persisted with his counter-logical argument that the US is only seeing more cases of the virus because it is doing more testing, leaving the implication that it would be better if rising cases, infections and ultimately deaths were simply ignored.

Trump has responded to the latest flashing warnings signs with denial, anger, concern for his own political prospects and by continuing to hold the kind of events -- an indoor, rally style appearance in hard-hit Arizona on Tuesday -- that flout basic advice from his own government's top experts and could expose attendees to infections, serious illness or death and help further transmit infections.
Fauci: 'I've never seen anything closely resemble' what the coronavirus can do | TheHill
Fauci said he was struck by how transmissible and varying the coronavirus became.

“I’ve never seen anything closely resemble the virus in the spectrum of what it can do,” he said, referring to the wide range of symptoms that vary between each individual infected.

He reiterated that young people — who are becoming more involved in the spread of the virus — are increasingly contracting more severe infections. The fact that it is also highly communicable contributes to it being “the perfect storm,” Fauci said.
Instant View: Wall Street Backpedals Amid New Virus Fears, Quarantines - The New York Times
Wall Street's main indexes tumbled on Wednesday, accelerating pullbacks a day after the Nasdaq notched a record high, after New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced that visitors from states with high coronavirus infection rates must self quarantine.

Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Washington, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told reporters.
Most of them are purple or red states.

I think that travel restrictions are likely to become a big issue as different places recover at different rates.
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