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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Here in Florida we're about doing worse now than we ever were, but up to this point, mask use is WAY down the last month or so especially. This last week I've noticed an uptick in mask use, but I'd estimate mask use this month before that time at 30-40%. The government has succeeded in doing exactly what it wanted to do. It normalized our situation, it made people feel like it was almost over, and we're not having a second wave, this is still the first wave, aggravated.
NY Forward | New York Forward - New York City is now in phase 2, the rest of New York State in phase 3. I recall from earlier this week nearby Mid-Hudson and Long Island being in phase 2. So they've advanced.

Phase 2:
Open: offices, real estate, some in-store retail, vehicles sales & leases & rentals, retail rental & repair & cleaning, commercial building management, hair salons & barbershops, outdoor & takeout & delivery food services
Closed: malls, indoor restaurant & bar service, large gatherings, gyms & fitness centers & exercise classes, casinos, movie theaters except for drive-ins, public-amusement places

Phase 3:
Open: food services, personal care

In two weeks, if cases of the virus continue to decline, NYC will likely move on to Phase 3 and the rest of the state to Phase 4.

Phase 4:
Open: higher education, low-risk outdoor & indoor arts & entertainment, media production

Outdoor: "... outdoor zoos, botanical gardens, nature parks, grounds of historic sites and cultural institutions, outdoor museums, outdoor agritourism, local agricultural demonstrations and exhibitions; and other similar institutions/activities."

Indoor: "... indoor museums, historical sites, aquariums, and other related institutions or activities."

Very worth mentioning as something responsible.
U.S. sets one-day record for COVID-19 cases, Texas pauses reopening - Reuters
The governor of Texas temporarily halted the state’s reopening on Thursday as COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations surged and the country set a new record for a one-day increase in cases.

Texas, which has been at the forefront of efforts to reopen devastated economies shut down in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, has seen one of the biggest jumps in new cases, reporting more than 6,000 in a single day on Monday.
What a damn fool Governor Abbott was.

Approval of Trump's coronavirus response sinks to lowest on record amid surge in cases: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Reuters
The June 22-23 poll also found that a majority of Americans want Trump’s former national security adviser, John Bolton, to testify to Congress under oath, after he accused Trump in a new book of misdeeds, including seeking Chinese President Xi Jinping’s help to win re-election.

The poll shows that 37% of Americans approved of the way Trump has responded to the pandemic, the lowest on record since Reuters/Ipsos started asking the question at the beginning of March. Fifty-eight percent said they disapproved.

Vaccine makers face biggest medical manufacturing challenge in history - Reuters - "Developing a COVID-19 vaccine in record time will be tough. Producing enough to end the pandemic will be the biggest medical manufacturing feat in history."

Coronavirus may have infected 10 times more Americans than reported, CDC says - Reuters
I feel for NYC. They need to reopen... being stuck indoors NYC is hell! But I can't see how they can open and keep Covid-19 down without closing the bridges and tunnels.

But great news, White House Covid-19 Task Force is having a briefing today. I imagine that they'll say the exact opposite of what we would hope they say. "States need to rely more on their own for testing." "We think the increase is due to the number of tests rising." "I talked to an 80 year old man and he said he didn't want the economy to slow down on his behalf." "Masks have been outlawed. We'll be going door to door to collect your masks."

I'm glad I sewed a bunch of masks, because this is the fucking long haul now.
"Masks have been outlawed. We'll be going door to door to collect your masks."

I'm glad I sewed a bunch of masks, because this is the fucking long haul now.

Arizona actually prohibited local ordinances requiring masks. Now they're fucked.
Gov. Ducey at least stepped that back. It was incredibly stupid, but continues on the typical GOP rule of "local control... unless local control goes against the message".

Meanwhile, Texas is closing bars, or bars are about to up the price of wings and cheese sticks to make alcohol sales drop below 51%. Restaurants are to be at 50% or less capacity. I suppose it is good that they are at least recognizing the cow left the barn.

Meanwhile, Florida has an increasing number of hospitalizations, but allegedly they are keeping up with discharges... despite the large increase in cases. So Florida is either lying or they are lying. They fired the Dashboard organizer, so I'm going with lying.
But great news, White House Covid-19 Task Force is having a briefing today. I imagine that they'll say the exact opposite of what we would hope they say. "States need to rely more on their own for testing." "We think the increase is due to the number of tests rising." "I talked to an 80 year old man and he said he didn't want the economy to slow down on his behalf." "Masks have been outlawed. We'll be going door to door to collect your masks."

Of course they are, they have to respond the dire situation developing, that the stock market has been declining for too long.

No Trump so far, just Pence making with his typical insincere, oily patter offering a lot of self-congratulatory happy talk and spin.

Birx, Fauci and Azar also on stage. Everyone wearing masks for once, but Pence never said the word mask once, but he did use the euphemism "protective equipment" presumably so as to not offend the maskophobe crazies that he helped create.
The first question to Pence:

Reporter: If people should be distancing, why the covid death trap rallies?


Gotta love the whole "free speech" angle to for rallies. Free speech is to protect individual rights of thought and expression... not Trump's right to metaphorically circle jerk half filled arenas.
article about Gov Dumbfuckpants said:
"Today obviously, a lot of news saying, huge number of quote, cases. Really nothing has changed in the past week," DeSantis said.
Says the guy who is closing the bars.

article said:
"The community transmission is being driven by that 18 to 35-year-old group," DeSantis said, adding that many younger patients are asymptomatic. "For those who many be in the low risk groups, understanding that it may be circulating among some of your friends. You have a responsibility to be careful."
GOP lecturing on responsibility? :D
Here in Texas, our GOP guvner, Gregg Abbot was in a big hurry to open Texas back up. Because the GOP base was complaining. And now we have a massive second wave of Covid-19 washing over Texas. And Abbot is starting to have to close things down again. All very predictable. Except for Abbot getting a clue after large numbers of new covid-19 cases being reported. He usually is totally clueless.
Texas cities say state is making pandemic worse | TheHill
Local officials say executive orders from Gov. Greg Abbott (R) have limited their efforts to fight the growing number of cases; they are especially incensed by Abbott’s move to strip local police of the ability to issue tickets to anyone who refuses to wear a mask in public.

The spiraling health crisis underscores a longer battle between conservatives who dominate the Texas legislature and liberals who run the state's largest cities.

For a decade or more, the legislature and both Abbott and his predecessor Rick Perry (R) have passed a series of laws preempting city ordinances over a wide range of public policy debates.

Yet when majors sought to force residents to war face coverings outside or risk a fine, Abbott reversed those orders.
COVID-19 cases rise as Trump brushes off concerns | TheHill
President Trump is brushing off a new spike in coronavirus cases engulfing states across the South and Southwest, presenting a sunnier outlook even as Republican governors and public health officials increasingly express concern.

Trump in recent days has described the virus as “fading away” and “going away,” even as the country set a new record on Friday for new cases with more than 40,000 across the country.

Doug Heye, a GOP strategist, said successful handling of the virus would have been a political boon to Trump.

“If the government response to this was right, he would be able to take credit, but that ship has already sailed,” Heye said. “The question is how far it’s going to sink.”
Trump also refuses to wear a mask.
The first question to Pence:

Reporter: If people should be distancing, why the covid death trap rallies?



The answer from Pence below is from a later question, but it's the same.


Pence is officially worse than Cheney now.

Nevada bumped up 20 to 25% verses active cases. GA nearly 2,000 cases a day.

40,000+ two days in a row. This sucks.
Pence was in TX and went to an event at a church. He wore a mask and the audience was semi distanced, though the 100 member choir sang their lungs out without masks. But at a briefing later with Abbot, he did finally say the m word and did make some sane, responsible statements, aside from lauding their reopening. He also cancelled some campaign events next week out of "caution." Something's changed. Was he actually chastened by the reaction to his Friday clown show? Did he get permission from accordion hands?
I've been trying to find data on what percent of people who have been infected with the coronavirus plan to vote for Trump in 2020, and what effect it has had on Trump supporters who have contracted the disease (whether it has changed their support of him or not). Could the second wave be just what is needed to close the door completely on Trump's reelection? Is anyone able to find data on this?
1) this isn’t a second wave, it is a continuation of the first which never subsided.

2) we don’t want any more Covid-19 deaths

3) Trump supporters are gifted in guy seeking or obfuscation, so they’ll easily be able to continue supporting the guy who pushed states to open too early and helped contribute to their illness, with the other contribution being telling people everything was fine.

Let's get them all in one fell swoop: HPV vaccine + Birth Control Pills + MMR Vaccine.
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