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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

I have to agree. But it's the customers you have to watch out for.

I disagree. I unfortunately had my primary pharmacy listed at a walmart near where I USED to live... not convenient... but more importantly, Walmart failed to accommodate those picking up critical medical prescriptions from their pharmacy, by forcing all customers to stand in a line together prior to entering. I asked the security guard if there was another line for the pharmacy and he rudely said, "everyone has to stand in line".

So fuck you walmart for the failure to prioritize those picking up antibiotics over those picking up lawn chairs.

I have contacted my insurance company to report their refusing service (by refusing entry) at the pharmacy and requested they be delisted from their site for services.
I have switched from Walmart to Walgreens for my family's medical needs, now on.

Right now I am feeling like I will never set foot in a walmart again if at all possible because of their covid-19 procedures fail.

They dictate which pharmacies you can use? You can’t use Express Scripts?

No, I can change anytime I want... and I have. I don;t know what express scripts are, but it is just a matter of what pharmacy any given dr. sends my prescription to that is "on file" for them. If that is express script, then yes...

I made a bad choice by picking the place that happened to be closest to me - walmart - when I lived like 10 miles away from where I live now. It's not that it is very out of the way.. just a little out of the way.. and the main issue is that walmart fucked up by preventing me from accessing the pharmacy in a reasonable and timely manner. Once they let me in the store, no one was at the pharmacy.. there was no reason to bar my entry to the pharmacy where my wife's critically important medication was sent.
walmart is dead to me... not that I was a major customer by any stretch of the imagination... so its not like anyone should care about their lost business over their incompetence with me.
Keith to Halflie...
Fauci did not say "there's no problem." [You really are fucking poor at quotes]

That has been sufficiently pointed out to HL already so it has been informed of the rules of discourse a multitude of times. Evidence sufficiently supports the conclusion he is simply a lying sack of shit, unworthy of thoughtful individuals' consideration or time. Let it wallow it its ignorant foolishness among his own slowly extincting tribe.
They just want you to stop lying, Trump. We are happy to hear you talk any time you are telling the truth.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you don’t believe undocumented workers should have access to relief during #COVID19, does that mean you’re willing return the billions they pay in taxes each year? Will you defund your schools?
Or, in this moment, will we recognize that we should just take care of each other?" / Twitter

Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources - ABC News
As far back as late November, U.S. intelligence officials were warning that a contagion was sweeping through China’s Wuhan region, changing the patterns of life and business and posing a threat to the population, according to four sources briefed on the secret reporting.

The report was the result of analysis of wire and computer intercepts, coupled with satellite images.

"Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," one of the sources said of the NCMI’s report. "It was then briefed multiple times to" the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the White House.

Those analyses said China’s leadership knew the epidemic was out of control even as it kept such crucial information from foreign governments and public health agencies.

Critics have charged the Trump administration with being flat-footed and late in its response to a pandemic that, after sweeping through Wuhan and then parts of Europe, has now killed more than 12,000 in the U.S.

For his part, President Donald Trump has alternated between taking credit for early action and claiming that the coronavirus was a surprise to him and everyone else. He has repeatedly touted his Jan. 31 decision to restrict air travel with China, but at the same time, he spent weeks telling the public and top administration officials that there was nothing for Americans to fear.

As late as Feb. 19, Trump was offering positive reviews for the way China’s leaders had handled the coronavirus.

If it were true that America’s spy agencies were caught that off guard, one intelligence official told ABC News, "that would be a massive intel failure on the order of 9/11. But it wasn’t. They had the intelligence."

"When responding to a public health crisis or any other serious security threat, it is critical that our leaders react quickly and take steps to address the threat identified in the intelligence reporting," said Cohen, the former acting undersecretary of DHS. "It’s not surprising to me that the intelligence community detected the outbreak; what is surprising and disappointing is that the White House ignored the clear warning signs, failed to follow established pandemic response protocols and were slow to put in place a government-wide effort to respond to this crisis.
So it wasn't an intelligence failure but a leadership failure - a massive leadership failure. Trump advertised himself as a great business leader, but he has shown VERY poor leadership, and despite his germaphobia, he failed to take this pandemic seriously for a long time -- and failed for pandemics in general.
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "Trump is now blaming the @WHO for his disastrous #COVIDー19 response. Yes, it needs to do more. That’s why I‘ve pushed to increase its funding, as he should instead of threatening to withold it. We cannot make it through this crisis without their help. https://t.co/8cmM5ad2M9" / Twitter
Trump Attacks W.H.O. Over Criticisms of U.S. Approach to Coronavirus - The New York Times - "In effect, the president sought to blame the group for the very missteps and failures that have been leveled at him and his administration."
After saying flatly that the United States had decided to “put a hold” on the organization’s money, the president later denied that he had made those remarks and appeared to back down.
He also claimed that the WHO is very "China-centric", even though the WHO warned about the virus's emergence in China.

Denial and dysfunction plagued U.S. government as coronavirus raged - The Washington Post - 2020 Apr 4
The country has adopted an array of wartime measures never employed collectively in U.S. history — banning incoming travelers from two continents, bringing commerce to a near-halt, enlisting industry to make emergency medical gear, and confining 230 million Americans to their homes in a desperate bid to survive an attack by an unseen adversary.

Despite these and other extreme steps, the United States will likely go down as the country that was supposedly best prepared to fight a pandemic but ended up catastrophically overmatched by the novel coronavirus, sustaining heavier casualties than any other nation.

It did not have to happen this way. Though not perfectly prepared, the United States had more expertise, resources, plans and epidemiological experience than dozens of countries that ultimately fared far better in fending off the virus.
It was not until mid-March that the Trump Admin took the virus seriously as more than yet another strain of flu, a strain whose pandemic potential was a "hoax" by the Democrats to unseat him.

RNC Research on Twitter: "Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris describes the perfect coronavirus response, accidentally describing all things that President Trump has done [url]https://t.co/RdLLKSBbXE https://t.co/u6Gu5oyDT6" / Twitter[/url]
KH: "it is a really serious issue and not a hoax" - an allusion to Trump's dismissing COVID-19's pandemic potential as the Democrats' "new hoax" for unseating him. She also mentioned the Defense Production Act, something that Trump used far too late.

The View on Twitter: "Sen. @KamalaHarris calls for a suspension of credit card interest, fees and penalties for the next 120 days, saying people who have lost their jobs will “be buying groceries with their credit cards and those exorbitant fees... should be suspended.” [url]https://t.co/J82GS400pl https://t.co/96SJioE8DY" / Twitter[/url]
Hospitals say federal government seizes coronavirus supplies

Officials in at least 6 states are accusing the federal government of quietly diverting their orders for coronavirus medical equipment

States have been making their own orders for ventilators, masks, and other personal protective equipment since President Donald Trump told them in March not to rely on the national stockpile for medical supplies.

Trump has also instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to lead efforts to distribute equipment according to priority, the Los Angeles Times reported.

But state and health leaders in Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Kentucky, Texas, and Florida are now accusing the federal government of of intercepting and diverting their equipment orders without explaining why.

The federal government has been accused of intercepting shipments of vital medical equipment ordered by state authorities to shore up their supplies in the face of the coronavirus crisis.

In March, President Donald Trump had told states to seek their own supplies and minimize their requests from the national stockpile, which has resulted in local authorities scrambling to place large orders of ventilators, masks, and other personal protective equipment.

Trump has put the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in charge of deciding which states are in most need of equipment from the national stockpile, replacing the Department of Health and Human Services, according to The New York Times.

Since then, there have been multiple reports of FEMA or the wider federal government diverting thousands of pieces of equipment from the states that ordered them, without explanation.

State representatives say the situation has caused confusion and dismay.

Shanel Robinson, freeholder director of the community of Somerset County, New Jersey, told local news outlet the Franklin Reporter and Advocate she had been informed that her order of 35,000 N95 and surgical masks had been diverted by federal government. She said she doesn't know where the masks went.
Officials reportedly warned not to contradict Trump on untested meds - "It's a problem when officials are told to do research they don't support; it's a bigger problem when they're told not to contradict Trump's assumptions."
As for the overarching question -- why in the world is Trump pushing this untested treatment with unnerving vigor? -- there are a series of possible explanations in the mix.

Maybe it's corruption: The New York Times: "... Mr. Trump himself has a small personal financial interest in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine."

Maybe it's desperation: Politico: "The rush to focus on unproven drugs also comes after months of lost opportunities to contain the spread of the outbreak. ..."

Maybe it's the undue influence of non-scientists: Rudy Giuliani, celebrity doctor "Dr. Oz," and Peter Navarro ...

Maybe it's the undue influence of conservative media: ... Fox News ...

Maybe it's an extension of Trump's anti-science, anti-expert posture: Philip Bump: "... Promoting a theory that runs against the recommendations of experts is a hallmark of Trump's approach to politics since even before his entry into the 2016 presidential race."
Doesn't say much of Trump's competence as Chief Executive.

Sen. Kamala Harris on The View: 'The buck stops' with Trump on nation's coronavirus response - ABC News - "She demurred on consideration as a vice presidential running mate."
"The buck stops with him. You know, here's the thing, this is a this is a moment of international crisis," Harris told the show's hosts. "And this is where leaders must lead. The president of the United States was also the commander in chief in a moment of national crisis, which is that we have a public health pandemic that has led to an economic crisis. The president of the United States, the commander in chief must use the voice of that office in a way that is about speaking truth, embracing fact ....no matter how uncomfortable it may make people to hear"

When President, Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that stated "The Buck Stops Here"
So what? Also, I heard chloroquine does not really act on malaria bug itself, rather on immune system, suppressing it I understand. But I am also skeptical and suspicious of Trump motives.

1) If that were the case resistance wouldn't develop--but in most of the world malaria is now resistant to chloroquine.

2) It took me a minute with Google to find that it interferes with the parasite's ability to digest food. Thus it does attack the parasite.
Trump still acts like a big baby.

[TABLE="class: grid"]
  • R/E = Race/Ethnicty
  • C D = NYC Deaths
  • C P = NYC Population
  • S D = NYS non-NYC Deaths
  • S P = NYS non-NYC Population
Mercedes Williams on Twitter: "Breaking: @NYGovCuomo releases preliminary data on coronavirus deaths broken down by race. https://t.co/R2NIgSb61D" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "For people who started screeching when I named environmental racism+COVID:
Black + Brown communities have long been treated as dump yards. Trucking + waste sites spike respiratory & other disease.
The Bronx already had some of the highest asthma rates in the US. Then COVID hit. https://t.co/EWoXdLtu8H" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "East Elmhurst is a historically Black community in the shadow of LGA’s fumes.
This is why environmental justice is a core principle of the Green New Deal.
We must acknowledge the impact of racial disparity in power + policy if we are going to fix this. https://t.co/ufP0S0RbaD" / Twitter

'Asthma alley': why minorities bear burden of pollution inequity caused by white people | US news | The Guardian
Office of the Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams on Twitter: "The data we called for & finally got today on #COVID19’s racial impact confirms & reinforces what we've seen over years of systemic inequities. These ingrained injustices have always been there, but the numbers show the bias has a body count.
Statement: https://t.co/rqnVUCHd5F" / Twitter


Kansas Republicans overturn governor’s order restricting crowd sizes in churches – Raw Story
On Wednesday, Republicans on the Kansas Legislative Coordinating Council voted to overturn Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s executive order restricting attendance at church and funereal services to 10 people or less.

Republicans argued that the order subjects churches to stricter rules than certain secular entities, specifically citing bars, restaurants and libraries. Democrats on the committee maintained that these entities all provide at least some services that have been deemed essential.

Churches and funeral services have been vectors for the spread of COVID-19. In Kansas alone, at least three local outbreaks have been attributed to religious services.
Some Republican-dominated states, like Texas and Florida, have exempted church services from *any* public-gathering restrictions.
Expert: Trump’s ‘deadly’ coronavirus briefings display ‘anti-human’ psychology – Raw Story
“We are facing a democide of genocidal proportions, because we have handed power to someone who is anti-human in psychology,” Lee told Salon. “The group he has isolated may not be ethnic, but it is his own cultural grouping of ‘non-voters’ or ‘critics,’ when he has withdrawn lifesaving equipment from states where governors have criticized him, such as New York, California, Washington or Michigan, while giving a surplus to states with sycophantic governors, such as Florida. When criminality combines with mental pathology, this kind of large-scale violence becomes possible. Eventually, it will be destructive to all.”
Congressional Republicans have enabled him for far too long. During the impeachment effort, they had the chance to remove him from office, but they didn't. He deserves the 25th Amendment.
What do you make of Trump’s insistence that he is right about everything and the experts are the ones who are wrong?

I think we can now accept how deadly his symptoms are, and that mental pathology is different from health. Any other presidential candidate from 2016, of either party — even Mike Pence — would not have had the same pathological malice against Barack Obama so as to dismantle a global pandemic response system that experts lauded throughout the world.
Psychologist Bandy X. Lee said that his cavalier and negligent actions show a "disinterest in the disease".
This bottomless need to place his own psychic survival above any protection of the public should rather be a warning. This means he would be equally inclined to destroy the nation or the world — which he has the power to do — if he were to feel humiliated from the loss of an election, for example.

At a minimum, the House speaker could immediately establish an emergency crisis committee, calling on top CDC and Trump administration officials to answer all questions about the handling of the pandemic and what is being done to correct past errors. She would be demonstrating leadership in deferring to experts. With the information gathered over just a few days, the Congress can then assume its responsibilities in this dire emergency and not simply respond to the whims of a president whose briefings are nothing short of deadly.
A nurse bought protective supplies for her colleagues using GoFundMe — then the hospital suspended her – Raw Story

‘Break glass moment for our democracy’: Experts sound alarm over Trump plan to purge 7 inspectors general – Raw Story

Trump’s latest crime spree: With pandemic as cover, he’s going for epic corruption – Raw Story

‘A stain on this country’: Rick Wilson uncorks epic rant about Trump’s selfishness during pandemic – Raw Story

Rick Wilson on Twitter: "1/ Watching all this slow, grinding failure ..." / Twitter
Watching all this slow, grinding failure and the mounting death toll because of this low, dumb, corrupt man and his low, dumb, corrupt enablers and his low, dumb, corrupt failspawn doesn't shock me, and I'm sorry for that.

Part of his chaotic method is to exhaust people with rage and despair and fury. He wants them to just give up and accept his shit. The message is, "I have no shame, no bottom, no limits. Fuck you."

I *wish* we were still shocked by how bad he is as a President and as a man. It's a stain on this country.

I *wish* we weren't surrounded by the credulous and the cretinous and the corrupt who make up the worst of his spider-hole dead-ender Trumphadi cultists who will emulate and adore his mendacity and his ghoulish populism.

In this long road, I've come to a realization about the Trump cult.

Some of them are just evil, opportunist shitbirds in DC and New York who hate the Trump base in ways they ascribe to people like me, but do it behind closed doors.

The Trump Media Human Centipede are almost all in this category. It's a ratings play, not some principled ideology. Yes, MAGAe, the people at Fox mock you. They know they're feeding you lukewarm shit, laugh as they do it, and profit in the billions. Trust me, you're never getting a beer with them.

Some are political cowards, FOMT victims, Vichy Republicans, ass-wipe wannabe players, and hustlers. And yes, MAGAe, the vast majority of them hate you. They fear you, but they hate you. A lot.

Elected Rs who should be appalled by Trump's failures either pretend of embrace him, or are too cowardly to oppose him.

The "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills" sensation is rational. Everything he does is an improv. There's no strategy. It's all impulse and instinct, and his impulses and instincts are either evil, stupid, or some alchemical slurry of the two.

Like a science fiction monster, he thrives on this chaos and fear and loss. He's fine with the despair as long as the spotlight is on him.

This moment will end. COVID-19 will, eventually recede. Everyone one of you who stayed home, did the social distancing drill, sat through 100 Zoom meetings, took on homeschooling, lived right, wondered how you'd pay the rent or the mortgage, wore a mask, feared for your parents, wondered if you'd have a job in a month...none of it matters to him.

It's never about you, or us. It's always about him.

It's not about the docs, nurses, respiratory therapists, drivers, janitors, health officials, or anyone else on the front line.

It's about *him.* His *ratings.* His *ego.* That's why you have to get and stay angry. There's a fight coming this fall, and it's not over.

Don't think for a moment that Trump and his media minions are going to have a moment of reflection or responsibility.

The narrative already emerging is "The God King Hero Saved Us from the Chinese Soros Liberal Media Plague."

Don't think this leads to victory in Nov on its own. I wish it did, but we are sinners in the hands of an angry God.

This thread is to remind you that when you're furious at the death toll and his deception, denial, and distraction in the months he *knew* this was coming, that's what you're *supposed* to feel.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

So endeth the lesson.

Well, one more point. This shitty, terrible, costly exercise should also remind you of something truly profound.

We are a better country than this President. We are better people than this President. We are more compassionate, more giving, more engaged and more enterprising, more devoted to the country than he will ever be. You'll never have a more stark and wonderful dichotomy between the so-called leader who didn't lead, and the millions of Americans who did.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
This whole thing is getting fishy now. There's a new "#filmyourhospital" and many of the videos show the hospitals as being ghost towns, not "overrun with patients in chaos." Even the NYC hospitals show tons of ambulances parked and not doing anything. There's no warzone atmosphere at any of these hospitals where people film.

Some people even went to the testing sites and they have a tent up just for show with nothing underneath them.

CBS even put up a video of a hospital in Italy and said it was "a hospital in NYC" to fear monger. They were caught lying.

This is getting very strange now...
This whole thing is getting fishy now. There's a new "#filmyourhospital" and many of the videos show the hospitals as being ghost towns, not "overrun with patients in chaos." Even the NYC hospitals show tons of ambulances parked and not doing anything. There's no warzone atmosphere at any of these hospitals where people film.

Some people even went to the testing sites and they have a tent up just for show with nothing underneath them.

CBS even put up a video of a hospital in Italy and said it was "a hospital in NYC" to fear monger. They were caught lying.

This is getting very strange now...

This whole thing is getting fishy now. There's a new "#filmyourhospital" and many of the videos show the hospitals as being ghost towns, not "overrun with patients in chaos." Even the NYC hospitals show tons of ambulances parked and not doing anything. There's no warzone atmosphere at any of these hospitals where people film.

Some people even went to the testing sites and they have a tent up just for show with nothing underneath them.

CBS even put up a video of a hospital in Italy and said it was "a hospital in NYC" to fear monger. They were caught lying.

This is getting very strange now...

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It's not a conspiracy if the videos show the hospitals being ghost towns.

Why did CBS show a hospital in Italy and claim it was NYC, then?


"CBS admits to using footage from Italy in NYC coronavirus report "
It's not a conspiracy if the videos show the hospitals being ghost towns.
Well, it's a conspiracy if you take some video and think it's an exhaustive survey, and claim something is 'fishy.'
There ARE empty halls in a lot of hospitals because they're doing nothing but C19. No elective surgery, nothing that cannot be put off, and ambulances no longer take coronary patients to hospital in some areas.

That leap to 'fishy' just shows you're primed for a conspiracy tale. FFVC has you all sucking on a teat of stories about evildoers, and you need a fix.
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