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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Trump blew it — not the WHO, Fauci or the Jews - The Washington Post

Democracy Now! on Twitter: "U.S. congressmember @AOC says that amid a pandemic, confusion around the Trump administration's public charge rules — rules that put immigrants who access public assistance on a "fast track to denial of citizenship" — is preventing many from seeking care "out of sheer fear." https://t.co/Bi5FxJiNNh" / Twitter

Democracy Now! on Twitter: "Trump's response to the coronavirus has been "incompetent" and "this entire administration knew what was coming," says Rep. @AOC. There has been a "universal refusal to acknowledge [the pandemic] and, more importantly, to act," she says. "There are people dying unnecessarily." https://t.co/ODLGX1Dwkx" / Twitter

She also says that a lot of people are dying in their homes and that COVID-19 deaths are likely undercounted, with some of them labeled as pneumonia or "other disease", because the patients couldn't get tested.

Deaths of Inequality: AOC on Black and Latinx Communities at Epicenter of Epicenter of the Pandemic - YouTube
As COVID-19 deaths spike in African-American and immigrant communities, almost a third of New York City’s infections are in Queens, one of the most diverse places in the world, and many in the hardest-hit neighborhoods are undocumented and working-class. We speak with Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who represents the neighborhoods at the epicenter of the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, about how the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic is causing “deaths of incompetence,” “deaths of science denial” and “deaths of inequality.”
Nice interview with AOC. She also states that "Trump knew this pandemic was coming, the military knew this pandemic was coming,, the CDC knew this pandemic was coming,, the HHS knew this pandemic was coming, and that there was a structural but also universal refusal to acknowledge, and more importantly, to act." She also states that in NYC, some 200 - 300 people are dying in their homes per day.

Deaths of Inequality: AOC on Black and Latinx Communities at Epicenter of Epicenter of the Pandemic | Democracy Now! - has a transcript.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders & Fight for a Progressive Future | Democracy Now!

She described the recent relief action as providing a $500 billion corporate slush fund that will be leveraged into $4 trillion.

Amazon “Profiting from This Pandemic” as Warehouse Workers Walk Off Job to Demand Safer Conditions | Democracy Now!

A bit before the passage of that recent bill:
U.S. Is #1 in Pandemic: Rep. Omar Blasts Trump for “Wrong Kind of American Exceptionalism” | Democracy Now!
... you can't get the virus from touching surfaces or cardboard. That's just the fear mongering.

Thank, professors. Always good to learn some microbiology from such an obviously well-learned individual.
But wait - aren't you the same expert who said: "by April we will be laughing going,
"Remember how everyone panicked over the coronavirus
because the media started fear mongering?"

Why would you expect anyone to take any comfort from your reassurances, when you routinely echo The Trumpstupid, playing down the threat, even after your assertions are shown, by reality itself, to be absolute bullshit?

You left out he believes doctors are actually diagnosing people with Trump derangement syndrome, and are developing vaccines for cancer. Oh, and he also believes that the coronavirus is a direct result of a bat taking a shit in a cage in 1970.

So whilst it's fair to say most of Half-life's arguments are poorly worded unsourced bullshit, it's especially important to dismiss anything he posts that is medical related. An expert he is not. At least I hope he isn't a medical expert.
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Okay, so he was only twiddling one thumb instead of both. And was trying to fingerbang the public throughout February and March deliberately contradicting advice from medical experts and gaslighting the living fuck out of the pandemic. That Trump was more decisive in sacking a naval captain who made him look bad than anything else he has done in this outbreak says all you need to know about his priorities.

Uh, so, have you forgotten what the media and the entire Democratic leadership of New York City were saying at that time?

Nope, some of the media was wrong about this outbreak. This is true. To say the "media and the entire Democratic leadership of New York City" were downplaying this is hyperbolic bullshit. I'm sure if I were inclined to go through all of Trump's tweets, I could cherry pick one or two that make him seems like an intelligent reasonable human being. Doesn't change the fact that most of his tweets are covefe fueled nonsensical crap lathered with hypocrisy.

It also doesn't change the fact that Trump had access to more accurate, more comprehensive information about the pandemic (just ask Richard Burr) and yet still decided to downplay the living shit out of it and gaslight when being caught out.
But I thought you guys hate companies who make big money?

That is true. That is what you "think". Although I'm not sure that is the correct verb to use given the context. Assumed or believed would definitely be more appropriate. But more importantly, the word incorrectly should be used as well.
Well, Trump did declare a national emergency on 1/31. According to your link, the emergency declaration and travel restrictions were made a day after the WHO announced a public health emergency. This goes against the narrative that Trump sat back and twiddled his thumbs.

National emergency was declared by Trump on 3/13. Azar issued a public health emergency on 1/31.
US intelligence officials were warning Trump about a pandemic as early as January, The Washington Post reported, as more information emerged on the respiratory virus spreading in China. The president was receiving the briefings at the same time that he publicly downplayed the risk of the virus.
By the end of January and beginning of February, a majority of the intelligence contained in Trump's daily briefings was about the coronavirus, the report said.
"The system was blinking red," one US official with access to the intelligence told The Post. "Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it."
On Jan. 31, the Trump administration restricted most Chinese travelers from flying to the US. The president and his allies also repeatedly referred to the disease as the "Chinese virus," which public health experts warned was racist and did little to help the situation.
Politico reported that the administration declined to use a nearly 70-page pandemic playbook that the National Security Council's health unit put together under the Obama administration.
The document instructed federal officials on how to prepare for many of the same obstacles the Trump administration is now facing, including medical equipment shortages and a lack of coordination.
Current officials told Politico they decided not to use the playbook because it was outdated and many of the procedures had been revised since it was first created.

Well, Trump did declare a national emergency on 1/31. According to your link, the emergency declaration and travel restrictions were made a day after the WHO announced a public health emergency. This goes against the narrative that Trump sat back and twiddled his thumbs.

National emergency was declared by Trump on 3/13. Azar issued a public health emergency on 1/31.

Well, that's right. The National Emergency after the WHO declared a pandemic.
Uh, so, have you forgotten what the media and the entire Democratic leadership of New York City were saying at that time?

That clip has nothing to do with NYC leadership.

Trump had access to the best available info. This fish stinks from the head down.
Well, Trump did declare a national emergency on 1/31. According to your link, the emergency declaration and travel restrictions were made a day after the WHO announced a public health emergency. This goes against the narrative that Trump sat back and twiddled his thumbs.

National emergency was declared by Trump on 3/13. Azar issued a public health emergency on 1/31.

Well, that's right. The National Emergency after the WHO declared a pandemic.

The apparent implication was that Trump jumped on it. Not true. Hell, he's doing little enough now except using the daily press briefings as substitute campaign rallies. Trump could easily assume the authority to direct resources. He prefers chaos, as this way he avoids taking responsibility.
Well, Trump did declare a national emergency on 1/31. According to your link, the emergency declaration and travel restrictions were made a day after the WHO announced a public health emergency. This goes against the narrative that Trump sat back and twiddled his thumbs.

National emergency was declared by Trump on 3/13. Azar issued a public health emergency on 1/31.

Well, that's right. The National Emergency after the WHO declared a pandemic.

Why didn't PINO heed the advice of experts in January when the first US case appeared? Why didn't he do what New Zealand did A MONTH BEFORE THEY EVEN GOT A CASE?
Because he's concerned with his own image more than with the lives of Americans, that's why. 2 more died for Dear Leader's vanity while I was writing the above. 1877 for the day now. And the night is young.
Okay. Did he do any of these things at that time?
I know the declaration allows action. But did Trump actually trigger any action?
Did he do any meaningful action on that day?

I'd be interested in what some say he should have done more of on February 2 based on the knowledge available. The US had few cases and the WHO actually recommended against travel restrictions. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy. But what were other Western countries doing at that time that the US should also have done? Genuinely curious. And with the understanding that the US is a federal republic with 50 semi-sovereign states. Public heath, historically and in practice, usually a state concern. 10th Amendment. The federal government is not front line, except at the ports. The federal government backs up the states.

So, no he didn't do anything that day except make a declaration that things could happen. That's your answer to the question?
Okay. Did he do any of these things at that time?
I know the declaration allows action. But did Trump actually trigger any action?
Did he do any meaningful action on that day?

I'd be interested in what some say he should have done more of on February 2 based on the knowledge available. The US had few cases and the WHO actually recommended against travel restrictions. Monday morning quarterbacking is easy. But what were other Western countries doing at that time that the US should also have done? Genuinely curious. And with the understanding that the US is a federal republic with 50 semi-sovereign states. Public heath, historically and in practice, usually a state concern. 10th Amendment. The federal government is not front line, except at the ports. The federal government backs up the states.

So, no he didn't do anything that day except make a declaration that things could happen. That's your answer to the question?
Basically, Trumpers repeat variants of Trump's own defense against any charge: 1) it is not his fault or 2) it is fake news.
... you can't get the virus from touching surfaces or cardboard. That's just the fear mongering.

Thank, professors. Always good to learn some microbiology from such an obviously well-learned individual.
But wait - aren't you the same expert who said: "by April we will be laughing going,
"Remember how everyone panicked over the coronavirus
because the media started fear mongering?"

Why would you expect anyone to take any comfort from your reassurances, when you routinely echo The Trumpstupid, playing down the threat, even after your assertions are shown, by reality itself, to be absolute bullshit?

You left out he believes doctors are actually diagnosing people with Trump derangement syndrome, and are developing vaccines for cancer. Oh, and he also believes that the coronavirus is a direct result of a bat taking a shit in a cage in 1970.

So whilst it's fair to say most of Half-life's arguments are poorly worded unsourced bullshit, it's especially important to dismiss anything he posts that is medical related. An expert he is not. At least I hope he isn't a medical expert.

There are vaccines to treat, but not prevent, cancer. Lung cancer in particular. It’s being used in combination with checkpoint inhibitors.

So Halfie’s ridicule of that research is yet another sewage leak.
Okay, so he was only twiddling one thumb instead of both. And was trying to fingerbang the public throughout February and March deliberately contradicting advice from medical experts and gaslighting the living fuck out of the pandemic. That Trump was more decisive in sacking a naval captain who made him look bad than anything else he has done in this outbreak says all you need to know about his priorities.

Uh, so, have you forgotten what the media and the entire Democratic leadership of New York City were saying at that time?

Trump calls the media, especially CNN, fake news. Are you saying he actually listened to them at the time instead of the classified briefings he was given?
Trump lies are just so crazy. Now he claims he inherited a faulty c19 test.

"We inherited a broken test -- the whole thing was broken," Trump said on the Fox News morning show "Fox and Friends" on March 30.

"And remember this: We inherited -- the word is we inherited bad tests. We really inherited bad tests. These are horrible tests. And it was broken. It was all broken. And we fixed it," Trump said at the White House briefing on April 1.

"The original test -- the ones we inherited, Jim, as an example, they were -- they were broken. They were obsolete. They were not good tests. And that's what we got stuck with," he said at the April 3 briefing.

"Initially speaking, the tests were old, obsolete, and not really prepared," he said at the April 6 briefing

Okay, so he was only twiddling one thumb instead of both. And was trying to fingerbang the public throughout February and March deliberately contradicting advice from medical experts and gaslighting the living fuck out of the pandemic. That Trump was more decisive in sacking a naval captain who made him look bad than anything else he has done in this outbreak says all you need to know about his priorities.

Uh, so, have you forgotten what the media and the entire Democratic leadership of New York City were saying at that time?

Trump calls the media, especially CNN, fake news. Are you saying he actually listened to them at the time instead of the classified briefings he was given?

Of course. Classified briefings tend to try to give him facts. He has no use for that. Trump is obsessed with what people think about him. So he watches CNN and even MSNBC, hoping he can shame their reporting with his best words later. Or get 'em with a tweet right now, if he feels the powah! Either way, PINO is viscerally satisfied that they are talking about Him, and perhaps he'll think up a new way to repeat "FAKE NEWS!" so his twerps will remember not to believe anything bad about Him.
Trump lies are just so crazy. Now he claims he inherited a faulty c19 test.

"We inherited a broken test -- the whole thing was broken," Trump said on the Fox News morning show "Fox and Friends" on March 30.

"And remember this: We inherited -- the word is we inherited bad tests. We really inherited bad tests. These are horrible tests. And it was broken. It was all broken. And we fixed it," Trump said at the White House briefing on April 1.

"The original test -- the ones we inherited, Jim, as an example, they were -- they were broken. They were obsolete. They were not good tests. And that's what we got stuck with," he said at the April 3 briefing.

"Initially speaking, the tests were old, obsolete, and not really prepared," he said at the April 6 briefing


No, he's right. Any covid-19 tests that were made during Obama's administration would be faulty.
Trump lies are just so crazy. Now he claims he inherited a faulty c19 test.

"We inherited a broken test -- the whole thing was broken," Trump said on the Fox News morning show "Fox and Friends" on March 30.

"And remember this: We inherited -- the word is we inherited bad tests. We really inherited bad tests. These are horrible tests. And it was broken. It was all broken. And we fixed it," Trump said at the White House briefing on April 1.

"The original test -- the ones we inherited, Jim, as an example, they were -- they were broken. They were obsolete. They were not good tests. And that's what we got stuck with," he said at the April 3 briefing.

"Initially speaking, the tests were old, obsolete, and not really prepared," he said at the April 6 briefing


No, he's right. Any covid-19 tests that were made during Obama's administration would be faulty.

Yabut - these were from the Nixon administration. He threw away those Obama tests years ago - lots of people said it gave them birth defects.
Navarro memos warning of mass coronavirus death circulated in January

In late January, President Trump's economic adviser Peter Navarro warned his White House colleagues the novel coronavirus could take more than half a million American lives and cost close to $6 trillion, according to memos obtained by Axios.

The state of play: By late February, Navarro was even more alarmed, and he warned his colleagues, in another memo, that up to 2 million Americans could die of the virus.

Navarro's grim estimates are set out in two memos — one dated Jan. 29 and addressed to the National Security Council, the other dated Feb. 23 and addressed to the president. The NSC circulated both memos around the White House and multiple agencies.
In the first memo, which the New York Times was first to report on, Navarro makes his case for "an immediate travel ban on China."
The second lays the groundwork for supplemental requests from Congress, with the warning: "This is NOT a time for penny-pinching or horse trading on the Hill."

Bonespurs claims he never saw them.
Brian Schatz on Twitter: "THEY ALL KNEW AND THEY DIDN’T TELL YOU. https://t.co/Y2z4jXklTa" / Twitter
Jonathan Swan on Twitter: ""In late January, President Trump's economic adviser Peter Navarro warned his White House colleagues the novel coronavirus could take more than half a million American lives and cost close to $6 trillion, according to memos obtained by Axios." https://t.co/0Q0W88iZBV" / Twitter
Peter Navarro memos warning of mass coronavirus death circulated West Wing in January - Axios

Dr. Fauci Has Been Dreading A Pandemic Like COVID-19 For Years | FiveThirtyEight
“Well, I always say something semi-facetious when people ask me that. We worry about so many things when we’re awake that we’re so tired that nothing keeps us up at night. But notwithstanding that, the thing I’m most concerned about as an infectious disease physician and as a public health person is the emergence of a new virus that the body doesn’t have any background experience with, that is very transmissible, highly transmissible from person to person, and has a high degree of morbidity and mortality.

Now what I’ve essentially done is paint the picture of a pandemic influenza. Now it doesn’t have to be influenza. It could be something like SARS. SARS was really quite scary. Thankfully, it kind of burned itself out by good public health measures. But the thing that worries most of us in the field of public health is a respiratory illness that can spread even before someone is so sick that you want to keep them in bed. And that’s really the difference.”

Is The Economy Still The Most Important Thing For Trump’s Reelection? | FiveThirtyEight - notes that Trump's approval ratings have varied much less than most other recent Presidents, with only Obama's coming close in low variability. This suggests rather extreme partisanship, with people having opinions taking one side or the other.
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