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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report
Trump’s Aggressive Advocacy of Malaria Drug for Treating Coronavirus Divides Medical Community - The New York Times

From Yahoo News,
Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, The New York Times reported Monday.

In addition, Sanofi’s largest shareholders include a mutual fund company run by major Republican donor Ken Fisher, the paper said. Trump’s three family trusts, as of last year, each had investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding was Sanofi, according to the Times. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross also had ties to the drugmaker, the Times reported.

Trump’s “assertiveness” in promoting the drug contrary to the recommendation of top health experts “has raised questions about his motives,” the Times noted.
What venality.

I am VERY skeptical because chloroquine is a malaria medicine, and malaria is caused by a one-celled eukaryote, Plasmodium falciparum, not a virus.
Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report
Trump’s Aggressive Advocacy of Malaria Drug for Treating Coronavirus Divides Medical Community - The New York Times

From Yahoo News,
Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, The New York Times reported Monday.

In addition, Sanofi’s largest shareholders include a mutual fund company run by major Republican donor Ken Fisher, the paper said. Trump’s three family trusts, as of last year, each had investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding was Sanofi, according to the Times. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross also had ties to the drugmaker, the Times reported.

Trump’s “assertiveness” in promoting the drug contrary to the recommendation of top health experts “has raised questions about his motives,” the Times noted.
What venality.

I am VERY skeptical because chloroquine is a malaria medicine, and malaria is caused by a one-celled eukaryote, Plasmodium falciparum, not a virus.
So what? Also, I heard chloroquine does not really act on malaria bug itself, rather on immune system, suppressing it I understand. But I am also skeptical and suspicious of Trump motives.
Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report
Trump’s Aggressive Advocacy of Malaria Drug for Treating Coronavirus Divides Medical Community - The New York Times

From Yahoo News,
Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, The New York Times reported Monday.

In addition, Sanofi’s largest shareholders include a mutual fund company run by major Republican donor Ken Fisher, the paper said. Trump’s three family trusts, as of last year, each had investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding was Sanofi, according to the Times. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross also had ties to the drugmaker, the Times reported.

Trump’s “assertiveness” in promoting the drug contrary to the recommendation of top health experts “has raised questions about his motives,” the Times noted.
What venality.

I am VERY skeptical because chloroquine is a malaria medicine, and malaria is caused by a one-celled eukaryote, Plasmodium falciparum, not a virus.

That is one of Trump's many investments. Let's see the media mention his other investments. Oh, there's nothing spicy behind those investments, so they won't. Maybe they can tell us he has an investment in McDonald's and he encouraged drive thrus to stay open, which includes McDonald's. Conspiracy! We got him now!
Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report
Trump’s Aggressive Advocacy of Malaria Drug for Treating Coronavirus Divides Medical Community - The New York Times

From Yahoo News,
Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, The New York Times reported Monday.

In addition, Sanofi’s largest shareholders include a mutual fund company run by major Republican donor Ken Fisher, the paper said. Trump’s three family trusts, as of last year, each had investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding was Sanofi, according to the Times. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross also had ties to the drugmaker, the Times reported.

Trump’s “assertiveness” in promoting the drug contrary to the recommendation of top health experts “has raised questions about his motives,” the Times noted.
What venality.

I am VERY skeptical because chloroquine is a malaria medicine, and malaria is caused by a one-celled eukaryote, Plasmodium falciparum, not a virus.

That is one of Trump's many investments. Let's see the media mention his other investments. Oh, there's nothing spicy behind those investments, so they won't. Maybe they can tell us he has an investment in McDonald's and he encouraged drive thrus to stay open, which includes McDonald's. Conspiracy! We got him now!

Name one policy that Trump has been as passionate about that doesn't profit him personally. He doesn't even talk about his fucking wall as much as he does hydroxychloroquine. Sorry, but I'm always skeptical of the motive when the person involved is a selfish narcissistic cunt.. Coupled by the fact I have a sneaking suspicion that if your were alive during the 70s, you would be on the other side of the argument with regards to a certain peanut farm.
Methinks were the US trials to prove successful in making a vaccine, the left would be devastated in case it would help re-elect the Donald. The left would rather see people die if it helps their cause! Is that the depravity the Dems have slunk to?

Let the readers note that once again Angelo opines with what he fantasizes his enemies would do, and, surprise surprise! It's hyperbolic, libelous and completely untrue.

Angelo works to separate the world into "us" and "them" and makes every effort demonize the "them" at every opportunity, even when it requires that he go off topic to do it.

There is a great deal of psychology written about this, and how it is necessary for them to do this othering and demonization so that they don't have to face their own role in the destruction of society. The psychologists report that this makes them feel powerful and important and that they have a compulsive need to maintain this sense of power, even if it requires fabricating stories to do so. Indeed, this is exactly the behavior that is necessary for a genocide to happen.

Angelo - you have absolutely no evidence to support your fantasy about what "The Left" would do. Moreover, there is significant evidence against it. Please stop making up negative stories about us. It makes you look like a sociopath - and if you are not a sociopath, I assume you would appreciate the advice on how not to look exactly like one.

Sweden has a left of center government that has [ until now] not taken measures to safeguard it's people as compared to say, Australia, as this link shows. Sweden has less than half Australia's population yet has 400 deaths as compared far less than 100 deaths in Australia. Is that a fair enough comparison of the left VS right?


Sweden has so far recorded more than 400 coronavirus deaths — about 10 times as many as Australia. Its population is around half that of Australia.

But its Government is standing by its relatively relaxed approach to the pandemic.

Rather than telling people what to do — or, worse, telling them off — the Government is asking Swedes to do the right thing, and giving them the liberty to prove they are responsible citizens.

While the Government has taken some measures, such as limiting social gatherings to 50 people and closing high schools and universities, experts say it is betting on Sweden's "social obedience".

But that's a lot of trust to put in your people at a time of global pandemic, and a gamble that could have catastrophic consequences
Methinks were the US trials to prove successful in making a vaccine, the left would be devastated in case it would help re-elect the Donald. The left would rather see people die if it helps their cause! Is that the depravity the Dems have slunk to?

Let the readers note that once again Angelo opines with what he fantasizes his enemies would do, and, surprise surprise! It's hyperbolic, libelous and completely untrue.

Angelo works to separate the world into "us" and "them" and makes every effort demonize the "them" at every opportunity, even when it requires that he go off topic to do it.

There is a great deal of psychology written about this, and how it is necessary for them to do this othering and demonization so that they don't have to face their own role in the destruction of society. The psychologists report that this makes them feel powerful and important and that they have a compulsive need to maintain this sense of power, even if it requires fabricating stories to do so. Indeed, this is exactly the behavior that is necessary for a genocide to happen.

Angelo - you have absolutely no evidence to support your fantasy about what "The Left" would do. Moreover, there is significant evidence against it. Please stop making up negative stories about us. It makes you look like a sociopath - and if you are not a sociopath, I assume you would appreciate the advice on how not to look exactly like one.

Sweden has a left of center government that has [ until now] not taken measures to safeguard it's people as compared to say, Australia, as this link shows. Sweden has less than half Australia's population yet has 400 deaths as compared far less than 100 deaths in Australia. Is that a fair enough comparison of the left VS right?

Oh for fucks sake, we are so proud of being surrounded by water it's in our fucking anthem. Couple that with the fact that we're the size of western Europe with only a fraction of the population and social distancing isn't really an issue.

Because of this Australia is probably the best suited nation to weather a pandemic because if all else fails, the country will set itself on fire and burn everything away in any event. Left and right have fuck all to do with it.

And you clearly don't have a clue about "left" or "right" as Morrison's domestic policy is exactly the same as the traditional Democrat platform. Which has been proven to you before.
That is one of Trump's many investments.
which is why honest Presidents divest themselves of such things....
Let's see the media mention his other investments.
google 'emoluments trump,' halfie.
Oh, there's nothing spicy behind those investments, so they won't.
well, if by 'spicy' you mean 'conflict of interest,' then, no, there's no NEWS until he can be shown profiting from his decisions.

But look it up, Halfie. Or 'conflict of interest, trump.'
Maybe they can tell us he has an investment in McDonald's and he encouraged drive thrus to stay open, which includes McDonald's. Conspiracy! We got him now!
i'd rather see how much of the 'stimulus' money goes to his hotels. But he fired the IG who would have told us that...

Just imagine the screeching if Hillary or Obama had fired a watchdog...
Sweden has a left of center government that has [ until now] not taken measures to safeguard it's people as compared to say, Australia, as this link shows. Sweden has less than half Australia's population yet has 400 deaths as compared far less than 100 deaths in Australia. Is that a fair enough comparison of the left VS right?

Oh for fucks sake, we are so proud of being surrounded by water it's in our fucking anthem. Couple that with the fact that we're the size of western Europe with only a fraction of the population and social distancing isn't really an issue.

Because of this Australia is probably the best suited nation to weather a pandemic because if all else fails, the country will set itself on fire and burn everything away in any event. Left and right have fuck all to do with it.

And you clearly don't have a clue about "left" or "right" as Morrison's domestic policy is exactly the same as the traditional Democrat platform. Which has been proven to you before.

Being an island means FA as Asia and EU just hours away, as has been proven in Australia. Most of the casualties have been from cruise liners, air travel and returning Aussies from overseas . Sweden isn't exactly a small country in area either when one considers the Australian continent is mostly a harsh place to live in besides the coastal plains.
This crisis seems almost like a gift to Trump. He loses the great economy but in return is handed a situation where he works best. He got his wealth through real estate development. But what does a real estate developer do? Doesn't design the building. Doesn't build it either. The developer is the guy who gets disparate parties together - builder, finance, supply, regulation, etc - to complete the project. And the developer has to lie a lot, talk things up, to keep everyone on board. That's Trump's schtick.

Trump's schtick is also running companies into the ground, with a half-dozen bankruptcies under his belt. Let's hope that doesn't happen this time around, but it doesn't look good.

But I thought you guys hate companies who make big money?

Why would you think that? I am a software developer, and I make big money, so naturally it is nice to be able to work for companies that can pay me. On the other hand, I work for a co-op that makes big money, not a corporation, and we have workers on the BoD, so they tend to do what is right for employees.

So shouldn't it be a good thing to you guys if Trump caused companies to stop existing?

Companies stop existing all the time, for a variety or reasons. I once owned a company that no longer exists. One of the worst possible reasons for a company to stop existing, however, would be because a politician did something stupid, like Trump has been doing throughout this crisis.

The leftist worldview never seems to be consistent.

There is no single leftist worldview, maybe that is your problem. We are all individuals with differing views, but with a few intersecting commonalities. I would imagine that if you have been indoctrinated into group think for your entire life, that concept may be hard to grasp.
The only person you have ever proven wrong here is yourself. You do it nearly every time you post, for example, just now.

Prove that you are not wrong. Post a direct quote in context from someone on this board. If you can't do that, you have just proven yourself wrong again, because no one has said that on this board.

In the world-o-meter thread, people are saying China's deaths are close to 0 now. Do you guys believe their word?

I don't believe your word, that is why I asked for a direct quote, in context. Your inability to provide one to prove that you are right leaves me in the default position of believing that you are wrong as usual.

Fox News right now is slamming China right now for lying to us about the virus and putting out propaganda.

Fox News is also facing a lawsuit right now because of the propaganda they have put out intentionally misleading the public about coronavirus. So tell me again how the lying liars are lying about other lying liars lying about the same lies.

I don't know

That much is clear.
This crisis seems almost like a gift to Trump. He loses the great economy but in return is handed a situation where he works best. He got his wealth through real estate development. But what does a real estate developer do? Doesn't design the building. Doesn't build it either. The developer is the guy who gets disparate parties together - builder, finance, supply, regulation, etc - to complete the project. And the developer has to lie a lot, talk things up, to keep everyone on board. That's Trump's schtick.

Trump's schtick is also running companies into the ground, with a half-dozen bankruptcies under his belt. Let's hope that doesn't happen this time around, but it doesn't look good.

And he bounced back and became president. There's that.

Which is why I am waiting for the same thing to happen that has happened every time he has bounced back, he runs something else into the ground. Unfortunately, right now, it is our Country that he is running into the ground.
Methinks were the US trials to prove successful in making a vaccine, the left would be devastated in case it would help re-elect the Donald. The left would rather see people die if it helps their cause! Is that the depravity the Dems have slunk to?

Let the readers note that once again Angelo opines with what he fantasizes his enemies would do, and, surprise surprise! It's hyperbolic, libelous and completely untrue.

Angelo works to separate the world into "us" and "them" and makes every effort demonize the "them" at every opportunity, even when it requires that he go off topic to do it.

There is a great deal of psychology written about this, and how it is necessary for them to do this othering and demonization so that they don't have to face their own role in the destruction of society. The psychologists report that this makes them feel powerful and important and that they have a compulsive need to maintain this sense of power, even if it requires fabricating stories to do so. Indeed, this is exactly the behavior that is necessary for a genocide to happen.

Angelo - you have absolutely no evidence to support your fantasy about what "The Left" would do. Moreover, there is significant evidence against it. Please stop making up negative stories about us. It makes you look like a sociopath - and if you are not a sociopath, I assume you would appreciate the advice on how not to look exactly like one.

Sweden has a left of center government that has [ until now] not taken measures to safeguard it's people as compared to say, Australia, as this link shows. Sweden has less than half Australia's population yet has 400 deaths as compared far less than 100 deaths in Australia. Is that a fair enough comparison of the left VS right?


Sweden has so far recorded more than 400 coronavirus deaths — about 10 times as many as Australia. Its population is around half that of Australia.

But its Government is standing by its relatively relaxed approach to the pandemic.

Rather than telling people what to do — or, worse, telling them off — the Government is asking Swedes to do the right thing, and giving them the liberty to prove they are responsible citizens.

While the Government has taken some measures, such as limiting social gatherings to 50 people and closing high schools and universities, experts say it is betting on Sweden's "social obedience".

But that's a lot of trust to put in your people at a time of global pandemic, and a gamble that could have catastrophic consequences

Sweden's left of centre gouvernment has fucked up its response and is now edging towards 600 deaths.

Trump's America has fucked up its response and is on track to overtake Spain in total deaths *today*.

I know who did more harm.
It's a mutated version of the flu, yes. A more evolved form. Some people are more prone to it than others, just like the flu.
Considering you'reca creationist, could you possibly explain whst you think the term 'more evolved' means in this context?
It's kind of like how creationists think we evolved from apes ;)
That is a good article, so I'd thought I'd quote a couple things I learned. The article also reminded me of how FFvC spent a good portion of February seeking revenge upon those he felt went against him during the impeachment process.

The loss of stockpiled respirators to breakage because the federal government let maintenance contracts lapse in 2018 is Trump’s fault. The failure to store sufficient protective medical gear in the national arsenal is Trump’s fault.
If Trump truly was so trustingly ignorant as late as January 22, the fault was again his own. The Trump administration had cut U.S. public-health staff operating inside China by two-thirds, from 47 in January 2017 to 14 by 2019, an important reason it found itself dependent on less-accurate information from the World Health Organization. In July 2019, the Trump administration defunded the position that embedded an epidemiologist inside China’s own disease-control administration, again obstructing the flow of information to the United States.
The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency on January 30, but recommended against travel restrictions. On January 31, the same day the United States announced its restrictions, Italy suspended all flights to and from China. But unlike the American restrictions, which did not take effect until February 2, the Italian ban applied immediately. Australia acted on February 1, halting entries from China by foreign nationals, again ahead of Trump.

And Trump’s actions did little to stop the spread of the virus. The ban applied only to foreign nationals who had been in China during the previous 14 days, and included 11 categories of exceptions. Since the restrictions took effect, nearly 40,000 passengers have entered the United States from China, subjected to inconsistent screenings, The New York Times reported.
Methinks were the US trials to prove successful in making a vaccine, the left would be devastated in case it would help re-elect the Donald. The left would rather see people die if it helps their cause! Is that the depravity the Dems have slunk to?

Let the readers note that once again Angelo opines with what he fantasizes his enemies would do, and, surprise surprise! It's hyperbolic, libelous and completely untrue.

Angelo works to separate the world into "us" and "them" and makes every effort demonize the "them" at every opportunity, even when it requires that he go off topic to do it.

There is a great deal of psychology written about this, and how it is necessary for them to do this othering and demonization so that they don't have to face their own role in the destruction of society. The psychologists report that this makes them feel powerful and important and that they have a compulsive need to maintain this sense of power, even if it requires fabricating stories to do so. Indeed, this is exactly the behavior that is necessary for a genocide to happen.

Angelo - you have absolutely no evidence to support your fantasy about what "The Left" would do. Moreover, there is significant evidence against it. Please stop making up negative stories about us. It makes you look like a sociopath - and if you are not a sociopath, I assume you would appreciate the advice on how not to look exactly like one.

Sweden has a left of center government that has [ until now] not taken measures to safeguard it's people as compared to say, Australia, as this link shows. Sweden has less than half Australia's population yet has 400 deaths as compared far less than 100 deaths in Australia. Is that a fair enough comparison of the left VS right?


Sweden has so far recorded more than 400 coronavirus deaths — about 10 times as many as Australia. Its population is around half that of Australia.

But its Government is standing by its relatively relaxed approach to the pandemic.

Rather than telling people what to do — or, worse, telling them off — the Government is asking Swedes to do the right thing, and giving them the liberty to prove they are responsible citizens.

While the Government has taken some measures, such as limiting social gatherings to 50 people and closing high schools and universities, experts say it is betting on Sweden's "social obedience".

But that's a lot of trust to put in your people at a time of global pandemic, and a gamble that could have catastrophic consequences

I’ve bolded Angelo’s original claim to know the evil mindworks of the monstrous left.

Readers can note that it has not one fucking thing to do with whether Sweden is social distancing. No one thing.
Nice Dance, Angelo, but that’s all it is.

I repeat, you have NO evidence to back up your vile claim that “The Left” wants people to die.
You are making a vile claim, and you are making this up out of thin air to demonize others.
When confronted with your fabricated claim, you change the subject.

So let the record show that Angelo made a disgusting and libelous claim about “the Left” and everyone in it, and he admits that he completely made it up just to increase hate in the world.

Shame on you.
Sweden has a left of center government that has [ until now] not taken measures to safeguard it's people as compared to say, Australia, as this link shows. Sweden has less than half Australia's population yet has 400 deaths as compared far less than 100 deaths in Australia. Is that a fair enough comparison of the left VS right?


Sweden has so far recorded more than 400 coronavirus deaths — about 10 times as many as Australia. Its population is around half that of Australia.

But its Government is standing by its relatively relaxed approach to the pandemic.

Rather than telling people what to do — or, worse, telling them off — the Government is asking Swedes to do the right thing, and giving them the liberty to prove they are responsible citizens.

While the Government has taken some measures, such as limiting social gatherings to 50 people and closing high schools and universities, experts say it is betting on Sweden's "social obedience".

But that's a lot of trust to put in your people at a time of global pandemic, and a gamble that could have catastrophic consequences

I’ve bolded Angelo’s original claim to know the evil mindworks of the monstrous left.

Readers can note that it has not one fucking thing to do with whether Sweden is social distancing. No one thing.
Nice Dance, Angelo, but that’s all it is.

I repeat, you have NO evidence to back up your vile claim that “The Left” wants people to die.
You are making a vile claim, and you are making this up out of thin air to demonize others.
When confronted with your fabricated claim, you change the subject.

So let the record show that Angelo made a disgusting and libelous claim about “the Left” and everyone in it, and he admits that he completely made it up just to increase hate in the world.

Shame on you.

Maybe let him do his little grave dance while he can. Winter is coming to Australia...
Hopefully this isn't another hoax.....................................https://gellerreport.com/2020/04/hydroxychloroquine-and-azithromycin-works.html/

“This is the Beginning of the End of the Pandemic” – Dr. Stephen Smith Announces Hydroxy-Choloroquine Study that is “Game Changer” in Battle Against Coronavirus (VIDEO)

Well, if Dr Oz approves.

Remember, the right-wing is against Governments picking winners and losers, or being in charge of paying for the national health care system, but if Pres. Trump gets a tingly sensation over a medication, get ready to sold hard on that ‘miracle cure’ as if it were from Jesus.
Methinks were the US trials to prove successful in making a vaccine, the left would be devastated in case it would help re-elect the Donald. The left would rather see people die if it helps their cause! Is that the depravity the Dems have slunk to?
You seem to be the one that came up with the plot. So that is clearly where your mind apparently is, looking for ways to take advantage of an epidemic.

This crisis seems almost like a gift to Trump. He loses the great economy but in return is handed a situation where he works best. He got his wealth through real estate development. But what does a real estate developer do? Doesn't design the building. Doesn't build it either. The developer is the guy who gets disparate parties together - builder, finance, supply, regulation, etc - to complete the project. And the developer has to lie a lot, talk things up, to keep everyone on board. That's Trump's schtick.

Preach it, brother Trausti! The orange messiah will save us!

trump fool aid.jpg
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