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Trump vs JFK and Clinton


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
Clinton said he did not have sex and when called out he said he did not consider oral sex really sex. He got reelected. It came out he had long history of womanizing going back to being governor and having state police bringing in women.

JFK is still an icon even though he was having women in the WH. He associated loosely with organized crime. One of the Rat Pack pimped for him. Marylyn Monroe. Joe Kennedy was involved in smuggling. JFK would be torn to shreds.

JFKs father made money in real estae and investments. Like Trump he was second generation. Today JFK would be taken apart as a dilettante. His father paid for votes in the election.

If Chappaquiddick happened today a member of congress would be thrown out.

Trump is more blatant and overt. A lot do not like him personally.

People on the left still like Bill the philanderer. Me2 would cut off his balls.

Not that I like Trump, I despise him. But is there a bit of hypocrisy in gouging after his moral failures in such a manner by the left?
Clinton said he did not have sex and when called out he said he did not consider oral sex really sex. He got reelected. It came out he had long history of womanizing going back to being governor and having state police bringing in women.

JFK is still an icon even though he was having women in the WH. He associated loosely with organized crime. One of the Rat Pack pimped for him. Marylyn Monroe. Joe Kennedy was involved in smuggling. JFK would be torn to shreds.

JFKs father made money in real estae and investments. Like Trump he was second generation. Today JFK would be taken apart as a dilettante. His father paid for votes in the election.

If Chappaquiddick happened today a member of congress would be thrown out.

Trump is more blatant and overt. A lot do not like him personally.

People on the left still like Bill the philanderer. Me2 would cut off his balls.

Not that I like Trump, I despise him. But is there a bit of hypocrisy in gouging after his moral failures in such a manner by the left?

If his moral failures were limited to being unfaithful to his various wives, I would say that it's nobody's business. I didn't think Clinton's affair with Lewinski was anybody's business aside from his, hers, and Hillary's. The cops bringing women for him and the rape allegations? That's an entirely different matter. I never cared much for Clinton because I found him untrustworthy and then the rape allegations made him unpalatable to me.

I was a very young child during Kennedy's years. I grew up in a pretty conservative household and my father despised him, so I don't remember thinking much of him. But he was gone before I had any real concept of what or who he was.

Trump's moral failures extend far beyond his sex life, imo. I still cannot fathom how working class Americans can support someone who filed for bankruptcy in order to avoid paying tradespeople for the work they performed for him, among other things. He's a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, probably a rapist. He only failed to commit treason and other high crimes because cooler heads refused to follow orders or otherwise thwarted his intentions. Not that he intended treason, per se. He simply has no concept that rules pertain to him. He is interested only in what benefits him personally and would sell out anybody and everybody except, perhaps, Ivanka in a heartbeat if it was of net benefit to him. He is a thoroughly repugnant human being. Also probably experiencing increasing amounts of dementia or at least has poor fitting dentures.
Clinton said he did not have sex and when called out he said he did not consider oral sex really sex. He got reelected. It came out he had long history of womanizing going back to being governor and having state police bringing in women.

JFK is still an icon even though he was having women in the WH. He associated loosely with organized crime. One of the Rat Pack pimped for him. Marylyn Monroe. Joe Kennedy was involved in smuggling. JFK would be torn to shreds.

JFKs father made money in real estae and investments. Like Trump he was second generation. Today JFK would be taken apart as a dilettante. His father paid for votes in the election.

If Chappaquiddick happened today a member of congress would be thrown out.

Trump is more blatant and overt. A lot do not like him personally.

People on the left still like Bill the philanderer. Me2 would cut off his balls.

Not that I like Trump, I despise him. But is there a bit of hypocrisy in gouging after his moral failures in such a manner by the left?

If you can demonstrate that Clinton did something equal to separating young kids from their mothers in order to make a political statement, I'll buy that they were morally equal.
Cozying up to dictators while pissing off other democracies, empowering racists, white supremacists and Nazis, vilifying freedom of the press, vilifying the independent judiciary, etc, etc... He is intentionally weakening institutions that are supposed to protect justice and freedom. The man is pure evil. He calls it America First but it's Trump First in every way.

There is no moral equivalence between Trump on the one hand and Clinton or JFK on the other.
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Not that I like Trump, I despise him. But is there a bit of hypocrisy in gouging after his moral failures in such a manner by the left?

In order to demonstrate hypocrisy, you'd have to show how "the left" went after the "moral failures" of Clinton and Kennedy.

By my recollection, they didn't. When Kennedy was President, the personal lives of Presidents were off limits. Not just for Democrats, but for Republicans.

During the Clinton years - and in fact before he was even elected - the Republicans spent a lot of time and money painting themselves as the alternative to Bill's wayward ways. They branded themselves as the Party of Family Values. The party that would never engage in such salacious behavior. The party that would "restore honor and integrity" to the White House.

If the Democrats had presented themselves as the more moral party, then hypocrisy might be a fair cop, but they didn't. Republicans did. And when the next Democrat to run for the Presidency was exposed for having an affair and an illegitimate child (John Edwards) the party unceremoniously showed him the door. They had learned from their mistake.

Republicans - when faced with a candidate that had cheated on not one, but all three of his wives - collectively shrugged and said in effect "we don't care about that stuff so long as he wins."

Family Values, my ass.
Not that I like Trump, I despise him. But is there a bit of hypocrisy in gouging after his moral failures in such a manner by the left?

You have it backwards. People are highlighting the hypocrisy of the right by pointing out how antithetical Trump is to the family values crowd.
Or the hypocrisy of Trump's "America First" rhetoric whilst having his MAGA hats made in Chyyyna.
Or the hypocrisy of condemning Obama for having a few golf days whilst spending a significant fraction of his presidency at Mar a Largo.
Or the hypocrisy of criticizing Obama for writing executive orders whilst manufacturing a fake emergency on the border.
Or the hypocrisy of saying during the election campaign that when Trump is president, the US will no longer be a laughing stock of the world.

Simply put. No one gives a fuck about Trump's moral failures as a father and husband. What is infinitely more damning are the lies and double standards he promotes and encourages.
The point being today JFK remains a sacred democrat icon, and today he would not have gotten anywhere. He would not have passed scrutiny. LBJ probably the same. Eisenhower's war time romance.

I don't know how to describe the current media frenzy. Steams of people taking aprt any and all words for any hint of offense to someone.

Going back to someone's childhood.

In my generation Biden would be called a touchy feely guy, expresses with physical contact. Nothing sexual or intimidating intended. Now there was a woman who said she felt uncomfortable in his prescience in an elevator.

It is becoming grotesque.

If Trump tuned out to be a god president I would not care who he fucked.
I don't know how to describe the current media frenzy. Steams of people taking aprt any and all words for any hint of offense to someone.

Did you know Gary Hart had an extramarital affair?
Did you know that Bill Clinton had an affair with an intern?
Did you know that America elected a black president in 2008, and had to deal with racist allegations about his origin of birth for most of his presidency?

I only ask because clearly you have been in a coma for over 30 fucking years, considering you are so shocked about the current state media cycle. Personally, I love the fact a slug like Trump nailed a porn star. It means I'm in with a chance with Gianna Michaels. I'd be worried if Trump evolved from a slug to a "god president" though. ;)
The point being today JFK remains a sacred democrat icon, and today he would not have gotten anywhere. He would not have passed scrutiny. LBJ probably the same. Eisenhower's war time romance.

I don't know how to describe the current media frenzy. Steams of people taking aprt any and all words for any hint of offense to someone.

Going back to someone's childhood.

In my generation Biden would be called a touchy feely guy, expresses with physical contact. Nothing sexual or intimidating intended. Now there was a woman who said she felt uncomfortable in his prescience in an elevator.

It is becoming grotesque.

If Trump tuned out to be a god president I would not care who he fucked.

Trump's extramarital sex life is the least of his issues. He welcomed foreign election meddling including the hacking on the DNC server, had his people lie to the FBI about it, and then proceeded to obstruct at every opportunity. When I think about how bad he is for the US I don't even consider the pornstar stuff.
The point being today JFK remains a sacred democrat icon, and today he would not have gotten anywhere. He would not have passed scrutiny. LBJ probably the same. Eisenhower's war time romance.

I don't know how to describe the current media frenzy. Steams of people taking aprt any and all words for any hint of offense to someone.

Going back to someone's childhood.

In my generation Biden would be called a touchy feely guy, expresses with physical contact. Nothing sexual or intimidating intended. Now there was a woman who said she felt uncomfortable in his prescience in an elevator.

It is becoming grotesque.

If Trump tuned out to be a god president I would not care who he fucked.
Trump being grotesque isn't the main issue people raise. It is his pissing on our allies, chumming up with Putin and Kim Jong Un, reckless economic policy and attempt to politicize the Fed Board, his endless stream of public lies, etc...

That he screwed Stormy Daniels is hardly on my radar, though his campaign and wire fraud related to it is.
That he screwed Stormy Daniels is hardly on my radar, though his campaign and wire fraud related to it is.
I DO care a little that he screwed Karen McDougal, but only because now I cannot look at my Karen action figure without thinking of Naked Donald... (Vomit iconography here)

Other than that, powerful men having affairs is, to me, the preferable method of exercising their manhood. Beats the hell out of invading a foreign nation. All I really remember about Clinton's affair was thinking, why is everyone acting surprised?
Calm down people. Steve is obviously a closeted Trump supporter. He just doesn't have the balls to come out and say it.
Clinton said he did not have sex and when called out he said he did not consider oral sex really sex. He got reelected. It came out he had long history of womanizing going back to being governor and having state police bringing in women.
Bill Clinton (WJC) got re-elected before the Monica blow job became public, you have your cart in the wrong place. I don't know who you toss in the "left" bucket, but I've never noticed that what I would call the "left" really ever loved WJC or Hillary.

If Chappaquiddick happened today a member of congress would be thrown out.
You mean like how Duncan Hunter hasn't been "thrown out"? But yeah, Ted Kennedy should have been tossed.

Not that I like Trump, I despise him. But is there a bit of hypocrisy in gouging after his moral failures in such a manner by the left?
Not being a 'lefty', I don't see the hypocrisy. Trump makes Bush Jr. look good, but for his 2 occupations...

I don't know how to describe the current media frenzy. Steams of people taking aprt any and all words for any hint of offense to someone.
Stop watching CNN and watch the national news on ABC/NBC/CBS, as they only spend a portion of their time on it. A lot of the shift is just the nature of how news media is a different animal than it was 20+ years ago. Back in the 1990's I would read the Wall Street Journal about twice a week. And for much of WJC's tenure, they pretty much had a section of the editorial page dedicated to his scandals, never mind other articles on the scandals. So much so that I, who never voted for WJC, was tired of it. The conservative media (like National Review, Rush Limbaugh, et.al.) of that day was consumed by following the scandals during the 4 year investigation...
Helsinki ALONE should qualify for impeaching this orange idiot. Try imagining for one minute what the conservatives would've done to a Democrat who said what Trump said. Is there any question that the Russkies are busy drilling holes in our electoral process? And that we have a President who believes THEM over our intelligence agencies? Do not be surprised if the Ronald Reagan zombie comes out of his grave and lurches cross-country to feed on Trump's neck wattle.
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