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Trump vs. voting by mail


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump aides exploring executive actions to curb voting by mail - POLITICO
This past spring, President Donald Trump began a full-fledged assault on voting by mail, tweeting, retweeting and railing about massive fraud and rigged elections with scant evidence.

Then the Republican apparatus got to work backing up the president.

In the weeks since, Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee have taken to the courts dozens of times as part of a $20 million effort to challenge voting rules, including filing their own lawsuits in several battleground states, including Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Nevada. And around the time Trump started musing about delaying the election last week, aides and outside advisers began scrambling to ponder possible executive actions he could take to curb mail-in voting — everything from directing the postal service to not deliver certain ballots to stopping local officials from counting them after Election Day.

The actions can only make so much difference before November — elections are mostly run at the state and local level, and are subject to congressional authority. And some fellow Republicans are warning the president privately and publicly that attempts to restrict mail-in ballots could actually hurt the GOP in November, scaring Republicans from voting remotely even if they also refuse to vote in person during a pandemic. New polling has fueled these concerns.
Anita Kumar on Twitter: "NEW: Last week, aides and advisers began pondering possible executive actions Trump could take to curb mail-in voting — everything from directing the postal service to not deliver certain ballots to stopping local officials from counting them https://t.co/sEOEaFuSZg" / Twitter
Seth Abramson on Twitter: "BREAKING NEWS: Trump Openly Plots Theft of 2020 Election, ..." / Twitter
"BREAKING NEWS: Trump Openly Plots Theft of 2020 Election, No One Does Anything About It; Reason for Inaction Is Same As in 2016—Everyone Blithely Assumes Trump's Opponent Will Win

(Pass it on: history is repeating itself because we've learned *nothing* over the last four years.)

PS/ Short of anything that violates the law, the Democratic Party and anyone in America who loves democracy or our great nation should be treating what's happening right now as a *five-alarm* fire in which the entire nation is in the process of burning to cinders before our eyes.

PS2/ A plot to destroy the election is a plot to destroy America. There's *no reason* Democrats in the House shouldn't be initiating a second impeachment inquiry and holding public hearings about what Trump is doing right now that are on television screens around the world daily.

PS3/ The reason Pelosi won't act is that she's become convinced that there's an unquantifiable political cost to upholding the rule of law, and it's better to do nothing because Biden will probably win. Guess what? That's the exact same ******* mistake Democrats made 4 years ago!

PS4/ I'm sorry to be speaking in such forceful terms, I just have no idea how else to communicate how dangerous the road we're going down is, and how little is being done within the media or within government to protect America from the collapse of our democracy and rule of law.

PS5/ A second impeachment inquiry would educate the country on what is happening right now within our government using testimonial evidence and documentary evidence and other material evidence that cannot be refuted, nor ignored by the media in favor of nonsense and distractions.
TRump has openly admitted that he wants to suppress the vote.


President Trump said Thursday that he does not want to fund the U.S. Postal Service because Democrats are seeking to expand mail-in voting during the coronavirus pandemic, making explicit the reason he has declined to approve $25 billion in emergency funding for the cash-strapped agency.
“Now, they need that money in order to make the post office work, so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo. He added: “Now, if we don’t make a deal, that means they don’t get the money. That means they can’t have universal mail-in voting, they just can’t have it.”
Trump has railed against mail-in balloting for months, and at a White House briefing Wednesday, he argued without evidence that USPS’s enlarged role in the November election would perpetuate “one of the greatest frauds in history.”

Assuming I get the absentee ballot that I'm expecting, I will drop it in the box outside of the place where we do early voting. The box is already in place.
TRump has openly admitted that he wants to suppress the vote.


President Trump said Thursday that he does not want to fund the U.S. Postal Service because Democrats are seeking to expand mail-in voting during the coronavirus pandemic, making explicit the reason he has declined to approve $25 billion in emergency funding for the cash-strapped agency.
“Now, they need that money in order to make the post office work, so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo. He added: “Now, if we don’t make a deal, that means they don’t get the money. That means they can’t have universal mail-in voting, they just can’t have it.”
Trump has railed against mail-in balloting for months, and at a White House briefing Wednesday, he argued without evidence that USPS’s enlarged role in the November election would perpetuate “one of the greatest frauds in history.”

Assuming I get the absentee ballot that I'm expecting, I will drop it in the box outside of the place where we do early voting. The box is already in place.

I intend to do the same. I've already rechecked my registration and I'm all set for my mail in ballot to be delivered to me.
Well, here we sit.
Many people will be intentionally, systematically denied the opportunity to vote. Many more will think that's fine since it was Trump's idea, and constitutional or not, any idea of Trump's is good by them (esp if it pisses off "lib'ruls").
Dems and a few Republicans in Congress will wring their hands and give lip service to the fact that the Constitution is again being trampled upon, but nothing will be done about it.
In all probability, on November 4th millions of ballots will be languishing in post offices throughout the land where sorting machines have been removed in order to ensure that they don't make it into the count.

All this because someone within the justice department once wrote a memo with no legal force whatsoever, saying it might be a bad idea to let anyone indict a sitting President.

Democracy, my ass.
Just in the last news cycle, Donald told Fox News openly, baldly, and brazenly what is stated above: he doesn't want the P.O. to get funding because it will facilitate universal mail-in voting...AND he told Barr that he (Barr) could go down as one of the great AGs in history IF he produces the "right" kind of report on Biden/Ukraine plus other so-called Obama year scandals.
Republicans...anyone left on your side who recognizes corruption and refuses to let it go by without protest? Here's a President corrupting two branches of government so that they will serve in his reelection effort. I agree. Re-impeach!!! Drag all of this into the House and get Barr's underlings and P.O. officials to tell what they're being forced to do.
Just in the last news cycle, Donald told Fox News openly, baldly, and brazenly what is stated above: he doesn't want the P.O. to get funding because it will facilitate universal mail-in voting...

An overwhelming 72% of Democrats are very likely or somewhat likely to vote by mail this November, while just 22% of Republicans say the same, a new Monmouth University poll released Tuesday found.

That is his only plan to win, and it will definitely succeed unless some key Republicans can grow a pair.
Judge to Trump: Show your Evidence of Fraud or STFU

Judge orders Trump campaign to produce evidence of voter fraud in Pennsylvania

The case is one of the boldest attempts by the Trump campaign in court to curtail mail-in voting in the 2020 election. The Trump campaign had claimed mail-in voting could prompt questions about the accuracy of election results "and ultimately chaos," according to the court record.

Ranjan, the judge overseeing the suit, was appointed by Trump.

It's so obvious they are simply trying to suppress the vote.
Well normally in voter suppression one tactic is to eliminate polling places, to make it harder for people to even get to where they can vote.

What to do if people are going to vote by mail instead? Why eliminate mailboxes of course.
Well normally in voter suppression one tactic is to eliminate polling places, to make it harder for people to even get to where they can vote.

What to do if people are going to vote by mail instead? Why eliminate mailboxes of course.
If we don't want to make a special trip to mail a letter we leave it clipped to the inside of the mailbox and the mailperson takes it to the Post Office.

To my knowledge there are no more of those neighborhood mail boxes anywhere around. They left a long time ago.
I have several friends who are about my age and we have all decided that if we don't receive our requested mail in ballots, we will mask up and go to vote early in person. At least we have 3 full weeks to vote in person in Georgia. I've seen people on WaPo say they will crawl through glass to vote against Trump. I doubt that too many Democrats will stay aways from the polls in November if they can't vote absentee.

But, there are other problems with not duding the Postal Service. Lots of people receive their medications in the mail, for example. The Republicans don't give a shit about people. They only care about having power.
Post office warns 46 states that ballots may not be delivered in time for election!


Anticipating an avalanche of absentee ballots, the U.S. Postal Service recently sent detailed letters to 46 states and D.C. warning that it cannot guarantee all ballots cast by mail for the November election will arrive in time to be counted — adding another layer of uncertainty ahead of the high-stakes presidential contest.
The letters sketch a grim possibility for the tens of millions of Americans eligible for a mail-in ballot this fall: Even if people follow all of their state’s election rules, the pace of Postal Service delivery may disqualify their votes.
The Postal Service’s warnings of potential disenfranchisement came as the agency undergoes a sweeping organizational and policy overhaul amid dire financial conditions. Cost-cutting moves have already delayed mail delivery by as much as a week in some places, and a new decision to decommission 10 percent of the Postal Service’s sorting machines sparked widespread concern the slowdowns will only worsen. Rank-and-file postal workers say the move is ill-timed and could sharply diminish the speedy processing of flat mail, including letters and ballots.
The ballot warnings, issued at the end of July from Thomas J. Marshall, general counsel and executive vice president of the Postal Service, and obtained through a records request by The Washington Post, were planned before the appointment of Louis DeJoy, a former logistics executive and ally of President Trump, as postmaster general in early summer. They go beyond the traditional coordination between the Postal Service and election officials, drafted as fears surrounding the coronavirus pandemic triggered an unprecedented and sudden shift to mail-in voting.
Just anecdotally, personally... I have heard from several members of our military who are not usually terribly outspoken, but are truly pissed about the criminal, intentional sabotage of the mechanism they use or have used to vote.
I guess cheato has decided he doesn't need them either.

You mean back it up and restore the backup after the election?

Considering Trump's cybersecurity expert is this guy:


I fucking well hope not.
If Trump is so concerned about voterfraud why would he pardon someone who actually voted illegally??
Just anecdotally, personally... I have heard from several members of our military who are not usually terribly outspoken, but are truly pissed about the criminal, intentional sabotage of the mechanism they use or have used to vote.
I guess cheato has decided he doesn't need them either.
He probably thought the military uses a different system to move stuff around. If he or anyone in hus circke thought about them at all....
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