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Trump - ~"Wahh!!!"

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Donald Trump said:
Look at the way I have been treated lately, especially by the media. No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly. You can't let them get you down, you can't let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams.

What a fucking baby!

Also, I believe it was Sen. Charles Sumner that got beaten with a cane in Congress.

Also, didn't Trump propose slashing the Coast Guard's budget?
So, he's a great president, the most popular president ever, and everything he does is the greatest...
AND, lucky for him, the persecution of this greatest-ever president is also the greatest-ever witch hunt ever conducted!

He sure doesn't do anything by halves...
I think there are few assassinated politicians who could claim, posthumously, that they were treated worse.
I'm sure that will be one to tell the grandkids about.

"And on that day I became an Ensign...the beginning of my Coast Guard career. Then the President came to speak, and spent the entire time talking about himself. I was so proud of him, bravely taking to that podium. Nothing I did in my 20 years in the Coast Guard came close to that moment of courage."
I think there are few assassinated politicians who could claim, posthumously, that they were treated worse.
Yeah, Garfield was assassinated by a guy in the same political party, just a different wing of it (same wing as Chester A. Arthur).

Lincoln was executed by a Southern Asshole.

I'm waiting for Trump to say life has been harder for him than the drummer of Spinal Tap.
I think there are few assassinated politicians who could claim, posthumously, that they were treated worse.
Yeah, Garfield was assassinated by a guy in the same political party, just a different wing of it (same wing as Chester A. Arthur).

Lincoln was executed by a Southern Asshole.

I'm waiting for Trump to say life has been harder for him than the drummers of Spinal Tap.

FIFY :D:cool::eek:

Who in the hell, in 2017 says, you know who would be great to have come over and speak to our graduates? President Trump!

The guy is such a turd he takes a special, celebratory day for the graduating class and of course makes it all about HIM. Most of us wouldn't put up with a selfish asshole Uncle like this, yet we're stuck with Cheetollini.
I think there are few assassinated politicians who could claim, posthumously, that they were treated worse.

There's our answer. Convince Trump he can't make such a claim because he's still alive, and so is coming in 2nd place. We're sorry, we prefer our politicians dead and in the ground.
As long as he's not in charge of the army or trade agreements, I'm fine with him making as much money as he wants going on speaking tours around the country talking about how unfair everybody had been to him back when he was president.
As long as he's not in charge of the army or trade agreements, I'm fine with him making as much money as he wants going on speaking tours around the country talking about how unfair everybody had been to him back when he was president.

Twitler: "This is the GREATEST [isn't everything?] witch hunt in American history"

No, Cheato. Not yet. It will be the GREATEST when you're behind bars.
As long as he's not in charge of the army or trade agreements, I'm fine with him making as much money as he wants going on speaking tours around the country talking about how unfair everybody had been to him back when he was president.

Twitler: "This is the GREATEST [isn't everything?] witch hunt in American history"

No, Cheato. Not yet. It will be the GREATEST when you're behind bars.

Evidence of wrongdoing is still required for this. Secret leaks of partial information, sometimes 3rd hand do not undergo the rigours of testing. However the press covers itself by using the word suspected or alleged. The Clintons had a bit of this too. The only negative finding was Bill's pecker came out in the White House and no one cared as he was and still is a likeable chap.
As long as he's not in charge of the army or trade agreements, I'm fine with him making as much money as he wants going on speaking tours around the country talking about how unfair everybody had been to him back when he was president.

I don't think so. One way or another, I think Trump's term will be shortened and end in disgrace. I predicted this would happen when he lost the election, and I was wrong about that, but now I think essentially the same thing will happen once he's out of office. It does depend under which circumstances he leaves office though - how bad it actually is...

Nevertheless, Trump will have enriched himself and his family some through the presidency already. If he's allowed to keep his already ill gotten gains, it may keep him afloat for a bit longer, but I fail to see how his brand can survive that kind of catastrophic damage. Particularly if financial shenanigans appear as a matter of public record. US banks already won't loan him money. If the Russians have been, they won't anymore and may even demand repayment once their stooge is no longer useful. The family? Their brands will shrivel and die in disgrace as well. We may be well seeing the apex of the Trump financial empire, with everything from here on out going down, down, down. Considering the stress, humiliation, and pain this numb nut has caused, he deserves it and I'll be watching and eating popcorn during the entire fiasco. Schadenfreude is delicious, or so I hear.
As long as he's not in charge of the army or trade agreements, I'm fine with him making as much money as he wants going on speaking tours around the country talking about how unfair everybody had been to him back when he was president.

I don't think so. One way or another, I think Trump's term will be shortened and end in disgrace. I predicted this would happen when he lost the election, and I was wrong about that, but now I think essentially the same thing will happen once he's out of office. It does depend under which circumstances he leaves office though - how bad it actually is...

Nevertheless, Trump will have enriched himself and his family some through the presidency already. If he's allowed to keep his already ill gotten gains, it may keep him afloat for a bit longer, but I fail to see how his brand can survive that kind of catastrophic damage. Particularly if financial shenanigans appear as a matter of public record. US banks already won't loan him money. If the Russians have been, they won't anymore and may even demand repayment once their stooge is no longer useful. The family? Their brands will shrivel and die in disgrace as well. We may be well seeing the apex of the Trump financial empire, with everything from here on out going down, down, down. Considering the stress, humiliation, and pain this numb nut has caused, he deserves it and I'll be watching and eating popcorn during the entire fiasco. Schadenfreude is delicious, or so I hear.

Trump will forever have a cult-like following of millions. And should he be removed from office, they'll only adore him even more. I said it in another thread, but I'll say it again. We should wish for Trump to be removed, but American-born terrorism is going to experience a resurgence in probably the most prolific manner we've ever seen.

I've been called paranoid by saying that Trump will put people in positions to take away First Amendment rights. But just this week, we discovered Trump talked to Comey about trying to put journalists in jail for reporting information they received from leakers.

Are attacks against, say, media figures really that farfetched? Democratic politicians? Celebrities who've been critical of Trump? It isn't difficult to recreate what McVey did.

Okay, enough. I'm getting way ahead of events.

One greasy orange step at time.
Donald Trump said:
Look at the way I have been treated lately, especially by the media. No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly. You can't let them get you down, you can't let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams.

What a fucking baby!

Also, I believe it was Sen. Charles Sumner that got beaten with a cane in Congress.

Also, didn't Trump propose slashing the Coast Guard's budget?

He's right when he says 'dreams' - they are his dreams, but his dreams don't appear to relate to the actual world, not very well, hardly at all. That's the nature of dreams I guess. He should have been satisfied with his business interests rather than pursuing his ego driven dreams. The world would have been a better place for it.
Trump will forever have a cult-like following of millions. And should he be removed from office, they'll only adore him even more. I said it in another thread, but I'll say it again. We should wish for Trump to be removed, but American-born terrorism is going to experience a resurgence in probably the most prolific manner we've ever seen.

I've been called paranoid by saying that Trump will put people in positions to take away First Amendment rights. But just this week, we discovered Trump talked to Comey about trying to put journalists in jail for reporting information they received from leakers.

Are attacks against, say, media figures really that farfetched? Democratic politicians? Celebrities who've been critical of Trump? It isn't difficult to recreate what McVey did.

Okay, enough. I'm getting way ahead of events.

One greasy orange step at time.

I don't think it's paranoid to keep a wary eye out for such things; not here; not now. If Trump makes it to the other side of this investigation with his ass still in the oval office, your paranoia quickly becomes prudence.
Twitler: "This is the GREATEST [isn't everything?] witch hunt in American history"

No, Cheato. Not yet. It will be the GREATEST when you're behind bars.

Evidence of wrongdoing is still required for this.

Quit talking out your ass, WP. Wrongdoing is already evident. What is required to put him behind bars is proof of criminal wrongdoing.
Hold your breath, WP.
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