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Trump - ~"Wahh!!!"

Evidence of wrongdoing is still required for this.

Quit talking out your ass, WP. Wrongdoing is already evident. What is required to put him behind bars is proof of criminal wrongdoing.
Hold your breath, WP.

What is required? Evidence that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that whatever the person is accused is factual. Unspecified bleating does not constitute proof of of something specific.

Here's some birds and bees:


Law Commission Discussion Paper (July 2013) CRIMINAL LIABILITY: INSANITY AND AUTOMATISM

(10) Burden of proof if the insanity defence is raised 1.63 The general approach to the burden of proof in English law is that stated by Lord Sankey: “Throughout the web of the English criminal law one golden thread is always to be seen, that it is the duty of the prosecution to prove [beyond a reasonable doubt] the prisoner’s guilt”. That statement was followed by his recognition of an exception at common law for the defence of insanity.53 If the defendant pleads insanity, then the burden of proof lies on the defence. This means that the accused has to prove all the elements of the defence on the balance of probabilities.

The US has an identical doctrine of beyond a shadow of doubt.
What is required? Evidence that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that whatever the person is accused is factual.

Flaunting your ignorance again. A requirement for conviction is evidence of criminal wrongdoing, not of "whatever the person is accused".
Friggin morons have nothing to fall back on now. Clinton never was found to have done anything criminal after 30 years of Republicans frantically digging for dirt. At the end they needed dishonest Russian shills like yourself to make shit up to keep Hillary from beating Trump.
Cheato's situation? The first independent investigation is two days old and you're shitting your pants about it.
He's probably safe as long as the GOP runs both houses -- that's barring a certifiably insane act with no possible justification or excuse. And of course, with Skidmark's skill set, I wouldn't put it past him. As long as he reigns, I at least want him to damage the Republican brand, hopefully with some long-lasting effect. But these bastards always get premature obits.
Trump at this point could probably survive Russian hotel room video of him snuffing a Russian hooker and snorting coke off her corpse. 'Cuz that's just locker room behavior, and all us guys do it.
As long as he reigns, I at least want him to damage the Republican brand, hopefully with some long-lasting effect.

Yeah - 2018 will be very interesting indeed if there is no resolution by November. I agree - may Mueller be thorough and meticulous... take your time, Rob!
Quit talking out your ass, WP. Wrongdoing is already evident. What is required to put him behind bars is proof of criminal wrongdoing.
Hold your breath, WP.

What is required? Evidence that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that whatever the person is accused is factual. Unspecified bleating does not constitute proof of of something specific.

that would be what is required to put him behind bars. We are a long way from that.
What is required for a criminal investigation is "reasonable doubt" that a crime MAY have occurred. That is where we are now.... circumstantial evidence sufficient only to take a closer look.
What is required for impeachment is a procedural vote in the house to see if at least 50% of the Representatives would be willing to entertain that notion. Absolutely no reason at all is required for that (apart from having a House that has lost confidence in the President to lead the Executive branch of government). If that vote gets through, then there are hearings and testimony and debate... and eventually a new vote is cast at the House, requiring 2/3 of the House to agree to impeach. At least, that is approximately the case... I'm no expert... but I'm open to new information... unlike SOME people.
As long as he reigns, I at least want him to damage the Republican brand, hopefully with some long-lasting effect.

Yeah - 2018 will be very interesting indeed if there is no resolution by November. I agree - may Mueller be thorough and meticulous... take your time, Rob!
Money laundering, secret meetings, computer communications, there is a lot to delve into.
Yeah - 2018 will be very interesting indeed if there is no resolution by November. I agree - may Mueller be thorough and meticulous... take your time, Rob!
Money laundering, secret meetings, computer communications, there is a lot to delve into.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The value of a few days of excitement pales next the value of drip... drip... drip... :D
Money laundering, secret meetings, computer communications, there is a lot to delve into.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The value of a few days of excitement pales next the value of drip... drip... drip... :D

My prediction is money laundering... the most common criminal activity amongst real estate tycoons. The question (in my mind) is if this investigation will spider it's way to his historical dealings. My guess is that he is in deep with a Russian money laundering scheme that may or may not have anything at all to do with the Presidency, directly. Indirectly, it explains his 'relationship' with them at this time.

When Clinton was investigated, it started with a suspicious looking real estate deal in Arkansas... and eventually led to blowjobs in the oval office.

Trump is being investigated for a few things related to his actions and statements over the past two years... and very well may end with him in jail for conspiring to commit international financial crimes over the decades.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. The value of a few days of excitement pales next the value of drip... drip... drip... :D

My prediction is money laundering... the most common criminal activity amongst real estate tycoons. The question (in my mind) is if this investigation will spider it's way to his historical dealings. My guess is that he is in deep with a Russian money laundering scheme that may or may not have anything at all to do with the Presidency, directly. Indirectly, it explains his 'relationship' with them at this time.
Money laundering is the only reasonable way he could get any money for financing projects because his Credit is shit. I ran a credit check on him and the results in dark bold red letters said "RUN!!!!" It isn't like the Russians think he is a good business man.

When Clinton was investigated, it started with a suspicious looking real estate deal in Arkansas... and eventually led to blowjobs in the oval office.
I don't want to hear about Trump getting a blow job from Kuschner.

Trump is being investigated for a few things related to his actions and statements over the past two years... and very well may end with him in jail for conspiring to commit international financial crimes over the decades.
Which will take a year or two to prove. *Imagining Trump going into witness protection after turning evidence implicating Manafort in a massive laundering scheme.*
Malintent said:
Trump is being investigated for a few things related to his actions and statements over the past two years... and very well may end with him in jail for conspiring to commit international financial crimes over the decades.
Which will take a year or two to prove. *Imagining Trump going into witness protection after turning evidence implicating Manafort in a massive laundering scheme.*

Yes, normally that would be the case that it takes that long to build a complete portfolio of activity and meaning... I am of the opinion, however, that Trump will get signals of various sorts (leaks! or not) that he is inevitably fucked, and at that time (much shorter than 'years') he will resign on the grounds that everyone is being mean to him and that his ability to lead has been obstructed by Hillary lovers that haven't gotten over loosing the election, and that politics are "rigged" against him personally through witch hunts.

Just been looking for a thread to post this. Don's not the only one crying.

So Ann is an anti-Trump-hater. Or a Trump-hater-hater. Or an anti-anti-Trump.

She was for all the rhetoric he was spewing on the campaign trail. He's turned his back on even his own people. He hasn't carried through on his promises, such as they were. I'm actually surprised that Coulter would detach herself from the cult of personality and actually keep standing for the policies she wants, such as they are. I don't like or agree with her, but at least she is being consistent on this.
What is required? Evidence that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that whatever the person is accused is factual.

Flaunting your ignorance again.
Flauntulance? :D

Cheato's situation? The first independent investigation is two days old and you're shitting your pants about it.
I'm sure by Monday, there will be shrieks about how bad/biased Mueller is from the alt-reality sites...
Which will take a year or two to prove. *Imagining Trump going into witness protection after turning evidence implicating Manafort in a massive laundering scheme.*

Yes, normally that would be the case that it takes that long to build a complete portfolio of activity and meaning... I am of the opinion, however, that Trump will get signals of various sorts (leaks! or not) that he is inevitably fucked, and at that time (much shorter than 'years') he will resign on the grounds that everyone is being mean to him and that his ability to lead has been obstructed by Hillary lovers that haven't gotten over loosing the election, and that politics are "rigged" against him personally through witch hunts.
Of course, he'll proclaim innocence in the exact same speech when he resigns. ;)
can we get Trump like this?

except there won't be an apology for being over emotional at the end
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