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Trump wants Russia readmitted to G-7


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs

QUEBEC CITY — President Trump on Friday said Russia should be readmitted to the Group of Seven leading economies, breaking with other world leaders who have insisted that Moscow remain ostracized following its 2014 annexation of Crimea.

“Now, I love our country. I have been Russia’s worst nightmare. . . . But with that being said, Russia should be in this meeting,” Trump said Friday as he left the White House. “It may not be politically correct, but we have a world to run. . . . They should let Russia back in.”

Trump’s comments, made just hours before arriving in Canada for the annual G-7 summit, have the potential to further upend talks with other leaders who were already fuming about the U.S. leaders protectionist trade policies.

U.S. intelligence officials believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election, and part of this year’s G-7 summit was supposed to focus on protecting democracies from foreign meddling. special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is investigating Russian interference efforts, including whether Trump’s campaign colluded in any way with Russian officials, a probe that has become an obsession for the U.S.

Putin must have the pee videos. Either that or Trump has a hard on for dictators.
Good it's almost as if Trump is working for the Russians or something.

I'm shocked. Can't you see how shocked I am? This is my shocked face.

Oh, and he used the key-word, tricky-phrase.

Now anyone criticizing or questioning his statement is merely being 'politically correct.'
Hey, guys, i don't wanna go to the G7 conference.

You have to, sir.

But they're all mad at me. I don't wanna be the only guy in the room not calling me a dumbass.

Maybe you could try NOT doing dumbass things?

Okay, you're fired. Get out. Someone else. What can we talk about at this thing?

Oh! Maybe tell them they gotta let Russia back into the G7?

Back? They're not part of it? Vlad never told me that...

Yes, sir. But just kick up a stink about this, as new business, downplay everything you do that alienates our allies.
In any case, I heard Trump twitted something about Canada having 270% tariff on american milk, is that true?
I would hate to see Trump having a point with this tariff mess.
Canada tariffs the milk to protect their producers, as is to keep the local price higher, not to make it so Canada can undercut the US.

Trump is trying to flood Canada’s market, but in general dairy is hurting across the globe due to overproduction. There is too much dairy.
Maybe the solution to the issue of membership in the G-7 is not to re-admit Russia but to throw out the USA.
Oh, and he used the key-word, tricky-phrase.

Now anyone criticizing or questioning his statement is merely being 'politically correct.'

Sure. Not being a traitor is a form of political correctness, just like not being a Nazi* is a form of political correctness.

*Before any conservatives or libertarians get triggered by my statement, I formally recognize that many rightists defend Nazis, but are not necessarily Nazis themselves. I recognize the difference between a Nazi and someone who merely defends Nazis, which is of course completely different, and it is unfair of me to make any comparisons between Nazis and Nazi defenders, but what do you expect from an Evil Social Justice Warrior like me?
In any case, I heard Trump twitted something about Canada having 270% tariff on american milk, is that true?
I would hate to see Trump having a point with this tariff mess.

Apparently, yes.

Canada has long maintained a high tariff wall on most dairy products. The duty on milk is 270 per cent.

A guide to understanding the dairy dispute between the U.S. and Canada

Well, there you go. That proves that Trump is right to start a trade war with the only country America has a trade surplus with!

Once again, Trump outsmarted everyone and is playing 47th dimensional chess!!!!!!! [/conservolibertarian]
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