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Trump will never leave office

Slip some sedatives in his Diet Coke and drag him out of the oval office in a gunny sack. Works for me.
Or slip some of those diet energy pills in, then hang out on Pennsylvania Avenue with a butterfly net, wait for him to climb over the wall, screaming like a howler monkey...

Back in the early days of the internet, when usenet was king, there was Talk.Origins, where evolutionists debunked creationism. Some creationist, debunked and butt hurt over it likened the evolutionists there to howler monkeys. Loud and relentless. The name stuck immediately and the evolutionist brigade of Talk.Origins proudly adopted the label of howler monkeys.

Don't talk bad on howler monkeys! Just saying.

Ah, I remember T.O. quite well. Their archive is still a great resource if one is into poking YECs with a stick. And who doesn't love that?
Yeah, some of my feedback comments have be posted there.

Howler was just where i ended up as gibbon was taken....
This is exactly what the Republicans said about Obama. What many said about Bush the lesser.

Trump will be quickly thrown out if he loses the election. He has no friends.
I have to agree! Beside no friends, he will not have any Repug allies when he loses in 2020, and the generals certainly don't like him. He might whine and declare what ever BS he wants, but he will be escorted off the lawn...
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