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Trump will never leave office

Unless the Secret Service personnel abandon their legal duties and senses and support Trump, they will perform their duty and protect the lawful POTUS.

Ya. I mean, if Trump says that he's still President and the Secret Service won't let the new President into the White House, then they are actually no longer acting as Secret Service agents but are now a group of armed civilians illegally occupying a government building.

And also for some reason willing to betray their oaths and duties for Trump.
US and some other than Germany countries in EU are trying to make Russia to keep supporting Ukraine financially.

Total bullshit. The US (except for Trump) wants Pootey to keep his greedy mitts OUT of Ukraine.
The lifetime pension, secret service protection, office staff salary, all that goes away if the president is 'removed from office.'

So if he tries to invalidate the election results or something, and they are forced to impeach or use the 25th amendment to pry him loose from the big chair, all the ex-pres benefits evaporate.

I didn't know that. I have concern for his physical safety, then. How long does anyone think he will stay alive if elevated protections for him disappear? My estimation is 3 days... 1 day for the news to spread far enough, 1 day for travel by any one of the countless numbers of people who would and could do harm to him, and 1 day to execute whatever plan - which would be trivially easy against an unprotected civilian.
US and some other than Germany countries in EU are trying to make Russia to keep supporting Ukraine financially.

Total bullshit. The US (except for Trump) wants Pootey to keep his greedy mitts OUT of Ukraine.
Nope, that's an established fact.
You really need some education. Bullshit is this speculation that Trump can make himself a King of USA.
Bullshit is this speculation that Trump can make himself a King of USA.

I doubt that he will make himself king of anything except maybe a cellblock.
But the chances that he will try are 100:0
He has no other way out.

The West sees itself as defending Ukraine against Russia, and since it won’t wage military war against Russia it has two main ways to do that, both economic. The first is to shore up Ukraine’s huge economic vulnerabilities, mainly by helping Ukraine pay its bills and plug its deficits. The IMF has pledged $17 billion to that end, the EU a nearly equal sum. The second way the West is defending Ukraine is to levy economic sanctions against Russia to deter it from further aggression.

From Russia’s standpoint, things are more complicated, but in the end there, too, it comes down to economics. Russia sees Ukraine as a front in a war being waged by the West against Russia. Through its actions in Ukraine, Russia is telling the West to stop using the country as a staging ground for operations against Russia. Russia sees sanctions as a yet another weapon in the West’s war. Russia knows it is far inferior to its adversaries in terms of economic size and strength (the combined GDP of Russia’s NATO and EU adversaries is roughly 15 times that of Russia’s), so it has opted not to engage in tit-for-tat responses to Western sanctions. Instead, it resorts to “asymmetric” measures. It looks for weak spots. One obvious such weak spot is Ukraine’s economy. The Russia attitude is, if the Western coalition wants to use Ukraine against us, let them see how much it will cost.

US and some other than Germany countries in EU are trying to make Russia to keep supporting Ukraine financially.

Total bullshit. The US (except for Trump) wants Pootey to keep his greedy mitts OUT of Ukraine.
Nope, that's an established fact.
You really need some education. Bullshit is this speculation that Trump can make himself a King of USA.

It's nothing but a feargasm, people whipping themselves into a terrified frenzy based on nothing but baseless speculation.

A few years ago Republicans were having their own feargasms with empty speculation about Obama. People here were sane enough to laugh at feargasms back then.
This is exactly what the Republicans said about Obama. What many said about Bush the lesser.

Trump will be quickly thrown out if he loses the election. He has no friends.

The Democrats haven't shown a willingness to do away with democracy to retain power. The Republicans have.
Prior to the past election, I think this was a legitimate fear (Trump never leaving office). Trump and his morons tried hard to meddle in the democratic processes, but fell flat on their faces in doing so. We saw too many Dems win too many races this past November to have to fear a collapse of the system. If Trump was going to try and pull some sort of dictatorial power move, it would've been then.

He didn't/couldn't.

So now he's well and truly fucked. It's only a matter of time. And as Republican Senators begin to turn against him over this shutdown abortion he's foisted on the nation, it's beginning to be conceivable that he could be removed from office prior to 2020.
This is exactly what the Republicans said about Obama. What many said about Bush the lesser.

Trump will be quickly thrown out if he loses the election. He has no friends.

The Democrats haven't shown a willingness to do away with democracy to retain power. The Republicans have.

Have you forgotten the most recent Democratic Party presidential primaries? There was quite a bit of anti-democratic activity there.
This is exactly what the Republicans said about Obama. What many said about Bush the lesser.

Trump will be quickly thrown out if he loses the election. He has no friends.

The Democrats haven't shown a willingness to do away with democracy to retain power. The Republicans have.

Who will protect Trump from the people that will take him away if he doesn't leave willingly?
I have concern for his physical safety

Yeah it would be TERRIBLE if something should happen to him. Just TERRIBLE! Humanity would be deprived of such a ... Oh, never mind.
I have more concern for the physical safety of each of the immigrant children being held in cages.
I have concern for his physical safety

Yeah it would be TERRIBLE if something should happen to him. Just TERRIBLE! Humanity would be deprived of such a ... Oh, never mind.
I have more concern for the physical safety of each of the immigrant children being held in cages.
I'd feel bad if a secret service agent actually had to take a bullet for the trumpster fire.
Slip some sedatives in his Diet Coke and drag him out of the oval office in a gunny sack. Works for me.
Or slip some of those diet energy pills in, then hang out on Pennsylvania Avenue with a butterfly net, wait for him to climb over the wall, screaming like a howler monkey...
Slip some sedatives in his Diet Coke and drag him out of the oval office in a gunny sack. Works for me.
Or slip some of those diet energy pills in, then hang out on Pennsylvania Avenue with a butterfly net, wait for him to climb over the wall, screaming like a howler monkey...

Back in the early days of the internet, when usenet was king, there was Talk.Origins, where evolutionists debunked creationism. Some creationist, debunked and butt hurt over it likened the evolutionists there to howler monkeys. Loud and relentless. The name stuck immediately and the evolutionist brigade of Talk.Origins proudly adopted the label of howler monkeys.

Don't talk bad on howler monkeys! Just saying.
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