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Trump's alternative facts.


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs

If you watched "Meet the Press" this morning or read the link to WaPo, you now understand why Trump is always right. Kellyanne admits he has "alternative facts."

It's a discussion about White House press secretary Sean Spicer, on his first full day in that job, having taken to the podium and made easily disproved claims about the size of Trump's inauguration crowd.

“Why put him out there for the very first time, in front of that podium, to utter a provable falsehood?” Chuck Todd asked Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president. “It's a small thing, but the first time he confronts the public, it's a falsehood?”

After some tense back and forth, Conway offered this:

Don't be so overly dramatic about it, Chuck. You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're giving — our press secretary, Sean Spicer, gave alternative facts to that. But the point really is —

At this point, a visibly exasperated Todd cut in. “Wait a minute. Alternative facts? Alternative facts? Four of the five facts he uttered . . . were just not true. Alternative facts are not facts; they're falsehoods.”

So, now what do we do?

If you watched "Meet the Press" this morning or read the link to WaPo, you now understand why Trump is always right. Kellyanne admits he has "alternative facts."

It's a discussion about White House press secretary Sean Spicer, on his first full day in that job, having taken to the podium and made easily disproved claims about the size of Trump's inauguration crowd.

“Why put him out there for the very first time, in front of that podium, to utter a provable falsehood?” Chuck Todd asked Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president. “It's a small thing, but the first time he confronts the public, it's a falsehood?”

After some tense back and forth, Conway offered this:

Don't be so overly dramatic about it, Chuck. You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're giving — our press secretary, Sean Spicer, gave alternative facts to that. But the point really is —

At this point, a visibly exasperated Todd cut in. “Wait a minute. Alternative facts? Alternative facts? Four of the five facts he uttered . . . were just not true. Alternative facts are not facts; they're falsehoods.”

So, now what do we do?

Fight alt-facts with alt-facts. Bernie Sanders is now our president. 4.2 million people were on the street yesterday celebrating his inauguration. :p

If you watched "Meet the Press" this morning or read the link to WaPo, you now understand why Trump is always right. Kellyanne admits he has "alternative facts."

It's a discussion about White House press secretary Sean Spicer, on his first full day in that job, having taken to the podium and made easily disproved claims about the size of Trump's inauguration crowd.

“Why put him out there for the very first time, in front of that podium, to utter a provable falsehood?” Chuck Todd asked Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president. “It's a small thing, but the first time he confronts the public, it's a falsehood?”

After some tense back and forth, Conway offered this:

Don't be so overly dramatic about it, Chuck. You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're giving — our press secretary, Sean Spicer, gave alternative facts to that. But the point really is —

At this point, a visibly exasperated Todd cut in. “Wait a minute. Alternative facts? Alternative facts? Four of the five facts he uttered . . . were just not true. Alternative facts are not facts; they're falsehoods.”

So, now what do we do?

Every presidency has "alternative facts".

Which president has apologized for the US terrorist attack of South Vietnam, or Cambodia, or Cuba, or Nicaragua, or Iraq?
Fight alt-facts with alt-facts. Bernie Sanders is now our president. 4.2 million people were on the street yesterday celebrating his inauguration. :p
It’d be a fun game to play. But if anyone really did that, it becomes a contest of whose alt-facts win.
These people want everyone to ignore reality. Don’t enter fiction-land with them. I think it’s important to maintain that the fiction is a fiction and keep a light shining on what the actual facts are.

If you watched "Meet the Press" this morning or read the link to WaPo, you now understand why Trump is always right. Kellyanne admits he has "alternative facts."

So, now what do we do?

Fight alt-facts with alt-facts. Bernie Sanders is now our president. 4.2 million people were on the street yesterday celebrating his inauguration. :p
lol :D
Fight alt-facts with alt-facts. Bernie Sanders is now our president. 4.2 million people were on the street yesterday celebrating his inauguration. :p
It’d be a fun game to play. But if anyone really did that, it becomes a contest of whose alt-facts win.
These people want everyone to ignore reality. Don’t enter fiction-land with them. I think it’s important to maintain that the fiction is a fiction and keep a light shining on what the actual facts are.

In the real world, for real world stuff; yes, of course. But for the Trumpettes in my life? Watch out! Every time you try to hit me with a Trump alt-fact, I am just going to respond as if Bernie Sanders is President and Trump is still a loser with a game show. :lol:

When you wake up after one of the biggest wins of your life and see that the media has intentionally broadcasted an inferior view of the number of people present for your great win, and if you know their only intention is to minimize his appeal, then the statement there is only (merely) x number of people (in this case 250k), you can't help but want to lash out. They are the reason why so many have the view they do. It's no wonder why so many people have a skewed view of the truth.

He didn't bring up the number (4x that number) at the CIA to brag. His tone and demeanor of expression wasn't to cast his number as fact. It was clearly and overwhelmingly more than that-- to him it seemed like a million or million and a half. In other words, it seems vastly more than what was insidiously reported. No where was it in his intention to brag--just to show how corrupt they are. To say it was like a million or more isn't to give fact checkers a bone; instead, its to illustrate the vast difference between the lies that cause misguided feelings and the truth that was clearly so from his vantage point.

The primary reason for stopping at the CIA was to mitigate prior misunderstandings caused by media corruptness. The cited numbers of those at the inauguration was ancillary and only served to be used as an example of the media's liberal sickness. He was there for the primary purpose of ensuring those at the CIA that he does stand by them.

Let's suppose there were 750k people there. The media's uttered number was reported as fact, clearly a falsehood if not a downright lie. The 1,000,000 number was not presented as fact. Context makes it abundantly clear that it was not thrown out as a number begging for a fact check. He doesn't know the exact count and said as much in his body language.

Curious how it's oblivious to some while obvious to others. So now, we want to what, treat the things he says as alt-facts? Trump speaks his mind and doesn't take the necessary care to spell out what is clear to those who hear his message. It's those smart people among us that holds him to the letter of words he uses despite having all the reason in the world to know what he means is captured in context of his nonverbal communication.

If you want to know what a person is truly trying to communicate, it might be a good idea to be a little more attentive while exercising your listening skills.
fast is right Trump would never try to brag, that would be out of character. desismileys_3528.gif

When you wake up after one of the biggest wins of your life and see that the media has intentionally broadcasted an inferior view of the number of people present for your great win, and if you know their only intention is to minimize his appeal, then the statement there is only (merely) x number of people (in this case 250k), you can't help but want to lash out. They are the reason why so many have the view they do. It's no wonder why so many people have a skewed view of the truth.

He didn't bring up the number (4x that number) at the CIA to brag. His tone and demeanor of expression wasn't to cast his number as fact. It was clearly and overwhelmingly more than that-- to him it seemed like a million or million and a half. In other words, it seems vastly more than what was insidiously reported. No where was it in his intention to brag--just to show how corrupt they are. To say it was like a million or more isn't to give fact checkers a bone; instead, its to illustrate the vast difference between the lies that cause misguided feelings and the truth that was clearly so from his vantage point.

The primary reason for stopping at the CIA was to mitigate prior misunderstandings caused by media corruptness. The cited numbers of those at the inauguration was ancillary and only served to be used as an example of the media's liberal sickness. He was there for the primary purpose of ensuring those at the CIA that he does stand by them.

Let's suppose there were 750k people there. The media's uttered number was reported as fact, clearly a falsehood if not a downright lie. The 1,000,000 number was not presented as fact. Context makes it abundantly clear that it was not thrown out as a number begging for a fact check. He doesn't know the exact count and said as much in his body language.

Curious how it's oblivious to some while obvious to others. So now, we want to what, treat the things he says as alt-facts? Trump speaks his mind and doesn't take the necessary care to spell out what is clear to those who hear his message. It's those smart people among us that holds him to the letter of words he uses despite having all the reason in the world to know what he means is captured in context of his nonverbal communication.

If you want to know what a person is truly trying to communicate, it might be a good idea to be a little more attentive while exercising your listening skills.

This has to be the biggest pile of shit I've ever read. Pathetic.

The man is not popular.

Every single person I know that voted for him was really voting against Hillary.

He is not liked.

Because he is despicable.
So now, we want to what, treat the things he says as alt-facts?
If they’re going to instruct people on what the real facts are in contradiction to reality, yes.

It’s interesting that Trump is perpetually in need of other people, whether Conway or any other Trumpster, to interpret what he really meant by anything he says. And here, in fast's asinine but illustrative post, truth is yet again re-defined. It’s not numbers… It’s not the “misguided” feelings of anyone who dislikes Trump … No, it’s Trump's “vantage point”.

“Trump speaks his mind and doesn't take the necessary care to spell out” is one of the many reasons he’s not qualified for the position he holds.

"Exercising your listening skills" ... Yeah, the words are unreliable so read the "nonverbal communication" in the manner of reading tea leaves instead. That's the better way "to know what a person is truly trying to communicate".
So now, we want to what, treat the things he says as alt-facts?
If they’re going to instruct people on what the real facts are in contradiction to reality, yes.

It’s interesting that Trump is perpetually in need of other people, whether Conway or any other Trumpster, to interpret what he really meant by anything he says. And here, in fast's asinine but illustrative post, truth is yet again re-defined. It’s not numbers… It’s not the “misguided” feelings of anyone who dislikes Trump … No, it’s Trump's “vantage point”.

“Trump speaks his mind and doesn't take the necessary care to spell out” is one of the many reasons he’s not qualified for the position he holds.

"Exercising your listening skills" ... Yeah, the words are unreliable so read the "nonverbal communication" in the manner of reading tea leaves instead. That's the better way "to know what a person is truly trying to communicate".

Wouldn't it be fair to go with one of the source metrics that are subject to betting, such as Politifact. That would mean in this case, yes, 70% of what Trump says can reliably be taken as Alt-fact.
He didn't bring up the number (4x that number) at the CIA to brag. His tone and demeanor of expression wasn't to cast his number as fact. It was clearly and overwhelmingly more than that-- to him it seemed like a million or million and a half.
Sorry Kelly. Trump has always been about bragging about numbers. The Trump group was disappointed that this revolution he is leading didn't remotely have anywhere near the number they expected. And the pictures showed that between '09 and '17 it was much lower. Yet, instead of accepting what happened, they made shit up.

The primary reason for stopping at the CIA was to mitigate prior misunderstandings caused by media corruptness.
You mean that is why he popped in on the weekend, held a public campaign stop, and didn't allow any questions from his audience?

Curious how it's oblivious to some while obvious to others. So now, we want to what, treat the things he says as alt-facts? Trump speaks his mind and doesn't take the necessary care to spell out what is clear to those who hear his message. It's those smart people among us that holds him to the letter of words he uses despite having all the reason in the world to know what he means is captured in context of his nonverbal communication.
Jesus fucking Christ! What type of bullshit is that Kellyanne? Trump is too stupid to say what he really means in an effective measure, so we need people like you to clear up the bullshit.
I'm confused now, does Trump like to brag or not?
“Trump speaks his mind and doesn't take the necessary care to spell out” is one of the many reasons he’s not qualified for the position he holds.

"Exercising your listening skills" ... Yeah, the words are unreliable so read the "nonverbal communication" in the manner of reading tea leaves instead. That's the better way "to know what a person is truly trying to communicate".
Compartmentalize the irrelevancies and approach the subject in an unbiased disinterested way. Whether he's qualified is not at issue. The issue is whether he's lying, and a lie is the utterance of a falsehood with the intent to deceive. He is often dishonest, but not in the form of lying but rather in offering deflective truths. Still, to stay on point, the utterances of falsehoods that I've came across are nothing more than embellishments in the wake of making a broader point--not lies per se.

It wouldn't have mattered if he said there were five million people out there. The point was not to convey that message. The point (although merely an ancillary point) was that there were many more there than being reported. If it takes tea leaves to figure that out, sorry for your luck, but when I catch a 20 lb fish and compare it to your 2 lb fish, most reasonably educated people don't think I'm truly trying to deceive anyone when I talk of the 500 lb fish I caught; ergo, a falsehood without the INTENT to deceive; moreover--not a lie.

What makes this especially egregious is that the statement is taken as if it's being thrust as a primary statement of fact when it's merely an off the cuff comparative comment. The real liars are the ones that intentionally tried to cast the groups size as being a realistic approximation of the count given.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm confused now, does Trump like to brag or not?
Most definitely.

When you wake up after one of the biggest wins of your life and see that the media has intentionally broadcasted an inferior view of the number of people present for your great win, and if you know their only intention is to minimize his appeal, then the statement there is only (merely) x number of people (in this case 250k), you can't help but want to lash out. They are the reason why so many have the view they do. It's no wonder why so many people have a skewed view of the truth.

He didn't bring up the number (4x that number) at the CIA to brag. His tone and demeanor of expression wasn't to cast his number as fact. It was clearly and overwhelmingly more than that-- to him it seemed like a million or million and a half. In other words, it seems vastly more than what was insidiously reported. No where was it in his intention to brag--just to show how corrupt they are. To say it was like a million or more isn't to give fact checkers a bone; instead, its to illustrate the vast difference between the lies that cause misguided feelings and the truth that was clearly so from his vantage point.

The primary reason for stopping at the CIA was to mitigate prior misunderstandings caused by media corruptness. The cited numbers of those at the inauguration was ancillary and only served to be used as an example of the media's liberal sickness. He was there for the primary purpose of ensuring those at the CIA that he does stand by them.

Let's suppose there were 750k people there. The media's uttered number was reported as fact, clearly a falsehood if not a downright lie. The 1,000,000 number was not presented as fact. Context makes it abundantly clear that it was not thrown out as a number begging for a fact check. He doesn't know the exact count and said as much in his body language.

Curious how it's oblivious to some while obvious to others. So now, we want to what, treat the things he says as alt-facts? Trump speaks his mind and doesn't take the necessary care to spell out what is clear to those who hear his message. It's those smart people among us that holds him to the letter of words he uses despite having all the reason in the world to know what he means is captured in context of his nonverbal communication.

If you want to know what a person is truly trying to communicate, it might be a good idea to be a little more attentive while exercising your listening skills.

This has to be the biggest pile of shit I've ever read. Pathetic.

The man is not popular.

Every single person I know that voted for him was really voting against Hillary.

He is not liked.

Because he is despicable.
Well damn, I did start out with "alt-facts." You of all people should of taken that as satire. The lying, narcasistic bastard is not only taking advantage of an unconscionable economic system, but now the ignorant fuck is depleting resources set aside for the more unfortunate with full intent on lining the pockets of the rich.
This has to be the biggest pile of shit I've ever read. Pathetic.

The man is not popular.

Every single person I know that voted for him was really voting against Hillary.

He is not liked.

Because he is despicable.
Well damn, I did start out with "alt-facts." You of all people should of taken that as satire. The lying, narcasistic bastard is not only taking advantage of an unconscionable economic system, but now the ignorant fuck is depleting resources set aside for the more unfortunate with full intent on lining the pockets of the rich.

Oh fuck that!

Satire is a bore.

I want to find a Trump supporter and spit in their face.

If you watched "Meet the Press" this morning or read the link to WaPo, you now understand why Trump is always right. Kellyanne admits he has "alternative facts."

It's a discussion about White House press secretary Sean Spicer, on his first full day in that job, having taken to the podium and made easily disproved claims about the size of Trump's inauguration crowd.

“Why put him out there for the very first time, in front of that podium, to utter a provable falsehood?” Chuck Todd asked Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president. “It's a small thing, but the first time he confronts the public, it's a falsehood?”

After some tense back and forth, Conway offered this:

Don't be so overly dramatic about it, Chuck. You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're giving — our press secretary, Sean Spicer, gave alternative facts to that. But the point really is —

At this point, a visibly exasperated Todd cut in. “Wait a minute. Alternative facts? Alternative facts? Four of the five facts he uttered . . . were just not true. Alternative facts are not facts; they're falsehoods.”

So, now what do we do?
Would it have been better if US government officials were uttering unprovable falsehoods?
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